InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru blocked and dodged every wild punch Inuyasha threw at him.
"Inuyasha why are you so angry. You did not want her. You prefer your women cold and dead."
"Sesshomaru you bastard!" Sesshomaru almost felt like grinning.
"Inuyasha, you'll never beat me. You let your emotions lead you and you never think anything through." Inuyasha growled. "What would you know? What gives you the right to judge me? What gives you the right to take Kagome? She belongs to me." Inuyasha drew his sword. "WIND SCAR!" Sesshomaru gracefully moved out of the blast range then instantly appeared behind Inuyasha and in a low calm voice whispered in his ear. "I can not steal what was never yours to begin with." The world went black when Sesshomaru slammed the hilt of his sword Toukijin into Inuyasha's head. Sesshomaru debated about killing Inuyasha but only for a moment. He decided to let him live suffering his loss of the miko would be more cruel a punishment then death.
Kagome felt something creeping up on her as she entered a clearing in the forest.
"Why are you running Kagome? Has something happened to Inuyasha?"
"Naraku." Kagome whispered.
"Don't be frightened Kagome I don't mean you any harm. I actually don't bear you any grudge. Everything has always been about Inuyasha and Kikyo. I think it is so unfortunate that you keep being caught in the middle of their mess. You see I know how you feel. Kikyo lead me on she let me believe she had feelings for me and all the time she was seeing Inuyasha behind my back. She betrayed me just as they have betrayed you. When you found them together, she knew you were there. She isn't like you. She doesn't care about others. She only wants what she wants. Poor Kagome betrayed just like me. You're too good for Inuyasha, too sweet and kind. I knew he'd do this to you. I am just sorry I couldn't warn you before it happened. I can help you now if you would let me. Come with me Kagome, I will protect you from Inuyasha and Kikyo. Come with me and see. She will come to me and ask me to help destroy you. Come and see the truth. I will show you the depths of Kikyo's cruelty. We have to hurry she will be coming soon and Inuyasha will be close to follow." Naraku held out his hand to Kagome. "Why should I trust you Naraku? What makes me believe you won't just kill me the second you have the chance?" His voice was like velvet.
"Kagome, don't you understand what I am trying to say to you? I care for you. Maybe someone like you is all I needed to heal my injured heart. I have found that your strength and purity have melted the bitterness in my heart. I have watched you grow into a beautiful woman. Kagome I have fallen for you. Kagome I love you. Please, come with me."
Her eyes grew wide and she thought to herself. This can't be happening. I see Inuyasha and Kikyo together today, Sesshomaru kissed me, and now Naraku is saying that he loves me.
"Ok, Naraku I will go. There are two conditions, you will promise to set Kohaku free and you will remove the wind tunnel from Miroku's hand. If you will do this, I will go." Naraku smiled.
"Anything for you Kagome. It is as good as done." He had anticipated this and prepared a spell just for her requests. The affects would be temporary but they would last long enough to get what he wanted. She was such an easy girl to fool thanks to Kikyo and Inuyasha. Now she was as good as his. This was almost too easy.
Sesshomaru could sense Naraku's presence and smell his half demon putrid scent. He could also smell Kagome. Sweet, naïve, human Kagome. What was it about her that made him want to see her again? He had to hurry he knew she would not last long with Naraku around and both the scents were moving far away fast. He could not get the sweet taste of her lips to leave his thoughts. Naraku cannot have her, he would go after her out of duty he had played a part in this after all. It would be difficult to track them once inside Naraku's barrier.
Inuyasha groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm gonna kill that Sesshomaru." He saw Miroku and the others approaching.
"Inuyasha." Sango called. "Where is Kagome? Something bad is about to happen but what it is we have to figure out."
Inuyasha couldn't look her in the eyes. "Kagome is gone. She ran off again."
Miroku lifted an eyebrow and asked. "What did she see you doing this time Inuyasha?" Miroku had sensed Naraku and Sesshomaru near by when he felt a pain in his palm then the wind tunnel disappeared.
"Stupid monk, I found her with Sesshomaru. She was kissing him, and he was all over her. Kagome wasn't even trying to get away." Inuyasha frowned he knew this was his fault, but how could she turn to Sesshomaru. "We will just continue without her. She has made her choice."
Sango was boiling inside. "Inuyasha, this is all your fault. Kagome would never go behind your back with Sesshomaru. She talked about nothing but you since you've come together. She always puts you before herself. She found you and Kikyo together today how confusing and devastating that must have been for her. She loved you with all of her heart and you ran after Kikyo repeatedly. Kagome always hoped you would see she was there alive and waiting for you. NO! You were just too stupid and blind to see it."
Inuyasha didn't say anything what could he say she was right. Sesshomaru was gone, Kagome is nowhere to be found and Naraku is out there lurking.
Kikyo made her way though the woods and made it to Naraku's castle. Naraku was waiting for her. Kikyo didn't know that Kagome was watching from behind a screen her aura covered by an amulet given to her by Naraku. Kagome lingered there listening to Kikyo carefully. She needed to hear the truth for herself Naraku had told her. Then she would know who had been lying to her. That it had been Inuyasha. That Kikyo had known that Kagome loved Inuyasha and she tried everything to tear them apart and that Inuyasha had gone right along with it deceiving Kagome. Kagome agreed to listen and what she was about to hear would shock her. "Kikyo, what a surprise to see you." Naraku greeted. "Naraku, you do know why I have come don't you? I need your help getting rid of a nuisance. Kagome is in my way and I want her dead. Inuyasha cannot seem to bring himself to let her go completely even though we are lovers. He just cannot kill her. He feels some ridiculous obligation to her. To think she believed he could love her was foolish. I thought you could intervene on my behalf. I know she has jewel shards you can have them and I will agree to give you the ones that I have collected in exchange for that girls' life. I will do anything to be rid of her and when she is gone Inuyasha and I can be free to go to hell together at last." She smirked wickedly and waited for Naraku's reply.
"Kikyo, I have no reason to help you. I can take your shards anytime I want to. If you want to be with Inuyasha so badly why don't you just kill her yourself? Do you really think I would help you destroy Kagome? There is nothing for me to gain. Inuyasha is who you should be talking to not me. Kikyo leave here at once and I will spare your life. Know this Kagome has a special place in my heart and I will not help you hurt or murder her. I will do what ever it takes to keep her safe from you. I had cared for you Kikyo so deeply t you never even gave me a chance. Kagome is so much better than you are. She isn't your replication she couldn't be you are too flawed. She is you only a thousand times refined and superior. She is perfection."
Kikyo was stunned. She had lost her place in Naraku's lustful eyes to that little brat. This would not do at all. She would defiantly have to rid herself of the bothersome little whore. She would make sure that the girl would suffer viciously. She held part of Inuyasha's heart for too long and now she had some hold over Naraku's heart as well. Kikyo would not tolerate such treachery. She left calculating her next move.
Kagome stepped from behind the screen not really processing completely what she had just heard. Naraku had told Kikyo he would protect Kagome. "Kagome, I told you Kikyo would come." Naraku stated to the distressed girl.
"Naraku, I don't understand what's happening. I thought Kikyo was good, she is a priestess after all. How could she be so evil and yet have such spiritual power? If I had been so wrong about her what else could I have been so wrong about?" Kagome started to feel the tears coming again and thought momentarily of Sesshomaru's kiss.
"Don't cry Kagome I was fooled by her too. She and Inuyasha have been doing this to me for over 50 years. I know how badly it hurts. I know how acidic the taste of betrayal is. At least you know the truth now. I will help you get through this. I will do anything for you Kagome. I realize now that what I thought I saw in Kikyo wasn't real. You are though. You are so perfect. Her power comes from your soul, the piece stolen from you to bring her back. Her power isn't her own. You can take it back someday and then you will be stronger than you ever imagined. You will be stronger than she ever could have been. I will stand by your side and love you like no other. All I have to offer is my heart and devotion for you alone. Say you will stay and share your life with me." Naraku was looking deep in her eyes enchanting her with a spell along with the flattering words. She was fighting it something in her wouldn't let him in completely. "I will stay for now Naraku. I can't say I will love you. My heart won't be given so easily. Inuyasha and Kikyo hurt me and I won't let it happen again. You will have to earn my trust and as for my love, I don't think I'll ever love anyone again." Naraku took her hand in his." Then my dear Kagome let us go now and I will show you to your room."
Kagura watched from the shadows. "Damn, that Naraku he'll have her under his control in no time. I have to get someone to help. If he destroys her I will never be free, but who to ask that is a problem considering what has happened between Inuyasha and Kikyo. Maybe Sesshomaru will help. Sesshomaru kissed her after all. It doesn't mean he cares for her. He may have been just trying to see what Inuyasha would do. I have to try he's the only one I can turn to right now."
Sesshomaru came to the empty spot where he had sensed Kagome and Naraku but they were no longer there. He did not smell any blood and that meant for now Kagome was still alive. He would have to find her it was his duty, his game had started this after all. How could one human be such a nuisance? Why does he feel so obligated to find her? This goes way beyond duty. Sesshomaru was about to leave when Kagura landed in front of him. "Sesshomaru, I have some interesting information for you. It would seem that Naraku has acquired himself a little miko. He is grooming her to be his bride and after they wed, he plans to kill her. He won't let her die without taking her innocence. She is my enemy because of Naraku. I know how cruel he really is. She doesn't deserve what he is going to do. Inuyasha won't help her now. He actually believes Kagome was unfaithful to him. You are her only hope Sesshomaru. I will help you as much as I can. If Naraku finds out I am as good as dead but if that girl dies I know I'd be dead anyway. If we can free her then maybe I can one day be free too." She didn't wait for a response. Her giant feather floated up and she was gone but this time she left a trail. She knew Sesshomaru had to make a decision but what would it be. He already knew he was going after Kagome he didn't feel the need to let Kagura know it.