InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chappy 16
The few days following the battle against the demon were the most difficult and tiring that the group had faced in a long while. The snow was falling extremely hard and many of the villagers were becoming increasingly ill, Sango was throwing up despite some of Kaede's nausea remedies and Inuyasha was still unconcious and showing no signs of coming out of it. To some small relief Taki had woken up the day before and was still sore from her injuries but they were healing well or as she put it, "I'm a full demon I'll be fine in a week." Kagome cocked an eyebrow at her and asked, "Why so long?" The dog demoness chuckled and said, "I broke all my ribs, that's not easy to mend ya know." At the sound of their mothers voice Rin ran in with Koji and started bawling her eyes out on Taki's robes, making Kagome feel a little out of place as she headed to where they had laid Inuyasha.
She knelt down and checked his temperature and was relieved that he was still normal and sighed heavily that he was finally sleeping peacefully. Against the advice of her friends Kagome was the only one brave enough to approach Inuyasha when he slept, the others were all afraid to because his dreams always resulted in him thrashing around and snapping his fangs at the air. Kaede and Miroku tried to hold him down and force a calming potion in his mouth but he always knocked them away, making them think it best to let the dreams go but Kagome knew that the lullaby she had sung him that night would calm him.
When she told them of it Sango asked, "Kagome, how are you sure? It could have been just that one time and these aren't memories these are horrible battles and scenes forcing violence from him. He could kill you!" Miroku grabbed the teary eyed exterminator and calmed her down a bit before saying to the girl, "She makes a valid point Lady Kagome. There's a strong possibilty that he will hurt you in this attempt to calm him. Are you sure about this?" Before Kagome could answer the voice of her former self's sister spoke up, "Let Kagome go Lord Miroku. She knows what to do and besides if ye doubt her safety ask the girl to show her gift to ye."
The whole house grew silent save for the crackling fire and the growls and snarls from Inuyasha and it was all Kagome could do from running away as she pulled the ring from her shirt and held it to the light. Her friends stared in awe at the regal ring that was attached to her neck. Sango crept forward and fondled the ring and asked, "Where is this from? What's it for because this isn't cheap, Kagome." Kagome smiled shyly at her friend and said, "It was his mothers, she left it to him before she died to give to the woman he loved."
Sango raised her eyebrow curiously and asked, "He finally told you?" Kagome smiled sadly and said, "Yeah, he went to see Sesshomaru about mating rituals of demons and I guess a male is to give the female something great personal value as a sign of affection and should she return the item it means she doesn't feel the same but if she does she keeps it and then the male marks the female. But if its between a human and a demon the demon is to share their blood with the human and they live as long as one does but the human ages like a demon. And if one dies the other will follow out of the pain of the loss." Sango looked back at Miroku and smiled and was glad that she wouldn't face the choice that was before Kagome, but if it meant her happiness Sango would be glad for her.
Sango let the ring fall back and grabbed Kagome's hands and looked her in the eye and asked, "Have you decided yet?" Kagome shook her head and said, "I can't right now. I'm too worried about him, he's in so much pain that I can't even think of it and besides the consequences of each choice is always in my head. If I accept I live as long as he does which means if he dies in battle I die. If he lives for as long as possible I see you all die and my family as well save for Shippou and his mate. If I decline I'm happy for at least 80-90 years and I can have children as well but my husband and children bury me and live on forever and I don't know if he'll get over me or if he'll soon follow me of the grief. It's just too much."
The exterminator could tell her friend was on the verge of tears and was about to hold her to let them out when out of nowhere Inuyasha snarled, "Get the hell away from her!" The group jumped at the savage noise and thought he was awake but Inuyasha was still struggling in his sleep. Kagome jumped up forgetting about her friend and cautiously approached the half demon. She could see his face twisted in anguish at his nightmares but he seemed to calm a little as she approached. Kagome knelt down and began humming the lullaby she had sung him the last time he'd had nightmares. Inuyashas nose twitched at the scent of Kagome and his ears drooped as she hummed and his whole body relaxed and his growling ceased. The others watched in silence as Kagome took Inuyasha's head in her lap and cradled it as he calmed down and began to purr loudly.
It was now three days later and Inuyasha's sleep was now peaceful and he hadn't had an out break since Kagome had taken up sleeping next everynight. She could tell that this was the whole reason he had calmed because every morning she'd find that he had somehow unconciously curled up with her face buried in his shoulder. Although she liked that he was calm he still hadn't woken up and the others were growing anxious. The reason for that was because Taki had sent a letter on Ah-Un back to Sesshomaru explaining the details of why they hadn't returned, and the others were afraid of what would happen because Taki had only said that she had been injured in battle and Inuyasha was unconcious afterwards and with his mate injured Sesshomaru's wrath was sure to be invoked.
Kagome was reading a math book and studying for her exams that would happen after she returned to school. Souta had gone back a few days before and told their mother what had happened and Asami called the school to say Kagome had gone away to visit relatives for the holidays. Luckily her teachers would allow her make up exams after she got back and she had been spending her hours watching Inuyasha and keeping up with her homework and everything.
She was so engrossed in her formulas that Kagome hadn't noticed Rin staring over her shoulder at the formula's and scared the hell out of her when she asked, "What's all that stuff?" Kagome dropped her book and looked over her shoulder clutching her chest and said, "Rin don't do that. And it's called calculus it's a pain." Rin picked the book up and squinted at it and said, "I'm glad I'll never have to do that." Kagome scoffed and said, "You're really lucky. Now what'd you need?" Rin sat down next to her 'aunt' and said, "I'm just worried about Uncle and Papa. Mama said that Papa might be really mad at Uncle for letting her get hurt. But she said that the only reason they both got hurt is because they wanted to keep the forest and village intact. She said if Uncle unleashed his sword attacks than the forest and village would be completely destroyed."
Kagome could see the worry in the girls eyes and clasped her shoulder before saying, "Well I guess the loss of the trees from the battle is better than the whole destruction of the forest." Rin nodded sadly and grabbed her uncles hand and held it saying, "Please lords of the skies let him be all right."Kagome smiled down at the girl and said, "With knowing how much you love him he'll gladly come back." Rin just sat there silently and muttered a series of prayers before setting his hand back under the blanket and bowed to Kagome before heading outside. Kagome let out a sad sigh and brushed Inuyasha's bangs from his face before cupping his cheek and kissing his lips a little. The hanyou stirred a little and mumbled something under his breath and settled down leaving Kagome to think.
I may not know what I want right now but I know that as soon as you wake my mind will be made up. I can't believe that you transformed into that form, I was so afraid that you'd become like the old Sesshomaru. Just don't do it again, I just want you to be you and not lose any more of your soul. You've lost enough but don't lose that now. Your brother will be here soon and maybe he can shed some light on this new power but just come back to me because the pain is worse than any I've felt. She could feel the tears pouring down her face as she looked at her love's blank face and wondered if he could hear her thoughts. But his still body told her that he wasn't even close to knowing so she settled for her math book and cleaned her face before returning to her problems.
Meanwhile outside Taki was helping Koji and Rin make a mini snowman with Shippou. She was still being careful of her ribs even though they were pretty much healed she still hurt a bit and even rolling snow on the ground could hurt. Koji looked up at his mother and smiled holding up a small ball of snow and squealed happily and attempted to say something. Taki kissed the top of her child's head and said, "That's an excellent snow man." The little demon laughed and threw the ball pelting Shippou in the head.
The little kitsune fell off the bottom ball of his and Rin's snowman and glared at the infant and was ready to pounce when he heard Rin giggling at him and threw a snow ball at him to but Shippou could see her and dodged the ball and tackled her into the snow and the two began wrestling around and laughing. Taki and Koji laughed happily as well and watched as the two kids seperated and threw snow at one another for a moment and then grinned at each other and threw a set of snow balls at Taki making her hair get damp with snow and she made a few small ones and threw them back.
Before long it was an all out snow war between two kids and a dog demoness and a an infant. It went on for about 20 minutes and they were all covered in snow and were panting. Taki was about ready to take them in to warm up when a two headed shadow appeared above them and Koji pointed up and said, "Dwadwa." Taki looked up and saw Sesshomaru looking down at them with an uncharacteristically worried look on his face. Rin was yelling up at him trying to get his attention and Shippou backed away and stood next to Taki incase Sesshomaru saw them wrestling.
When the dragon landed Sesshomaru hopped down and scooped Rin into his arm and headed towards his mate and son. When he approached he glared down at Shippou who ran back into the house and could be heard telling Kagome that Sesshomaru had arrived as Sesshomaru said, "How're your injuries?" Taki smiled and kissed his cheek before whispering, "I'm all better." knipped his ear a little. Rin clasped his neck and asked, "Papa why did Uncle turn into a big doggy like you did once?" Sesshomaru let out small little smile and said, "Because he had to protect people he loves." Rin smiled at him and said, "Does that mean you'll do that for us?" Sesshomaru shook his head and said, "I'd rather not, that's a very grueling process and with only three legs I wouldn't do to well." Rin nodded sadly and muttered, "I'm sorry you have only one arm." Taki laughed and said, "Well he's done fine with the one so far."
Sesshomaru was about to speak when Kagome appeared in the door way with a worried look on her face. Sesshomaru set Rin down and ruffled his sons hair and said, "Where is he?" Kagome pointed into the doorway and Sesshomaru said, "Only me and the girl for now." And entered the house, Taki glanced at Kagome who just shrugged her shoulders and went back in.
Sesshomaru glanced around the small main room and sniffed out his brother towards the back and headed in that direction with a nervous Kagome trailing quietly behind him. In the room he could feel a small drop in his heart at his brothers weakness and was shocked to see that the village was still intact after the battle despite what was said in Taki's letter, but to Sesshomaru to see his greatest rival in such a vulnerable state was too much. He silently made his way to his brothers side and sat down and let Kagome sit across from him.
The silence between them was tense and it seemed like an eternity had passed until Sesshomaru said, "You haven't left his side, have you?" Kagome didn't look up as she answered, "No, I just can't bear to leave him like this." Sesshomaru could hear the sincerity in her voice and asked, "Did he give you the ring?" Kagome nodded and held pulled it out and said, "But I haven't given my answer." The yokai let the comment pass and said, "Fine. Now I suppose you're wondering how he transformed like that?"
Kagome just sat there and said nothing which meant to Sesshomaru that she wanted to know so he continued, "The sword that my father gave him, as you may know has many forms, the regular form which appears when he draws it, the red form for when he breaks barriers and the diamond form he used when he fought Naraku. BUT, those are its forms that unleash certain powers. The true power of Tetsusaiga lies in it's bearers blood. For pure bloods like father and I it will increase our powers dramatically when we do what Inuyasha did. But for a powerful hanyou like this baka who has surpassed our father in strength and is equal to me it will allow him the ability for a controlled full demon transformation or the silver and red dog that you saw in his battle." Kagome lifted her head and asked slowly, "How is it that Totosai doesn't know this?"
Sesshomaru snorted and said, "The old fool only knows of it's powers in its sword form, but father knew that contact his blood would transform its wearer because it was his left fang and so it was still connected. However now that Inuyasha's fang is the main component of the swords structure that power will only react to his hanyou blood and want to return to its original position and make sure his full power is unleashed. The good thing is that if he were to transform like that he can make concious descisions and remember what he does and not attack you humans only his opponent." Kagome could feel many questions arising and as if he was reading her mind Sesshomaru said, "The sword can't activate by just a small bit of blood it requires a good amount and knowing my brother he probably got run through out of his caution of the forest and village so the power activated and he can transform as normal in life threatening situations."
Kagome just sat in silence for a moment before asking, "So why aren't you doing anything to him, he let Taki get hurt what if she was pregnant?" Sesshomaru felt a spike of anger and said, "I would know if she was pregnant and I wouldn't be so careless as to let her come here alone if she were so don't you doubt my ability to look out for her or my children!" Kagome backed away at the snarl and Inuyasha began to growl loudly which made Sesshomaru laugh and say, "Well at least he isn't as week as I thought. I'm taking my family and will be back in a week, he should be better by then." Kagome watched as the pure blood got up and headed outside and left her to calm a disgruntled Inuyasha.
Outside Shippou was talking to Rin and Taki while they waited and immediately shut up as Sesshomaru looked down at him. Sesshomaru glared at the boy and motioned for him to follow him. Shippou looked to Taki who smiled assuringly and he nervously followed Sesshomaru some distance. After a minute they stopped and Sesshomaru said, "I smelt you on my daughter and I can tell your feelings." Shippou looked ready to vomit and was surprised when Sesshomaru smirked at him and said, "You'll have to become strong if you want me to accept your feelings for her and if you become worthy I'll let you know, until then watch your back boy or I'll have a fox fur cloak for her next year."
With those words Sesshomaru headed back to his family and got them his mate and daughter on the dragon and began concentrating his energy for his flying ability and held his son. Shippou looked back to see Rin wave excitedly at him and before he could wave he fainted from the shock of surviving a private encounter with one of the most powerful demons alive.
POOR SHIPPOU!!! Oh well R&R people!

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