InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Are You? ❯ Chapter 32 Alternate ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirty-Two Alternate
Naraku and I had been sitting over tea, talking for well over an hour about naming them, yet neither of us could come to any conclusions. Every name I had added to the list, one of us had decided against and had crossed out when we reviewed them.
I was growing exasperated. “I suppose we could call them `it,'” I muttered. He gave me a look that suggested his thoughts that I had lost my mind. I threw the scroll at him angrily. He caught it with his free hand. “Then you think of something! You had no trouble naming the rest of your creations.”
“This is different.”
“No it's not!”
He ignored my outburst quite blatantly and sipped his tea. He knew it was just all the very medications and being pregnant that was doing this to me. He thought it was amusing. I didn't. “Yes it is. This was an accident, and they were created on purpose.”
If I hadn't been so late into my pregnancy, I would've jumped at him and shoved that teacup down his throat. “You…”
He looked like he was trying to keep from laughing at my expense. He took another sip of the tea. “Also, I think I'll like them much more than I ever liked any of my reincarnations.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and finished my tea. I set the teacup down. “How about…” I looked at Naraku, then glanced in the mirror at myself. “Meian.”
“Meian… For a boy or girl?”
I shrugged. “Either.”
He considered. “It sounds sort of masculine.”
I looked at the teapot and wondered if Chiyuota would be very angry if I broke it over his head. “It could be for either.”
He sighed and took the pen and inkwell from my side of the table. He wrote down “Meian” under the boy section, totally ignoring my protests. I took the pen and paper and wrote it under “either,” scratching it out from “boy.” He frowned. “What if we put it under either, but it leans more towards male?”
I looked at the teapot again, then sighed. It would be rather expensive to replace and Chiyuota would never let me hear the end of it. “Very well.”
The door opened and Rin came racing through. She skidded to a halt before crashing into the table. “Whatcha doin'?”
“We are trying to decide on names for the twins,” Naraku informed her.
“Rin wants to name one!” she declared. She sat down beside me. She was just learning how to read from Chiyuota, and peered over at my writings curiously. She squinted, trying to read it, then looked up at me. “Which ones do you like?”
“None of them,” I said.
Rin touched her lower lip and thought for a while. Then she smiled. “Shuarra!” she said. She touched my very swollen stomach, smiling with obvious delight. “Do you like the name `Shuarra'?” She giggled when one of them kicked. It made me feel sick, but I hid it well. “I think the girl likes it.”
I couldn't help but smile—just a little bit. “What makes you think only one of them is a girl?” Chiyuota didn't even know yet. How could she? Childish intuition, perhaps. It was amazing what children understood, or were in tune with. It was entirely possible that she did know, simply because it had not been so long for her that she was in her mother's womb.
Rin smiled. “Rin just knows.”
“Hm.” I took the pen again. “Shuarra.” I wrote it down. “What do you think, Naraku?”
I don't care anymore,” he answered. “I'm tired of arguing with you.”
My gaze fell back to the expensive china on the table. Don't do it… “Fine. If I name on of the children `Chiri,' you will not raise a fuss?” Note: “chiri” means “dirt.”
He sighed, looking upwards, as if seeking divine help. “Kasaimaru,” he said. He glanced at me. “What do you think?”
“I think we should let them name themselves.”
“Then they'll change their names every day,” he pointed out.
I wrote down the name under “boy.” “Not necessarily.”
Naraku looked at Rin. “Rin, would you change your name right now if we told you to?”
Rin considered. “Yes,” she decided.
“Would you probably change it once you decided that you didn't like anymore?”
“Yeah,” she admitted.
He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more on the subject.
My memories drifted back to when I had been with the weaver and pondering my relationship with Naraku. The spider and the moon, hmm? “Kumotsuki,” I said.
He looked at me again. “I like that one.”
It was a unity of the two of us. “Female?”
“Either, leaning more toward female.” I wrote it down. Meitsuki,” he said.
I considered this. It had a sense of foreboding. It was strong, dark, mysterious, and lovely. “Female.” I wrote the name down.
Rin got up and tugged at my sleeve. “Rin wants you to come outside with her.”
Anything to get away from this. We had made a bit of progress, but once we reviewed it again, we would probably scratch all of the names. I rose laboriously to my feet. “What do you want to do?”
“Chiyuota says that Sesshomaru-sama needs to walk a lot. Let's go walk through the garden.”
She had Rin helping her in her plots now. How sickening. But I went with her anyway. Rin walked a little ahead of me. There were no flowers at this time of year, and it was colder on most days as well. Today, however, the sun was warming the earth as best it could, and, despite that the gardens were dead at this time of year, they held a peaceful tranquility. Rin looked upwards and smiled. “Sesshomaru-sama! It's snowing!”
I looked upwards. It was snowing. “Rin. Let's go back inside.”
“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama!” She followed me back inside the building. “But you still need to walk, so let's walk around the palace.” I let her pick the way around the old building. I never said anything, but I suppose she knew by my stance that I was growing tired. She suddenly stopped. “Sesshomaru-sama, you should go take a nap.”
I scowled. “Stop mimicking Chiyuota.”
She giggled and put on her best stern “Chiyuota” face and looked up at me severely. “You stop complaining and get to bed, Sesshomaru-sama. Or else you'll be really tired and you might strain yourself or the twins.”
“But I feel fine,” I said, deciding to play along with her.
She pushed on my knees, trying to force me backwards toward my quarters. “You listen to me, Sesshomaru-sama. And you go take a nap.”
“But I'm not tired.”
“Yes you are! Stop saying that and go take a nap.” She pushed again, as hard as she could. I took a step back for her sake. She hadn't been expecting it and she fell forward. She caught herself on my leg and kind of laughed. She stood up straight. “Come on, Sesshomaru-sama!”
Fine. I let her lead me back to my quarters and went inside. A nap really did sound good. Naraku had apparently wandered off. I laid down and closed my eyes. Damn, I wanted the twins out of my body.
I hated how weak I was, how I looked, and how I felt with them inside me. Soon, now, though, they would be exposed to the outside world for the first time. The prospect was kind of frightening and exciting at the same time. I touched my stomach. “Are you ready too?” I wondered quietly. There was an answering kick. “I thought so.”
Name Ideas:
Name Meaning Gender Compliments of
Shuarra Unknown Female Sappphire1022
Meitsuki Dark Moon Female Myself
Kasaimaru Fire Circle/Perfection Male Myself
Meian Light and Darkness Either Myself
Kumotsuki Spider Moon Either/Female Myself
I would love it if you guys would send me some more names and give me your input! Thankies!