InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N. * If you don't like to read rape scenes please skip from "Naraku, why are you doing this to me?" A solitary tear rolled down her temple and into her hair.
"Because I can." He whispered in her ear and laughed. All the way, down to the last very short paragraph... Outside the door Kagura....
Rape is not a sexual thing, it is a crime, and most women who are raped are raped by someone they know. The graphic, vulgar content below is meant to portray the horror of rape, Naraku is showing her his power over her not, his attraction to her. Rape is never about the sex. There is nothing erotic or loving about rape. Rape is not something anyone should make light of. Rape is something you never forget, but it is possible to survive. I will show later in this story how it is possible to love and be loved in return even after a rape. I did right this chapter and meant it to be shocking, I don't wish to offend anyone, but 1 out of every 5 women is sexually assaulted. That statistic is staggering. If you know anyone who has been raped or abused, PLEASE tell them to get help, go to someone, after a rape it is really hard to trust anyone, even those close to you, but don't stay silent, it was not you fault, never be ashamed, never think that it's not worth going on. The title of this story is meant to show how someone might feel after living through such a traumatic experience, but it is true what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, I am living proof ....and with that I give you chapter 7.........
"Naraku, I am very hungry and I would like a bath. Could you please tell me where I could find somewhere near by to collect some food and a spring to take a bath?"
"Dearest Kagome you don't have to leave the castle for food or a bath. I have a private garden with a hot spring on the grounds and if you are hungry I will have dinner prepared for you. Your every necessity and desire I wish to fulfill." Kagome felt unsure.
"You are too gracious Naraku."
Naraku replied. "I told you before that I love you, if you love someone you want to do everything in your power to make them happy. If you're tired and hungry I would think you wouldn't be very happy, so I will show you where to take your bath and I will send you some clean clothes in with a servant. I will have dinner prepared while you bathe. Would you do me the honor of eating dinner with me?" Kagome wanted to say no but she had given her word to stay.
"I will have dinner with you."
He took her arm and lead her to the garden considering his miasma this whole castle seemed so unaffected. The garden was beautiful and the hot spring was one of the most magnificent she had ever seen. When the door closed Kagome started to remove her dirty school uniform.
"I wonder if I will ever get home to pack myself some new clothes and supplies. I guess I don't really need much if I won't be traveling with Inuyasha anymore." She slipped into the steaming water sank down to her chin and blew bubbles in the water. That is when she started to cry again.
"Poor little Kagome." Naraku thought as he watched her from a secluded spot. The sight of her crying turned him on. His hard aching cock strained against his clothes. He slipped his hand in the garment and gripped his thick aching rod. With every sob she made he stroked fighting the urge to moan aloud. He pictured her under him crying her big brown eyes out. This made him hotter and he stroked faster. How he wanted to plunge his rock hard member into her virgin pussy. He wanted to make her scream his name in pain begging him to stop. The sweet agony she would suffer at his hands. He would have his way with her soon. He would make her lick his cum off the tip of his penis after he shot his load in her pretty face. He would be hard again easily then he would fuck every hole on her virginal body. He couldn't stop himself now if he wanted to he was too close a last few hard fast jerks and he spilled his seed on the ground. "What a waste." He thought. "I would have loved to share it with Kagome."
Kagome sat in the water and cried for a while. She thought of her family back in her own time and of her friends here. She thought about Inuyasha and Kikyo together and it burned her inside like a fire in her heart. Strangely, her last thoughts were of Sesshomaru and that kiss he had given her. She knew his reason for kissing her had been Inuyasha and it made her angry that he would use her to make Inuyasha crazy. The kiss mystified her, it had turned her insides to pulp and caused her heart to hasten. Not to mention what it did to her in a lower spot. How could her body respond to him that way? It wasn't bad enough Inuyasha believed she had been sneaking around with Sesshomaru the way he had been sneaking around with Kikyo. Her own body had betrayed her and she wanted Sesshomaru in that moment. This had to be the worst few days of her entire life. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Sesshomaru again flooded her innermost thoughts and heat rushed to her most private places. Oh, this was so wrong. To stop herself from being over taken by lust she decided to get dressed for her dinner with Naraku. "What the hell am I thinking?" she quietly whispered to herself. "I don't belong here. I'm not sure where I belong anymore. I know its not here" She dressed slowly dragging out time as long as she possibly could.
Naraku was trying to be patient while waiting for Kagome he didn't know how long he could go on pretending to have feelings for her. An overwhelming urge to fuck and beat her until she screamed in pain crept in to his evil heart. He could hardly wait until he could show her the joys of torture. He was sure she wasn't going to enjoy it and that made it even more tantalizing for him. He had to stop thinking about her and the horrible things he is going to do to her body it wasn't getting him anywhere but aroused. He wouldn't wait much longer he had his plan ready. "Kagome better hurry or she won't last another second before I show her what I really want from her." Naraku grumbled under his breath and then turned to the blank girl standing next to him. "Kanna, I want you to go find Kagome and try to get her to hurry and get in here. I don't like to be kept waiting."
Kagome was dressed and trying to find where she was supposed to be having dinner with her new benefactor when Kanna found her.
"Naraku sent me to bring you to dinner. He is waiting for you." Unnerved by the emptiness that this white haired girl radiated Kagome followed her reluctantly.
"I hope he hasn't been waiting long." Kagome said and the blank little girl didn't reply.
"He is in here." Kanna quietly spoke turned then left.
Kagome took a deep breath and stepped inside.
"I hope you haven't been waiting long, the bath felt so good."
He sneered inwardly but his voice gave away nothing.
"Let us eat my darling girl you need to stay strong." Kagome was confused by what he said but sat on the cushion he had pointed out. He sat next to her, uncomfortably close. A servant came in with their food it looked delicious. If she had only known, he had laced her food with a poison. They ate and didn't talk at all. Kagome sensed something was dreadfully wrong she just couldn't put her finger on it.
“Kagome are you alright. You look a little pale. Maybe I should take you to your room." Naraku stood and offered her his hand he could already fell his erection. Kagome hesitantly reached out and he helped her to her feet. He led her down a long dark hall to her room. She turned to say something but he pressed his mouth over hers before she could even speak. She was frightened now. He slid the door open and pushed her in the room. She tried to struggle but the drug was clouding her head and was paralyzing her extremities. He laid her down on the bed and starting tearing off her clothing and then removing his own. Kagome's heart was beating so hard she could feel it through her entire body. She could feel the cold air in the room blowing across her bare skin. She willed herself to cover her bare breasts but her arms wouldn't move.
"Naraku, why are you doing this to me?" A solitary tear rolled down her temple and into her hair.
"Because I can." He whispered in her ear and laughed.
**Her long black hair spilled across the bed. He lay on top of her, his nude body made up of muscle, pale skin, and shadows. Naraku would touch her and mystically a cut would appear. He would touch her and then laugh and she would scream in pain. Then he would do it all over again hurting her and then healing her. A bleeding scratch appeared across her right breast, he licked it she screamed and then it vanished. She screamed a full-blown screech this time then open sores appeared on her arms. He dug his fingers in as he grabbed her arms making her wail in pain. The screams became a prayer, the prayer cut short when he slapped her mouth splitting her lip. He sucked the blood from her lip and then licked his own. He was insane. Drunk with power. The more she cried the more he hit her and more turned on he got. He punched her in the stomach knocking the wind out of her, smiling when air forced out of her lungs in a half sob. While her mouth was open and she was gasping for air, he saw a perfect opportunity to let her taste his dick. Before she even knew what was happening Naraku had shoved his stiff member in her mouth and was forcing her to taste him. As she gagged, he pulled out and warned her. “You better not ever do that again, you will learn to love the taste of me in your mouth." He violently flipped her over, grabbed a fist full of her midnight hair, pulled her head back roughly and then licked the side of her exposed neck. "Mmmm, you taste as sweet as you look." Naraku used his knee to hold her legs open, he leaned over and spit on her ass, he rubbed her anus with his saliva and placed the tip of his engorged cock against the tight opening. Kagome whimpered as he suddenly plunged inside her. He pumped her ass brutally and Kagome felt like he was tearing her in half. His erection just grew with every cry. He started to slap her ass as he thrust deeper and deeper. She screamed the most blood-curdling scream you could imagine. She just wished he would kill her now.**
Outside the door Kagura had passed by and heard the commotion she stopped to listen for a second and she knew all to well what he was doing to Kagome. She hoped someone would save the girl before it was too late. He would break this innocent girl she had a heart to break Kagura did not and that is why he had grown bored with raping her. He told her it was no fun if she didn't fight. The thought of his hands on her made her shiver.
She walked away from the door wondering. "If I had a heart would I cry for that poor girl? I think I would."