InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Prom... ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I recently got a job so if the lack of updates is a problem . . . that’s the reason. Here’s 35 for all you crazy people reading this garbage. Oh and I was gone all Easter weekend so that’s why didn’t update this weekend and in about 4 chapters I’m going to take a small break and work on some comedy material and chapter ideas along with a few new pairings and what not. So be patient.

Chapter 35

“Why the hell am I the only one who has to come with you to pick up a stupid piece of cloth?!” Dragging the hanyou by the ear, Kagome huffed loudly and said, “Because, the dance is tonight and I’ve already had the stupid thing refitted three times and you need a hair cut!” Growling loudly, Inuyasha allowed himself the embarrassment of being dragged to the dress shop over the option of being sat for the second time that day. He hadn’t done anything to deserve it, Kagome had just accidentally said the word and well he ended up with a large lump on his head from smacking it against the stone wall near the shrine.

After being dragged twenty feet, Inuyasha pulled away and asked, “Why do I have to go to one of these weird human hair cutters? How come I always have to cut my hair if we go out on the new moon?” Groaning Kagome let go of her chosen and said, “Okay, you don’t have to cut it all off. But at least get it to a somewhat decent length.” Fidgeting in his steps, Inuyasha tried to scratch his feet, but the sneakers that he was forced to wear kept the hanyou from getting the much needed relief. Noticing the hanyous actions, Kagome rolled her eyes again as she said, “You’re going to be wearing an even more uncomfortable form of shoes later so there’s no use in complaining.”

Pouting a bit, Inuyasha crossed his arms as he walked forward saying, “Like hell I’m wearing those stiff leather things.” Trotting to catch up with him Kagome smacked his head and said, “Well you wore these for the whole of our first date, so why can’t you wear the dress shoes?” Looking at the girl, Inuyasha snorted before saying, “Because I tried them on earlier and I kept falling in them, and since I’d look more like an idiot than I do now, so I decided to wear theses with that tuxedo thing.” Giving the hanyou a quick look over, Kagome realized that his wearing the sneakers with the tux was the best course of action and said, “Fine, but just so you know for the picture, you’re feet better be covered.”

Continuing their walk in silence, Inuyasha began to think, Why is it that everything that seems somewhat minute to me is so important to her and requires that soul sucking device. Stepping a bit closer, Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagomes shoulder and said, “Don’t ask why, just let me do it.” Blushing she continued to walk as her love pulled her in closer, she thought it would be a nice moment to put her head on his shoulder, but just as she began to do so he said, “Is that the place?” Fuming at losing the moment, Kagome read the sign and said, “That’s the place, and hopefully they have my dress done. Granted it’s really my mothers but that’s beside the point.”

Kagome began to reach for the door, but was surprised at Inuyasha doing the gentlemanly thing and opening it for her. Smiling she said, “Thanks.” Shrugging a bit, Inuyasha said, “No big deal.” Following the girl inside, Inuyasha was a bit disturbed at all the blank faces looking at him. Leaning in he asked Kagome, “What’s with all these women?” Giving him an odd look Kagome asked, “What women, there’s nobody out here.” Pointing at one of the women he said, “That woman is just standing there and has no scent.” Following his gaze Kagome let out a small laugh and said, “That’s a mannequin.” Arching a brown he asked, “What’s a mannequin? It’s a woman, she has hair, complexion but no scent.”

Giggling Kagome said, “It’s a doll that looks exactly like a person and is used in stores to model clothing products.” Stepping up to the ‘doll’ Inuyasha looked into its eyes for a moment and said, “You’re right. The eyes bear no signs of life and I’ve never seen a human stand that still before.” Kagome was about to say something when a person said, “Can I help you, miss?” Turning she smiled and said, “I’m Kagome Higurashi. I got a call yesterday that my dress was ready.” Stepping behind the counter the lady looked over a list and said, “Yes, we have you on here, but I need your receipt.”

Digging into her purse Kagome looked to Inuyasha and said, “Leave the thing alone and sit down.” Snorting loudly, Inuyasha stepped away from a male mannequin that was wearing a tux and said, “Thank the gods your mother did all that for me, because from what I saw in the corner I wouldn’t feel comfortable with stranger doing all that.” The woman from behind the desk said nothing, but her body language was saying, “What is up with this guy?” Handing the receipt over Kagome chuckled nervously and said, “He’s not from the city.” Saying nothing the woman, headed into the back while Kagome said, “What the heck was that all about?”

Removing his cap, Inuyasha rubbed his ears a bit, along with a quick fan against the ears, Inuyasha stuck the thing back on before saying, “I was just saying something true. Honestly, what kind of man would let a complete stranger measure all those places?” Kept was denied her retort as the woman came out with the bag and carefully handing it to the girl said, “Sorry for all of the trouble, miss. But I’m sure you can understand why we refitted it so much.” Taking the garment bag Kagome opened it and when she was satisfied with the knowledge that it was her dress, Kagome said, “It’s no trouble. I’m just wondering if I could go and use a dressing room really quick?”

Taking Kagome to the back, the woman stepped back behind the desk and said, “I agree with you on the whole measurement thing.” Cracking an eye open, Inuyasha asked, “Sorry, for blurting that out. I meant no offense.” Stacking some papers the lady said, “None taken, it’s my fault for getting into this profession and I take the good with the bad.” Grunting, Inuyasha pulled the hat over his eyes and felt himself drifting off to sleep until Kagomes scent became extremely strong. Opening his eyes he saw her back in her normal clothes and a look of satisfaction to her face.

Stretching a bit the hanyou asked, “I take it that the thing fit?” Nodding, Kagome held the bag out and said, “You mind?” Standing up, the hanyou swung the dress over his shoulder while Kagome paid the bill and after a moment, they were back in the early afternoon sun. Twitching his nose, Inuyasha said, “There’s somebody here?” Standing still, Kagome looked around and asked, “Do you know who it is?” Sniffing a bit more deeply, Inuyasha looked around and said, “Let’s get back to the house.” Sinking next to Inuyasha, the two made their way back to the temple while a ghostly figure watched from the top floor of a near by building.

On the way back Inuyasha said, “That was weird, I’ve never felt anything like that in this time before. Well, I’ve sensed some demons before, but none that familiar.” Scratching her chin, Kagome kept her face forward as she said, “What do you mean familiar?” Shifting the bag, Inuyasha removed his hat and with a sigh of relief said, “It’s kinda of odd. It was a demon, but the scent has been changed by time. I don’t know, with all these cars and machines I couldn’t get a definite smell.”
Heading up the stairwell Kagome said, “I’ll have mom cut your hair a bit after sunset.” Groaning loudly, Inuyasha followed her up and asked, “How much longer do we have before this hellish evening ends?” Stomping her foot, Kagome turned around and said, “You’re lucky you’re holding my dress or else I’d sit you ten times!” Stepping back, the hanyou looked around and asked, “I don’t see the reason for going to this ‘prom’ sounds like a pointless popularity contest.”

Huffing, Kagome looked at her soon to be mate and said, “That may be so but I want to see my friends a few more times before graduation because they’re all heading out of town to different colleges.” Hearing her on the verge of tears, Inuyashas face fell as he walked up to her and said, “Don’t cry, for the love of god please don’t cry. I’m sorry all right.” Sniffling, Kagome looked up a and said, “You better apologize cuz with them gone all I have is my family on this side and no friends to talk to.”

Planting a look of terror on his face Inuyasha said, “Oh, come on isn’t Hojou staying in town. And besides you still have the other side to visit. Unless you plan to stay on this side after we’re married?” Wiping a tear from her face, Kagome shook her head saying, “I’ll still visit the other side. I just can’t handle graduating, but I need to know if you’re okay about me going to college?” Scratching his head, Inuyasha looked around for a moment and said, “It’s the same as what you’re doing now right?” Shaking her head Kagome said, “Not really. In fact I’ll be spending a lot more time studying. But with the money I’m getting from a scholarship I won’t have to worry about paying.”

Not knowing what a scholarship was Inuyasha growled and said, “As long as it doesn’t keep you away from me for long you can go and study whatever you want.” Smiling brightly Kagome hugged Inuyasha and said, “Thank you.” Patting her back, Inuyasha coughed and said, “Your mothers watching us.” Jumping back, Kagome turned and said, “I got the dress Mama, and it fits perfectly.” Waving to her daughter, Asami said, “Good, now get in here and start getting ready, because you only have a couple hours before you have to leave.” Looking at her watch Kagome squealed, grabbed her dress, and bolted into the house and up the stairs.

Letting out a huge breath of relief, Inuyasha walked up to the house and asked, “To get the wench off my back can ya give me a haircut.” Huffing and clicking her tongue, Asami smiled and said, “I guess I can cut it to about shoulder length, I know you love your hair long but I think you’ll be tolerant of that length.” Running his hand through his hair Inuyasha pouted and said, “Fine but I’m going to make a deal with her before you cut it.” Stomping up the stairs Inuyasha knocked on Kagomes door. Hearing the closing of her drawers he asked, “Can I come in?” Opening the door in nothing but her robe Kagome asked, “What is it?”

Grinning mischievously, Inuyasha said, “I have a proposition for you, Kagome.” Staring at the demon in confusion the girl asked, “You have a proposition?” Nodding the hanyou crossed his arms and said, “If I do all of this dancing, and dressing crap tonight. You are to keep this reliquary for the next week.” Keeping her eyes locked on Inuyashas, Kagome thought for a moment and said, “Okay, but you have to be on your best behavior for the whole night. But, you still have to wear it for the course of the evening and if you keep to the deal I’ll take it off.” Letting out a huge sigh of relief Inuyasha stuck out his claw and said, “You have to shake on it.” Grasping the half breeds claw, Kagome shook it twice and said, “You got a deal.”

Nodding Inuyasha let Kagome go back to her grooming while Inuyasha headed into the kitchen to find Asami with a set of hair styling tools. Sitting in the chair he asked, “When did you get all this stuff?” Smiling she said, “I do this to make some extra money every now and then. It’s kind of odd that even though we’re a shrine family we have money. But it’s nice that my husbands ancestors knew how to save money for their decedents.” Keeping still out of a subconscious fear of losing his ears, Inuyasha said nothing as the woman lopped off a good portion hair.

Feeling a bit naked without his silver mane, Inuyasha asked, “Can you at least make it look cool?” Chuckling, Asami trimmed the edges around his shoulder and was about to go to the top when the hanyou said, “Don’t go near my ears with those things.” Sighing the woman said, “Can’t you tell when you’ve transformed?” Looking over his shoulder Inuyasha noticed that his hair was still silver, but reaching up he felt that his ears had moved to the side of his head. Letting out a whimper, Inuyasha said, “Fine go ahead and do it.”

Getting back to her job, Asami finished the job and held a mirror in front of the hanyous face and said, “Do you like it?” Running hand through the front and back of his freshly cut hair, Inuyasha sighed and said, “It’s fine, I’m not saying it’s bad. I just don’t like my hair short, but for a human hairdo it’s pretty good.” Not knowing if that was a compliment, Asami cleaned her equipment and said, “Glad you like it. Are you going to shower before you leave?” Shaking his head, Inuyasha asked, “No, but I need to know where my clothes are.”

Pointing in the direction of the stairs, Asami walked out with him and said, “They’re in Soutas room. So if you want you can just go and change in there.” Thanking her he headed upstairs and found the room empty with his clothes laying on the bed. Only knowing how to put on the shirt and pants, Inuyasha dressed in those before taking his tie and vest downstairs and asking, “Can you help me with these?” Taking the garments from the hanyou, Asami slid the vest over his shirt and then tied the bow for him and once that was done he slipped on the jacket, which had been dragged downstairs by Buyo, straightened up and said, “I’m good to go.”

Keeping quiet, Asami headed upstairs and left Inuyasha alone and headed upstairs. Cursing his human ears, Inuyasha sat down for about ten minutes until he finally heard Asamis voice at the top of the stairs saying, “Let me get him out of his seat.” Hearing Kagome give an okay, Inuyasha stood up, straightened his outfit, and walked to the doorway just as Asami appeared in it. Looking at her he asked, “How’s she look?” Dragging the hanyou outside she pointed up the stairs and said, “All right dear.” Keeping his eyes focused, Inuyasha took in a sharp breath as Kagome walked down in a strapless navy dress that stopped just below her knees, while having a scarf of the same color draped over her shoulders.

He couldn’t say anything as she walked down, which caused the girl to giggle and say, “I guess we over did it because he can’t come up with some stupid comment.” Reaching up Inuyasha said, “Come on.” Taking his hand Kagome smiled and said, “What’s with the lack of rudeness?” Blushing the hanyou said, “I can’t think of anything to say because nothing can justify how you look.” Blushing furiously Kagome kissed him lightly and said, “You really are a sweetie.” Shaking her off of him he said, “Not in front of your mom.” Laughing Asami pushed them out and said, “Hurry back, but have a good time.”

Looking around, Inuyasha asked, “How are we getting there?” Smiling, Kagome pulled out some money and said, “I called a taxi and he should be just outside the gate.” Heading to the street, Inuyasha saw the weird automobile and opened the door for Kagome before heading in next to her. Kagome gave him the address and in about half hour the two were standing outside the school gymnasium.

Inuyasha wasn’t exactly great with massive social interactions, and with that knowledge Kagome took his arm in hers before jumping head first into the throng of students. Inside, inuyasha thought that it looked a bit like that dance scene from the movie “Napoleon Dynamite”, only difference was the lack of those morons from the characters town. Looking around the darkened room, Inuyasha wanted to get a drank, but he was dragged over to a man with a giant camera and a bunch of people standing in a line. He knew that this was the picture she wanted, the hanyou stood next to his woman until they were standing in front of the camera holding each other. Forcing a smile to his face, Inuyasha blinked and rubbed his eyes after the flash came and walking off said, “Happy now?”

Giggling Kagome put her head on his shoulder and said, “I’m very happy.” Embracing her, Inuyasha caught sight of Hojou at a table and sat next to them saying, “Aren’t we a bit out of place here?” Snorting into his drink, Hojou set the cup down and said, “A bit, but at least you’re in your human form while I’m keeping my stinking concealment spell up.” Isumi giggled at her boyfriends comment and said, “It’s almost over, Hojou. And besides, you still haven’t told me what happens on your time of weakness.” Looking at the girl, Hojou said, “I don’t divulge that information because it’s worse than Inuyashas.” Intrigued, Inuyasha was about to ask what it was when a song came on and he was dragged to his feet to the dance floor.

Placing his arms in their appropriate positions, Kagome said, “I hope you don’t mind the music or dancing.” Moving like Kagome had begun to, Inuyasha listened to the words and said, “That chorus part, I think it’s called, actually makes me think of all the times I’ve saved you.” Hearing the words Kagome couldn’t help but smile as she heard,

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, Time after time If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting, Time after time

Looking into Inuyashas eyes and rocking back and forth she said, “You have caught me a lot of times and found me so it does sort of fit.” Kissing her cheek he said, “And I’ll keep on finding you and saving you.” She kissed him back and said, “I can’t really protect you, but I’ll be there for you.” Pulling her in he smiled and said, “That’s all I ask of you.”

They spent of the night in each others arms on the dance floor and before they knew it, Hojou was tapping him on the shoulder saying, “Come on guys we gotta go.” Stepping off the floor Inuyasha hailed a taxi for them and after they were back at the shrine, Inuyasha took Kagome into her room and took her in his arms and pressed his lips against hers. Taken aback, Kagome stood there in shock for a moment and after a good ten seconds, she finally fell into his embrace and licked his lips. Opening his mouth he slid his tongue into her mouth and began to explore. Returning the embrace the girl slid her hands up his shirt and pulling back said, “You held up your end of the bargain.”

Feeling the necklace leave his neck, Inuyasha said, “Thanks.” Kissing his lips again, Kagome smiled and said, “No problem, lover.” Raising his eyebrows, Inuyasha said, “Not in this form you aren’t.” Giggling, Kagome pulled him in and said, “Don’t worry, when we finally do mate, we won’t do it when you’re in human form unless you want to.” Not saying anything, Inuyasha left the room for a few minutes and came back in his pajamas. Shaking her head, Kagome got out of her dress and climbed into bed. Hopping into the bed, Inuyasha sat with his back against the headboard and kissed her deeply before letting her lay her head on his chest and play with his buttons as they laid in bed cuddling and kissing throughout the night.
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