InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Pit Stop ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
was just recently told by a friend about a situation that was inserted into chapter 6. Sorry if any offense is taken but may as well run with it. oh and the word Inuyasha was thinking of is Cajones (spanish slang for the balls) sorry Inuyashaluvskagome-sama (i think) for a color reference from your fics. oh and for you reviewers romance shall just be around the corner mwhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! HACK sorry
Chappy 7
The trip on Ah-Un was a bit stressed as Inuyasha was holding Kagome a bit tighter than she was normally used to, not that she minded but she wished that he would allow some relief on her stomach and let her breathe easier. She looked down to see the lands of Inuyasha's clan pass below them at breakneck speed. She rubbed the dragons neck to show her thanks in hurrying but received no acknowldegement and she shut her eyes and began to dwell on the mornings events. She wasn't as embarassed as Taki was nor quite as shy but still it was a rather odd thing to spend a half hour telling a girl about some of the changes she was going through, and all it did was keep Rin's face beet red and silent the entire time Kagome and her mother were helping her clean up a bit and discuss how she would feel at these times and what she should do during that week and everyday.
Inuyasha noticed Kagome's change and wondered what was up with the girl. She's probably thinking about what I was dreaming last night, the half-breed thought to himself as he watched a smile place itself upon Kagomes lips. He figeted a little and loosened his grip a little on Kagome as he had finally realized that he was holding on way too tight and began to put his mind elsewhere other than on kissing Kagome. He decided to think on what Sesshomaru had said that morning about how his father had felt about him. As if the bastard cared about what he did to me and mother, he began thinking until the what Sesshomaru had said really sunk in. And how would that son of a bitch brother of mine know what father thought. He could have cared less about me yet why would the old man leave that sort of knowledge with him and have him not tell me? Well it makes sense since he has tried to slaughter me at least 20 times and not to mention harm the others yet he seemed to leave Kagome alone alot. Inuyasha smirked at that last thought, probably because he knows she could destroy him with just one shot of her bow or a wave of her hand.
Kagome had switched her thoughts onto what she had done to Inuyasha the night before, not that she minded sleeping next to him. He'd done it a couple of times and his fire rat haori was more than enough warmth and protection for her, but the way he had calmed under her voice and had nestled up against her was more than enough compensation for his actions after she cried over his past. It's not like I didn't know it was horrible but to see your own mother die in front of you is more for anyone to go through. She kicked herself mentally for thinking about that because she didn't want to let Inuyasha see her cry anymore. He'd teased her enough about it, one particular teasing took place after they had beaten that sage at Togenkyo and he'd fallen over the cliff. But as he had later explained the tree caught them and let him live long enough to see the sun and turn him back into his normal arrogant half-demon self.
Inuyasha's thoughts of a purified Sesshomaru were interuppted by Kagome muttering, "Bakayasha." He growled and asked, "What'd I do now?!" Kagome jerked up and laughed embarassingly, "Nothing, I was just remembering Togenkyo." Inuyasha sneered at the mention of that place. It was one of the few times he had truly hated his mortal side, granted he didn't totally despise it because of his mother but he hated feeling weak. He'd felt weak enough in his life with demons and humans exiling him and attempting to kill him at every twist and turn. He could even remember how bad a beating he had taken from some Inu-yokai who had learned of who he was and how he was a disgrace to the very gods for even coming into being and that his father should have torn his head off the moment he was born. He'd cried the whole time they had tormented him and it wasn't until a couple hours after the beatings had begun that the dog demons had decided to that he'd had enough and left him alone for the wolves to take care of him.
He had just entered his teens when that beating took place and silently vowed to himself that he would find a way to rid himself of anything mortal so that he could prove he had some worth to even exist. His own father hadn't even stuck around to take care of him and his mother was always crying over how he was a half demon and would never be accepted and wished that his father had at least either been mortal or she was a demon so he could find acceptance. But from what he'd seen in his short years humans were weak, frail and easily destroyed by the elements and weapons so to take revenge on those who had tortured him his life he opted for a demon body and vowed to find a way to become one.
Of course that had led to falling in love with Kikyo and being tricked by Naraku and sealed to a tree for fifty years only later to be awakened by this young girl sitting in front of him and he now had at least learned that humans weren't as weak as he had thought. Miroku, Sango, and Kagome along with many people they had met had shown him that when the odds are placed against them even the weakest human can find even the smallest victory in failure or use the pains that they had struggled through to become even more powerful than some demons and when a group of humans fought for a cause the only difference would be that if they died they would have no regrets because they had chosen to at least not die in vain.
I guess that's what's made me risk my life for these mortals so many times, Inuyasha thought to himself. He certainly had risked his life for them alot and they in return when he was too stubborn to at least let them help him thinking that he could take down any demon even when he knew he most likely couldn't. He'd had his innards torn to shreds, been knocked unconcious and almost died on so many occasions that his friends had succeded where he, the son of the most powerful demon to ever live, had failed and he finally realized that a mortal side wasn't something to be ashamed of even if it did make him week it was only a couple nights and his friends would protect him. Hell they've even protected me when I wasn't human and nearly dead. Kagome could feel Inuyasha thinking deeply about what she had said wishing that she hadn't mentioned it at all and decided that maybe a short break would do them some good and turned to face Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha?" The hanyou shook his head of his thoughts and turned it to see a shy smile on Kagomes face before asking, "What, woman?" The smile shifted a little but she recovered and politely asked, "Can we land for a moment I'm getting a little thirsty and I need to stretch." Inuyasha felt his eyebrow twitch in annoyance at the constant need humans had to take breaks on long journey's but he felt nature call and nodded slightly. "Feh, I guess. It's not like we aren't making good time, but its got to be quick." Kagome smiled up at him and he felt his heart flutter. That's a first. he thought at the weird feeling her smile had just caused but shrugged it off as his human side acting up as he spoke to the dragon, "Yo! Can you land near a stream or something for a moment?" The dragon huffed a small ball of fire and began to descend.
Kagome screamed a little at the fast pace they were dropping and feared she was about to fall until she felt one of Inuyasha's powerful arms hold her to him as he whispered into her ear, "It's okay." her face flushed the infamous "monk in pain" color that they had grown to love from Miroku's many a failed attempts at trying to grasp an ass. Inuyasha could feel the heat from Kagomes face and wish she were as sensitive as him or else she would notice the slight hint of red on his cheeks as he held onto Kagome and cursing his brothers dragon for forcing them into such a compromising situation.
It seemed that the dive took forever but Inuyasha and Kagome breathed an audible sigh as the two headed beast landed near a pond and Kagome immediately ran to get a drink while Inuyasha casually slipped away for a moment to get some small privacy to himself. The dragon took notice of everything that had happened and was pleased that he could inform his master of his partial success and was about to retch when a strong smell hit his nostrils and he noticed that Inuyasha had walked off and it was more than likely that the unpleasent scent was from him. The dragon shifted and headed towards the pond and grabbed a drink for itself not that it needed it but the beast had been told to watch his masters-brothers future mate and he didn't exactly wish to become Sesshomarus new armor.
Much to Kagomes shock Ah-Un had appeared next to her and drank a little from the pond before sitting next to her. She stared at the dragon curiously and asked herself, Why's he sitting next to me? She watched the dragon for a few moments until it turned its head and stared at her. She grinned a bit frightengly and held her hands up to show she meant no harm. The dragon nodded and stood up at the sound of rustling behind them. Kagome stood to ready to retreive her bow when Inuyasha appeared from the woods with a look of extreme relief plastered to his face as he walked forward and dipped his hands into the pond and washed them a little before looking at Kagome and the dragon as if to ask, "What?"
When neither spoke he got the idea and said, "Let's go. We need to get there before night fall if you want to at least make it back by morning." Kagome nodded and hopped up on the dragon and scracthed its neck receiving a deep growl. She smiled and said, "You're very welcome." At that moment Inuyasha climbed up and grabbed her before kicking his heels and saying, "Let's go." The dragon immediately took off and they continued what time was left of their journey.
3 hours later
A few hours later Kagome and Inuyasha were dropped off outside of Kaede's house to meet a bounding Shippou racing towards them and land in Kagome's arms, "Hi Shippou. Sorry about ditching you." The young kitsune smiled brightly and said, "It's okay Kagome. I made some new friends so it's no problem." Inuyasha stared down at the little fox and asked, "You have friends. Heh, surprised people even notice you." Shippou puffed up and was about to tattle on him when Kagome raised her hand and smacked Inuyasha in the back of the head, growling Inuyasha turned around and started shouting.
"What the hell was that for?" Kagome set Shippou down and turned to face the half-breed and shouted back, "Because you're always teasing him you jerk! He's a kid and at least here he's accepted!" Inuyasha's anger flared again, "What're you getting at wench?! Just because he has friends now he has to show off?!' Kagome felt a vein pulse at the insensitve actions of the hanyou she had come to love. "No, you should be glad he isn't being rejected like you were!" Both Shippou and Inuyasha stared at Kagome and Inuyasha dropped his arms and glared at her before jumping away into the forest with Shippou bouncing behind him yelling for him to stop.
Kagome immediately felt like throwing up as she realized what she had just said and heard a rustle of the huts door and Kaede stepped out, "Ye should be more careful or else ye will lose him." Kagome looked at the woman she loved like a grandmother and said, "Well it was the truth though, he should be thankful Shippou is at least accepted." Kaede nodded sternly but spoke in a sort of scholarly tone, "Yes, but Inuyasha must also know that Shippou still needs to remeber that there are those that despise him and those he accompanies for they show tolerance and acceptance and people are too stupid to notice that they need both to make the world work." Kagome sighed loudly and asked, "Where are Sango and Miroku?"
Kaede coughed before saying, "They returned to Miss Sangos village to see if anyone has at least come to help rebuild her clan." Kagome immediately felt horrible. In the years that Sango's village had been destroyed the only people to show up were farmers. Although she was glad the village was taken care of and the walls rebuilt and it at least safe from powerful demons no one who wished to become slayers or those slayers who possibly escaped had even returned. Kagome silently prayed that her friend could at least feel more peaceful about the village than she had in the past and headed towards the forest and the well for her trip home. It was early but her mother would be glad to see her at least home for a late dinner and knowing Inuyasha he wouldn't leave her to return alone. Kaede followed Kagome into the forest as well to hear Shippou talking to Inuyasha.
"Come on Inuyasha she wasn't trying to be mean to you. She's more sensitve about that than any of us but she's also brave enough to try and have you face it!" Kagome and Kaede hissed as they heard the familiar bonk of Inuyashas fist against the little foxes head and his angered voice. "You think I'm that dumb Shippou? I'm glad you have friends and all that but it's not exactly easy to get over 50 years of hatred and disgust by humans and demons alike!" Kaede, Kagome and Shippou all looked at Inuyashas face and noticed instead of anger it was more like a sad realization and longing to say something. "Just go Shippou. I'm sorry I made that comment but I have some things to get out of my system." The little demon sniffled and was about to yell at Inuyasha when he caught wind of Kagomes scent and pounced by her without a word.
Kaede shook her head and said, "Well, this is where I leave ye. Safe passage to you and Inuyasha." Both mikos bowed in mutual respect and headed in their respective directions. Kaede to her village and Kagome to an extremely distraught hanyou who just jumped into the well and being followed by a silent Kagome as the portal through time spun around them and they were soon in the well mini shrine in present day japan.
Okay i think its gone on long enough. TBC later this week.oh and for you reviewers wanting romance it should be just around the corner mwhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! HACK sorry and can this site have anymore problems. oh well gotta love it.

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