InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
can see many of you enjoyed last chapter some predictable stuff but lots of unpredictable stuff will soon occur Laugh from the end of "Thriller" Oh and emails are welcome but that doesn't mean stop reviewing on the site I need something to show for it and I'm glad I'm breaking some old barriers with this. JA NE!! (SP, my basic japanese is rusty so i hope thats rightshrugs) Warning slight sexual reference.
Chappy 13
Inuyasha sat on the couch lounging about that night thinking to himself, Damn Sesshomaru putting all that crap into my head. I've only lost control a few times and a couple of them were because I was careless enough to let him knock Tetsuiga away from me. Inuyasha yawned a bit and stared at the clock and saw it read only 10:30 p.m. "Damn modern times and its shitty air making me actually want to sleep." Inuyasha yawned again and flipped it to a channel he'd been told was called "Showtime." He'd seen some stuff on their with Kagome, mainly movies and was glad that it was still early.
He shuddered to himself at remembering what he'd turned on one day Kagome said was Sunday or whatever and saw men doing things he'd only thought a male and female did. Just the mere thought of it made him want to barf but Kagome had told him about something called "homosexuality" and decided that a persons personal life was their own damn business and he could care less but he only needed one person and that was Kagome. He smiled to himself at his two days of searching through a hidden vault that Sesshomaru had explained was hidden and protected by some strong spells and only certain individuals were allowed into it.
He was about to ask why when Sesshomaru said, "It's because this holds some of fathers most prized posessions and some of your mothers and mine that he'd hidden here at their requests to leave to us and I plan to do the same for the rest of our descendents and also our mates." Inuyasha snorted at the mere mention of his father which enlisted yet another deep growl from his half brother saying, "Shut up and just go where I tell you to." Inuyasha was about to retort but he suddenly caught onto the fact that Sesshomaru had said something about his mother having some things left there for him and he watched silently as Sesshomaru pressed a certain spot on the door causing the heavy doors to dissappear and showing a room that was a little smaller than the study.
Inuyasha snorted and said, "Feh, I thought you said this was a vault? Looks more like a spare hut too keep things you don't want." Sesshomaru coughed in annoyance and replied, "Well, its only because father, mother and your mother are the only ones who have left anything in here." Inuyasha looked around and noticed some armor and swords of almost god like perfection that was most likely his fathers. Inuyasha curled a lip and turned to a corner near there and caught a slight whiff of demon scent and knew that it was Sesshomarus mothers belongings and he saw some chests with untouched kimonos of gorgeous silk and jewelry that hadn't tarnished even though it'd been sitting there for at least 3 centuries.
Sesshomaru could tell Inuyasha was scanning for his mothers belongings and said, "There over there to the right of fathers things." Inuyasha glanced in the direction of some chests and caught his mothers scent and rushed over. Kneeling down and breathing in deeply Inuyasha fingered the first chest and carefully removed the lock and opened it. A small cloud of dust rose from the clothes after being shut for many years and on the top was a small basket and a folded piece of parchment were awaiting him. Sesshomaru saw the nervous actions of his hanyou brother and decided it best to occupy himself with some old scrolls as the sound of paper unfolding caught his ears.
Grabbing the basket and parchment Inuyasha removed the wax seal and unlfolded what was a letter from his mother.
My darling son,
The gods only know what tragedies have possibly brought you to this place and the purpose of why your brother would reveal it to you. That's right I know of Sesshomaru, the son of your father and a poison demon and I also know of his distaste of humanity and of your father for choosing a human as a mate after his mothers death but never the less I have been allowed to leave things behind for you. I do not wish to reveal how your father and I came to be together but I should tell you that he did save me from death once when a village was attacked using the sword of his right fang, Tenseiga and saved what little of the village he could with the sword of his left fang, Tetsusaiga. He told me that you were to one day go to his grave and hopefully have enough feelings for a human to weild Tetsaiga and learn of his most powerful to techniques in hopes that you would protect the weak out of selflessness rather then self serving. He knew he would die soon and that you would despise him for siring you a half breed and leave you to hate both humans and demons and possibly try to change your blood to pure demon.
I must tell you not to do this for humans despite how many have come to be hateful and greedy there are many who are mentally changing and becoming more accepting towards what a person does with their life and not how they came to be and your human heart and soul will prove more powerful than your demon claws and blood. Our country is constantly in war and your being half demon will not help so we thought it best that you learn to protect yourself and shelter you but needless to say I know that there may come a time that people will seek to destroy us, so in case of your survival and the possibility that you fall in love your father and I have left behind a few posessions of ours that we wish you to share with this woman. However, as you read this that means you are not to be wed soon so you shall have to wait to receive your fathers letter and some other posessions of his, but here are some gifts I leave to you.
The basket contains my most valued jewelry, their worth is far more than any human made craft and are not to be flung about to any girl, only to the one you choose as a mate. The jewelry consists of some kunzashi for your brides wedding day. They are made of the purest gold, amber jewels and emeralds and were presented to me on the day I wed your father. The next is a necklace made of pearls and sapphires that is from my family, also there are numerous rings and earrings. One ring has an emerald stone and many charictures for good luck, that is to give to your mate when you choose one and the time to give it to her is your choice. Also I leave your mate my shiromaku (sp), for your wedding day, take excellent care of it.
I'm sorry that I could not see you become a man and your father was forever tormented that he would never see you past your first few months but he loved you all I had to do was look in his eyes and he never wanted to leave you. We both loved you and wished we could see you grow but fate isn't kind.
Take care my beautiful Inuyasha,
Inuyasha reached into the basket and pulled out the ring that was described and noticed it was attached to a small chain. He clenched it in his fist and said, "I swear upon my soul I won't disappoint you mother."
Those words rang throughout his head the entire time he travelled back to the well and now here he was lounging on his soon to be mates couch and drifted off to sleep clutching his mothers ring.
Two days later.
Kagome was lauging loudly as Rin and the other children played with some of the toys she had brought back from the present. Some played with a board game, others were chasing around a soccer ball and Shippou was helping Souta teach the kids the finer points of baseball using a aluminum bat and tennis ball. She still couldn't get over the fact that the well had somehow allowed her friends and family to travel between times and she wished Sango and Miroku would hurry it up and get back, but a messenger said that some snow had delayed their travel and wouldn't be back until a day after their original arrival date.
She shook the thoughts from her head when someone shouted her name, causing her too look around her and then as she soon as she thought it was her imagination the shadow of Ah-Un appeared above her and Taki, along with Rin and Koji climbed off and greeted them. Kagome waved back and got to her feet and hugged Rin and her mother before reaching over and stroking Koji's ears. The baby demon giggled loudly and blew a snot bubble at Kagome and laughed at her slightly grossed out look.
Taki smiled and said, "Rin aren't you going to go play?" Rin nodded and waved to her mother and Kagome before being pounced on by an overly excited Shippou who introduced her to everyone and began showing her the game that they were playing. Taki watched curiously and asked, "What are they playing? It looks a little dangerous." Kagome laughed a little and said, "Yeah but they're lucky that the ball isnt like the ones normally used. The game is called baseball and it's pretty popular in my time and can get boring but with the right people its really fun."
The dog demoness nodded a little and was still confused but decided that it was better to be confused an know a little than to get really confused and pester the human, so she settled for letting Koji crawl around on the ground and get used to the new smells. She loved watching him crawl and play in the open since Sesshomaru was still worried about usurpers he felt it best to keep Koji in a safe area at all times but knowing this as his brothers territory he decided he could go and see new places. Taki was surprised to see that Koji was pouncing after a ball that he'd seen the other kids playing with and laughing as he made some trip and Rin coming to his rescue and scooping him up to show all her friends.
And so they sat, a pure blooded Inu-yokai and a reincarnated miko human, watching children play as if they were two mothers in the park meeting for the first time and would be happy enough just watching until Taki asked, "How's my brother in law?" Kagome blushed instantly at the question forcing a loud laugh from Taki and Kagome wishing that she could "sit" her. Both sat there for a moment until Kagome said, "He's fine, been really quiet and giddy around me lately but I think it's just because of our relationship now. He's still used to having open love expressed and he needs adjusting and I'm glad to let him do it but he's getting annoying now." Taki grinned mischievously and asked, "You aren't fertile are you?"
After that remark Taki was seeing stars as Kagome shouted, "NO I'M NOT FERTILE! WHAT'S THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?! WE HAVEN'T EVEN GONE BEYOND KISSING!" Taki laughed nervously as all the kids around them snickered and pointed at the angered girl and Kagome grinned embarassingly and said, "Just joking kids, go back to playing," before glaring at the demoness and asking, "Why did you ask me that?" Taki rolled her eyes and said, "Well because if he's that distant it's probably because he's nervous about mating, OR" she stated before continuing, "he's got something important to discuss and just isn't sure how to go about it." Kagome shrugged and said, "Well I just wish he'd open up to me." Taki nodded and hugged the girl and jumped as a voice shouted, "SHIPPOU, YOU'RE DEAD!!"
Both ladies looked up to see an angry yet laughing Inuyasha scrambling after a scared Shippou who was shouting, "I swear it was an accident!" Everyone laughed as the hanyou chased the kitsune for a minute until Shippou caught sight of Kagome and attempted to leap into her lap, but was snagged in mid air as Inuyasha grabbed the collar of his shirt and punted him into a tree earning the hanyou a mouthful of dirt.
Kagome ran over to the hanyou and asked, "What'd he do now?" Inuyasha lifted his head barely and said, "He threw that metal stick you gave him and hit me in the face while I was sleeping." Kagome reached down and stroked his ear before saying, "Still you didn't have to punt him into a tree." She could see Inuyasha's eyes saying, Yeah I did, making her give him another mouthful as Shippou bounded towards them and said, "Well you weren't asleep. I don't know what it was but it definetly wasn't sleep, your face was red and you smelled funny and besides the things called a bat, and I guess letting it go right after a swing is a bad idea." Kagome nodded and patted Shippous head and said, "Yeah swing and hit, BUT make sure you set the bat down not let it go."
As if on cue with her finishing the sentence the spell had worn off and Inuyasha climbed to his feet and headed off towards the river for a drink and hopefully a quieter time to sleep because he knew he needed the sleep for what he had planned for the next night he need to be as calm as possible and the best way for him to do that was to sleep a long time because for some reason he was always calm after a long sleep.
Kagome looked after him and decided it best to leave him alone and looked to where Shippou was and asked, "What exactly was he doing?" But the fox had already gone back to playing leaving her to sit with a laughing dog demoness who caught the meaning of the young ones words.
Okay That's it for now. so don't worry update soon. I just have some things to do and need concentrate on them but update by wendsday night/thursday afternoon.

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