InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
beginning to wonder if Shippou falling through the well should have happened or not cuz apparently Fluffy lauging is much more unusual....but i can see how and no mention of dog boy on a roller coaster but anyways
chap 12
Inuyasha's anger quickly transformed into rage as his brother began laughing at his question. His breathing deep in hopes that he could contain himself from taking his niece and nephews father from them as he thought, What the hell were he and Koga talking about? I always smell like Kagome and so what if I smell a bit more strongly of her I have been spending most of my days there but now it's........ Inuyasha couldn't conatin his anger anymore as his brothers annoying laugh caught his sensitive ears. Growling loudly he edged his way towards Sesshomaru whose laughing was more under control but still annoying to the hanyou forced his anger to finally boil over as he lunged yelling " Sankon Tesso!"
Sesshomarus face immediately hardend as he unsheathed Tokijin and blocked his brothers claws and began growling to before saying, "Calm yourself, I meant no disrespect but it is truly amazing to even this Sesshomaru, how ignorant you are in many aspects of life." Inuyasha growled even louder and ran forward baring his claws and leaped while saying the attack again. Sesshormau snorted and swung Tokijin with enough force to force his brother into a nearby boulder causing the hanyou to feel a little dizzy and making his balance off center. Sesshomaru smirked and resheathed his sword and walked over to Inuyasha and asked, "Now, will you sit there and let me speak to you about Koga's anger or do I have to beat you unconcious."
Inuyasha snorted and replied with a new hand gesture he'd picked up and crossed his arms and legs before saying, "All right I'll listen but before that, I got another question for you?" Sesshomaru sat across from Inuyasha still wondering what the that gesture had meant and said, "What is it?" Inuyasha coughed lightly and asked, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SO CLOSE TO MY TERRITORY!?" Sesshomaru wiggled a claw in his ear for a second and said, "Your territory is still a part of these lands and as Lord of the West, it is my duty to patrol certain areas from time to time and according to some of the villages around here, only minor demon threats that are easily taken care of by the methods of your friend Sango." Inuyashas ears dropped as he took in the information and said, "Oh, well just.....never mind."
Sesshomaru smirked inwardly and thought, He's certainly different than he was during our first fight. Inuyasha could see his brother thinking and took a fist from the sleeve of his haori and knocked him on the head much to Sesshomaru's disapproval as the pure-bred bared his fangs and growled, "Don't do that again." Inuyasha just snorted and asked, "Now will you tell me why Koga went berserk?" Sesshomaru took a sip of water from a flask before saying, "He thought you and Kagome had mated."
"WHAT?!" was the only word that escaped his mouth before he started his rambling, "How the hell could he think that? Me and her, what the fuck? Does he really think that low of me. He was the one always trying to mate her during all his attacks and now he thinks me and her?" Sesshomaru sweat dropped again at his brother rambling on like a girl who had just been called a whore. (Gomen, this reaction is based on a friend of mines when someone said she slept with someone don't take offense) As his brother continued his rants Sesshomaru reached out his own fist and punched him right in the jaw.
Inuyasha dropped to the ground and bolted right back up and asked, "What was that for?!" Sesshomarus looked blankly at him and said, "So you would shut up and let me finish." Inuyasha turned his head and muttered a faint, "feh," as Sesshomaru continued, "Of course, I think he knew you hadn't mated but he thought it might be fun to fight if I know that wolf as well as I hope from our limited encounters." Inuyashas attention was caught again at the mention of mating and scent and it was all he could do from grabbing Sesshomaru and forcing it out of him. Sesshomaru could tell Inuyasha was getting impatient as his ears picked up a faintly rapiding heart beat and his scent was filled with annoyance so he decided it was time to finish this conversation as quickly as possible.
"So, the connection between scent and mating is that your body emits a scent close to what the woman you mate with smells like during her fertile time." Inuyasha looked a bit sickened by this and said, "But I don't do what she does!" Sesshomaru rubbed a temple and said, "I know that you baka, but what the scent comes from is penetration and actually getting some of the blood from that area on you and also that once you are truly mated it will be as if your scents are permanately intertwined and also you just reek of the act as well." Inuyasha was truly stunned at this since he himself had never been taught anything about mating from anyone and all he had was a book with a lot of weird pictures dealing with what your insides look like but he threw it back to Kagome as soon as he saw what it showed.
"So, mating is just contact between groins and stuff." Sesshomaru sweated even more and he said, "Well to an extent yes but you must also pay attention to how she reacts to certain things, every touch, kiss, lick, nibble and everything." Sesshomaru looked up to see Inuyasha pinching his nose with his haori sleeve and thought to himself, I the talk with Rin was bad but having to actually explain the process to a 22 year old is definetly an experience. "So," Inuyasha asked through his sleeve, "how exactly do I get her 'prepared'?" Sesshomaru could feel a headache occuring which was just a myth to demons and it was truly painful and he said, "You'll know what to do when the time is right but I must say one thing."
Inuyasha could tell his nose was better now and took his sleeve away before asking, "What?" Sesshomaru glared up at him and said, "BE GENTLE!" Inuyasha bowed his head and said, "Like I'd actually hurt her." Sesshomaru snarled and said, "I know that, but you're a half demon and she's a full blooded human so you must be even more careful. Me and Taki don't need to be gentle but we are anyway due to our relationship but with a full human you must be careful or you could accidentally kill her, and I'll be damned if anything like that were to happen."
Inuyasha could feel his heart clench in his chest as if Sesshomaru had stabbed him throught as he thought, I could kill her. No, that won't happen no matter what. Inuyasha nodded sternly and said, "On my honor as a hanyou, I won't do anything to harm her." Sesshomaru nodded in compliance and said, "I know you won't but just becareful on nights of the full moon because your Inu-yokai blood will burn with the need for her should you feel the urge and you must be under full control." Inuyasha looked at his brother directly in the eye and said, "I will not lose control." Sesshomaru saw the look as one of complete sincerety and said, "Good, now why are you out here?"
The hanyou sweat dropped and said, "Well, I was coming to see you as to how to go about actually initiating mating." Sesshomaru laughed lightly and said, "Well we went over the sexual aspect now to get her to accept the mating you must bite her in the neck, not hard just enough to break the skin, and put some blood in her and i guess you can just drink hers before hand a little to get her spirit in you and when that's done a bond will be created so that for as long as you live she will live." Inuyasha stared blankly and asked, "How long is that?" Sesshomaru sighed and said, "Well, I honestly don't know. You age MUCH slower than humans and if you mate on a full moon and concieve the child will be like you and so she will definietly live well into the next millenia and possibly beyond so long as you aren't killed."
Inuyash breathed heavily at the thought of Kagome living beyond her family and friends and knew that it was a difficult choice to make and if she accepted she'd probably know that death would be a long way off. With his thoughts jumbled Inuyasha asked, "That's a hard choice." Sesshomaru nodded grimly and said, "I know especially since humans don't live much past 100 and to possibly live 50 to 100 times that is not a choice to make on a whim." Inuyasha felt a stone in his heart at asking Kagome to do such a thing and he asked, "Do, you have something at the castle that I could give to her?" Sesshoamaru tilted his head and asked, "For what?"
The hanyou looked up and said, "Kagome, said in her times that when a person is mated to a person they wear something to show it but before that they wear another thing called an 'engagement ring' to show that while not officially mated they will be." Sesshomaru nodded and said, "So you wish to mate her in her times terms." Inuyasha nodded slightly making Sesshomaru whistle loudly to Ah-Un and said to Inuyasha, "Get on." Inuyasha was stunned but forced himself to move and climbed onto the dragon and they took off to Sesshomaru's castle.
Four days later
Kagome was in her room staring at the computer screen while Shippou was napping on her bed. The schools were still closed and they were on leave until further notice which made her happy because she knew it was more than likely that next week would be cancelled to and she could keep some promises to people in the Feudal era. She stretched and looked at her bed to see Shippou on his back kicking in the air as he dreamed of candy and she smiled. I wish we could figure out if we can bring the others back here to or mom and Souta to the past as well.
Both Asami and Kagome had decided to keep Shippou with them as a precaution to as to whether or not the well would still work so Shippou spent his days helping with chores and learning about modern devices like computers and televisions. Kagome laughed loudly at the first time Shippou had turned on the t.v., she saw him run and hide behind a chair as a loud, "DUN DUN," noise came from the speakers and Kagome could see the names and pictures Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni, pass by and Shippou sneak out from behind her and poke the screen and saw that it was nothing to be afraid of, in fact he spent most of his time watching that show and was continually asking questions about what crime, rape and other things were before Asami grabbed the remote and said, "No more of that for you. You can watch this." Shippou turned his head and his ears perked and a smile spread on his lips as the words, "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" hit his ears.
Kagome was glad she didn't have to explain some of the more mature American shows to him now that he was obsessed with Nickelodeon and he memorized most of the shows on that channel. He also spent alot of his time playing with Souta and some of his friends who were sworn to secrecy no to mention any of Shippous 'special abilities'.
Kagome yawned loudly and looked at the clock and muttered "Only 8? G'ahhh that went by way to slowly." She smacked her head at the thought of her catching up on some missed homework and how slowly the time went by as she finished it all in less than two hours. She was hoping it was at least midnight but was wrong and turned to look out the window to see Inuyasha smiling at her from the window sil waving. Kagome nearly fell out of her chair and said, "Where have you been all week? And not only that look what happened when you passed through the well!" Inuyasha followed her finger to find a disgruntled Shippou staring up at him saying, "Moron."
Inuyasha shrugged and said, "Well at least we know others can go through now." BAM!! Inuyasha was face down in the floor with Kagome yelling, "Well we didn't know if the well had closed so he's been here all week!" Inuyasha tried to speak but the flooring made that almost impossible, and all he could manage was a muffled, "Well what do you expect?" Kagome grumbled and helped Inuyasha up and kissed his cheek before saying, "Sorry, I was just worried." Inuyasha turned and glared at Shippou who was snickering at them and saying, "You're lucky Kagome made me promise to be quiet." Inuyasha was about to go off when Kagome started rubbing his ear and all he could manage was a, "Sorry."
She continued that for a moment and asked, "So, how's Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha looked up at her in surprise and she just smiled and said, "I figured that you needed to ask him some things about your demon side." Inuyasha snorted and said, "Fine, and Taki and Rin want to see you badly." Kagome giggled and replied, "Well I got a week to waste since schools still cancelled so why not." Inuyashas heart beat in excitement as thoughts of his plans feel into place and he asked, "Well we'll leave in the morning."
Kagome smirked and nuzzled his hair and bent forward and happily kissed him and was glad to feel him return it while a slightly disturbed Shippou said, "Get a room." and left to go bug Souta.
MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! There ya go hehehehehehe. No cliffy but you can probably tell what'll happen soon.

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