InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
IF YOU HAVEN'T FIGURED OUT WHAT MUTT BOY WAS DOING IN THE're extremely dense and lucky. Unforseen events this chapter! to anna with the time corrections and the demon blood issue, thank you for the honesty it is appreciated and has been jotted down. But people i have discussed say that the journey to the final episode of the tv show took about two years which leads to Inuyasha being 19. This is 2 years after episode 166/7 so that makes him close to the age i said in chapter 12. Also not all demons are accounted for so can i please have cute little dog eared full demons please clenches fists in front of chest and tears streaming down my face and i wrote "through" instead of "Throw" when shippou apologized...oops
Chappy 15
Both Inuyasha and Kagome stared off into the distance to see a mass of torches running from the village, while Sango and Miroku led the way on top of Kirara, while Shippou, Rin and Koji did the same as Taki helped escort some villagers one foot. Kagome stared up at Inuyasha with a frightened look and asked, "What is that thing? It can't be a demon can it?" Inuyasha glared at her and she immediately silenced herself as he sniffed the air for a moment and said, "It's a mole demon. Which is unusual since most of them never leave there dens. The barrier around the jewel is strong so it should be hidden but for a mole demon to surface is extremely rare." Kagome's heart pounded heavily in her chest as she listened to Inuyasha's words and asked aloud, "What should I do?"
Inuyasha looked at her with a serious but soft look and said, "Protect the villagers, go with Kaede and the others and take them to safety. This ones strong so it's best you go and hide, me and Taki will handle it." Kagome's eyes let loose a stream of tears as she barely choked out, "What about you?" Inuyasha kissed her and held her to him and said, "I ain't gonna die, I still need your answer." Kagome cried into his shoulder a moment before Kirara landed next to him and Sango spoke. "Kagome, Inuyasha we need to leave now!" Inuyasha glanced up and said, "Take care of Kagome for me, Taki and I can deal with this," before anyone could do anything he let go of Kagome and ran full force towards the village.
Taki was just seeing off the rest of the villagers when the strong scent of earth caught her nose making her ask, "Why is a mole appearing here?" As far as she knew most moles lived in the deep mountains, but this village wasn't protected by such extremely dangerous cliffs so a mole demon that strong shouldn't be anywhere near here, so it must have migrated here or just been asleep. She was about to head towards the others when Inuyasha appeared next to her smirking smugly. "So, wanna deal with a mole?" Taki cocked an eyebrow at her brother in law and returned the smirk and nodded before saying, "Why, not but let's see what he wants first." Inuyasha nodded in agreement and the two headed off towards the giant demon.
Meanwhile Kagome and the others had led the villagers a safe distance and were watching with baited breath as the moon light shone brightly on the giant demon as it sniffed around in an attempt to locate something. As she watched Kagome felt a hand on her forearm and looked down to see a scared Rin who was holding a fidgeting Koji. Kagome smiled down at her and asked, "Are you worried about your mom?" Rin nodded sharply and sniffled asking, "Do you think she and Uncle will be all right?" Kagome knelt down and ruffled the childs hair and said, "They'll be fine, they're Inu-yokai and some of the strongest demons around." Rin smiled and nodded in agreement before sitting down in an attempt to rock her brother to sleep while Kagome thought I hope they'll be all right.
Down at the forest however, the situation didn't seem to bad until Taki and Inuyasha had each taken to standing on a tree and faced the giant demon. It was monstrous easily the size of the Panther Tribe leader and its fangs were several times longer than both of the humanoid demons standing before it and its fur shimmered like armor and its nose was busily sniffing around for something. Inuyasha and Taki glanced at each other before Taki opened her mouth and asked, "Pardon me! Might I ask what Mole demon of such greatness is doing in this area? And are you aware that this territory is already claimed."
The demon turned to the sound of Taki's voice and breathed deeply for a moment before speaking. "I smell the blood of the Dog Tribe. I thought they were all wiped out as it just came to my attention that the General had died fifty years ago. Might I ask who you are girl?" Taki looked at Inuyasha as if asking permission and all he did was shrug and she continued. "I am Taki, pure blood Inu-yokai and the mate of the Generals son Sesshomaru." The mole sniffed again and nodded and spoke, "Greetings Taki. I am glad to hear of Sesshomaru's survival but what of the other here. I smell a half-demon."
Inuyasha shifted on his branch and shouted, "I'm Inuyasha. The second son of the General, my mother was a human." The mole stared as much as a mole could at Inuyasha and laughed, "The dog general mate with a mortal. Last battle I remember him fighting he was extremely ruthless towards his enemies, yet he mated with a mortal woman? No wonder the fool died at Ryukotsusei's claw that whore must have helped that dragon." Inuyashas blood began to boil and he shouted, "MY MOTHER WAS PURE YOU BASTARD!" The mole laughed loudly and said, "Calm, boy the only way a human would sleep with a demon was if she was a whore." Inuyasha's temper flared and he unsheathed Tetsusaiga and said, "How about you taste my fang? It's the one that killed that dragon."
The mole stopped for a moment and leaned its nose forward to sniff the sword and said, "Yes, it's faint but I can sense that dragons soul on the sword. Well it seems that the whore produced a worthy heir." Before Taki could do anything Inuyasha lept forward and swung his fang down ant the moles head only to be met with one of the over sized talons and forced him onto another tree top. Taki herself removed some claws from her robes and attached them to her hands and shouted to Inuyasha, "He's stronger than we thought, be careful." Inuyasha snorted and nodded to his sister in law and the two jumped in unison. Taki raised her claws and headed towards the demons face while Inuyasha headed for the midsection. The demon was slow and as Taki slashed at its eyes she was knocked away by the same paw that had blocked Inuyasha's fang yet received a deep gash to its torso as Inuyasha cut into its side.
The mole howled loudly and swung its giant paw and knocked Taki to the ground making the girl scream in agony as she felt her ribs crush under the weight of the demons limb. Inuyasha looked down to see a spurt of blood shoot from her mouth fueling his anger more as he lept from the tree and dug Tetsusaiga into the paw. The mole howled loudly and raised its paw in an attempt to throw Inuyasha but he Inuyasha had already removed his sword and lept back as the demon lifted its leg shouting, "Son of a whore! You will pay for your disrespect hanyou!"
Inuyasha paid no attention to the screams of pain and removed Taki from the field and hid her in a small cave he knew of near by. He set her on the earth and checked to see if she was still breathing and save for the blood on her mouth and broken ribs she seemed fine enough as she told him, "Kill him. But don't use the Scar of Wind or Bakuryuha unless you plan on destroying the fields and village." Inuyasha punched the ground and asked, "Well then how the hell else should I kill it?" Taki smiled weakly and said, "Improvise," before she laid down and fell into a deep slumber. Inuyasha looked out of the cave entrance and muttered, "Improvise. Easy enough to say but how I'm going to do it is a pain in the ass." He gave Taki one last glance and saw her chest rising and exited the cave.
Inuyasha had barely even left the cave when the mole shouted to him, "Back again, boy? Good let's finish this." Inuyasha released his fang and stared up at the giant thinking, This is going to be hell, before dashing forward and in an attempt to deepen the already afflicted wound to at least something mortal, but the mole had grown wise and swung its head downwards hitting Inuyasha full force into a tree and somehow driving his sword into his stomach.
The boy had felt the sting of his own blade before but this pain was far more intense than any he had felt before. He could feel the edges of his blade slice through his innards and pinned him to the tree causing his blood to pour in huge torrents from his body. His sight was leaving him and all he could barely hear the mole say, "You defeat the arch rival of your father and that worthless Naraku yet you can't kill me? Just as I thought the child of the generals whore is a weakling." Inuyasha's mind went blank at the words and fell into a spiral darkness.
He was falling deeply and could hear voices calling for him to come back. His mother asking for his help and cheering him on, Shippous annoying little questions about grown up life, Rin asking him to play, Taki and Koji waving to him, Sango and Miroku asking, "Done already?", Asami, Souta and gramps welcoming him in and Kagome holding him close saying, "Don't die on me boy. I need to give you my answer." He smiled to himself and said, "Sorry, Kagome. I guess you need to go on without me."
As he settled for his time to come again Sesshomaru appeared infront of him saying, "You truly are worthless. You've mastered so much of that sword but there is one more power to unlock." Inuyasha looked up with lidded eyes and asked his brother, "I thought the diamond form was its final form." Sesshomaru laughed loudly and said, "Yes, that's its final form but not power. Honestly I don't think Totosai knew of this power and he forged it. Of, course he never had the one thing to unlock it." Inuyasha coughed a small bit of blood and shouted at the shadow, "Tell me you bastard so I can kill him." Sesshomaru laughed again and said, "It's bathed in it right now." His sight leaving him Inuyasha asked, "My blood?" Sesshomaru nodded and said, " Your demon blood."
As soon as those words left the shadows mouth both the sword and its bearer let out a strong rush of energy to the shock of the mole making him swear, "You bastard! How could you do this? You're a half-blood!" The hanyou just stared up blankly and said, "But I have demon blood," Before being enveloped by a blinding light. The mole screamed and staggared back a bit and the people on the hill all covered their eyes as the light rose from the forest. Kagome looked on worringly thinking, Oh god, not a transformation!
Kagome tried to run forward but her feet were stuck and it was all she could do to stay standing with tears in her eyes muttering, "No, please don't." Sango appeared next to her and held her to her shoulder letting her cry as she asked Miroku, "So, is he transforming?" Miroku nodded gravely but said, "Yes, although this is different as the air isn't filled with darkness just a sense of hope." The women couldn't bear to look at the monk as they watched the light fade.
Inside the light Inuyasha could feel his body changing, Tetsusaiga had split in two and attched itself to his two upper fangs. With his new teeth in place his body began morphing into something he'd never known of. His legs and arms sprouted red and silver fur as the limbs turned into powerful canine limbs. He felt a tail emerge from his spine and sprout the same fur and swing powerfully, his upper body began its transformation from human to canine and he could feel the power spread throughout his limbs. He finally felt the change in his face, his mouth and nose merged to create a snout and his teeth all became sharp like a dogs and his senses all seemed to go into overload until the light faded and he was eye to eye with the mole demon.
Yet this time something was different, he was aware of himself, of his transformation. He could feel every little particle of dirt on his paws, his eyes could see the tiniest of ants crawling on the moles skin. His nose caught the rancid stench of the demon and all the humans that were near by and all the demons too. He basked in his new found power and felt his tail add a feeling of balance that he'd never known. He glared at the mole and bared his fangs sending the message that it was going to die that night.
The mole stared at what he was sure was the hanyou and asked, "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! You're a half blood you can't have that sort of power!" If it was possible in his form Inuyasha grinned broadly and bared all his diamond sharp fangs and licked his lips ready for blood. The mole backed away slightly and decided that it was best to run and turned and tried to dive underground. The only problem being Inuyasha's already amazing reflexes were only strengthened and before the demon could put its head in the ground Inuyasha was in front of him and had his jugular in his jaws.
The demon could feel the fangs ripping the skin and gasped, "Spare me.....please....I'll" but it was too late Inuyasha clamped his jaws down and severed the demons spinal column at the demon dissintegrated into nothing but ash. When the demon was gone Inuyasha headed towards the cave and turned up the top with his snout and found Taki sleeping peacefully. He carefully picked her up in his mouth and headed towards the closest scent of human.
On the hill the villagers watched in awe at the transformation of Inuyasha and cheered loudly as the demon disappeard. However those who knew Inuyasha the best were quiet as they spotted Inuyasha heading towards them and growing smaller by the second afraid that he'd revert to demon form once done with his kill, but their fears were quickly vanished when Inuyasha finally stopped infront of them with an unconcious Taki on the ground and two shimmering lights around his head that soon merged at his side forming the 'Natural Fang'.
Kagome was the first to run up to the two injured warriors and was quickly followed by a crying Rin and the others. When they stopped the found saw Inuyasha collapse on the ground and Taki sleeping deeply. Kagome took Inuyasha in her arms and kissed his lips and letting tears fall from her cheeks to his face and her muttering, "Don't you dare die on me, or I'll follow you." As she rocked her love in her arms Kaede began examining Taki while Miroku checked over Inuyasha and smiled at Kagome saying, "He's fine, no injuries or anything. I'd say it's just a massive loss of energy that did this to him." Kagome choked out a sad laugh and kissed Inuyasha again and finally decided on what her decision would be.
There ya go. Sorry it ain't longer but my elbows bugging me. R&R

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