InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 32 ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
sorry for the delay!!!

Chapter 32

Kouga was injured, he had a giant hole in his stomach from where Inuyashas Sankantetso had sliced through him and cuts from where his blades of blood had sliced into his arms, legs, and neck. The fight was exceptional, Inuyasha had let Kouga stain his swords with his blood and used his sense of smell to stop the Kouga from attacking him. When the battle was over and he and Inuyasha had congratulated each other about the fight, Kouga had Ginta and Hakaku take them back to the village where Inuyasha had allowed Kouga to be healed by the old woman and also gave him shelter for him to rest in. The wolf had his doubts about the priestesses ability to heal him but, when he'd realized how much time the woman had spent healing Inuyasha Kouga calmed down and allowed her to work.

Laying there as the old woman put a salve and bandages on his cuts Kouga asked, "How long will it take for Inuyashas eyes to heal, Kaede-sama?" Closing the final bandage on his arm Kaede checked the wolfs stomach as she said, "Inuyasha will be fine. Ye are lucky that he didn't catch the full affect or ye'd be in major trouble." Coughing out a small laugh Kouga said, "I bet I would be...OW!!" Kouga lifted his head as Kaede began to clean his wound and said, "What the hell are you using on me?" Snorting at the wolfs whining Kaede said, "It's just a salve that will help disinfect your wound now be silent." Hissing again at the feeling of the salve on his wound Kouga shut his mouth and let the old woman do her work.

Hours later Kouga lay awake in his bed and stared out the small window that was in the room. He still reeked of blood and was eagerly waiting morning so that he could finally get out of the bed and at least begin making his way home.He looked over to the corner and smiled a bit at the sight of Ginta and Hakaku sleeping into each others arms and felt happy that his friends were together, despite the fact that they weren' t much help in battle, Kouga was still glad to have them around since they were his most loyal of friends. His heart sunk a bit in his chest as he realized that with his loss to Inuyasha, Kouga now had nobody to fight for, and even though the others didn't know it, he was awake when the others came into the room to offer their respects and offer their friendship to him. He was grateful for the acceptance since he'd caused them alot of grief on their journey but Kougas heart still felt a bit empty.

Letting out a loud yawn Kouga pulled the blanket up around his neck and had just closed his eyes when he heard a loud woosh and caught a faint scent of flowers and grasped his sword and laid very still. Scanning the room Kouga slowly began to unsheath the sword when a small voice said, "Kouga it's okay." Stopping his drawing of the weapon Kouga looked in the voices direction and asked, "Ayame?" He heard the footsteps approach and the female wolf sit next to him and say, "It's me Kouga, I saw the fight and just wanted to check on you." Grinning a bit Kouga said, "Thanks, that means alot to me Ayame." Ayame brushed some stray bits of hair fromt he wolfs eyes before padding over to the two wolves and patted Gintas shoulder and said, "Ginta wake up." The two colored haired wolf stirred and said, "What're you doing here, Ayame?" The female smiled and said, "I saw the fight. Listen can you take Hakaku into the other room for awhile and let me talk to Kouga?"

Rubbing his eyes Ginta tapped his mohawk companions shoulder and said, "Koi, we need to leave for a moment." Ayame was a bit distraught at the wording used by her friend but when she finally saw that Hakaku was nuzzling Gintas shoulder she smiled and said, "Hakaku I need to be alone with Kouga for a little while." Peeking an eye open Hakaku yawned and said, "All right Ayame." before he stetched loudly and headed outside. Looking at the white wolf female Ginta said, "Ayame would you ummm..." Ayame smiled and said, "Your secret is safe with me Ginta. Although you may want to check Hakaku." Arching his brow as he stood Ginta just said, "Okay....." and left the two alone.

When she heard the door shut Ayame turned back to Kouga and saw that he was sitting up and looking at her. Taking a seat next to him Ayame said, "You did well in that fight Kouga. You're really much stronger than the last time we saw each other." Snorting Kouga said, "I guess you're a bit responsible for that since you did help to take care of me while I was training." If there was light in the room Kouga would see that Ayames face was burning bright red but his nose caught the change and said, "Ayame I want to apologize to you." Staring at the wolf through the darkness Ayame barely made out his face and asked, "What do you have to apologize to me for Kouga?"

Sighing Kouga said, "During your time with me I was rude to you. I should have let you train with me but I was too worried about my own pride to allow you to join me. I was afraid I would hurt you even though I know you can take care of yourself." Blushing a bit more Ayame said, "It's all right, you care about me so I know you had your reasons. I doubt that even if Kagome was a strong demon or hanyou, Inuyasha would want her to fight with him out of fear of hurting the one he loves." Looking to the female Kouga asked, "How's your grandfather doing, Ayame? Has his condition gotten any better?"

He knew that he'd hit a nerve when Ayames scent became much more depressing and so he asked, "What's happened to the Old Wolf, Ayame? Looking through the moonlight with tears in her eyes Ayame said, "He died last spring. I've taken over for him and the tribes aren't that difficult to deal with, it's just that, well I'm lonely." Kougas gaze shifted to the female wolf and he said, "I'm sorry to hear that. The Old One was a friend of my fathers and treated me kindly. I'm just sorry that I missed his funeral." Chuckling sadly Ayame said, "He wished he could have seen you once more, just to see how his old friends son was doing." Kouga smirked and said, "He was a great leader and a great grandfather for turning out such a strong leader for the leader of his territory."

Ayame giggled a bit and said, "He always told me how proud he was of me and I'm glad that he raised me." Kouga shifted a bit and said, "So why did you decide to come all the way down here to find me?" Ayame shrugged and said, "I guess it was inutition..." but Ayame could feel his gaze on her and letting out a deep breath she said, "Ginta and Hakaku sent a message to me a few days before you left about when the battle would happen. I guess they wanted me to see how strong you'd become." Growling Kouga said, "I'm going to put the heads of those two on a pike and leave it in a village square." But Ayame could hear the lack of sincerity in his voice and said, "It's all right, since I did get to see you in all your glory and in an odd way I wanted you to win." Kouga was a bit surprised at the sad honesty in the girls and felt a pang of guilt at what he had done to her and took the girls hand into his own.

Looking up in surprise Ayame asked, "What is this all about Kouga?" Letting out a frustrated breath Kouga said, "I'm mad at myself for what I've done to you." Gripping his hand lightly Ayame said, "What have you done to me that was so horrible?" Looking at her Kouga said, "That time you found me when we fought that hair incarnation of Naraku, I remembered the promise shortly after but denied it." Ayame dug her claws into her skin to keep her from punching Kouga and calmly asked, "Why would you do such a thing to me?" Sensing her anger Kouga said, "I didn't want you to be hurt if I died when fighting Naraku. How could I keep a promise if I died so I thought it best to keep you at a distance so you wouldn't get hurt."

Ayame could feel some blood dripping down her leg from the wounds she created and said angrily, "So for my own good you've lied to me for the past three years about your feelings for Kagome. You degrade me, make me feel less than worthy of you and get into a life and death battle for a woman you don't even truly love?!" Letting go of her hand Kouga said, "It's unforgivable Ayame. I've done the worst thing that can be done to a person you love. I pushed you away and treated you with utter indifference. I mean anger, hatred, love and whatever emotions shown toward a person at least make your existence clarified, but I treated you like you were a piece of dung on my foot that could be wiped away and forgotten, but I can't forget you and have been lying to myself about our relationship." Looking at him through the dark Ayame asked, "What do you mean Kouga?"

She heard a small laugh and heard Kouga say, "I'm saying I want to at least try and make 'us' work. Once I get better that is." Ayame heard the natural smugness return to Kougas voice and said, "It's going to take some time for me to forgive you but I will make the attempt with you." Taking the females hand back into his own Kouga gripped it and said, "It's going to be a long, difficult journey isn't it." Giggling Ayame gripped his hand and said, "But I think we'll make it. And besides I need some help up north what with some of the tribes getting a bit out of hand and your swords may just do the trick." Ayame heard Kouga grunt and say, "I guess I can help you a bit since we're trying to mate." Ayame grinned and blinked a bit as the sun peeked through the window and said, "I guess we can take that as a good omen for things to come, huh?" But her words fell on deaf ears as she saw Kouga with his back against the wall and letting out some soft snores.

Later as she was heading back to check the wolfs wounds, Kaede noticed Ginta and Hakaku sleeping in the hallway and wondered what was going on. When she opened the back door she found Kouga sleeping peacefully as a girl draped in white wolf pelts applied some new bandages and salves. A bit worried about what the girl was doing in there Kaede asked, "What are ye doing back here, demon?" Turning around Ayame softly said, "I'm named Ayame, Kaede-sama. I'm a friend of the others and am trying to, well....ummm...." Kaede needed no words as she caught a glimpse of the girls profile and saw a small tinge of red on her cheeks and said, "I understand, Ayame-san. Just make sure that you are careful with his stomach. I know it should have healed nicely over night but it will still take a while to fully heal." Nodding at the advice Ayame said, "Thank you Kaede-same. I am sorry to have worried you by not making my presence known." Waving the apology aside Kaede left the room and went to tend to her herb garden.

When she left the house Inuyasha sat up and smirked to himself at hearing the conversation and thought to himself, That wolf doesn't waste anytime getting over people. Stretching Inuyasha grabbed his clothes, and made sure they were completely dry before slipping into them and began his morning patrol. With the lack of a warm body next to her Kagome stirred from her sleep and let out a small yawn before getting out of bed and went into the back to check on Kouga. But just as Kaede was surprised to find the Ginta and Hakaku laying on the ground Kagome slid the door open to find Ayame placing the final dressing on Kougas chest. She was just about to close the door when Ayame stood up, stretched and turned to find Kagome peeking in on her. Ayame grinned a bit and said, "Don't worry about me. I just popped in to check on Kouga and we'll be leaving when he's up to it."

Arching her brow Kagome entered the room and shut the door before saying, "I guess you're glad that this is finally over, Ayame?" Scoffing Ayame said, "You're the one who should be happy. I mean you've had this numbskull and Inuyasha fighting over you for years and now you got the one you want." Kagome chuckled sadly and said, "But you had to endure Kougas ignorance of your feelings...." but Kagome was interrupted as Ayame said, "We've discussed that and we're going to try and obtain the type of relationship you and Inuyasha have." Kagome smiled a bit and said, "At least he's doing his best to make good on his promise to you." Ayame nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess but it's going to be a bit more difficult than we thought."

Giggling Kagome said, "You'll have a harder time keeping this one in line than I do with Inuyasha since you don't have a submission rosary to use on him." Ayame laughed and said, "That would be a fun item to have but I have a feeling we'll be all right. But when are you guys going to finally make your relationship permanent?" Blushing Kagome said, "Some time this summer I think. There are things in my time that I have to follow through on before we can mate." Ayame sensed the discomfort in the girls voice and said, "You don't have to call it mating, ya know? We're demons so that's what we call it and since your human you should just call it getting married." Shrugging Kagome said, "You're right Ayame. Just do what makes me comfortable with the situation. But it's just going to be weird living for as long as I will."

Ayame let out a sigh and said, "You know a lot of demons don't like having such long lives either. We live out our lives as we should but many of us crave death after a long time." Kagome looked up and said, "Do you feel that way?" Ayame shrugged and said, "I think I'll be fine, so long as I have someone to spend all that time with." Kagome thought about those words and said, "That will make it much more bearable than living that long alone." Grinning Kagome looked up and said, "Thanks a lot, Ayame. Are you getting hungry?" Ayame was about to say no when her stomach growled and chuckled nervously before saying, "I guess I could do with some of that ninja food I keep hearing about."

Fifteen minutes later Kagome was helping Shippou make breakfast while Miroku made sure that Sango was doing all right and made sure that she wasn't doing anything extrenuous. While the others went about their business Ginta and Hakaku were talking with Ayame but there conversation was cut short as Inuyasha walked in and said, "Glad to see you're doing well Ayame." before sitting down with his back against the wall and waited for his food. Looking at the hanyou Ayame said, "What's it to you that I'm alive and well?" Smirking Inuyasha said, "You forget I don't really need sleep and the fact that my nose caught your scent as soon as you came through that door early this morning." Ayame let out a small chuckle and said, "Well you should shut your ears off if you want to sleep." Flexing his claw Inuyasha said, "I have my sight back so you might want to be careful what you say."

Looking at her chosen Kagome said, "Inuyashaaaaa...." The hanyous face dropped and he started to plead but felt his pride break as Kagome said, "Sit boy!" Inuyasha slammed into the ground and said in a muffled voice, "I hate you Kaede." Hearing some footsteps Inuyasha lifted his head as much as he could with the spell still in effect and saw Kouga looking at him with his usual smirk and said, "Don't even say it wolf!" Kouga limped forward and said, "Don't worry mutt, I'm in no condition to laugh." Straining as he felt the spell wear off Inuyasha sat up again and gratefully took a bowl of Ramen and asked, "Your stomach healing all right?" Feeling the bandage Kouga said, "I'll be ready to go by this afternoon," before turning to his companions and saying, "although it may take us awhile to get to Ayames territory."

Slurping his noodles Shippou said, "What's going on up north?" Looking to the kitsune Kouga said, "Ayames grand father died and she needs a little help with some of the more undignified wolves in the area." The room got extremely silent as they heard the news and they were about to give their condolences when Ayame said, "Don't worry about it guys, he died peacefully and I'm okay." Looking to their new friend Miroku took out a paper wrapping and handed it to Ayame and said, "If you're worried about his bones turning evil place these over his grave and his spirit will be protected from evil influence." Taking the envelope Ayame muttered a small thanks before returning to her meal.

The day seemed to pass quickly and in the early hours of the evening the wolves were near the northern entrance of the village saying their good byes to the group. Off to the side the old grudge between Inuyasha and Kouga was still going on. They clasped hands, but instead of leaving it at that Kouga leaned in and said, "You do anything to harm her I will tear your head off your shoulders." Smirking Inuyasha said, "Not if I tear out your throat with my claws." The two grinned and let go of eachothers hands and went back to the group. Inuyasha gave a not so heartfelt good bye to the other three and when they were finally gone he turned to Kagome and said, "He'll be back to challenge me about some stupid issue sooner or later." Giggling Kagome said, "That's good since he does make coming back here a bit more interesting."

Meanwhile at the Taijiya Village Kohaku was preparing his armor for his upcoming battle. He knew demon mating and although he did not wish to take Rin from Shippou he knew that he must do this for the sake of his two friends. Checking the sharpness of his scythe Kohaku threw the weapon at a the small jars he had set up and smirked as the blade cut through them like a hot sword through ice. Walking back in he chuckled to himself as he heard the tops of the jars crash on the dusty ground and letting the clay lay there broken and forgotten.

Well you can guess the next chapter can't ya? R&R!!!
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