InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Unexpected and Unwanted Visitors ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I apologize for the last chapter title.
Chappy 11
Both Kagome and her mother immediately shot up as a ball of something just blurred by them. Kagome looked at her mother and asked, "What was that all about?" Asami shrugged and was about to ask the same thing when the kitchen door burst open and Kagomes grandpa entered the kitchen with a staff, charms, and dressed in his ceremonial robes asking, "Where'd it go?" Both Asami and Kagome looked at the weird old man and asked "Where'd what go?" The old man sighed loudly and said, "The demon, a demon appeared outta the well!"
Kagome gasped loudly and shouted, "A demon?! That's impossible gramps! The only demon even able to come through the well is Inuyasha and noone else!" Gramps shook his head and said, "This wasn't the hanyou. It was small with red hair, blue clothes and a bushy tail on its butt." Kagome gapped at the old mans description. There was only one possible demon that she knew of that even remotely looked like that. It took a moment for her shock to where off but once it was she ran off to the living room and began searching for her friend.
The living room had no real signs of the demon save for some knocked over books and movies. She knew that by nature the first place he'd go was a hole or something that was like a burrow. Next she tried the bathroom but found some knocked over bottles of shampoo and other bathroom supplies. After that it was her room but that held nothing but then she saw some of her clothes heading towards the laundry room and she realized that the drier was the perfect place to find him.
Kagome bolted from her room and headed downstairs to the drier to find under the massive pile of sheets a quivering ball. Quietly, she approached the little shaking ball and pulled back the sheet that was covering the ball and she said, "Shippou?" The ball immediately stopped shaking and the kitsunes face looked up at her with snot dribbling from his nose and tears in his eyes but his face immediately turned from frightened to happy as he shouted, "Kagome!" and jumped into her arms and hugged her with all his might, while she just stood there and pondered how the kitsune was even able to go through the well.
As she sat there holding a shaking Shippou, Asami and gramps immediately came up behind her and looked down at them. The old man glowered and said, "That's the demon! It must be destroyed before it brings bad luck on us!" Kagome stood up and kicked the old man in the head and said, "YOU LEAVE SHIPPOU ALONE!" Both gramps and Asami looked at Kagome in shock at what she had just done but before they could say anything she said, "Can't you see he's afraid of you? He's never been through the well and how he managed it I don't want to know but he's scared enough as it is and he's my friend so don't hurt him!" As she shouted Shippou looked away from her and down at the old man with a mean face and said, "Yeah! Or else I'll use my fox magic on you."
Kagome nodded in compliance and said, "You got that right Shippou. Treating you like that he deserves it, but" Shippou looked up at her with surprise at the word but and asked, "But, what Kagome?" Kagome smiled down at him and said, "He's my grandpa and he was trying to help keep us safe, but now that he sees your nice, I'm sure he won't try anything. Right, gramps?" The old man cowered at his granddaughters looke and nodded before standing up and saying with a bow, "I apologize young Shippou. But can you please tell us how you came to pass through the well?"
The little guy's face immediately changed from threatining to completely smug as he said, "Fine but can I get some candy?" At those words Asami's face immediately brightened and she asked, "So, you're the little cutie Kagome always needs the candy for?" Shippou turned his head to meet Kagome's moms face and beamed, "YUP! And thank you for all the yummy treats and things these past couple of years ma'am." Asami reached out and picked the kitsune up and hugged him close, "You're very welcome Shippou. Now why don't we go into the kitchen and you can tell us all about how you fell through that well." Kagome and her grandfather watched with questioning looks on their faces, but followed Asami and the excited kitsune into the kitchen where after a can of soda and some pocky he told his story.
"Well, it started early this morning. I was waiting by the well just to see if Inuyasha was coming back today and to see if Kagome would decide to come back to." He laughed at Kagome with an embarrassed look and she smiled at him and waited for him to continue. After a brief sip of his soda he said, "Well, anyway I was right about Inuyasha, after about fifteen minutes of waiting he burst out of the well with out me noticing and he said 'bye Shippou' and ran off towards the village. Unfortunately I was sitting on the top of the well and when he burst out it scared me and I fell into the well. I'd never fallen in or entered the well but when I did I was enveloped by this blue light and after a few seconds I was in the well but this time there were some skulls in it. I was so afraid that I jumped out of the well and found my self in a shrine and not the normal forest."
Kagome gave a look of sympathy to her young friend having to go through that. It wasn't his fault that he had fallen through, well it sort of was because he shouldn't have been sitting on the well like that but Inuyasha should have climbed through instead of jumped and then he wouldn't have fallen through. As she tried to come up with a suitable punishment for the hanyou Shippous voice broke through as his story continued. "So anyways, after climbing out of the well I exited the shrine and started to cough pretty badly due to the air. Inuyasha said it was stinky but he didn't say how much and it's a surprise he even lasts as long as he does when he stays here." The Higurashis all sweatdropped as they heard yet another complaint about the air pollution but let him continue on.
"So, after I exited the well shrine I saw a set of stairs leading down thinking it'd take me to the village but all I found were these giant metal monsters that made alot of noise and shot out smoke. I got afraid and ran back up the stairs and into the shrine thinking there would be a priest or priestess but all I found was the old man and he tried to exorcise me and stuff!" Asami and Kagome shot the old man a dangerous look but not to their surprise he'd already fled the kitchen and was probably hiding from them. Asami turned back to Shippou and asked, "And that's when you fled into the house and hid in the dryer?" Shippou's eyes looked confused and asked, "What's a dryer?" Kagome snickerd and said, "The giant metal thing I found you hiding in."
Shippou's eyes went wide at the comment and nodded quickly, "Yeah, but I'm much better now that the old mans away." Kagome and Asami laughed loudly and much to the displeasure of a sleepy eyed Souta who asked, "Why didn't you wake me?" Asami waved to her son and said, "Schools cancelled for the next couple of days due to problems so I just decided to let you sleep." Souta nodded lightly and was in the middle of a loud yawn when he caught sight of Shippou and immediately figured out that he wasn't a human.
"How'd he get here?" Shippou looked up with a fearful look in his eyes and dove under the table and hid in Kagome's lap. She laughed a litte and said, "It's okay, Shippou. This is Souta my little brother he won't hurt you." Shippou peeked his head above Kagome's shoulder and waved shyly to Souta and was glad to see that he waved back just like Kagome would. Shippou stuck a paw out and said, "I'm Shippou the fox demon." Souta took his paw and shook it saying, "Souta Higurashi, the human." They both smiled brightly at each other and Souta took Shippou on a tour of the house while Kagome and Asami began talking about how they would, and if they could get Shippou back to the past.
Meanwhile 500 years earlier
Inuyasha had been running flat out for hours and was sure that if his pace wasn't interrupted save for about 2 hours sleep he would be at the palace by the next day. He'd stopped to see Kaeded about Miroku and Sango but they were still at least 3 days from coming back due to them actually finding people who were starting to exorcise old demon bones and began reforging some of the weapons that were to old to use but still in good shape. Inuyasha was glad that some people had decided to return and he sped off to the western palace.
His thoughts were consumed with what he had to discuss with Sesshomaru and quite possibly to Taki about discussing somethings with Kagome when the time came for it. He kept thinking about the night before and all the events that had surfaced his feelings. First it was Naraku, then Koga, Tokajin, Tsubaki, Kagura and all the other demons that had plagued him for the past two years and even Kikyou for all the times she tried to kill Kagome even though she was just a pile of clay with half her soul.
But luckily with the defeat of Naraku most of their problems had gone despite Kouga and a few other old enemies. It was as if someone was listening to his thoughts as all of a sudden in front of him a large cloud of dust and rock appeared before him as Koga stood before him with a smirk on his face.
"Hey mutt-breath, been awhile." Inuyasha growled loudly and unsheathed Tetsuiga and said, "I'm not in the mood for any of your bull shit Koga get out of the way." The wolf demon laughed loudly but suddenly stopped as his nose caught wind of something. "Why the hell do you smell so strongly of Kagome?" Inuyasha smirked broadly, "What are you talking about I always smell like her." Koga bared his fangs and said, "I mean how come her smell is so strong now you dumb dog. Normally its enough to annoy me but now I'm really starting to get angry 'cuz she's all over your scent as if you..........." Inuyashas face dropped a little as Koga trailed off and started to get really angry.
"Oh, please you think I would..." But he was cut short by the wolf demons punch. It hurt like hell and he tasted a small amount of blood but he just slid back a few feet and spit a few drops out as Koga shouted, "You've tainted her you bastard. How could you?!" Inuyasha started to speak but Koga rushed him and he held his Tetsuiga up and felt it shake a little at the force behind Koga's punch. Inuyasha moved his sword and swung it like a bat knocking Koga away and said, "I didn't do anything to her you damn wolf!" But his words fell on deaf ears as Koga started rushing towards him with his claws bared and a murderous look in his eyes.
Inuyasha jumped away as Koga swung his claws down and made another small crater in the ground. Inuyasha could tell that he had to knock him out. Normally he felt like killing him but he knew Koga and him did all this as a way of having some fun but also to show dominance like they would in a pack. Inuyasha looked back to find a tree right behind him and he flipped so that his feet were placed on the tree and he shoved off and headed straight for Koga.
Koga saw the attack coming and was about to leap when all of a sudden a flash of blue came out of nowhere and Inuyashas Tetsuiga was stopped by a man in white. Koga had seen this man before and knew him to be the pure blooded demon son of the Dog General and knew better to anger him. Koga watched as Tessaiga and Tetsuiga clashed for a moment until Inuyasha and Sesshomaru slid the swords apart and seperated and glared at each other. Koga could feel an anger rising from both of them but it wasn't the usual murderous anger more like the "Why are you interferring?" anger.
The wolf decided that it was best to leave while he got the chance and shouted, "Next time you will die dog boy!" Inuyasha was about to run after him when Sesshomaru took put Tokijin in his face and said, "I will not tolerate this brother. Just because we are on somewhat better terms doesn't mean I won't hurt you if I'm given reason." Inuyasha stopped immediately and growled. He wasn't even remotely afraid of his brother because of two reasons, the first is he'd almost always beaten him when they fought and the second was because he knew Inuyasha was preparing to mate and he knew that the pride of their clan revolved around their offspring.
"Feh. Fine I'll let that son of a bitch go for now." Sesshomaru smirked at his brothers cockiness and said, "I heard all of it. But the wolf probably knew as well as I did that you did no such thing as he claims." Inuyasha smirked at his brother and said, "You think I'm that low to do something like that?" Sesshomaru shook his head and said, "Of course not, I've fought you enough to see your feelings are too strong to force any person you love to do something like that, and you also don't have the smell that accompanies mating." Inuyasha cocked his eyebrow and said, "What do you mean smell?"
And to Inuyashas surprise even the mighty Sesshomaru hit the floor out of shock and humor and started laughing at the hanyou, thinking This will take awhile.
there chappy 11's done. R&R Please people.
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