InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 31 ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
all right you babies here's 31 THE FINAL BATTLE FOR KAGOME!~!!!!! Okay i forget the names of the two wolves who are always with Kouga but hey what the hell on what i did with them....hehehehehehehe.. :D

Chapter 31

"Where the hell are you Inuyasha?" was all the only thought that played through Kougas head as he made his way through the forest. The scent was strong as it always was but there was a fresher smell coming from the direction of the village. His hands clutched his kodachis as the trees seemed to part in fear of his wrath while his companions kept back and silent out of fear for their heads while Kougas nose made the occasional sniffing sound. His thoughts were filled with the possibilities of what would happen with Kagome. Whether it was having dozens of pups running around at his feet, or very few pups and Kagome fawning over him as he told stories of his latest kill while the pups played on an Inuyasha floor rug. He chuckled to himself at beating Inuyashas peeled carcass with a heavy stick and not hearing the bastard complain as he did it.

As they followed one of the wolves said, "Do you think Kouga's feeling all right?" The one who was having his ear whispered into shrugged and said, "Maybe, he's probably thinking about what would happen if he won." His companion nodded and said, "I bet, but according to some other demons in the area I've talked to, Inuyasha's been going overboard on his training and only just stopped a week ago so he can be in good condition for the duel." His mohawk friend nodded and said, "Yeah I bet he's stronger than when he fought Naraku, but Kougas faster than he was with the jewel shards and I don't think Inuyasha will keep up with him." His friend was about to speak when Kouga turned around and said, "You're damn right he can't keep up with me!! He'll look like ribbons in no more than 10 seconds." His companions sweat dropped and said, "Sure, boss. Whatever you say, Kouga."

Not feeling their confidence Kouga walked towards them, forcing the two to cower as he stood above them and said, "Honestly you two are so pathetic. Can't even stand up to me, which is why I've kept your guys' dirty little secret all these years." The two gulped and said loudly, "OKAY WE KNOW YOU'LL WIN BOSS!!! JUST DON'T TELL ANYBODY!!" Kouga smirked as the two huddled together and said, "Save it for when you have some privacy. Now let's go!" The wolves grinned nervously before they ran to try and catch up with their boss while holding eachothers hands. But they couldn't keep up with him and by the time they got to the edge of the forest Kouga had his nose to the ground and was sniffing hastily. They watched their leader for a moment and after a few minutes he stood up with a broad grin and said, "He's that way." and bolted towards Kaede's home.

At the village priestess' home the Inuyasha gang were all gathering around the fire eating some lunch while Kaede was digging in her herb garden. They were all there save for Kagome who was finishing some finals before a break and the lunch had going peacefully while Inuyasha and the others talked about miscellanious subjects when Inuyashas ears tweaked and he accidentally crushed his bowl startling his friends. Looking concerned Miroku was about to ask Inuyasha what the problem was when he sensed a familiar aura and said, "It's Kouga isn't it, Inuyasha?" Nodding Inuyasha stood while the others set down there bowls and headed outside to find Kaede telling the wolf, "Ye are not to bring any violence into this village young wolf." Kouga scoffed and said, "I'm here for Inuyasha ya old bat now let me to him." Scoffing Inuyasha stepped down the small mound of dirt the house was placed on and stood face to face with the wolf clan leader.

At the scent and sight of his archrival Kouga sneered and asked, "Enjoying your last meal?" Snorting Inuyasha walked forward and was nose to nose with the wolf as he said, "No, I'm just getting some food in my stomach before I slice yours open, you bastard wolf." Snarling Kouga jumped back and unsheathed a kodachi and was about to strike when Miroku and Kaede got infront of him and began chanting sutras which stopped the wolf in his place. Glaring Miroku said, "Kaede-sama said no violence is to occur in this village and you almost did so if you do not want us to place some binding seals on you I suggest you sheath your weapon Kouga." Weighing his options carefully Kouga resheathed his sword and smugly asked, "You need these humans to protect you? You really have gotten weak huh mutt breath."

Baring his claws and walking forward Inuyasha said, "You'd be surprised at what I've trained myself in wolf. And it's just my luck that Kagome's not around to save your sorry hide this time around." Sniffing quickly and then growling Kouga said, "Damn. I wanted her to witness your death. But no matter I'm sure she'll be around sometime soon since she can't resist me." Snarling Inuyasha started to lunge forward but Miroku grabbed him and said, "Inuyasha, the villagers are watching." Looking around Inuyasha saw some of the children cowering at the two demons while their parents did their best to stand their ground. Taking a deep breath Inuyasha stood up straight and looked at Kouga and said, "There's a valley free of trees and nobody around that can get hurt save for us." Chuckling Kouga bowed mockingly and said, "Lead the way dog breath."

Looking over his shoulder Inuyasha said to Miroku, "We're heading east. You know where we're headed so stay as far away as possible, especially if Kagome shows up." Nodding Miroku said, "Don't worry Inuyasha, but just remember what you promised Kagome." At his friends words Inuyasha spat on the ground and said, "If she can't see what happens then how can I say I didn't keep my promise." Chuckling Miroku said, "Don't worry we know you'll do it." Without saying anything Inuyasha crossed the bridge and turned east with Kouga only a few feet behind him while the two wolves ran screaming after them. Coughing a bit Shippou said, "This is gonna get ugly."

The forest passed like a green blur as Inuyashas feet carried him through the familiar land scape. He could have reached the valley with his eyes closed as he'd fought many demons there while protecting the village during the past few years and now it was to be the arena for who got to win Kagome. He snorted at remembering how he'd somewhat been forced into this but he had no choice, as Kagomes chosen it was his job to make sure that she was protected and not taken from him. He didn't like thinking of her as his property but sometimes you have to treat someone like something they aren't to protect them and if it was to get Kouga to leave them alone he knew that Kagome would forgive him.

After about five minutes of their running Kouga finally realized just how fast Inuyasha had gotten and was starting to have some misgivings about his chances of winning but when he remembered how strong he'd gotten in just a few months he knew that Inuyasha would have a tough time staying alive for this fight. Looking ahead he saw the silver and red blur leaping through the trees and shouted, "OI!! How much longer til we reach this damn valley?" But his own question was answered as he almost instantly saw a wide open valley with Inuyasha standing about fifty feet infront of him with his Tetsuisaiga unsheathed and planted firmly into the ground.

Unsheathing his kodachi Kouga got into his own stance and said, "Are you ready?" Smirking Inuyasha spread his legs and put his fang pointing behind him and shouted, "You make the first move!" Smirking Kouga dashed from his spot and he laughed to himself as he saw a slight look of shock on Inuyashas face at his speed and swung one of his swords at his rival. Although he was shocked Inuyasha turned his fang point down and blocked the blow but grunted at the force of both the impact and feeling a small slice on his arm. Looking at his left arm he saw some blood seeping through and smirked before swinging his fang upwards and knocking Kouga backwards.

Grunting at the gale caused by the giant sword, Kouga flipped back and crouched before charging forward and swinging the swords in a scissor motion but was stopped as Inuyasha catapaulted himself using his sword and planted a foot in the wolfs face. Kouga flew back a few feet and wiped some blood from his nose and laughed before disappearing in a blur and standing behind Inuyasha and planted a kodachi into his left shoulder. "Damn you!" Inuysaha shouted as the blade sliced through his muscle and he let go of his sword and back handed Kouga in the right kidney, but screamed as the motion caused the blade to slice a chunk of flesh from his shoulder but to see Kougas face turn to one of sickness was well worth the pain.

Stumbling backwards holding his chest Kouga looked up and said, "Not bad. Your brother was barely able to keep up with me when I tested my blades a month ago. And you're doing better than he was." Clutching his fang Inuyasha chuckled and said, "That bastard's only beaten me once and that was when we went to see an old friend. Other than that I've either beaten him or it's ended in a draw." Before he continued Inuyasha lifted his sword to his good shoulder and said, "Nice blades though. Glad to see Totousai hasn't lost his touch." Chuckling Kouga stood and got back into a defensive pose and said, "Yeah, they'll be excellent weapons for protecting Kagome." Snarling Inuyasha got placed his fang infront of him and said, "Your blades won't ever keep her safe." before charging at the wolf.

Kagome was just outside Kaedes house when all of a sudden she let out a loud sneeze and made Shippou bounce out in a panic saying, "Kagome we have big trouble!" Looking oddly at the fox Kagome asked, "How did you...." but was cut off as Shippou said, "I smelt you coming. But that's not important Kouga and Inuyasha are dueling at the eastern valley!" Kagome let out a small gasp and asked, "When did this happen?" Stepping out Sango said, "About an hour ago and still no word. All we've heard is some loud crashing and some dust but that's it." Gaping at her friends Kagome asked, "But why aren't you with him?" Smirking Sango said, "It's a battle between them. And besides we were asked not to by Inuyasha and we trust him to come back alive, although who'll be carrying who is the big mystery." Huffing Kagome said, "You're a sick woman Sango." before turning to towards the small tuft of smoke that had formed in the east.

On the battlefield the two were still exchanging blows but neither was gaining any ground, since when one swung the other blocked and the vice versa. Grunting at his latest blow and seeing Kouga block it Inuyasha couldn't help but chuckle and say, "Your swords are doing their job wolf." Grunting as the hanyous fang hit his own Kouga swung and smirked as his own fang was blocked and said, "And yours as well ass hound. But I've still got some tricks up my sleeve." Chuckling Inuyasha pushed Kouga back and jumped back himself and summoned the wind around him and said, "Well let's see them wolf! KAZE NO KIZU!!" Swinging his blade Inuyasha unleashed the technique that had the power to slay an entire demon army while Kouga rushed head first and spun his body making the wind form a tornado like gale around him as he rocketed forward.

Seeing his technique used against him Inuyasha swung his fang shouting, "Bakouryuha!" and sent the energy back at his opponent. Feeling the backlash in power Kouga dodged between tornados of power and once they stopped he looked up and smirked as he saw the sun shining above him. Looking down he saw Inuyasha catching up to him and lifted his blades and aimed the suns light down and said, "Sorry mutt but Kagomes mine." Not sure at what Kouga meant Inuyasha looked up but soon realized his mistake as his eyes were met with a blinding light causing his vision to appear nothing but a field of white before him. Grunting in pain a bit at his eyes stinging Inuyasha swung blindly but missed making Kouga chuckle and deal another blow to his left shoulder and a kick to the stomach.

Unable to stop the attack Inuyasha let himself fall to the ground with a loud crash and stood in the small crater breathing heavily as his eye sight remained dormant. He could smell Kouga and knew that the wolf would toy with him by running around but there was one small flaw in what his opponent was doing and he was sure Kouga was feeling to cocky to even realize it. Slamming his blade into the ground Inuyasha felt it turn back into its rusted form and he removed his sheath and held it infront of him entrance first.

Watching from directly infront of his opponent Kouga wondered what the hanyou was doing and instead of striking he said, "Honestly, Inuyasha can't you at least go down with your sword in hand?" Chuckling Inuyasha said, "This sheath has a some abilities of it's own you mangy wolf so come and find out." Laughing Kouga sped up and began running in circles slashing at Inuyashas body saying, "You're blind mutt so give it up!" Smirking that his plan was working despite his loss of blood Inuyasha said, "You'll have to kill me for that to happen Kouga!" He sensed the motion and knew that Kouga had taken to the air and his nose caught what he needed despite his eyes being gone. Looking up Inuyasha heard Kouga say, "All right Inuyasha! Prepare to die and become my new throw rug!"

Placing his fang infront of him Kouga dived like a bullet with his weapon aimed at Inuyashas heart but was surprised that Inuyasha hadn't at least attempted something but he blamed that on the blindness but, as the wolf dove Inuyasha looked up and said, "Sorry Kouga but your attack won't work!" and thrusted the sheath of his fang upwards and caught the blade in it, forcing Kouga to let it go while Inuyasha sent the sheath flying and wiping his blood on one claw while swinging the other, he sliced into Kougas flesh and smirked as he felt his claw cut through the wolf before he pulled his claw out and sat on the ground next to Kouga with his back facing towards where his sword had landed.

Breathing heavily Kouga felt his stomach and coughed a bit saying, "Good move mutt boy. I can't even sit up with this wound. I leave Kagome to you Inuyasha." Chuckling Inuyasha said, "Not a bad trick blinding me. Even though it was a bit cheap even for you." Kouga let out his own chuckle and said, "Sorry but I did what I thought I had to. But how did you know where my sword was?" Smirking and looking at Kouga the best he could with his hurt eyes Inuyasha said, "Your blade was covered in my blood so it's hard not to smell your own blood moving at you." Kouga let out a loud laugh but coughed a bit before saying, "Yeah, that was a genius move on your part. But how are we supposed to get back? You're blind and cut up and I have a gaping hole in me." Looking over his shoulder Inuyasha said, "You two get the hell over here now!!"

Kouga chuckled again before saying, "I need to get a new nose." but he quieted down as he heard the mohawked one say, "Boss are you okay?" Nodding Kouga said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing a few days rest won't cure." Smirking at his bosses arrogance the wolf held up a kodachi and said, "This landed near us, boss." Nodding Kouga said, "Put it in my sheath." Nodding the wolf did as he was told before lifting his boss onto his back. While on his friends back Kouga could see Inuyasha being lifted up without complaint by his other friend with his sword at his side and his eyes closed. Smirking Kouga said, "Take us back to the village you two." And without a word the two wolves carried the combatants from the battlefield.

Inside Kaedes doorway Kagome watched the bridge as the sun began to set in the sky. She was worried for Inuyasha and Kougas safety since she knew that the two would do their best to kill each other which is something she didn't want. Silently praying as the sun set Kagome stood as she saw four shadows appear on the bridge but as she saw Inuyasha and Kouga being carried on the backs of Kougas friends. Shouting she said, "Kaede-sama prepare some medicine they're back." before running forward and checking the two over and was glad to see they were still alive since Kouga gave a slight smirk and Inuyashas nose twitch.

Crying she asked, "So......" coughing Kouga said, "He's yours Kagome. Now I'm just a friend to you so don't worry about me taking you from him." Her tears kept flowing as she placed a small kiss on the wolfs brow before saying, "Don't worry just get better." Sighing Kouga closed his eyes as he was taken into Kaedes home where his friend placed him in the back room where Kaede began to suture his wounds.

Stopping the other wolf Kagome said, "Can you leave him hear for a few minutes?" Unsure of what to do the wolf asked, "Are you okay with that Inuyasha?" Nodding Inuyasha said, "I'm just cut up. I don't have a hole in my stomach so just leave me here." Setting Inuyasha on the front step carefully the wolf walked into the house and headed back to see how his leader was doing, while Kagome asked, "What happened to you?" Chuckling Inuyasha looked to her and said, "Just some cuts and some blindness but I'm all right." Kagome gasped and began looking him over and said, "Why are you blind?!" Annoyed at her roughness Inuyasha said, "It's fine! Kouga used his blades to flash the sun in my eyes so it blinded me but it's starting to go away. I mean there's still a big blur but I'm starting to make out some shapes. I'll be fine soon."

Kagome couldn't help but cry as she watched Inuyashas face strain to make out her shape. Reaching out she brushed his cheeks and said, "You won." Nodding Inuyasha said, "Yeah, but I just want to let you know I don't view you as my property, okay? I just did this so he'd leave us in peace." Kagome chuckled and placed a small kiss on his lips and if possible she smiled as she felt him return the kiss and when they separated Inuyasha said, "I guess that means you forgive me?" Chucklin Kagome said, "Yeah, but you didn't need to apologize so don't worry. I know you don't view me as property because you gave me a choice so I know you truly love me. I'm just worried about Kouga."

Snorting Inuyasha said, "Typical of you to worry about others. But don't worry about him I'm sure he's going to be okay." Chuckling at his kindness towards the wolf Kagome said, "You two patched things up?" Scoffing Inuyasha said, "More like a mutual understanding. Besides there's someone else on the way." Arching her eyebrow at Inuyashas comment Kagome stood up and said, "Let's get you into some clean clothes while we mend your outfit." Letting her take his arm Inuyasha allowed himself to be led into the back where he smelt Kouga and his friends while Kagome removed his top before putting long tee shirt over him and helped him out of his pants and left him in the room where he bowed to the wolves before sliding on a pair of sweats and feeling his way back to the main room to get something to eat.

Later that night after the others had all gone to sleep a lone figure stalked into Kougas room and knelt next to him. Brushing away his hair the figure said, "Kouga...." Grunting the wolf opened his eyes and blinked a few times before allowing his eyes to focus in on the figure leaning over him. The sight of the person made him jump a bit but his stomach, was still tender despite the flesh healing over it he let out a small cough as he said, "Ayame?"

There ya go!! Hoppe you all loved that thing and somebody tell me mohawk and gray haired wolves names cuz i need to know them. Sorry for making them know..oh and sorry about the attacks and stuff my mind blanked out. R&R please.. PEACE!!!
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