InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Evening Chaos ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Adult swim needs those new episodes up now. or are they showing them....i don't know but I wanna see new episodes okay i'm glad i get to see the panther demon thing but come on people translate quicker!
chappy 8 devil face
The trip was its usual almost instantaneous self but for some reason it seemed to go on for hours this time around. Neither Kagome nor Inuyasha looked at, spoke to, or even touched eachother during inside the void and it was all they could do to allow Inuyasha to take Kagome out of the well. Once in the mini-shrine Kagome was about to ask Inuyasha if he was all right but the hanyou just walked out and jumped onto his favorite tree branch and stared idly at the sky. Kagome scowled and fought back an impressively strong urge to yell "sit," but she just let it slide and headed into the house, thinking it was at least after midnight but once she remembered what time of year it was for them she saw that it was barely half pass 7 and her family was in the middle of cleaning up and was surprised to see her home so early.
"Ahhh, Kagome how'd your weekend go." Kagome forced a happy look on her face and hugged her grandpa before saying, "Good gramps. Inuyasha's an uncle so we went to visit his brother and had an interesting time this morning." At his the embarrassed sound in his sisters voice Souta looked up from his empty plate and asked, "What they catch you and Inuyasha naked together." BAM!!! Soutas head was face down into the table as his mother smacked her son at his inappropriate talk and shouted, "UPSTAIRS NOW!" Salvaging what little pride he had at the moment Souta stood up and looked on the verge of tears, but kept strong and stomped up the stairs and slammed his door. With that over gramps excused himself fromt the table and gave Kagome a kiss on the head and said his goodnights as he headed off towards his shrine quarters to prepare for his souvenir sales for the following day.
With the men gone Asami sat next to her daughter with a look and asked, "Where's Inuyasha?" Kagome huffed loudly and said, "Out in the tree and he can stay there for all I care." Asami tilted her head confused and asked another question, "Why's he in the tree I thought he'd want some Ramen or at least his 'dried potato's'?" Kagomes scowl deepend and she shouted, "Because he was being mean to Shippou about having friends and can't get over the fact that there are now people who accept him as an equal!" Asami's interrogating mother look never left her face as she said, "That's why you're mad at him? Honestly Kagome, from what you've told me if he was still stuck to that tree he'd be sitting out there for us to look at dead and alone and you probably would have unleashed him in our time and he would have died quickly if he were to go against military or police forces. Although his cloth is surprisingly strong I don't really think it can stop a bullet."
Kagome felt her head drop as her mothers words sunk in. She's right, I'm being stupid and Kaede's right about Shippou at this point he thinks everyone will accept him and knowing his good soul the love of his friends will vastly outweigh the hatred of his enemies and he'll find persecution and hatred but will over come it. And I guess Inuyasha was feeling jealous that he never had such love at that age and it wasn't until our journey began that he had felt love from others besides Kikyo and his mother. Besides what would I do if he was hurt or dead I don't even think I could ever forget that he was part of my life. Asami watched the gears in her daughters head work at her words of wisdom and knew that she'd struck a chord with the 18 year old, before standing up and heading towards the door.
Kagome was shaken from her thoughts as she watched her mother head towards the door leading to the tree. "Mama, what're you doing?" Asami smiled back at her daughter and said, "Don't you worry about me. Just get cleaned up and change your clothes, okay?" Kagome nodded at her mothers request and headed up after the door had closed behind her mother and thought to herself, What is she up to? But she shrugged the thoughts away as she entered the bathroom and started the shower.
Despite the muffling affect of the window to the kitchen Inuyasha had heard a bit of what Asami and Kagome had discussed and it pained him that he'd done that to her but it wasn't like it was on purpose. Granted that alot of the things he'd said in the beginning were out of pure spite to get the jewel and fulfill his vow of vegence he'd gradually become to realize just how dangerous the jewel was. Of course now he was glad that Kagome had shot that crow demon and shattered the jewel because that started there journey and had it not been for that journey he'd never been able to feel love, pain, or much less care about anyone anymore. Also it was because of that journey he had discovered the true horrors of becoming a demon and he didn't like not feeling like he had a soul and that was one thing he'd grown to truly cherish about his mother being human, the fact that he could feel bad about alot of what he had done and fear what he could do.His attention was however removed from his thoughts as the scent of Kagomes mother neared him making him jump down from his branch and wait for her at the trees base.
"Glad to see your mother taught you some manners before she passed on." Inuyasha felt a bit of anger at the comment but let it smooth over as he knew she meant no offense. "Well your Kagomes mother and my elder its the least I could do to treat you with some respect for all you've put up with." Asami felt her heart warm at the young hanyous appreciation and knew he felt bad for making her worry about Kagome but he had never let Kagome down and hadn't planned on ever doing it. "So, Asami-sama why aren't you inside?" Asamis mood fell from motherly to extremely serious, "Because of the stupidity between you and my daughter." She couldn't help but smile a little as he stared at her blankly and twitched his ears.
"What are you talking about?" He asked in an annoyed manner. "The fact that both you and my daughter love each other and can't even tell each other!" Inuyasha hissed a little as his claw scraped the inside of the ear he was digging wax out of and gaped, "What's it to you?" he asked. Asami face burned a little as she spoke, "I know you've had it worse than anyone in the world. You've been hated by both humans and demons. Hunted by both and have even seen horrors no one should have to but if you think I'll let you suffer anymore and not let you at least find some solace in the love my daughter has for you than you can forget ever knowing her."
The words shot through his heart like one of Kagomes arrows and he lowered his gaze and couldn't bear the thought of what she just said. No more Kagome. Damn it, why'd she threaten that? Take away ramen or those dried potatoes, even soda but my Kagome that's evil. Let alone me wanting to be stuck to that tree again but what about the others and the jewel. Shippou would probably close up like I had and Sango and Miroku would get over it but would still miss her. But me I'd just hide away and live out my days in the forest alone. Looking up at Asami he asked, "Fine what do I have to do," following it with immediate regret as she started to push him back into the house for what she had planned.
Back inside
With her shower over Kagome dressed a bit nicer than she had recently since her clothes still weren't clean save for her school clothes and it was the only outfit she had left. "Well mom you have a little taste." She said as she looked in her full length mirror at the burgundy skirt and blouse that her mom had bought her on one of her recent clothes trips for her. She thought it was too dark but as long as it looked good she couldn't care.
She was getting ready to exit her room when she heard muffled screaming come up the stairs and the bathroom door slam shut and her mother yell, "Don't make me have Kagome say it! Now clean up and come into my room when you're done!" Kagome looked out her door and asked her mom, "What's going on mama?" Asami breathed deeply and walked over to Kagomes door and said, "Nothing, it's just Inuyasha stunk and I'm forcing him to shower and change those clothes for at least a night." Kagome nodded and blushed as her mom squealed happily, "You're finally wearing that outfit. Excellent, I'll have the rest of your clothes ready tomorrow before school let's out. Now stay in your room for a minute okay?"
Kagome raised an eyebrow at her mother but shut the door as she heard the shower go and Inuyasha yelling, "Are you happy now?! I'm going to smell like flowers after this!" Kagome burst out laughing and settled on her bed and thought, Mom's definetly up to something. But shrugged the thought away once she heard the shower turn off and Inuyasha yell, "Kagome which way to your mom's room?" No matter how innocent the question was meant to be she couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable as she said, "Its at the end of the hall on the left!" Inuyasha yelled something that sounded like a thanks and Kagome grabbed her hairbrush and got the last few knots out when all of a sudden her door burst open and Inuyasha was screaming at the top of his lungs and hiding behind the bed, causing Kagome scream and drop the brush she was holding as both her mother and Inuyasha had a stand off in the middle of her room.
"No way are you coming at me with those things." Inuyasha yelled at Asami. Kagome looked at her mothers hands and saw a piece of metal in them before looking back at Inuyasha who was clad only in a pair of boxers and the gap of them wasn't buttoned. She blushed brightly as she asked, "What is the problem?" Both Asami and Inuyasha started yelling an explanation giving Kagome a massive headache and making her yell, "QUIET!"
Both intruders immediately silenced themselves and Kagome looked to Inuyasha and asked, "What is my mother trying to do to you?" The hanyou glared at the Higurashi elder and said, "She wants to remove my claws!" Kagome turned at her mother in shock and asked, "Is this true?" Asami sighed and said, "Of course not, I just want to trim them. Besides didn't you say that you could grow hair, teeth, and nail back in a few hours Inuyasha?" Inuyasha glared even harder and said, "Well yeah but it's not like I want to get rid of any of those three."
Asami looked pleadingly to her daughter and Kagome got the gist of it and shouted, "SIT!" A loud crash came from behind the bed and Asami grabbed the hanyou and dragged him back to her room while saying, "Thanks dear, can you go wait downstairs for a moment," and shut the door behind her and the muffled sounds of Inuyasha yelling at her for being a psychotic old bat. It was all Kagome could do to head downstairs and wait for them to appear.
After ten minutes of channel surfing Kagome finally heard her mothers footsteps enter the living room and her mother saying, "Get up you don't want to miss this." Kagome didn't really have a choice as her mother pretty much dragged her to the kitchen where an extremely over dressed Inuyasha was scowling and scratching at the blue long sleeved button down shirt he was in, not to mention a matching tie, black pants and dress shoes. He was also sporting a black hat over his ears and Kagome could see a black dress jacket drapped over a chair. His hair was in a pony tail and his nails were trimmed to a normal human length.
But, before she could get a word out Asami grabbed Kagomes jacket and handed Inuyasha his and said, "Don't come back til midnight or you'll have me to deal with!" And shut the door leaving two very confused young people outside on a date they hadn't planned on.

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