InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Naraku's castle came into sight, Inuyasha and his friends were arriving to save Kagome, when they saw someone lying on the ground.
"Inuyasha, isn't that Kikyo lying on the ground by the gate?" Miroku said as he pointed.
Inuyasha must have been too focused on Kagome to have missed Kikyo's scent. They ran up to her worried about what had happened. Inuyasha had turned her over to see deep bloody claw marks in the white flesh of her throat, he recognized these marks.
"Sesshomaru." Inuyasha growled low.
"He killed Kikyo." Inuyasha was grief stricken and angry. Miroku tried to talk to him. Sango was worried about what was going on inside Naraku's castle if Kikyo laid here dead what about Kagome.
"Inuyasha our mission hasn't changed we still need to find Kagome." Sango stated plainly. "We will find out what happened here and why Sesshomaru did this to Kikyo. But we have to Kagome out of here first."
Miroku nodded in agreement.
Kagura walked through the gates approaching the stunned group. Looking down at the traitorous Kikyo, Kagura felt a strong urge to spit on the dead woman's body but managed to resist it.
"Your too late Inuyasha, Kagome is gone."
Inuyasha felt his heart being torn from his chest, Kikyo lay in front of him dead and Kagome too. This can't be happening. It was almost too much to endure. He had to make it right for Kagome. Why did the women he loved always end up dead?
"Kagura(Inuyasha drew a deep breath), Kagome's body, I would like to bring it home to her mother." Inuyasha sadly requested.
Kagura was confused for a second but realized she had phrased her words badly. It would be too cruel not to tell them the truth and Kagome had come to be the closest thing she had to a friend.
"Inuyasha, you idiot Kagome isn't dead, she's not here. Sesshomaru came to save her, Naraku wasn't in the castle, and there was no fight. He took Kagome. Kikyo stood outside the gates she was waiting for Naraku's return. Kikyo was convinced he would help her kill Kagome. Was Kikyo surprised when she saw Sesshomaru carrying Kagome out of here. Kikyo said some awful things about Kagome. She wanted to stop Kagome from interfering in her life. She drew an arrow, and pointed at Kagome and told Sesshomaru to put her down that she would finish the miko. Sesshomaru was defending Kagome against Kikyo. Kikyo's death was her own fault. If you had seen how terribly wounded Kagome was you would have likely killed that bitch yourself."
Inuyasha's group was stunned by all the information.
"So, Kagome is with Sesshomaru, safe?" Sango asked.
"He said he would keep her safe from Naraku, he is honorable and he wouldn't lie that's good enough for me. So, I helped him get her out of here. I would presume Sesshomaru would take her to his palace, since no one knows where it is Kagome should be safe there. Completely out of Naraku's reach. You better get out of here before Naraku comes back. If you want Kagome back you'll have to talk to Sesshomaru, and considering what he did to Kikyo I think he means to keep his promise to Kagome, to protect her." Kagura waved at them with her fan over her shoulder as she went back inside the castle gate.
Inuyasha's group walked away wondering what to do next, at least Kagome was safe from Naraku but was being with Sesshomaru really any better. Inuyasha informed them that he did know how to get to Sesshomaru's palace and that he would have to go alone. They headed towards the west where Sesshomaru's palace was located. They stopped at the last human village to rest and eat. Inuyasha told Sango, Miroku and Shippo they would have to stay behind and wait for Inuyasha to bring Kagome back.
"Inuyasha do you really think Sesshomaru would attack us for trying to retrieve Kagome." Miroku asked.
"Stupid monk you saw what he did to Kikyo, who knows what he's doing to Kagome."
Sango turned and angrily spoke to Inuyasha. "You're the stupid one. If you hadn't been with Kikyo, in the first place Kagome would have never been in the forest alone. I think Sesshomaru has already shown that he is protecting Kagome. I also don't think he would kill us for trying to help her."
"Keep your opinions to yourself Sango. I know my brother and he can't be trusted."
"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black." Sango retorted as she stomped away.
Miroku convinced Inuyasha to just go quickly and then Sango would feel better having Kagome back. Inuyasha grumbled but agreed a pissed off demon slayer was all he needed.
The sun sank low in the cool blue sky, tinting the clouds glorious shades of pinks and purples. Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru's palace afraid to see Kagome. He gathered the courage and walked right in. "You don't belong here half breed, you better just leave before my lord has your head." Jaken whined and yelled at Inuyasha.
"Shut up toad face. Where's Kagome? I'm taking her home."
"You stupid fool she is under Lord Sesshomaru's protection, she has no reason to leave with you."
It actually stung to hear the words but the puke green turd had a point, Sesshomaru had already protected her better than he had in the last five years.
"I don't give a shit toad move, I'll find her myself."
Inuyasha kicked Jaken out of the way and headed to where he thought he could faintly smell Kagome. Sesshomaru sensed Inuyasha in the palace, he had no problem finding him. Inuyasha growled deep in his throat when he saw Sesshomaru.
"Sesshomaru get out of the way, I just want Kagome and then we'll go."
"Are you truly the stupid Inuyasha? She is in no condition to be moved."
"Lying bastard, just bring me to her, Kagome will tell you she wants to go with me."
"As you wish Inuyasha, I will warn you she isn't the girl you remember."
"Just bring me to her."
"I will not tolerate you upsetting the miko. If she wishes to stay here I will allow it."
"Fine with me but she ain't gonna want to stay with a cold son of a bitch like you."
Sesshomaru led Inuyasha to Kagome's room. Inuyasha was about to open the door when Sesshomaru grabbed his arm roughly.
"I will kill you if you harm her any further than she already has been." Sesshomaru hissed in Inuyasha's ear. Inuyasha was so shocked he couldn't think of anything to say. He opened the door and stepped in.
"Kami, Kagome is that you. You look worse than I thought you would."
She took one look at Inuyasha and started screaming.
"Get away from me, stay back, I don't want you here, GET OUT!!!!!!"
Sesshomaru rushed in and pulled Inuyasha back.
"Leave Inuyasha, she does not require your company"
"Come on Kagome, I'm here to take you back."
" I don't want to go back with you Inuyasha." Kagome was sobbing so hard she was having difficulty breathing. Sesshomaru was at her side in the blink of an eye glaring at Inuyasha. There was no choice Kagome wasn't going anywhere. Inuyasha turned to leave his heart bleeding. He had lost in one day his lover and his best friend. The second worst part was the truth that he lost them both to Sesshomaru. He turned back one last time to look at Kagome, he had horrible timing she had just thrown her arms around Sesshomaru. It killed Inuyasha.