InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a Woman ❯ Meeting a Perverted Monk and a Demon Exterminator ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Chapter 6: Meeting a Perverted Monk and a Demon Exterminator


Stepping into the village I smirked slightly as the villagers back away from me…not scared of me exactly but of the kitune kit that lay innocently in my arms. Silly humans and with that I thought of something my mother used to say.

`Humans are hopeless at times; they should be checking for the thing that seems least likely dangerous more so than the obvious. Even so my dear Kagome they are a beautiful species and you should not waist them as many of the demons surrounding us have'

Those words still stuck with me and I held them close to my heart, for my mother was not one who disrespected anyone of different blood or politics. I continued into the village never missing a beat and keeping all my senses alert should anyone be so bold as to attack. I watched them idly out the corner of my eye as well; they seemed to be amazed that a `human' and I use the term lightly would carry around a fox demon's kit.

Normal POV

The villagers gasped at the young girl carrying the kitune.

"Do you think she is possessed?"

One of the villagers asked another.


He answered and kept his eyes focused on the girl as she passed through the village as if it was nothing abnormal about what she was doing. Kagome just continued to walk to the stores of the village to get her supplies. Stepping into the market, she collected her vegetable and herbs paying for them she stepped back out on to the street, where there now stood a woman and a man. The woman had black hair and cool chocolate brown. She was a bit taller than Kagome and dressed in demon fighting outfit. While the man had short black hair pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his head and wore the robes of a monk. Kagome looked them over and gave a sweet smile.

"May I help you?"

Both of the humans looked shocked. Kagome chuckled to herself.

`What did they expect me to do? Attack?'

The woman stepped forward.

"In fact you can. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Kagome sighed in something akin to annoyance. Shifting Shippo more comfortably to her just in case she had to battle, she spoke.

"I am the fox goddesses Kagome. I am here for good to further my travels. I am the protector of the Shikon no Tama and I hunt the one known as Naraku."

Sango POV

I couldn't believe my ears. This girl could not be a fox goddess! She could not be the protector of the Shikon; it just wasn't possible!

"You can not be what or who you say you are."

Kagome as this girl called herself let out an amused laugh and asked.

"And why is that demon exterminator?"

I spoke with the most conviction I could muster.

"You are no more than 19. You could not be able to purify the jewel, others your age have died try to protect and purify it."

Kagome smiled.

"Ah so you still assume that I am human?"

Miroku's POV

I watched as Sango spoke to the girl with interest. The girl seemed to be human, but she said she was the fox goddess and protector of the Shikon. But I get no different aura from her than I would a miko. When she asked did we still assume her human I could have face faulted. OF COURSE WE STILL THOUGHT SHE WAS HUMAN. What else could she be? Without another word a violet light over took her being and when it cleared I saw the most beautiful being I had ever seen….next to Sango of course!

Normal POV

Kagome almost laughed hysterically at the looks not only the monk and the demon exterminator but the whole village gave her.

"I told you I was not human. I am a goddess. I mean you no harm. As I have said before I hunt Naraku and I must collect the Shikon no Tama. How was it shattered?"

Sango bowed to her and smiled.

`it really is her!' "I am Sango and this is Miroku. We shall tell you all that you need to know. First I will tell you of how it was shattered. A little less than thirty years ago a miko by the name of Kikyo was the protector of the shikon, a hanyou who went by the name Naraku slayed her for the jewel and to forever taunt her with her failure her resurrected her. He didn't expect her to be so powerful so when he brought her back she fought his control over her and shattered the jewel with the last of her purity. I only request one thing after what I have told you."

Kagome raised a finely shaped eyebrow.

"Okay then what is it that you want?"

Sango looked her in the eyes and smiled warmly.

"We want to come with you."

Needless to say Kagome was shocked but she smiled brightly and giggled.

"Of course you can come with me!! I needed more company anyway!"

They moved to a patch of earth where they could sit and Miroku and Sango shared their stories with her and told her all that she needed to know. Kagome felt sorry for the two before her and decided that she would do anything to help them. Suddenly someone approached through the trees near them. Glancing up Kagome saw someone she never though she would again. Kagome's eyes widened.


Inuyasha's eyes widened as well.
