InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What?! ❯ Creativity for title doesn't exist ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

* *=actions ' '=thoughts

Thanks to all who reviewed!!!!!! And I'm sorry it took so long

for me update. Enjoy!

Chapter 4-

She fiddled with the ends of her shirt noticing it wasn't hers

but shrugged of that train of thought.

"Well, you don't waste time nor beat around the bush do you?" She said

with a nervous smile, then looked back down at her hands. He was

suddenly struck at how vunerable and childlike she seemed. His arms

tightened around her small lithe frame.

With his mouth down by her ear and said,"Sorry. I don't wish to make

you uncomfortable. I'm not used to people realizing I'm a demon. You

don't need to answer my questions. Right now anyway, I want to who is

hurting you."

She had put her head against his shoulder and had a death grip on his


"B-but I dont have to tell you right now?"

He shakes his head,"No, when you are ready, but this can be a safe

house if you need one. Will you remember that?"

She hesitated 'He probably won't leave it alone till I say yes, might

as well.'

"Alright I'll remember." 'I can't let the only one to show me kindness

get sucked into this mess and possibly hurt.'

He looked a little pacified,"Should I give you a ride home?" 'Please

say no I don't want to have to drug you to keep you safe for the


He felt her tense and start to shake. "C-could I...m-maybe st-stay


"Of course. You would like to bathe? Maybe a change of clothes?" he

asked. 'where did this feeling of protectiveness come from?'

She nodded to both,"Can I see your humanoid form? I don't like masks."

He answer was to drop his magical shield. She for the first time saw

him as him. His brown hair turned silver, his eyes once green now as

gold as the sun's rays. A blue crescent moon an his forhead and two

magenta strips on his cheeks and wrists. He ran his fingers *ahem*

claws through her hair once so she could see them. She caught a glimpse

of his alvin ears. She felt something soft and fluffy curl around her

waist. She looked and squealed as softly as possible. A white furry

tail! It was so cute! She immediately started petting it and heard

.....purring?! She looked up to Sesshoumaru and saw he had closed his

eyes, his face calm, serene and he was slightly leaning over her, in a

way to get closer to her.

"What kind of demon are you?"

"You can't tell?" He said in a slightly sarcastic tone. When he saw

hurt flash across her face he quickly added "I'm an Inu-demon."

"Oh..." she nibbled on her bottom lip,"Can I show you something?"

He nods warily.

She takes a deep breath and starts to mutter an inchantation.

He watches as her hair grows to mid-thigh, her already deep black hair

now gains the midnight blue streaks. Her green/silver eyes gain in

vibrancy and a hint of blue fog overlying. She grows to about 5'9''.

Now sh ehas claws and on her wrists a single navy-blue strip matching

the one on her cheek. In the middle of her forehead is a flame and a

water drop that circles four red slashes. He then realizes she has

a tail when her black and midnight blue tipped one winds around his

white one.

"Y-you're a demon?!"

"Yes, a kitsune to be precise. It was one of the ways I was able to

tell you are a demon, the other being I'm a miko so I can see through

magical barriers. Miruko is also a demon isn't he." she stated more

than asked.

He nods to shocked at the turn of events.

"um..Sesshoumaru? You mentioned I'd be able to bathe?"

"What? Oh yes, of course through that door," he points to a door on the

right of another door.

"What does the other door lead to?"

"A closet and a little further is another door that leads to my room."

"oh...." she blushes at that statement. 'Why am I blushing?' Before she

can move to go over to the bathroom, Sesshoumaru stood up and Kagome

"eeped" expecting to be dropped. When she saw that Sesshoumaru was

giving her an exasperated look, she realized she was in his arms and he

was bringing her to the bathroom. He set her down so she could stand

on her own. She gave him a real true smile full of warmth.

"Thanks!" she said and gently, but firmly pushing him out the door and

closing it.

~*~Author Staying Behind With Sesshoumaru~*~

' should smile more often.'

He smiled a half smile at that thought. Then he caught himself, he

wiped the expression and emotions off his face, and erased those

thoughts..well tried to anyway.

'Don't you just LOVE her smile?'

'Ye---No! Who are you?'

'Me? I'm you. Well, actually, I'm your subconcious, so I know ALL about


'...Tomorrow all will be normal...'

With that Sesshoumaru went off to bed trying not to think of the

Kitsune beauty just one ..or two doors away.

'Damn doors!'

~*~ Next Morning ~*~

Kagome yawned and glanced at the clock that said it was 7am.

Her eyes widened and she got up and got dressed in clothes she had laid

out the night before, she rushed using her demon speed not even

realizing she wasn't at her house.

Sesshoumaru was sitting at the kitchen table reading a

newspaper in, for once, his humanoid form. He put down his paper and

raised an eyebrow, standing up and placing himself between the door and

what his senses told him a very fast moving Kagome. Just a second later

Kagome ran into Sesshoumaru and his arms came around her waist to hold

her there and told her to calm everything was okay, to hopefully to get

her to stop struggling and trembeling to get free. She soon calmed

realizing Naraku wasn't there and Sesshoumaru was there and comforting

her. She broke down, just started sobbing for no known reason and was


"H-he m-makes me w-we-weak! W-what did I d-do to h-him! I c-can't

remember m-mt t-training w-when he at-attacks m-me!" she sobbed

ashamed of herself.

Sesshoumaru not really knowing what to do just tried to make her relax

by rubbing her back, resting his other hand lightly on her waist, and

putting his head on the other side of hers making sure his mouth was

right by her ear.

"You can tell me, you can trust me, but you need to relax," he said

trying to keep the anger he felt for Kagome's abuser out of his voice.

Her shoulders stopped shaking and her sobs went to quiet crying at the

sound of his voice. He then picked her up bridal style and brought her

over to the couch, he sat down, which placed Kagome in his lap, it was

then he noticed she had a death grip on his shirt...again. He decided

to ingore it for now and wrapped his arms around her waist and rocked

her back and forth.

"Now, do you want to tell me who?"

"Naraku," she whispered so softly Sesshoumaru almost missed it.

"Who is he?" he asked softly, not wanting to scare her.

When she said it, this time, he did miss it.

"You are going to have to speak up if you want to tell me."

She took a deep breath," He's's new husband..." Sesshoumaru's

eyes widened.

"He's your stepdad?!" Sesshoumaru said disgust clearly showing through

his voice making Kagome wince for a second thinking the disgust was

meant for her then quickly dismissing the thought.

"Do Not Call Him That!" She said with venom in her voice,"He will NEVER

be my step anything!"

"I'm sorry. I won't say that again, I agree with you, I was just

She sighed, "I know, I'm sorry...its been...I'm jsut tired of having to

deal with this, of having to be the strong one..can't someone else be

strong for me? Even just once? Is it so wrong to want that, and want

this to end?" Kagome asked tears silently streaming down her cheeks

as she cuddled up to him and rested her head in the hollow of his neck,

her grip on his shirt not lessening at all.

"No, its not wrong. Now come on, its almost time for school," he said

in a hoarse voice from all the emotions trying to get free. 'I'll

strong for you if you wish me to be.' He felt her nod and get off his

lap breaking him from his thoughts. he stood up, put his hand on the

small of her back, led her to his car picking up and handing her, her

backpack, picking up his own and his car keys. He opened the back door

and car dorr for her. They drove to school in silence.

~*~ 7:15 @ Mountain Highschool~*~

Kagome and Sesshoumaru stepped out of his car and Sesshoumaru

was amazed at how quickly she adapted a mask like his own, transforming

her from the vulernable little to girl to a woman who will kick ass if


"So what are we---"


"Hey Sess!"

"Sesshoumaru, ah! Its the lovely lady that knows our secret!"

Kagome looked over the three new demons that had

interrupted her. She couldn't help but feel annoyed that they showed up

and wondered why she was annoyed.

Sesshoumaru looked at them with cool indifference and stepped closer

to Kagome also unconciously putting his hand back on the small of her


"Sesshoumaru, aren't you going to introduce us to your lovely friend?"

He sighed,"Kagome, that one is Miruko watch out for him he is perverted

the one with brown hair is Kouga he believes that every woman he meets

is his woman, and the one that sadly resembles me is my little half-

brother InuYasha, he is a baka and acts before he thinks." He noticed

that by the end of his so-called introduction Kagome had moved closer

to him.

Miruko grabbed Kagome's hand much to her dismay and said,"Lady Kagome

would you do me the honor and pleasure of having you bear my children?"

Before anyone could blink he was hog tied and gagged.

"Miruko, I don't believe your girlfriend, Sango, would agree to it,"

said a calm but angry Kagome, for her eyes had flashed midnight blue

thankfully no one had noticed.

"Okay, so I know Miruko is a perverted Inu-demon, InuYasha is half Inu

and human, and Kouga is a wolf-demon. Anything else I need to know?"

Everyone, but Sesshoumaru's, jaws were hanging open.

"You told her?!" exploded InuYasha.

Kagome looked at him calmly and said in an indifferent tone,"No, he

didn't. I can tell, because I can see through magical barriers."Leaving

out the part about her being a kitsune.

Miruko who had managed to get out of the rope and take the gag out

asked," How do you know Sango?"

"Rumors and I've seen you two around school holding hands, and before

you ask Sango is a kitsune."

"So Kagome wanna be my woman?" said thats right Kouga.

"No, I don't."

"Thats great! I have to go and take a test, now don't forget your my


"But wait, I'm NOT your woman!" But Kagome was already talking to air.

She finally had enough and started walking away.

"Hey Wench! Where are you going?"" Kagome stopped and turned at the

same time Sesshoumaru was frowling and had InuYasha off the ground,

around his neck was Sesshoumaru's hand, choking him.

"Don't ever speak to Kagome that way again understand, half-breed?"

InuYasha, red in the facefrom lack of oxygen, managed to nod his head
weakly, and Sesshoumaru dropped him.

"Thanks Sesshoumaru."

"No problem...Kagome." He smiled slightly. She blushed lightly, smiled
and walked to the library wondering why she was blushing.

Again I'm terribly sorry it took me SO long to update!
I'm have a little writers block on my other story "Sesshoumaru's Realization" so that will take even longer for me to update. I'm sorry but hey I'm still updating! ^^ I also have a few more stories that I will upload. One is another Sess/Kag (the best pairing in the world) and the other two are original fics. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know a lot of you reviewers wanted longer chapters so I hope this is better if you still wish for longer let me know and your wish is my command! ;)