InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Breakfast ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
happy now update. I did two chaps in two days be grateful
chappy 6
As soon as the faintest hint of light touched his face Inuyasha jerked his eyes open and stared around trying to get his bearings. He had a difficult time wondering why he was in a nice room when he normally occupied either Kaede's hut or Kagomes living room couch, and the occasional night on the dirt or in a tree. Rubbing his eyes he gloomily recalled the events of his sleep. He liked sleep but after being afraid for so long of people finding him and killing him, plus his demon bloods lack for typical things his human side craved for he never really slept for long periods of time. He strecthed and popped his neck and shoulder into place, "I never really got how those humans could sleep like this. I prefer Kagomes couch." He sighed and smiled at the memory of the night before last and blushed a little at the kiss Kagome had unknowingly given him.
"Now if only you could grow the I think the word is kajones, and tell her how you feel." He punched his head and hissed a little, apparently he was sleepier than he had been in a while and was about to move when he noticed an arm drapped over his waist. Looking to his right he saw a peacefully sleeping Kagome. He blushed beet red as the morning sun bounced off of her. Her face glowed almost celestially and her hair shined brightly in the sun. He had to hold back as much as he could from just reaching over and taking her then and there. He bit his hand and growled loudly at the slight sting from his fangs and licked the small drops of blood from his hand before putting Kagomes arm back in her sleeping bag and got up to wash the sleep from his eyes. Shuddering a little as he remembered the dreams he had he couldn't help but recall a slightly muffled voice singing to him last night as he saw possibly the worst memory of his life flash before him as he cried over his mothers dead body. He couldn't place it then but he'd realized it was Kagome who had been singing to him, "Keh, stupid wench," he began to say and then muttered, "thanks, though for caring."
Kagome laid there as she heard Inuyasha get up and start to move. She'd seen the way he was staring at her through slightly opened eyes and grinned broadly to herself as she saw the look of embarassment wash over him and biting his hand to calm himself. As he got up and headed over to the cleaning basin she thought to herself, So he does like me more than a friend. Or is at least thinking somewhat unproper things about me. The last thought made her laugh and blush as well at what Inuyasha could possibly be thinking, save for sharing him with someone else, she would do pretty much anything for him and with him. Those thoughts caused her to bite her own thumb to get her to calm down and she started to stretch and get ready for the long ride back to Kaede's village and Inuyashas forest.
As he finished drying his face Inuyasha heard some shuffling behind him as Kagome was beginning to wake up. He drained the basin and put some fresh water in their for her. With the basin filled and everything he turned around and said, " 'bout damn time you woke up woman." Kagome stuck her tongue out the half-demon and said, "Well I would've been up sooner but I uhhhh saw something last night." Inuyasha stared down at her and saw her face flush with a deep crimson and bent down in his bent knee knuckle on the floor stance and asked, "What?" She turned her head away from him and said, "You were crying in your sleep about your mother." Inuyasha gaped at the girl and asked, "So you heard all that huh?" She nodded with some tears flowing and said, "I didn't hear all of it but I figured you saw your mother die and cried for her. You started to thrash a little and I was afraid that if you were to continue like that you'd hurt yourself, so I sang a lullaby and you calmed down."
Inuyasha smiled broadly, it had been her who stopped his past from getting out of hand last night and ruining his dreams. Laughing a little he said, "Thanks, Kagome." She looked up at him in a slight shock. He thanked me? Wow I guess it was truly horrific. As she thought Inuyasha snapped his fingers in front of her face saying, "Yo, Kagome, you awake?" She shook her head and nodded smiling brightly, "Sorry for spacing out, but you're welcome Inuyasha." He nodded and asked, "Now ya going to clean up or do I have to look at a snot nosed human all morning?"
Before he knew it his mouth was full of wood and it was all he could do to keep from at least laughing and letting Kagome know he did it on purpose. Well at least she's feeling better, he thought to himself and sat up realigning his neck after the spell wore off and Kagome stood behind the changing blind and got into some fresh clothes. When she was done a sleepy eyed Rin walked in and yawned, "Uncle you woke me up." Looking over at his pouting adopted niece he pouted to and in a little kid voice said, "I'm sorry,Rin." She laughed at her uncles face and beamed at Kagome and said, "I smell breakfast." Inuyasha smacked himself mentally for allowing his sense of smell to be blocked by the damned perfume Kagome had sprayed a few minutes ago. I think its called Spring Rose or something, he thought and while he loved the smell cooking meat was not a smell he wished to have blocked by a womans need to smell like fermenting plants.
Looking up to his travelling partner he asked, "You hungry?" She nodded briskly and grabbed her bag and grabbed Rins hand before turning to Inuyasha and asking, "You coming or what cuz I gotta get home today." Grumbling at her complete lack of femininity at the moment he slid Tetsaiga back into his haori belt and followed behind the human girls and listened to their pointless chatter until Rin blurted out, "Papa said you and Uncle are gonna mate." Inuyasha fell face forward while Kagome stopped dead in her tracks at the young girls question. Kagome laughed nervously and said, "Well where'd your dad get that idea.?" Rin smiled and said, "Just from the way you guys smelled differntly when your names were mentioned to eachother. Mama noticed it too but it's a secret." Inuyasha jumped up and bolted towards the dining room yelling, "SESSHOMARU!!!"
Kagome and Rin stood there coughing at the oh so common angry running dust, that had kicked up as Inuyasha ran to slit his brothers throat. Both sweat dropped at some of the damage done by Inuyashas anger and Rin stared nervously at Kagome and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" Kagome looked down and saw a look of pure worry in Rins eyes and said, "No sweetie, but when your parents say things like that to you its a good idea not to tell the people who they're talking about." Rin nodded briskly as Kagome thought, This kids a bit too honest. After Rin agreed to not say private thoughts anymore they headed towards the dining room for breakfast.
Dining room before Kagome gets there
Inuyasha bursts through the oak front doors huffing and shouts at his brother, "What were you thinking telling Rin all that?" Sesshomaru and Taki stared blankly up at the puffing hanyou as if to say, "Tell her what?" Before Sesshomaru or Taki could speak Inuyasha shouted, "How could you tell her me and Kagome were going to mate?!" Takis ears twitched in embarassment and Sesshomaru coughed loudly and said, "This Sesshomaru didn't mean for her to discuss that with you. Do not fret I shall talk to her about it." As he spoke Inuyasha towered over him and spoke very slowly, "What Kagome and I do and when is not for you to discuss as if you're playing matchmaker." Behind him Taki spoke, "We're truly sorry Inuyasha but its easy to tell how you two feel towards each other and we just couldn't help but talk about it." Inuyasha blankly stared at his sister-in-law and asked "You mean she feels for me?"
Sesshomaru coughed loudly and said, "God, Father would be rolling on the floor at how stupid you are." Inuyasha stared at his brother and said angrily, "Like I care what he thinks." Sesshomaru stared coldly up at him as if to say, "Watch what you say boy." Inuyasha could feel his brothers anger rise and he thought it best to drop the subject and sat down across from Taki and Koji and began to eat.
A few minutes later Kagome and Rin walked in to find the rest of the "family" eating. Rin ran off to sit between her mother and father and Kagome took a seat next to Kagome. The two of them ate in silence save for the occasional short lived conversation that was attempted to start by Sesshomaru, Taki and Rin. They were just about to start talking when Rin said, "Mama, ummmm I did something bad last night." Taki looked at her daughter in amusement and said, "Rin you said you didn't get up at all last night when I checked on you before you got out of bed. What could you have possibly done that was so bad?" Rin flushed and said, "Well I woke up and there was some blood and I checked all over and I had no cuts and my nose wasn't bloody but I think I accidentally scratched my leg when I slept but no cuts anywhere just some blood. I cleaned up but the I didnt know what happened." (Gomen Nesai I'm a friend of this guy please do not hate him he didn't know i was on his comp so don't flame him.)
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru set down their bowls, since they both knew what was about to occur and not to mention how uncomfortable they were in that situation the both mentally decided to leave the table. Sesshomaru motioned for Inuyasha to to leave the room and the brothers headed towards, Ah-Un's stable taking Koji with them while Taki and Kagome flushed bright red and just looked at the girl and dragged her to a wash room and began to clean her and tell her everything that was going on with her body.
Ah-Un's Stable
As they waited for the girls to finish eating Inuyasha was holding his nephew as Sesshomaru spoke to Ah-Un in a tongue that Inuyasha had never heard before. He was about to ask what his brother was saying when Koji knipped him and caused him to scream out and pull his hand back from the pain. Sesshomaru laughed and said, "He must have a strong fang to make you feel pain." Inuyasha glared at his brother and said, "I feel pain plenty. I just don't show it out of necessity." Sesshomaru scoffed and said, "Father would be proud at your strength." Inuyasha growled loudly and said, "I told you to leave the old man out of this. He ditched me and mother. Even if it was to fight for us he could have at least left me something to show he cared other than this sword and not leave me to fend for myself and see mother get....." he stopped right there. First at the thought of his mothers death and second at the look of anger in his brothers eyes.
Sesshomaru knew Inuyashas hatred was justified but he spoke ill of their father and held no respect for the strongest of all demons. Granted Sesshomaru was the strongest demon alive now and his only equal was Inuyasha. He'd lost the limb to prove his brothers strenght but without knowing the whole truth. All his brother knew he had gone to fight Ryukotsei but nothing else. Sesshomaru walked forward and took his son back before growling, "You will know full well what father felt when the time comes but for now you just have to wait. And until then no talk of father or this Sesshomaru will slit your throat." Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were about ready to tear eachother to shreds until the girls came out and Kagome asked, "Ready to go Inuyasha?"
Inuyashas nerves settled and Sesshomaru regained his composure as his mate and daughter appeared and Koji started to cry at the malicous energy his uncle and father were letting off. Taki rushed forward and asked, "Whats the matter with him?" Sesshomaru coughed and grinned lightly, "He needs some food and a change I think." Taki smiled and took her son and hugged and kissed the two travellers goodbye and took the baby in. Sesshomaru nodded curtly to the two and waited for Rin to say good bye.
Rin jumped and latched onto Inuyashas neck. It was still extremely uncomfortable for unconditional love to be placed on him, he was still barely hugging the girl but he said "I'll see ya soon twerp." Rin nodded and kissed his cheek before running over to Kagome and hugging her and saying, "Sorry for breakfast." Kagome giggled a little and said, "Don't worry about it. Just be a bit more careful about the timing of your comments. And remember if you have any questions ask me or your mom." Rin nodded and grabbed Sesshomarus hand saying "See you tomorrow Ah-Un." The dragon roared as Kagome and Inuyasha took the seats they had the day before and set off for Kaede's Village.
Hope y'all enjoyed it!!!

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