InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chappy 14
The next morning, the sun was hidden by some cloud cover promising a small amount of snow by that evening and possibly more than a few inches by morning, but Inside Kaede's hut it was extremely comfortable with a roaring fire and eight people asleep in it. They would have been crowded but luckily an extra room was added due to the multiple intrusions of Kagome and the group pleading for help with injuries and the like, Kaede had enlisted the help of the village to create a large extra room for the travellers. But Kagomes night was spent in the main room with Souta, Shippou and Inuyasha while Kaede stayed with Taki, Rin and Koji just incase of an emergency.
Although the sun was visible it was still extremely early and cold and Inuyasha was staring into the flickering light of the fire remembering the previous days events, Shippou spouting about what he'd been doing away from prying eyes, Taki's laughter, and Kagomes 2 sits. His face still hurt from the metal thing that was flung at his face and was trying to figure out why it was called a 'bat' when Kaede exited her room carrying a basket and wearing a heavy cloak. The old priestess nodded to Inuyasha and began looking through her supply of food was still excellent and was happy to see herbs that many of her medicinal herbs were still in stock.
Inuyasha noticed her looking and asked, "What're you doing up so early ya old hag?" Kaede turned and in her usual tone said, "I need to gather the rest of my herbs for the winter as tonights snow will most likely kill them. I need ye help with this so follow me." Inuyasha turned up his nose and said, "Why it's not even that cold and besides you never asked for my help before, so why should I help now?" Kaede stared with her only eye at the hanyou and said, "Because I must talk with ye about certain things, and also I shall tell Shippou about what ye was doing when that object struck your face." Inuyashas face flared and stood up and headed towards the almost barren herb patch and began digging into the cold, frozen earth.
They sat there digging up the rest of the herbs for a moment when Kaede said, "There is talk amongst the villagers about ye and Kagome." Inuyasha snorted loudly and said, "Feh. What do I care?" Kaede looked up an Inuyasha and replied, "It does matter. The villagers wish to help ye and Kagome once it is official." Inuyasha met Kaede's look and asked, "Why do they want to help? They left me stuck to a tree for fifty years and if it's forgiveness they're seeking they needn't bother." Kaede shook her head and asked, "Do ye really think they fear you? They wish to supply you and Kagome with a grand home for you defeating Naraku and protecting us."
Inuyasha thought about the comment for a moment and after wiping a small drizzle of snot from his nose said, "They can do as they please. If it makes them feel better fine, but they aren't to start it until we make it 'official'." Kaede was about to speak when Inuyasha added, "What ever the hell you mean by that?" Kaede rolled her eye and sighed, "It means that once ye two are bound in wed lock they wish to make you a home. But, until then I don't know where ye'll stay." Inuyasha huffed loudly and said, "We can stay with my brother or with Kagome's mother. Depending but knowing her she'll want to spend a few days in Sesshomaru's palace."
Kaede shrugged and put the rest of her herbs in the basket and said, "Well that's settled. But do ye think Kagome will bring her family here for the wedding or wish to have a small one at her home and just Miroku, Sango, Shippou and I as guests?" Inuyasha thought for a moment and came to the best conclusion muttered, "Whatever she wants. But we'll figure that out when she wants to." Kaede looked at the hanyou, said nothing and headed back into the hut thinking, Well he certainly isn't the same Inuyasha from fifty years ago.
Inuyasha leaned back against the small fence and saw that the sun was brighter now and some villagers were shouting greetings to him as the passed by to pray at the shrine. He nodded his head in compliance and thought, I wish she hadn't asked that. Damn ghoul, we've been together barely a week and she asks about marriage? Well it took us four years and I think its safe to say a wedding is in order as long as it makes Kagome happy. INuyasha smiled to himself at Kagome's thoughts of getting a wedding of her own and was knew it would make her happy, he also had some heirlooms of his mothers that he'd pledged to use for his own mate and that was just as important.
As the morning sun weakly hit his face through the gray clouds Inuyasha heard a loud yawn and the soft foot steps of Shippou bounding towards him. He continued leaving his head up with his eyes closed hoping that Shippou would think he was asleep but that hope was torn when Shippou dropped something on the ground and said, "I know you're awake Inuyasha, so can you please look at me?" Inuyasha opened his eyes and turned his face down to see a nervous Shippou and a box of pocky standing next to him.
Inuyasha could guess what was coming but decided to let Shippous pride be spared and asked, "What do you want twerp?" Shippous face flared a little but he said, "I'm sorry for yesterday. Souta told me to let go after hitting the ball so I thought that just meant through it away, I didn't know I was supposed to drop it and I wasn't planning on hitting you in the face honest." Inuyasha snorted and said, "It's okay. But I'm wondering why you felt to mention the tree?" Shippou raised an eyebrow and asked, "I didn't know it was private? Besides what were you doing?"
Shippou surpressed a giggle as Inuyashas face burned bright red and said, "Its just something you'll wanna do in private when you get a little older." Shippou tilted his head and said, "But that could be awhile before I'm your size, maybe 10 years." Inuyashas face burned even more as he choked out a response of, "Good." Shippou shook his head and said, "But what made you want to do that?" Inuyasha raised a fist and was about to pound the kitsune's head in and noticed that Shippou was truly curious not teasing. Inuyasha dropped his fist and said, "Well, you'll know when you think of a really pretty girl or a girl you really like." Shippou nodded his head and knew that he'd pushed the envelope and asked, "Well can I kiss a girl I really like? Because I saw you and Kagome doing that alot and was wondering what it was like and why your hand was up her shirt."
This time Inuyasha really hit him and the Kitsune clutched his head and asked, "HEY! I WAS JUST ASKING!" Inuyasha picked up the little demon and said, "Well, you weren't supposed to see that. And why all the questions, do you have a girlfriend?" Shippou looked up at Inuyasha with a look of complete terror on his face which only confirmed Inuyasha's suspicions.
"So you do have a girlfriend?" Inuyasha asked only to receive a massive shake of the head from Shippou spouting, "No, but I do like this one girl alot." Inuyasha smirked at the kitsune and was about to ask who when Rin walked out and yelled, "MORNING UNCLE! MORNING SHIPPOU!!" Inuyasha waved to his adoptive niece and laughed to himself as Shippou barely even let out a squeak and a small wave at the human girl. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said, "Your funeral kid." And headed off to catch a hare for breakfast.
That Evening
With the days events behind them, Kaedes guests all gathered in the main room and ate down to some food brought by Kagome for dinner. It included the usual things, Ramen, sandwiches, chips, soda. For Sesshomaru's family it was a real treat as it was their first time tasting modern food and they adored it, save for Koji who just chewed on some meat his mother had cooked up for him although he was snuck some food by Rin. The group was a little more joyous because Sango and Miroku had reappeared earlier with news of the Slayers village beginning to get back into its old way of life.
Kagome was sitting next to Inuyasha and Sango and was discussing all of the latest additions to the village while Inuyasha just listened queitly and occasionally winked at Kagome making her blush and start talking more energetically to Sango. "Well, many of the new villagers come from families of warriors so its only a matter of training them against demons rather than humans." Inuyasha was growing tired of their talk and set down his bowl and was about to ask Kagome outside when Miroku asked, "Inuyasha might I get a word in private?" Everyone quieted down a little when Miroku asked and was surprised to hear Inuyasha say, "Sure." And the two headed outside into the cold night.
They walked a ways when Inuyasha asked, "So when did it happen?" Miroku laughed a little bit and said, "I guess your nose caught it didn't it?" Inuyasha turned to the monk and said, "Your stench is not a hard thing to miss lecher. It's all over her and besides I know that the passes weren't that bad to travel with Kirara on so I know that you stayed to make sure of something else too and you know what I speak of." Miroku ran his old 'void' hand through his hair and said, "Don't be angry with me alright, Inuyasha? We were married in her village and prayed at her families graves and everything so her honor was left. I love and respect her far too much to do that. If you hadn't noticed I never asked her about bearing my children out of that respect and we waited till our wedding night. Now for the child that we just learned a couple weeks ago. She's about 2 months along. Appropriate to the amount of time we've been gone, wouldn't you agree?"
Inuyasha snorted at the monks smugness and was about to retort when Miroku asked, "So, I see you and Lady Kagome have finally gotten over your shyness?" Inuyasha clocked the monk over his head and asked loudly, "What's it to you, ya pervert? Miroku rubbed his head and laughed joyfully and said, "Relax, I'm happy for you. It's been years since you two fell for each other, but I guess our journey kept you two from expressing your feelings, the same way Sango and I did for the good of the quest." Inuyasha noticed the look in the monks eye and saw the hurt at how long he had held in his feelings and said, "Yeah, well at least its over and done with." Miroku nodded and stood next to Inuyasha before asking, "As a friend I must ask if you and Kagome have done as Sango and I have....." Miroku was cut short by another of Inuyashas fists and his voice saying, "NO! WE HAVEN'T THAT'S NOT THE WAY DEMON MATING IS DONE!"
Inuyasha stopped shouting and said, "I mean, its just that I have to do things to honor both my demon heritage and human heritage. Besides with what comes of mating a person of demon blood alot of grief can follow." Miroku knew what Inuyasha spoke of, he'd heard of humans who had fully mated with demons and lived as long as their partners and some had lived for many millenia before death, seeing the world change, friends and family all die and losing all they ever knew to time except for their children and mate. Miroku could only guess what Inuyasha was going through to ask Kagome to do this and he just clasped Inuyasha's shoulder and said, "At least the choice will be hers and that you both can be happy with it."
With that said Miroku turned and headed back towards the hut and his wife, but as he left Inuyasha heard him say, "Evening Kagome! Thank you for the food this evening." Inuyasha turned to see Kagome bundled up in her jacket walking towards him waving and smiling, he smiled back and headed towards her and stopped when they met and asked, "Why are you out here?" Kagome smiled and shook a little from the cold and said, "Just wanted to see what Miroku and you were talking about." Inuyasha snorted and said, "Baka woman, you'll freeze." Kagome stuck out her tongue before laughing and kissed his lips. He pulled her in and kissed back letting them stand there in each others embrace and they only separated when they felt snow flakes fall on them and stared up at the falling snow.
They were quiet for a moment and Kagome was about to ask to go in when Inuyasha said, "Kagome, we have something to discuss." Kagome looked at him and saw his face set like stone and gazing at her letting her know that it was best to let him talk. Kagome nodded and said, "Okay, say what you need to." Inuyasha breathed deeply and pulled out the ring and necklace from his sleeve and said, "This was my mothers. It was her wish for me to give this to the one I choose as my mate. In demon tradition, the male is to give the female something of great sentimental value in order to show that he would wish her to be his mate. When the female is given this the male lets her have space to decide whether or not she accepts. Are you following?" Kagome nodded and Inuyasha continued, "Now depending on the female it can take many years or just a few days but if she accepts she tells the male and keeps the item. If she refuses then she returns it."
Kagome was about to open her mouth and say, "I accept," when Inuyasha silenced her and said, "But with demons and humans its different. Should the human accept they are normally given blood and marked by the demon who also drinks some of the humans blood and their souls become connected. When that occurs the human will live as long as their mate. Meaning that they are almost immortal and only die when the mate dies by grief, dispair and also the loss of their soul mate. My clan lives for many years Kagome, and Sesshomaru told me of Inu-yokai who have been asleep for 10 millennia. Me being hanyou my life may last that long, but for you to do that you must see all your human friends and family die while you age like, I do. I ask that you think this through before you answer me. Should you decline I will still be there to protect you and love you for all your day as you would me, the same as if you accept."
Kagome looked in silence as Inuyasha placed the necklace around her neck and said, "I'm sorry to tell you that but you needed to know." He could see tears in her eyes and a smile on her face that said, Thank you for telling me, and he wiped her tears and kissed her forhead and said, "Take your time." Kagome sat there with her face buried in his shoulder and her heart bursting with love and was about to speak when a strong tremor and the voices of the villagers running for safety caught there ears and a large shadow appeared from above the forest canopy.
UH OH!!!!!! Next chapter shall be incredibly shocking.

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