InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Kiss ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The ain't over yet people. Sorry if it confused ya! Came up with some good ideas for later chapters hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! Well one for later chapters the other for the sequal! but that won't be fore about another ten chapters or so, so no worries. KISSY!!!!!!
Chappy 10
"Uhhhhh...." was all Inuyasha could mutter as Kagome came in close and wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his neck and kissed it. "Stupid dog boy." she said with a light laugh before continuing. "I guess now we don't have to hide from eachother anymore?" Inuyasha just stood there frozen for a few minutes before saying, "Feh, I wasn't hiding just unsure at how I should go about it." Kagome laughed loudly and said, "Still stubborn though, oh well I love you for all your little faults. Like being a stubborn, pouting, and selfish dog boy." Inuyasha growled but instead of his usual insulted, angry growl it was a deep and affectionate one that she had only heard a few nights ago and listened to his voice. "And I love you for being a weak, loud mouthed, ear splittingly annoying human."
Kagome punched his stomach and Inuyasha faked a grunt of pain before slipping arms around her neck and holding her close, "So," he began, "now what do we do? Your mother got us together and if she starts asking for grandkids she'll have to wait." Kagome blushed bright read and looked up at him and asked, "You're already thinking about that?!" Inuyasha's face burned with embarassment as well as he looked down at her and said, "Well, yeah, don't tell me you haven't either. 'Cus if you've felt about me as I've felt about you for as long as you have then I know you've thought about pups and babies and all that other shit women think about." She nodded shyly at his comment making him laugh. She had thought about what their kids would look like and whether or not they'd be mostly human or if there was a way to make them half demons like their dad.
"I guess I have thought about getting married to you." Kagome said after she remembered some of her more recent thoughts about what marrying the hayou would be like but then she said, "But its not like you never thought about it either." Inuyasha smirked slyly and said, "But I have some things I need to do before that so you can just wait awhile....say after graduation before anything really happens?" Kagome's eyes went wide at his words and she thought, He's already got stuff planned out?! He must have really been agonizing over me.
"Well, is that okay or not?" Inuyasha asked breaking her thoughts. "I guess that's okay," she said before saying, "well we don't have to wait on everything." Inuyasha's head tilted in confusion, he was about to ask, "Like what?" When Kagome pulled his head down forecfully and kissed him. Inuyasha froze as he felt her slightly cold lips against his. It certainly was a rush because he'd never really felt this way and had never even kissed Kikyou because of her life but now he had his love and didn't have to hold back.
Kagome was about to break the kiss thinking she had acted too fast nad thought that he wasn't ready but as soon as she thought that she couldn't move because Inuyasha had grabbed her back and pressed into her lips and held her against him. Wow! This is incredible. Was all Kagome thought as she felt Inuyashas lips press more forcefully against hers as he also began emmiting a low growl and she almost screamed when his tongue licked her lips. She thought he was just being cute but she finally realized that he wanted her mouth open and she complied.
A great kiss had just gotten better, the both of them thought as Inuyasha and Kagome probed eachothers mouths slightly and Kagome shivered at the feeling of Inuyasha's tongue on her own. It wasn't extremely rough but it was a little rough which she thought was due to his demon blood and this was a time she was glad that he was half demon because her mind was reeling at the possibilities of what it could do. Inuyasha was growling louder as he felt Kagomes own soft tongue against his and the difference of the feelings was making the hanyous blood boil with lust but he knew he had to keep it under control until later because he promised her and he was glad that this was his first kiss and he held her closer to him because her smell was so intoxicating that he just wanted to take her then and there but since he couldn't hold her close to him did enough to keep him in check as they kissed under the moon.
It seemed to last forever but finally they broke apart and both were panting lightly and Kagomes hair was slightly rustled due to Inuyash running his hand through it and Inuyashas shirt was out of line and he had a few buttons undone as Kagome had slid her hand in to feel his warm skin. And so they stood there, staring into eachothers eyes while Inuyasha stroked Kagomes hair and cheek while Kagome rubbed his warm skin, until she asked, "So what do you think?" Inuyasha blinked a couple of times before asking, "About what?"
Kagome could feel a vein pulse and asked through gritted teeth, "About us, kissing, marriage and the whole thing." Inuyashas face flushed a little and he said, "I couldn't think of a better way to start off our life with that kiss. But just to ask you, how was it for you....." Kagome stared up at him in confusion and said, "It was just as great as I thought it would be from you. I mean you have kissed Kikyou so I was expecting better than most people, why?" Inuyasha could feel a pain in his heart as she said that sentence. She was mad because she thought he had kissed Kikyou but he said, "Actually, because of Kikyou being a priestess and everything she couldn't bring herself to kiss a tainted person like me out of fear for the jewel." Kagome's eyes went wide at what she had just heard. She couldn't bring herself to kiss him because of his demon side although she loved him? Talk about dispicable, but if that's true then.....
Kagome was about to cry when she saw that Inuyasha had turned his head in shame at what she thought but she grabbed his face with both hands and kissed his lips lightly and rubbed his cheeks before saying, "I'm sorry. I thought you and Kikyou had at least kissed but I'm glad that I was your first kiss. And let's just say it was a good one and I look forward to many, MANY, more." Inuyasha blushed and smiled lightly and kissed her again making her gasp a little in surprise before settling in for another quick session of tongur wrestling before Inuyasha asked, "What time is it?" Kagome sighed and looked at her watch and said, "Quarter to midnight but I don't think she'll really care as long as she gets her way." She was ready to stay the whole night but Inuyasha said, "I know that but I fell that I should at least keep my promises of bringing you home at the appropriate times, you know so I don't get on her bad side."
Kagome smiled warmly thinking, He's alot like Hojou except he's not desperate for my attention and he's also trying to be respectful too. "Okay, we'll head home then." Inuyasha looked at her and said, "Sorry but I think it'll help in the long run ya know?" Kagome smirked and kissed his cheek before saying, "Hey, at least you're treating my mom with respect and me as well and I think she'll give you massive brownie points for it." Inuyasha just stared at her as if asking, "What're brownie points?" But he dismissed the comment and buttoned his shirt up and drapped his coat over Kagomes shoulders since it had gotten a bit colder during their time on the bridge and they headed back to the shrine with Kagome leaning her head on Inuyasha's shoulder and neither said a word as they walked they just took in each others company until they saw the front door of the family home on the shrine grounds.
Both of them took a deep breath and Kagome was surprised to see that the door was open and a note from her mother saying,
You left your key in your room so I left the door unlocked and if Inuyasha is as gentlemanly as I think he is then he should have you home by the time I said. And don't worry I'm just going to bed as I leave this note and its about half past 11 so don't worry. And I hope you had a fun night .
Both teens flushed at the final comment and entered the dark house. Kagome could hear the light thrum of Soutas stereo and knew he was asleep and if her mom was really asleep she wouldn't wake up if she went upstairs with Inuyasha. Inuyasha sighed as they entered to find that the note was true but almost jumped out of his clothes when Kagome started to drag him upstairs and he just followed out of fear that he'd ruin the clothes he was leant. When they were in the room Kagome and Inuyasha were both surprised to see two sets of pajamas laid out and Inuyasha's haori set up on a hanger. "I guess mom was expecting this." Kagome stated as she saw that the extra set of P.J.s was more than likely an old pair of her dads.
Inuyasha stood next to the door staring at the wall and asked, "You think she'll mind if I slept in here?" Kagome shook her head and said, "As long as we don't do anything I don't think she'll have a problem." Inuyasha nodded to her and grabbed his set of bed clothes and said, "See ya in a minute." before kissing her cheek and shutting the bathroom door. Kagome sighed loudly and said, "This is going to be a hard night," and started to get undress.
About the time she'd gotten down to her undergarments she heard the door open and saw Inuyasha staring at her with his face bright red. Kagome felt her face flush as well grabbed her clothes and bolted through the door and shut it. Inuyasha stood there waiting for the worse but the word never came and he sighed in disbelief and relief that he hadn't been "sat" again. He heard the sink turn on and the sound of Kagome brushing her teeth and he decided it was best just to climb into the bed and wait for her, although the odd thing was that as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold and snoring lightly as Kagome walked out of the bathroom to see the peaceful look on his face that she wished was always there. After she shut of the light, Kagome carefully slid under the covers and snuggled up against him and with her back into his stomach and she felt his arm pull her in as he muttered sleepily, "Mine." Kagome laughed silently and fell into a deep sleep with a snoring hanyou next to her.
Kagome woke up with a sudden jolt as her alarm clock went off, she quickly shut it off in case Inuyasha would wake up angrily but she found that the hanyou wasn't there next to her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and saw the early morning rays shine through her window and a note was left on her desk. She got up to find Inuyasha's slightly untidy writing on it and read.
I'm sorry to have left you alone like that, trust me I didn't want to, but I had to go through the well for a few days to find out some things. Don't worry I'll be back to get you at the end of the week and I'll make it up to you somehow so don't worry. I hope that your exams and school stuff goes okay this week and don't be mad at me I just needed to go away for awhile and it's not because I'm ashamed of us, my trip is of the utmost importance to our relationship so I will return to you.
P.S. Tell your mother not to sneak into your room in the middle of the night and try and mess with a sleeping half demon. She's not hurt but I think for her own safety she shouldn't do that.
Kagome rolled her eyes at the last time and headed to the bathroom to get ready for school. When she was finished she saw that she was up before Souta and her grandpa and found her mother sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and sipping tea. Asami smiled up at her daughter and asked, "Why are you dressed for school?" Kagome looked at her mother with a disbelieving look and said, "Because, I have to go to school it is Monday." Asami held her hand to her mouth and laughed to herself, "I guess Inuyasha didn't tell you. School was cancelled for the next two days due to broken pipes and Soutas is closed due to a heating problem." Kagome face fell and crawled up to the table and said, "I guess you did see us. But I swear we didn't do anything."
Her mother laughed harder and replied, "I know dear. Inuyasha told me what happened and asked what I wanted after I had already done what I needed. I guess the picture flash woke him up." Kagome stared at her mother in disbelief, "You took a picture?" Asami smiled and held up the polaroid. Kagomes anger immediately left her as she saw Kagome facing Inuyasha and both of them with serene looks on their faces. Asami saw her daughters look and said, "You two are really good for eachother, and I'm sorry I forced you out last night, but somebody had to get you two to tell how you felt." Kagome smiled shyly and said, "Well we did kiss and the great thing is we were both eachothers first kiss which said alot." Asami nodded happily and was about to speak when a loud smack emmitted from the cat door and a little ball of fur yelled, "KAGOME!!"
DUN DUN DUN!!!!! WHat's happened hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... R&R

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