InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 17
The snow had finally decided to stop falling and the sun was shining as brightly as it could on the snow that was blanketing the fields and village. Outside the children were playing happily making snowmen, forts, having snowball fights and just doing what children do. They were also accompanied by some unlikely play mates, despite the usual practice of Kagome and Souta playing with the kids Miroku and Sango were doing all they could to keep the kids as far from Kaede's hut as possible so as to let Inuyasha sleep. He'd show some improvement and seemed to be a bit more aware of his surroundings despite his unconcious state.
However there were some problems with Inuyasha being unconcious for such a long time. All the older children who had actively watched the battle knew that their village guardian was unconcious and after all the stories they'd heard from their grandparents about how frightening he had been fifty years ago and all the power he had gained over the last 4 years for him to be in such a weakened state made many of the kids think it brave to sneak up on him while he slept. Needless to say it wasn't long before the kids had figured out that Kagome had left 2 days earlier to go home for some clean clothes and a shower when they found that the time was right. Kaede was gone tending to some villagers, Miroku and Sango were off having a bit of private time and Shippou was snooping around the village.
When the coast was clear a group of at least 5 kids showed up and one said, "Okay are you going?" The speaker was a boy of about 13 and the one the kid in question was no more than at least 11 who answered with a loud gulp and said, "Are you sure I'll be all right? I mean he won't wake up will he?" The four kids around him laughed and a girl of about the same age said, "We're sure, no ones heard any howls for at least a fort night and Lady Kagome always keeps him calm and she's barely left him alone at all since the battle so he should be dead asleep." The boy gulped again and shakily moved into the house and looked around for any signs of movement.
When he was sure the coast was clear he followed the sound of light snores and ended up at the closed door leading to where the sleeping half demon was. His legs were trembling terribly as he looked back at the house entrance and saw his friends goading him on and he reached out an unsteady hand at the door and slid it open to reveal a placid Inuyasha. Once he opened the door a boy asked, "Well?" He looked back and smiled nervously and whispered, "He's asleep, but what should I do?" The oldest boy grinned broadly and said, "Take his sword." All the kids looked at him in shock and he just shrugged and said, "What? He's not going to need it soon so might as well see what it looks like in it's sheath."
The girl who spoke to him outside whispered, "Yeah, then we can return it before that old hag returns after playing with a real sword." The boy looked as if he was about to be sick but swallowed his fear and cautiously stepped into the room. He treaded lightly into the room and headed to the corner where Tetsusaiga was propped agains the wall. Careful not to disrupt the sleeping half demon he approached the sword and was about to grab it when a deep growl was heard from behind him. Turning around cautiously he turned to see Sesshomaru standing in the door way with his claws bared. The boy whimpered loudly and said, "Please don't hurt me sir! I didn't want to do this they made me."
Sesshomaru smirked and said, "Well boy you have guts to attempt stealing a demons weapon as they sleep. Do you know what happens if the demon were to pick up on that?" The boy shook his head and looked on the verge of tears but asked, "What happens?" Sesshomarus smirk went from amusement to sadictive pleasure and said, "Well, you see," the boy froze in terror as Sesshomaru walked towards him and spoke, "when a demon is unconcious like this baka here, they act on instinct." The boy looked at Inuyasha and felt a small bit of relief at not seeing him move but felt it return when Sesshomaru continued by saying, "And what I mean is that if anyone they deem unwelcom in their area they react violently. Remember those guts I complimented you on?" The boy nodded shakily receiving a sick smile from Sesshomaru who said, "Well they'd be all over the walls by once you touched that sword. You see boy, a demons claws are alot like a fine edged sword, meaning that when they cut almost no pain is felt and you'll only have a few seconds of realization before you die. But, the good news is it's painless, the bad news is if my brother were a full demon your blood would make him thirsty for you innards. So do you still want to touch his sword?"
The boy gaped his mouth in an attempt to scream but ran out of the hut with a frightened look on his face leaving Sesshomaru alone in the room. His face immediately went back to it's blank stare as he said, "Humans." and headed out to where he met a seeminly unimpressed Kaede setting her herbs back making Sesshomaru ask, "How much did you hear?" Kaede huffed and said, "I heard enough. Ye will have some explaining to do to that boys parents next time ye and your family show up." Sesshomaru snorted and headed out the door saying, "That girl had better get back here soon as she's the only one who can get him awake." Kaede sighed loudly and set her herbs back and headed to the shrine to do some cleaning.
Meanwhile in the modern era Kagome was wrapping presents when a violent sneeze came from her making her mother look up from her ribbon twirling and ask, "Are you getting a cold dear?" Kagome smiled and rubbed her nose and said, "No, I just think someone was talking about me." Her mother smiled happily and asked, "Any improvements on Inuyasha?" Kagome sighed and felt her face drop and say, "No, he's still unconcious but at least he's calm in his sleep. I can't believe that lullaby works!" Asami blinked at her daughter and asked, "What lullaby?" Kagome felt her face flush and said, "Just a song from a movie. It calms him when he's disturbed in his sleep and I've had to sing it to him when he has nightmares."
Kagome blushed instantly as her mother smiled nervously and said, "Okay,dear." Kagome shook her head violently and said, "It's not what you think! It's just that he's had some bad dreams lately and....." but she was cut off by her mother's loud laughter and scrunched her face in anger and asked, "You just had to do that, didn't you?" Her mother choked down her laughter and said, "It's just fun to see how flustered you get. I know you didn't do anything to him so don't worry." Kagome forced a smile and went back to her wrapping thinking, There are times when I wonder if she's really my mother.
At the end of that thought Souta walked in with his shovel and said, "Good shoveling today! I made alot." Kagome smiled and pouted her lip and said, "Do I get some?" The youngest Higurashi family member stuck out his tongue and said, "I already got your gifts. This is going in the bank." and proceeded upstairs before shouting down, "Oh and Kagome someones heading this way for ya!" Kagome was about to ask who when a knock came at the door. She got up and peeked through the kitchen window and saw Hojo at the door and looked to her mother and said, "It's Hojo! What do I do?" Asami got up and ushered her daughter to the steps and said, "Go to your room and hide I'll deal with him." Kagmoe nodded and quickly ran up the stairs and shut her door.
A few seconds later she could hear her mothers and Hojo's voices engaging in a friendly conversation. It didn't last long but Kagome could make out that Hojo had broght her a present and was wondering if he could leave it in her room but her mother said no as Kagome might get mad and said she'd give it to her. A second later Kagome heard the door shut and her mother coming up the steps. She walked to the door and opened it in time to see her mother with a raised hand to the door and smile on her face.
Kagome smiled back and asked, "So, what was it this time?" Asami lowered her hand and said, "He came to give you this." Kagome looked in her mothers hands and saw a small little music box and a note on it. Kagome took the box and opened the note to find the words, Your friends told me about him. I'm happy for you and hope we can be friends. Happy holidays, Hojo. Kagome felt sick and said, "Oh, great they just had to open their mouths!" Asami just said, "Well at least he's looking to be friends. Now help me finish with the presents."
A few hours later Kagome was in her room packing her bag and looked at the calendar to remind herself that it was already the 23rd of December. She sighed loudly and looked at the small pile of presents that were shoved into her oversized bag and smiled at the one on the top. It was her present for Inuyasha and was sure that the others would enjoy it as well but at the thought of Inuyasha being happy about the gift she could feel tears start streaming down her cheeks and a deep pain in her heart. She couldn't help being sad everytime she thought about him laying in that room helpless for nearl a month and every day they hoped that he would be up and yelling at them but each day passed just like the rest and he remained asleep.
As she sobbed silently to herself Souta walked in to see her shaking and asked, "You okay Kagome?" Kagome just waved her hand and said, "NO! Inuyasha's still not awake and I can't stop this pain." The youngest member of the family walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "He'll wake up soon. And besides with mom and I coming I'm sure that'll wake him up even quicker!" Kagome looked to see her brother smiling but could also sense the slight amount of sadness coming from him. She knew he looked up to Inuyasha as a sort of male figure and the two may as well have been brothers with how often they argued over games and things but he was hurting just like her. She smiled and hugged her brother and said, "You're right Souta. He'll definetely wake up soon now what time is it?" Souta looked at the clock and said, "11 mom wants us to go to sleep now so we're up bright and early tomorrow." Kagome nodded and kissed her little brothers cheek and said, "Thanks." Souta just smiled and walked out of the room leaving Kagome alone for the rest of the night.
Next morning
Kagome woke to the early lights of sunrise and had to squint to notice that Buyo was sitting on her stomach meowing his fat mouth off for food. Kagome groaned and set him on the floor and said, "Go bug mom for your breakfast fatty." The cat meowed loudly and rubbed her leg affectionately before waddling out. Kagome stretched and headed into the bathroom and saw the effects of a hardnights sleep. She groaned loudly and started the shower while she brushed her teeth as it heated to her preferred temp. When it was ready she hurriedly cleaned up and stepped out, dried and threw on some warm, clean clothes. When that was done she finished getting out the few knots that were in her hair, but just as she finished Souta walked in and said, "Mom wants to leave in 10 minutes." Kagome looked at him in shock and asked, "But what about breakfast?"
Souta smiled and said, "Mom said she's gonna make some when we get to Kaede's." Kagome raised an eyebrow and asked, "Does she even know how to cook over a fire?" Souta shrugged and said, "If she doesn't Sango and Kaede can help." With that he turned and went downstairs leaving Kagome to finish her hair and grab her bag and headed out to the well.
When she reached the well she was surprised to see her mother there holding two large bags of her own and grinning broadly. Kagome loooked at her skeptically and asked, "What's with the bags?" Asami smiled and said, "It's cooking supplies for the next few days." Kagome shrugged and asked, "Does gramps know we're leaving?" Asami nodded and said, "Yes, but he has to stay here to take care of the cat and besides you know he never really like celebrating this holiday." Kagome laughed a little and remembered how her grandfather only really liked the presents and food but other than that he just acted like the holiday was a travisty.
"So," Asami said, "how do we do this?" Kagome walked forward and said, "Just jump in. Watch, Souta you first." Souta stepped forward and jumped in with his backpack and Asami gasped as he dissappeared in a flash of blue light. "You're next." Kagome said to her mother. Asami stepped forward and cautiously jumped through shouting as the light enveloped her. Kagome then looked back at the house and dove right in and watched as the light led her to the feudal era.
On the other side she saw a rope ladder had been placed there for easy exiting and she climbed it to find Sango waiting for her but her family no where in sight. She looked around for a minute and asked, "Where'd they go?" Sango smiled and said, "Oh, Kaede and Miroku took them back. But we'd better hurry Shippou's getting a little antsy." Kagome laughed and said, "Well he always liked this day once I told him. But he only gets one tonight tomorrow is when he gets the rest." Sango nodded and whistled bringing a transformed Kirara to them and they climbed on and flew off to the village.
Once there Kagome was surprised to find Ah-Un tethered to the outside of Kaede's house, and was happy to see Rin waving up at them. Kagome waved back as they landed and hugged Rin and asked, "Why are you here?" Rin giggled and said, "Father sent us to check on Uncle and he said that according to Kaede today was the day you'd be coming back for a couple days to celebrate something." Kagome nodded and said, "Yes, but the story is too long and besides I don't think anyone wants to hear it it's kind of boring." Rin nodded and said, "Yeah boring things always make me tired and besides I want to be awake to get Shippou's gift!" Kagome stared down at the girl and asked, "You really like Shippou, huh?" Rin blushed and said, "Well ummmmm I guess." Kagome laughed at the girls innocence and said, "Don't worry he likes you to." Rin's face burned a bright scarlet and she headed back in.
The day passed quickly, Asami was welcomed and well liked by the rest of the group and Kagome found it quite strange how much respect Miroku was giving her mother but she thought it had to do with the fact that it was her mother and he didn't want to jeopardize their friendship, so she just set about playing with Koji and talking with Taki and the others. She noticed that Rin and Shippou seemed to be getting awfully close and thought about how cute it was and tilted her head to Taki and the demoness just smiled and said, "Sesshomaru, already had a talk with him." Kagome grimmaced and wondered how Shippou had come out of that alive but had other things on her mind as Koji decided at that point to test out a new fang on her hand.
Night had finally fallen and the group was gathered around the fire in Kaede's hut, Asami and Souta went to talk to Inuyasha earlier that day with Kagome and it was all Kagome could do to keep her mother from crying over the sleeping hanyou. Kagome held back her own tears during the visit and placed a couple of gifts near Tetsusaiga and left after giving him a small kiss on the lips. But for now they were all enjoying a surprisingly impressive dinner made by Kagome's mother over the fire. It was just some instant stuffing and things but the others didn't care and Taki was devouring all of it worse than Inuyasha. Koji was making a mess of himself from his own plate and Shippou was sitting between Kagome and Rin and eating happily. Sango and Miroku were eating extremely close and Kagome knew that something was up but decided not to ask questions and Kaede and Asami were talking about the differneces of modern and past medicines and Kaede asked for certain ones for when Kagome travelled back.
The entire group was so immersed in their meal that they didn't hear a rustle from the back room. It wasn't until a sleepy figure walked by them that they all sat and stared in silence as the figure walked outside yawning. None of them moved for the 5 minutes that the figure was gone and it wasn't until they heard a loud sigh of relief and the return of of the figure that they even blinked as the figure said, "What day is it?"
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