InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru let her hold him until she stopped crying. When the crying stopped, she was stone faced again. It was getting to the point he almost liked the crying better, at least if she cried he knew she felt something. The indifference was so unlike her, it was most disturbing. He sat and held her until Rin came in.
"Kagome, I came to see you. Sesshomaru said you were hurt so I picked you these flowers." She held out the bouquet and grinned a proud grin.
Kagome nodded and whispered her thanks. Sesshomaru looked at the disappointed child.
"Rin, they are lovely and if Kagome felt better I'm sure she would enjoy them more."
"Lord Sesshomaru I will stay and keep Kagome company."
"That would be acceptable Rin, and do keep quiet."
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru."
"Miko, I will leave you with Rin."
Sesshomaru needed to figure out how to help her. How could it be that hard? He was Lord Sesshomaru noble warrior and respected leader, yet he had no idea how to help one human girl.
"Kagome, would you like to take a bath with Rin?"
Kagome thought about it, a bath sounded good, a bath in bleach would be better.
She nodded to Rin.
"Come with me Kagome, I will show you where the bath is and where we can get new kimonos." The little girl was so excited. Kagome thought of her brother Sota and how he always tried to help her too when she was sad. It made her even more depressed. Rin lead them to the bath Kagome followed the child in utter silence. The bath was hot as Kagome slid in the water it stung her cuts but she knew they had needed to be cleaned, its not like it mattered anymore she was filthy inside as well as out and no amount of soaking was going to help. She sat in the water and stared at the ripples and waves Rin made every time she moved. She wished she could sleep, the water was so warm so soothing, and it was making her so tired. Kagome laid back and shut her eyes slowly sinking into sleep and the water. Rin washed and turned wanting to offer her help to Kagome.
"Kagome!" Rin screamed. Her new friend had completely disappeared under the water, frantically Rin tried to pull her out. She wasn't strong enough. She could just barely hold her head out of the water. "Pleaseee Kagome wake up." Rin's chocolate brown eyes filled with tears. She was frightened. "Lord Sesshomaru help me." She called loudly.
He had heard the first scream and was on his way the panic in Rin's voice distressed him. Sesshomaru ripped the door off the hinges, walked calmly into the water and lifted Kagome out. When he laid her on the floor, Rin covered her with a robe.
Sesshomaru looked at Kagome and turned to Rin "What happened to Kagome?"
"We were having our bath and she went under. No splashing or anything, just under and so quiet, I tried real hard to pull her out."
"I know you did Rin. Let's get her back in bed."
Sesshomaru carried the barely covered girl back to her room. He noticed that with out her obscene clothing she was defiantly a woman not a girl. Funny that the tiny clothes covered so much. This was only the first day she had been free from Naraku would Kagome's emotional turmoil get worse, it concerned him deeply. He put her gently on the bed after Rin pulled back the covers. He could not fight the urge to push her wet hair out of her face. She mumbled something softly but continued to sleep. She was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally.
Sesshomaru told Rin to get Jaken. Sesshomaru was going to send Jaken to find a healer for Kagome. Not that he had faith in mortal healers just maybe it would help Kagome. Rin told Sesshomaru she thought Kagome needed her friend Sango. Sesshomaru thought it better for her not have any contact that would remind her of his half brother. He left Kagome to sleep. Rin went to finish dressing and to have her dinner before bed. Sesshomaru would not sleep tonight he will just sit in his room finish some paper work so he would have less to do the next day, or at least that is what he told himself. The palace was eerily quiet, a gentle breeze blew through Kagome's window the sweet smell Japanese honeysuckle of floated across her nose. The smell woke her from slumber instead of a nightmare, thank Kami for small favors. She looked around the room and saw a new kimono lying over the arm of the large chair. She foggily remembered getting tired then... Oh no "I think I fainted in the bath. How did Rin....Sesshomaru must have, Oh Kami." She dressed quickly embarrassed for having put Sesshomaru in such an awkward position.
Kagome walked out onto the sizeable balcony, the full moon shined bright casting an icy light across the garden below, a million stars sparkled in the sky as if they were tiny diamonds caught in an endless blanket of pitch-black velvet. The crisp autumn wind gave her a slight chill as it caressed her skin. It reminded her how cold she felt inside. Despair filled her completely to the point she thought she would burst. She started to tear up a little but she fought it. Sesshomaru watched from his window, every minuscule line that formed across her brow showed the pain she was feeling, the wind chilling her bruised skin. He was mesmerized, watching the full range of emotions as they crossed her face, he wanted to go to her, to comfort her, Lord Sesshomaru who never wanted anything but conquests and power. He walked away he could not stand to see her cry again.
Sesshomaru went back to his papers his newly realized emotions burst hot flames in his chest. He was about to sit when a servant knocked at his door.
"Speak." Sesshomaru commanded angry that his thoughts of Kagome had been interrupted. However, relieved the burning in his heart was subsiding.
"Sorry to disturb my lord, unfortunately there has been a report of a strange demon encroaching your territory."
"The demon will be dealt with, inform the guard I will be leaving the palace for a brief time, no one except Rin is allowed to approach the miko's room."
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." The servant bowed and hurried to fulfill his master's orders.
Sesshomaru felt a tug at his heart, the thought of leaving Kagome bothered him. These new feelings left him confused and aggravated.
Kagome was still standing on the balcony when she saw Sesshomaru leaving. Panic rose quickly, she started to talk to herself. "Sesshomaru is leaving, oh Kami why is he leaving? What do I do, what do I do, Naraku will know I'm alone. He'll come and take me away... no. I won't go, I can't, I... I won't let him take me. I rather die. Sesshomaru, I'm sorry. I can't go back. I ... Kami, I can't do this." Hysterical and half-crazed from irrepressible fear Kagome stood in front of the mirror staring at her own reflection not even recognizing her own reflection. She lifted the chair and threw it as hard as she could, the giant mirror shattered into silver sparkling shards of freedom. She picked up a gagged piece, looking down she could see a reflection of her eyes and yet they were not her eyes looking back she saw they were Naraku's eyes. She gripped the shard firmly and pressed it against the tender flesh of her wrist dragging from just below her palm until there was a four-inch long gash, there was no pain, and the other wrist was even easier. She dropped to her knees on the glass-covered floor, set her hands in her lap and watched her blood pouring out onto her clothes spreading a burgundy stain. She could feel her pain flowing out with the blood, it was a relief. Naraku would never have her now. Her eyes were already growing heavy, she leaned over to lay on the cold hardness of the floor. She only had one regret, she never told Sesshomaru thank you for saving her. She closed her eyes. Sesshomaru was brought to a standstill halfway to intercepting the trespasser when he felt Kagome. He could send guards to deal with an intruder. Kagome was more important, she was dying.