InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 18

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 18
Inuyasha felt like as if he'd just been drugged, his mind was fuzzy and he couldn't remeber much of anything except for the flashes of memories that he'd been having on and off for what seemed like an eternity. He relieved the battle with Muso and how he was run through the stomach so much and feeling a surprising amount of pain. He also remembered the conversation that he and Kagome had shared that night about the differences in the amount of stars at night. At first he didn't believe her because he'd never paid much attention to the sky during his visits as the smell consumed much of his concentration to keep from vomitting, yet after all the time he'd spent there over the last two years he could see why Kagome was so engulfed by the beauty of the sky in his time. Every star was bright and it you could swear that the sky was just one big cluster of the diamond like lights, unlike in the future where even a large cluster of stars in the night sky was about as rare as a demon sighting.
Yet not all the dreams ending that happily, Inuyasha was constantly haunted by memories of his childhood. The first of many was taking place soon after his mother was murdered and he'd had to bury her. He was alone in the woods and was scavaging for what little food he knew was edible when he came on a sight that he'd wished he hadn't seen but witnessed none the less. It was a full moon night and he was sniffing out some berries when he saw a group of men chasing a little kid, his ears picked up on the boy screaming for mercy when one of the men bashed him in the head and shouted, "Don't worry boy it won't last long. We just dealt with the mother of another like you a couple of weeks ago. The boy was weak so we thought we'd leave him to the wolves, but unlike you who doesn't have a mother, this is much easier." Inuyasha could hear the boys soft screech as the metal slid through his stomach and the faint beating of his heart soon went along with his breath. At the sound of the boy's screech Inuyasha stood to see that the boy was a half breed of a type of demon he was unfamiliar with but none the less it was the same bandits who he had seen kill his mother.
Inuyasha could feel his anger rising and he ran forward howling loudly as the men turned in shocked horror at the sight of the boy they thought dead. Before the first one could react Inuyasha's claws went through his stomach and he flung the man to the side. The one next to him tried to stab him but Inuyasha jumped away and bit into his hand and flung his blood at the slicing through his face and dropping dead. The other man who was the leader dropped his sword and cowered back crying, "Please, don't kill me! I swear I did.....ugh." the mans words were cut off as Inuyasha's claw sliced three neat lines into his neck and he fell silent save for the occasional jerk of his leg and his eyes wide as the image of a small boy with blood red eyes and purple scars on his face took his life.
Inuyasha didn't know how he remembered that memory but it rose out of his subconcious and the next thing he knew that it was morning and he was vomitting at the smell of the blood on his claws and he was weeping hard, as he wept though he could feel the memory fade as a song filled his mind and calmed his nerves and took him to another time about ten years later. He was standing in the field with Kikyou and was talking about how their lives would turn out now that had each other. He remembered Kikyou telling him, "The Jewel of Four Souls can turn you human and cleanse it making it no longer needed in this world. Would you turn yourself human for me and live a mortal life?" Inuyasha nodded and said, "Yes." Kikyou smiled and took his hand but that memory turned to the day fify-four years ago when she let loose the arrow that had pinned Inuyasha to the the tree and kept him from even knowing how much the world had changed and plunged him into darkness.
For awhile his dreams were untroubled until memories of the battle with that mole demon surfaced and began to insult his mother. His mother had been a pure and beautiful woman of great stature and was never cruel hearted to anyone. The only time she ever saw a glimpse of malice was when she had heard of the recent cruelties played on Inuyasha by the village children. He could also recall all the times she had looked at him sadly and apologized to him about having to deal with the hatred of those who would never understand. However he never saw as much pain and sadness as he did when he said he hated her for making him the way he was. As he cried in his room he could hear that song again calming him down and soon he was again in darkness and had felt that for a long time.
He hadn't planned on waking up until his ears caught the muffled voices of his friends that he'd sat up in his bed and without even opening his eyes he stretched and popped some extremely sore muscles back into place. He opened his eyes and blinked a little as the candle light no matter how dim was a great bother to him. When his eyes were adjusted he took a deep breath and took in the faint scents of all the people who had come in. He easily identified Kagome, Miroku, Taki, Koji, Rin, Sango, Kaede, Souta and Asami but once his nose caught wind of Sesshomaru he felt a slight twinge of rage build when he captured the scent of five people he didn't know. Their scents were as stale as Sesshomaru's and he could only ponder as to what Sesshomaru did and decided he'd ask the next time his half brother appeared.
It wasn't until he reached to his side when he noticed Tetsusaiga had gone missing. He was about ready to burst out of the room and interrogate everyone when his eye caught a shine in the corner of the room. He looked to see a small pile of packages in the corner along with his sword. He stretched his legs on the ground first and bent them as well to get them nice and loose and stood up shakily. When he was up he carefully bent his knees a few times to get his balance and work out some kinks before heading over to the pile.
Upon reaching his sword he noticed that the pile of packages were wrapped in different types of paper each decorated with either Christmas trees, candy canes, a little black and white dog thing with a yellow bird and a bunch of big headed kids. Inuyasha could remember that the last time Kagome had done this she called it, "Casmrhis," or something and that people exchanged gifts as a sign of friendship and tradition. Normally his gifts were a bunch of his favorite modern foods but this time he picked some up and shook them before sniffing and found that none of them contained his favorite foods and he just threw them back into the pile and grabbed his sword as he felt nature calling, and how long he was asleep had finally dawned on him.
He slid the door open and and shut it and walked past all of his friends and paid them no mind and headed outside and bounded towards a spot and did his business. As he stood there he felt the cold of winter on his skin and the recognizable feel of snow on his feet and he looked around to see at least 2 feet of snow covering the earth and thought, How in the name of the seven hells long have I been asleep. He was tempted to burst back into the house but he realized that due to his sleep he was in the middle of something much like that movie "Austin Powers," where that little man had just woken up after thirty years and was doing sort of what he did, and so he was stuck.
When he was finally finished he bounded back to the house and stuck his hands in the cold water and dried them off before entering the door to a lack jawed, statuesque group of people and asked, "What day is it?" Nobody moved and so he walked up to Kagome and shook her a little and asked again, "What day is it, wench?" Kagome shook her head and whispered, "December 24th." Inuyasha's jaw dropped and asked, "How long have I been asleep?" Shippou was the next to speak and said, " A little over a fortnight, Inuyasha. You had us worried, because after you transformed you brought Taki back and passed out and have been asleep since. Kagome's been the one taking care of you by giving you some soup and water every now and then and singing to you when you had nightmares." Inuyasha looked to the young fox demon and nodded before looking to Kagome and pulling her into a strong hug and whispered, "Thanks."
Kagome set her bowl down and hugged him back and nuzzled his neck before kissing his cheek and saying, "Your welcome, and if you do that again I swear you'll get a sit in mid air while jumping between a wide gap of cliffs." Inuyasha chuckled and said, "That's my Kagome." Before being tackled by Rin who cried into his shoulder and punched him saying, "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Inuyasha took the beating for a moment until Taki pulled Rin off saying, "What in kami's name is the matter with you young lady?!" Rin was till crying to hard to answer and just sat there with tears in her eyes. Inuyasha walked to the girl and took her in his arms and said, "You have a right to do that, and don't worry I have no intentions of doing that again." Rin nodded into his haori and decided to get one last bit of anger out by blowing heavily into his sleeve and laughed and kissed his cheek.
When Rin was done Taki just smiled and said, "Thank you for protecting us." and bowed to him. Inuyasha bowed back and turned to see Asami and Souta there and smiled at them and bowed on his knees saying, "Thanks for coming to visit me." Souta smirked and said, "Don't worry about it." while Asami just bowed back and said, "It was all we could do for the one who protected Kagome. Are you hungry?" Inuyasha sat up and shook his head before looking to Miroku and Sango and nodded to them. The two nodded back with some smiles while Kaede asked, "Are ye sure ye could not do with some food Inuyasha?" The hanyou looked to the priestess and said, "Feh, I may have been asleep but unlike you all I don't need food after sleeping like that." Everyone chuckled happily at seeing Inuyasha back to his old self.
Inuyasha laughed a bit himself and asked, "So I take it that holiday is tomorrow and we get gifts again?" In reply to his question Taki said, "Yes, although we did not know that we were to bring gifts we received some from the others and we hope you all will accept some gifts later." Asami looked at the demoness and said, "It's all right it's the fact that we give to others that makes it worth while and we don't really need any gifts." Souta was about to open his mouth when Asami smacked his head and said, "Don't even think of it." The others all laughed save Kagome who had exited the room and went to the back and came out with a thin package and was wearing her coat and hat and said, "Inuyasha can you come with me for a moment?"
The room fell dead silent save for Koji making baby noises and laughing loudly. Inuyasha looked around at the group and then to Kagome and said, "Sure." before picking up his sword and opening the door for her before stepping outside and walking a distance with her. They didn't walk very far when Kagome stopped near a small fence and turned around to see Inuyasha smiling at her. She smiled back and asked, "Aren't your feet cold?" Inuyasha snorted and said, "Feh, I keep telling you I'm tougher than you weak humans." Kagome giggled a little and held out the package and said, "Here, it's a day early but I thought you might like it." Inuyasha took the parcel and read the tag that said "To my dear Inuyasha, From your Kagome." Inuyasha smirked at her and said, "I see you get the gist of mating." before ripping the paper to reveal a leather covered book and a clasp.
He looked at Kagome and raised an eyebrow and said, "What's the big deal? It's a book." Kagome laughed a little and said, "Open it." Inuysha shrugged and undid the small clasp and opened it jumping back a little at the sight of himself and Kagome asleep in her bed. He poked the picture and asked, "Is this one of those 'pikeur' things you keep using that flashing thing for?" Kagome nodded and said, "It's called a picture and that's the one my mom took of us the night of our date." Inuyasha smirked at the memory and the frightened look on Asami's face before he noticed a corner flap open in the rush of a small breeze and he turned to find more pages of pictures. There were ones of him and Kagome in that weird picture booth from the carnival, his favorite being one of her behind him with her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder, his least favorite being the one where she was playing with his ears.
Kagome stood next to him and pointed out the many pictures and showed him the captions underneath of when each one was done. He saw the one of where he was catching Rin. Koji biting his hand, Miroku and Sango waving from a hill, Shippou playing with some of the village kids, Sesshomaru staring blankly at her with Taki next to him smiling broadly. Taki trying to help Inuyasha after a horrible taste test, Kaede and Kagome creating medicines and some of Inuyasha and Shippou with the Higurashi's and just some of the Higurashi's themselves.
Inuyasha closed the book and looked at Kagome with a smile on his face and she looked back at him and smiled back, but was caught off guard as Inuyasha pressed his lips to hers making her sort of melt into him. When they seperated Kagome's face was a bit red from a mix of the cold and the kiss and Inuyasha had a slight flush to his own face and a huge smirk on it as well. Kagome punched his arm and put his arm over her shoulder and said, "Do you remember what happened before the fight?" Inuyasha breathed in deeply and exhaled loudly before saying, "Yeah, and had I known what would happen I wouldn't have done that til afterwards, but listen..." but he was silenced as Kagome said, "Well I've come up with an answer but you have to listen to me this time." Inuyasha chuckled and said, "Fine, just get it over with."
Kagome inhaled the cold air and let out a long deep sigh before saying, "After that fight I realized what you had meant when you said it would be difficult for us if I were to live as your mate. If I got sick and died you would likely follow me because of my humanity and if the same were to happen to you or if you had to go fight some new enemy and were to die I would follow you as well. And I got a first hand experience of a similar pain by watching you sleep for these past few weeks." Inuyasha squeezed her harder to him and she smiled to herself and continued, "But I also thought that if I weren't to accept I would age and pretty soon look alot like Kaede and would just as soon die leaving you and however many pups we had alone in the world and possibly blaming you for my premature death and you ending up probably following me in death soon. That is if you could stand being married to an old crone while you looked so young?" Inuyasha growled loudly and Kagome hugged him and said, "Don't worry I know you'd stay but I realized that either way we'll both probably die together so...."
The hanyou looked down to see Kagome pull out the ring and necklace, he immediately though the worst when she picked up the necklace but he saw that the gold chain had been seperated from the ring and Kagome placed the chain in his hand and put the ring on her left ring finger and said, "I choose to accept." Inuyasha actually felt tears in his eyes and hugged pulled her into him and sobbed a little into her shoulder and kissing her cheek and neck saying, "I love you." repeatedly. Kagome placed her hands behind him and hugged back and said, "I love you too." and let him shower her with affection for a moment longer before saying, "You think we should go in now."
Inuyasha pulled back with slightly reddened eyes and said, "I guess I have to talk to your mother and brother about this before anything goes on and hopefully they accept it." Kagome kissed the tip of her loves nose and said, "They know you'll be good to me so it shouldn't be too hard to convince them." Inuyasha nodded and took her hand in his and led her back to the hut and through the door where an important discussion was to occur between the Higurashi's and the others.
Some secrets will be spilt next chapter folks. Mainly to Kagome and the others. R&R

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