InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Dog Smell ❯ TLC ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2 - TLC

Disclaimer: I have no claim to Inuyasha or any of the gang. Wish I did, but don't.

- 8 minutes earlier –

Kagome threw on a short yukata and went downstairs to the kitchen. “I don’t believe I said that. What possessed me? I told Inuyasha to drop his pants! In my underwear! What was I THINKING? Stupid stupid stupid!” She continued to berate herself as she lit a burner under the kettle. Nuked ramen never tasted quite right. As the kettle heated, she headed off to the laundry room. She hung up the fire-rat haori and tossed her things in the dryer. Idly she wondered if fire-rat fur shrunk. She smiled at the image of Inuyasha’s arms and legs sticking out of a shrunken outfit. Of course, he’d kill her if she shrunk his clothes. Literally.

The teapot whistled, calling her attention back to the kitchen. There was one bowl-pack and a square-pak of ramen left. “I’ll just combine them into one big bowl. That should keep him happy for a bit,” she thought. She opened the packs and dumped them into a nicely sized serving bowl and poured in the boiling water. Covering the top with a plate, she leaned on the kitchen counter, looked out the window and waited.

The timer went off and startled her from her reverie. She lifted the plate, dumped in the seasonings, stirred and gave it a quick taste. “Bleah. This is awful.” Kagome dug around in the seasonings cabinet and found some powdered bouillon. She tossed in a few tablespoonfuls and stirred again. Better. Not great, but at least minimally edible. Grabbing the bowl, she immediately put it back down on the counter and did a little hand-flapping dance. “Hot hot hot hot!” The dishtowel on the counter would be a perfect wrap for the bowl. Wrapping the cloth around the hot china dish, Kagome grabbed a pair of chopsticks and headed for the bathroom.

Kagome tapped ever so quietly on the door, and opened it. Her eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. She forgot how to inhale. Inuyasha was floating in the tub, mostly submerged. Silver hair surrounded him like a cloud, swirling gently. The light rippled across the surface of the water, throwing sparkly reflections off his sculpted chest. Kagome’s eyes followed the length of the tub and the length of his…"Whoah." Kagome took a breath. She couldn’t help but stare at his semi-erect penis poking its happy little head above the surface. She was frozen in place. "I know he's a demon - ok, half demon - but what the hell? Can he BREATHE through that?" She would have dropped the ramen but she was too busy staring.

Inu had a feeling he wasn't alone, so he came up for air. There was Kagome, a very short robe barely concealing anything, carrying ramen, and looking at him in a most.... interesting way.

He sat up and turned toward her. As one head cleared the water, the other one hid itself from Kagome’s heated gaze. She blinked and ducked as water droplets flew everywhere when Inuyasha shook his hair out. Inu was glad she closed her eyes, as it gave his blush (and other things) a chance to go back to normal.

“Mmmm.” Inuyasha looked hungrily at Kagome. Kagome ‘hmpfed’ to herself. ‘That look was for the ramen, not me. He’s got eyes only for food.’ Little did she know how wrong she was.

“This is all there was. I hope you don’t mind sharing.”
“Keh. As long as I get mine, I don’t care.”
“Fine. Are you getting out or am I coming over there?”

Inuyasha thought about that for a moment. If he got up to take the ramen bowl, he’d have to get out of the water. Not a good idea. If he stayed where he was, they could use the edge of the tub as a table, and Kagome wouldn’t be able to peek at him.

“Well, why are you still standing there? Let’s eat.”

Kagome shrugged her shoulders. The hanyou was so predictable. She perched on the edge of the tub, ramen bowl in one hand, chopsticks in the other. She decided to take just a little advantage of the situation.

She deftly snagged some noodles with her chopsticks and brought them to her mouth. Tipping her head slightly, she licked her lips and ate. Looking through her lashes, she asked, “Want some of this?”

“uh……” .. He was constantly amazed at how often words failed him. Kagome fished out another batch of noodles and waved them in front of his nose. “one for you…” she said, dropping the noodles into his eager mouth. “And one for me,” as she had another bite.

Inuyasha was beginning to like this kind of ramen sharing. Every time Kagome leaned over and fed him a mouthful of ramen, her yukata would gape open, given him glances of her breasts. He could have sworn her left nipple was winking at him, daring him to take a lick.

As he tilted forward for another bite (and another look), Kagome lost her concentration and dropped the latest batch of noodles onto his chest. “Eeeep. Sorry about that.” Blushing furiously, she reached over with her chopsticks to retrieve the wayward ramen. She got most of it on the first grab. Inuyasha didn’t move. At least, not until her next attempt with the chopsticks. Kagome thought she was aiming for the rest of it, but was so flustered she couldn’t see straight. The chopsticks made contact.

Inuyasha yelped. “Those are attached, wench. What are you trying to DO to me?”

Kagome was mortified. She had thought that feeding Inuyasha would be sexy, and here she was trying to pull his nipple off.

Inuyasha grabbed the chopsticks. “Nuh-uh. You can’t have these back unless you learn how to use them.”

“Fine. There’s just the soup left, anyhow. I gave you all the noodles.” Kagome hid her face in the bowl, still trying to hide.

The tiniest smile appeared momentarily on Inu’s lips. As Kagome raised the bowl to finish her soup, he flicked a claw at the base of the bowl, tipping it. He was so fast Kagome never noticed… until she realized that she was now wearing the rest of the soup. Inuyasha watched it drip down her chest, leaving a damp trail of soup bits between her breasts.

Kagome shuddered. Could she possibly be any more embarrassed? “First I tweak Inuyasha, then I pour soup down my front. How could I possibly screw this up even more?” Her eyes grew wet as she tried not to cry.

Inuyasha actually felt a little guilty. He had to fix this, fast. He raised himself part way out of the tub and reached over to take Kagome’s hands.

“Hmmm.” He looked into her eyes. She looked back, eyes shining.
“You LOOK like Kagome.”

He nuzzled into her neck, inhaling her delicious scent.
“You SMELL like Kagome.”

He followed his nose around her collarbone, into the hollow of her neck. An elegant claw reached out and pulled aside the top part of her damp, soupy yukata. His lips brushed her skin, sending shivers down to her toes. Inuyasha’s tongue snaked out as he licked her, following the ramen-y trail.
“You TASTE like chicken.”