InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Carnival!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
as soon as i get a job i'm buying all 161 eps of Ranma and all of Inuyasha and its movies cost 94 bucks for all it if you count in the 45 for the 12 ranma OVAs damn dvds. AHHHH!!!! but i'm about 8 for the Inuyasha and 13 percent there on ranmas 344 bucks. Massive sweat drop I think i'll buy the hanyou first then get the gender confused martial artist. SAVING half price bitches!......gomen for the comment.
Chappy 9
"So uh, what exactly do we do on these things?" Inuyasha asked with a slight blush to his cheeks. Kagome gritted her teeth and silently cursed her mother for forcing this on her and Inuyasha. The hanyou felt a change in Kagome's scent and knew that she was mad and rather than risk getting sat he decided it best to shut up because he actually wanted to do this. Kagome looked over at him and saw a slight yearning and fear in his eyes and grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the house saying, "Well we might as well get this over with." Inuyasha stumbled as she dragged him and looked back into the window to see Asami waving at them and Souta falling over laughing at his friends luck, making the hanyou wish that Asami would have allowed him to carry Tetsuaiga so he could blast them away for laughing at him.
Kagome pressed forward through the light crowd of the Sunday night streets and it wasn't until she'd realized that she had been dragging Inuyasha for about 5 blocks before she stopped and abruptly let go of him and quietly said, "Sorry." Inuyasha was rubbing his wrist from the strong grip she'd had on him and said, "Damn it woman, next time don't take your anger at your mother out on my wrist all right. I'm the one who has to wave a massive fang around to protect your weak butt." Kagome felt her anger well up at his insensitivity and was about to yell "Sit!" when her friends showed up and started oggling over her and Inuyasha.
Kagome felt her headache at all the questions but the one that got her and Inuyasha's attention was when one asked, "Is this your two timing, arrogant, selfish, cruel, always dumping you for some other girl boyfriend, Kagome?" Kagome grimmaced and laughed nervously as Inuyasha shouted, "TWO TIMING, ARROGANT, AND SELFISH HUH?!!!!" Kagome could feel that the question was aimed at her and she held her hands up defensively and said, "No, I never said that they assumed that's what you are. And I defended you." Inuyasha saw the fear in Kagome's friends eyes and saw the pleading and saddended look in his dates eyes and took a couple of deep breaths and calmed himself down he patiently said, "For your information I never once cheated on Kagome all right. I had a former love who I was indebted too for past sins. But now that debt has been settled and I'm free to do what I want."
The three girls had blank looks on their faces and passed looks to eachother that said, "Whatever." before turning to Inuyasha and the taller one spoke, "Well just don't hurt her or you'll have us to deal with. And what's with the fancy clothes are you guys....." Both Inuyasha and Kagome's faces reddend and the three girls giggled to themselves and left the two love birds to each other. Inuyasha stared after the girls thinking to himself, These modern day girls are way to god damn boy crazy. Meanwhile Kagome was thinking to herself, That was odd. Inuyasha didn't start yelling when I told him the truth about what was said about him. I guess he realized that I wouldn't say anything bad about him and thank god they didn't mention Kouga. Kagome shuddered involuntarily at the possibilty of what Inuyasha may do at the sound of the wolf demons name, she was glad that some animosity had died down between them but when it came to her it was an all out blood bath, until she said sit of course and shooed the demon away and then got into a fight with Inuyasha about it. The hanyou was still lost in his thoughts about Kagome sticking up for him and what her friends thought about him when Kagome grabbed his hand. Inuyasha looked down to see a small smile on her lips as she said, "Let's get this date going then shall we?" Inuyasha nodded dumbly about it and followed her lead.
As they walkd through the crowded streets Inuyasha asked, "Ya know I still don't even know what's so special about today that required me to dress in these itchy clothes. I can't breathe in them and these shoes are gonna make my feet smell, and my ears are really starting to bug me." Kagome laughed loudly at Inuyashas complaining which didn't sit to well with him and made him yell, "What?" Kagome shook her head and tried to keep a straight face as she said, "Nothing just the fact that the great Inuyasha is whining like a baby about clothes." Inuyashas face burned and he was about to start yelling at her when she shouted, "Let's go to the carnival!" Under his hat Inuyasha's ears drooped as he saw a giant ferris wheel, a roller coaster, and a lot of other rides that would lift you off the ground it was all he could do to keep from throwing up as he saw how fast some people were spinning on the rides.
"Uhhhhhh, Kagome do we really have to?" Kagome turned to see a frightened look on Inuyasha's face and said, "Yes! But don't worry we won't go on any rides that you're nervous about." Inuyasha nodded and followed closely behind her and looked at all the games and side shows. He noticed it was a lot like the festivals in his own time just everything ran off of "eclecicity" or something like that. He hated this time cuz it was loud and smelt bad but he could find some things he liked and he decided that this was one of the things he liked besides food, tv and music. He was about to ask Kagome if they could go on this spinning cup thing but he saw that she had run off ahead to a weird little booth where an old man was selling red strips of paper.
He walked up to her and watched the exchange of money between them, he never could figure out how little pieces of paper could become so valuable over gold and silver but apparently there was so little other currency was needed. As he watched he noticed that instead of really long strips of paper they got two little bands and she put one on his wrist after applying one to her own. "What the hell is this?" He asked as they walked away from the man and headed off in way of some rides. "There ride bracelets. You pay a certain amount and these let you on any rides you want to go on instead of always having to worry about tickets." Inuyasha shook his head at the oddities of the modern era but decided against voicing his opinion and asked, "So what do you want to do first?"
As soon as the words were out of his mouth he regretted it as Kagome had dragged him towards a roller coaster. From up close it didn't look that bad but at noticing it was a large hunk of metal and a bunch of humans racing along rickety wood he asked, "Are you sure this okay, woman?" Kagome elbowed his ribs causing him to hiss at where she had aimed. "Of course Inuyasha, I've been on tons of these." He could have cared less but just as he was about to drag her somewhere else they were pushed forward by the crowd and ended up on the front end of the coaster.
Apparently Inuyasha was the only one afraid since he was the only one looking around at what was to happen next. Sensing his nervousness Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and calmyly said, "Calm down, it'll be all right." Inuyasha loosened a bit but not by much as the safety padding was lowered and locked into place. He was about to ask to be let off when Kagome shushed him and removed his hat as the lady began to go over the safety procedures. He wondered what she meant by keeping his hands and arms inside the ride but before he could ask the coaster began its slow climb up the starting hill. Normally he wasn't afraid of heights but then again he wasn't normally bolted into a moving piece of metal on wood.
He looked over the side and noticed that they were about a hundred feet up when the coaster stopped for a split second and he looked just as he looked in front the car dropped down and he shouted, "OH SHIT!" and was gripping for dear life as they dropped down that loop and entered a cork screw. As he was screaming for dear life Kagome and the other passengers were screaming out of excitement which made him hate humans a little bit more. After the corscrew they climbed up another hill and dropped again but this time into a Loop de loop. That scared him worse than the corkscrew as he saw the faces of people having a good time pass beneath him it was all he could do to keep his mouth shut out of not wanting to puke on some innocent person.
"Isn't this great Inuyasha?!" Kagome screamed as the entered another corkscrew and went up some more hills. He just kept his mouth closed through out the rest of the ride and was glad when they stopped at the entrance and were let out. Before he moved he'd realized that neither him nor Kagome had let go of one anothers hands and when the both made eye contact about it they jerked their hands away and smiled shyly.
Inuyasha climbed out first, but rather shakily and helped Kagome out as well and they walked to the exit. Once off the platform Kagome beamed at him and asked, "See it wasn't that bad." Inuyasha just stared and blinked at her before saying, "Uhhhh yeah. I wasn't scared at all." Kagome held in her comments and asked him, "So what next?" He shrugged and said, "How about we walk around for awhile." Kagome whined a bit but one look at his twitching ears and slightly green face she accepted and the two headed off into some of the games.
Inuyasha was surprised at how many games from his time were still there, from the goldfish scooping game to knocking down some milk jugs. He was about to try out the shooting game when a guy asked, "How about it sir win a prize for your lovely lady?" Inuyasha looked to see an old man sitting behind an empty milk bottle throw both and asked, "What'd ya say Kagome? Think I can win something?" Kagome blushed a little and said, "You don't have to do this Inuyasha?" Inuyasha smirked and said, "Feh, just wait here wench. How much for the game old man?" The old man posted to a sign that said 500 yen for three tries. Inuyasha pulled out a small wad of money and looked for the one that had the same markings as the sign and handed it to the old guy. Kagome watched curiously asking herself, Where'd he get all that?
She was about to ask him when a loud clinking sound echoed through her ears as she saw that Inuyasha had just hit three sets of milk bottles and was handed a large stuffed husky and he handed it to her saying, "Don't say I never tried to give you anything." Her face flushed crimson as she took the stuffed animal and quietly said, "Thank you." Inuyasha smiled broadly and said, "Your welcome, but can we go on that giant wheel thing?" Kagome looked up at him and followed his hand in the direction of the ferris wheel. "Why do you want to go on that?" He shrugged and said, "Well cuz it looks fun and it goes alot slower than that last ride we were on. And besides if something happens to that I'll have an easier time saving you." Both of them turned and glared at the old man who snickered at Inuyasha's statement, their looks however shut the old man up immediately and the two walked on to the ferris wheel.
Once on Inuyasha was glad that they had chosen this ride. It was quiet and he liked the way the air smelled up that high. He looked up and saw that there were way less stars visible in the sky at night in this time. He always knew that would happen but he just wished that for once in all the time he spent here he could get a clear view of all the stars. Kagome said it had to do with "pollution" that was caused by those motorized carriages and all the lights and he wished that the stars could be seen but it wasn't going to happen.
Kagome saw his eyes staring out at the night sky but she decided to be brave and ask, "Inuyasha, can I use your coat to cover my legs?" Inuyasha turned and nodded slightly and quickly sat next to her and placed the jacket over both their legs and he could feel how cold they were through his pants. "Sorry," he said, "for letting you get like that. I should have realized what would happen." Kagome blushed at the closeness and they sat there in silence for the rest of the ride.
With the ferris wheel over they just walked around and looked at all the sites of the carnival and even sat down to eat some food. Inuyasha had a hamburger and alot of ramen, while Kagome just had a bento box and they shared some squid balls. When it was about 10:30 Inuyasha asked Kagome, "Hey, Kagome can we go look around for a few minutes in the city."
Kagome nodded and they headed off away, from the hustle and bustle of the carnival and after about 10 minutes of silence they stopped on a small bridge about 20 minutes from the shrine. Kagome was about to open her mouth when Inuyasha asked, "Why'd you stay around me Kagome?" Kagome lifted her eyebrow curiously and asked, "What do you mean? You're my friend and...." Inuyasha stopped her and said, "Before that, when I kept on trying to kill you and even during all the times afterwards. I was rude, spiteful, selfish and a complete bastard to you alot yet you always came back? So again I ask, why?" Kagome took a deep breath and said, "Because I saw the change in you that you would protect me because you cared for me and not because of the beads. In the first few weeks that we traveled together I felt a huge difference in your attitude, well not your attitude but just in your actions. You were less selfish towards me and actually cared more about stopping the people who misused the jewel than you did about using on yourself, granted you did spout that whole bit about changing into a full demon."
Inuyasha snorted loudly and said, "Feh. Now that I've learned what it is to transform into many of what the demons we fought was like it's absolutely disgusting. I felt like I had no soul and that was one thing I was at least glad to have. Besides I still have to thank you guys for getting me to accept my human side, because without it I would have been like Naraku and now I don't care about transforming anymore." Kagome stared up at him and saw a rare and genuine smile on his face. She smiled back up and him and laughed as he twitched his ears before saying, "Your welcome, Inuyasha."
Inuyasha stopped his smile for a moment and began to speak again, "We've been friends for four years haven't we." Kagome nodded and said, "Although with all we've been through you think it'd be alot longer." Inuyasha snorted and said, "Well, I think Kagome that I should tell you that after awhile I wanted to go beyond friends with you." Kagomes face instantly flushed and she thought, Damn you mama for forcing this on him. But then again thanks.
Inuyasha noticed her face and continued, "I guess its kind of stupid but I've loved you for a long time and I just couldn't tell you because of all that was going on. If I'd told you along time ago our journey may have failed because of what we might do and it we needed to stop Naraku and you were already under so much stress so I didn't tell you. Besides I'm partially responsible for alot of your grades but..." Inuyasha instantly shut up as he felt Kagomes finger on his lips. He could smell salt on her face and knew she was crying but her face was happy and she said, "Shut up." Inuyasha felt his temper rise but calmed as she huddled close to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and said, "It's about time you told me this."
Okay stupid way to end the chap but I need a break i'm frustrated I'm 40 bucks in the hole with my account and I need a god damn job fucking bush. And thanks for that remark assasin about the kagome sitting next to herself thing I decided to retype the sentence but i guess i didn't change one word to Inuyasha. Laters RR

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