InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N. Abuse in the last long paragraph starting with... **Naraku paced the room his fury rising higher and higher. Please don't continue after that sentence if you don't want to read a sexual abuse scene......thank you.
Inuyasha walked his head lowered his white hair hanging over his sad gold eyes reaching the village he left the rest of their once happy group. Then he stopped and wondered, had they really been happy. Had all the things Sango and Sesshomaru said been true, he had hurt Kagome so deeply by his dishonesty and indecision? That's why she was pushing him away. Naraku hurt her worse then he ever could but the reason she was with Naraku in the first place was because of his own stupidity and jealousy. He hadn't had any reason to be jealous, but he might have one now. Kagome didn't want to come back with him, she wanted to be with Sesshomaru to let him protect her. Protect her from him and Naraku. "What the hell did I do!? How did I fuck things up this bad!" He yelled to the air. The others heard Inuyasha yelling at himself, they instantly knew Kagome didn't come back with him. It devastated them all. Shippo cried for the rest of the evening at the thought of having lost his adopted mother. Sango and Miroku were also silent the entire evening, they couldn't find the words to properly express the things they were all thinking. How would they fight Naraku without Kagome. She was their hope and light. Inuyasha didn't know what to do, Kikyo was dead again, and Kagome was gone. They all sat around the fire in deafening silence. The moon rose high in the night sky no one said anything as they all made their way to bed for the night.
The next morning Sango approached Inuyasha, she had questions she didn't understand why Inuyasha would have left Kagome with Sesshomaru without trying to drag her back.
"Inuyasha, did Sesshomaru really let you see her without a fight?"
"What the hell Sango, you think I made it up. He let me in, told me I shouldn't see her it was too soon. The cold motherfucker was right. She was terrified of me, she wanted to run and hide when she saw me. I tried to get her to come. She hates me. She blames me."
“Inuyasha, do you honestly think she blames you for what happened to her, or is it as simple as she just doesn't believe you can protect her from Naraku anymore."
"What if it's both Sango? You didn't see Kagome, she was so much worse than Kagura told us. She's luck to be alive, the beating she took was enough to have killed her. And when I looked in her eyes, they were empty. She is angry, cold and lost.
“Sango sighed.”Do you think Sesshomaru would let me see her? It might help to have a woman with her, to talk to."
"Sango, I don't know what to think right now. Kagome was beaten so badly I almost didn't recognize her. When he let me in, Kagome totally freaked out. Sesshomaru sent me a look that was uncontrolled, I've never seen him like that. He said I had to leave or die, that she was under his protection now. He wasn't himself. I can't explain it. It was just not like him, you know, cause she's a human, I don't understand why is he protecting her so fiercely. The second Sesshomaru went to her side she started to calm down."
"Inuyasha, from what you just said, it sounds like Sesshomaru may have feelings for Kagome. And for her maybe it's his calm, cool manner it's constant and steady, I imagine it must be soothing to her."
"Yeah right, that icy bastard can't feel at all."
"Believe what you want Inuyasha, I feel better knowing that he has some kind of feeling for her, at least enough that I know she'll be safe."
Sango walked away leaving Inuyasha to think about what she said, Miroku walked over.
"Hey, ya stupid monk, answer a question for me."
Miroku sighed and gave his friend that oh fine look.
"I told Sango that when I went to see Kagome, Sesshomaru was all weird, like she got upset and he said he'd kill me if I didn't leave, but the look he gave me was so out of control, He said she was under his protection now. If he hates humans so much why is he willing to protect her. What makes Kagome so different? Sango thinks he is getting feelings for her, that's not possible right."
"I agree with Sango, Inuyasha, it is plain to see, Sesshomaru is starting to have feelings for Kagome. What those feelings are will remain to be seen."
Inuyasha's jaw hit the ground and Miroku did as Sango had and just walked away to let it all sink in.
Inuyasha thought to himself. "The jokes on Sesshomaru, Kagome could never love a demon. OH SHIT! She loved me in spite of the fact that I was half demon. But that's different right?"
"Miroku, do you think Kagome will ever return to our group?" Shippo asked.
"I'm not sure Shippo, she was hurt by Inuyasha and then Naraku did very bad things to her. She might not ever be able to be around Inuyasha."
"I didn't hurt her, did I?"
"No, Shippo. Kagome cares for you like you were her own. She is just too hurt to be here but she still loves you and always will."
Sango had heard Shippo and Miroku talking she was worried about Kagome and Shippo.
The hunt for Naraku would be hindered so badly now, there are only three jewel shards and the only one they could track was Kohaku's and now he was with them. Without Kagome there to keep the peace they were bound to run around chasing shadows and fighting amongst themselves.
Naraku arrived at the castle to find Kagome was gone. His change to human form had come at a very inopportune time, he had to hide so he wouldn't be found out. He hated being a half demon. He did not expect Kagome to be gone and he was pissed. He smashed through doors, broke vases throwing anything that wasn't nailed down.
"KAGURA!" He spat screaming.
Kagura came in the room fearing for her life, if he guessed she helped Kagome escape she was done for. She walked up to him and he reached out grabbing her jaw and tightly squeezing.
"Bitch, you better tell me where Kagome is." He hissed in her face.
"I would have to guess she's with Sesshomaru. Since he came here killed the guards and took her. You can see he wasn't too happy when saw what you did to the girl. I took a bad hit from those horrible poison whips of his, I was knocked out, when I came around Kagome was gone and Kikyo was dead."
Her jaw ached from the pressure of his hand and the look on his face meant she would suffer punishment sooner or later. Naraku hadn't the patience to wait his fury was boiling up like hot lava from a volcano ready to explode.
"Go bathe and do not dress Kagura just meet me in my bed." Naraku said his eyes hooded with hate. Kagura had known the risks when she helped Kagome. She knew Naraku would be pissed, at least he hadn't found out her part in it. Punishment was better then death, if she died she would never see her freedom. She would take his punishment and she wouldn't cry out, she never did. Someday she will have her freedom, where the wind smelled sweet and she could feel her heart beating in her chest. Kagome was her hope and she was safe with Sesshomaru, Kagura smiled on the inside when she pictured Naraku's demise at the hands of Sesshomaru and Kagome, she knew it had been the right choice to help them. They will make a powerful team. Naraku feared Sesshomaru and Kagome more than anything. Kagura was sure Sesshomaru would help Kagome recover, he had to.
**Naraku paced the room his fury rising higher and higher. He was already naked and was waiting for her, she knew he didn't like to be kept waiting. She made him wait anyway, she took pride in her subtle defiance. Kagura finally entered wrapped in black silk. She looked defiant. He hated it. He created her, how dare she look at him like that. He walked over and grabbed a fistful of her brownish-auburn hair, dragging her over to the bed, throwing her down violently. Her magenta eyes screamed you can't hurt me, I have no heart. She cringed inwardly because she knew he would inflict a great deal of pain tonight judging by his mood.
"Kagura, I said to come naked."
She didn't reply. She just lay still waiting for him to take her.
"Kagura, maybe I should give you your heart."
She looked at him dead in the eyes wondering what the catch was.
"Maybe then you would be as entertaining as Kagome."
She knew it, he would give her heart back only to break it. The depth of his evil truly knew no bounds. She still had made no reaction so Naraku started his punishment. He yanked the silk she still tightly held trying to cover her body, dipping his head down licking and pinching a delicate pink nipple between his teeth. The bite was firm at first then grew increasingly painful as he bit down harder until deep red flowed from broken skin. Drawing the taut breast is his grasp he squeezed mercilessly watching blood trickled from the wound, it made his cock throb to see her bleed. He lapped up the blood and moaned in ecstasy. He reached down and cupped her with his rough hand. She made no sound, and it made him angry.
"Kagome was much better at this then you are, she knew how to writhe in pain and fear."
He straddled her waist and pinned her arms above her head, forcing a fierce kiss, darting his tongue in her mouth exploring every bit to his content. Kagura still refused to make a move or a sound, she had learned that if you didn't fight back or cry out he didn't last as long, pain was his aphrodisiac. Her lack of emotion irked him, he bit down on her lip drawing blood there too. Even now she refused to give in. He picked up the black silk sheet she had dared to wear and shred it into long strips. Forcing her on to her stomach her tied her facedown spread eagle to the bed. Such a submissive position caused his cock to twitch in anticipation. He took another strip and blindfolded her, and yet another strip to gag her. He no longer saw Kagura under him he pictured Kagome, the way her face twisted in fear, how she gagged as he slammed his hard rod in her mouth. The look of pain splayed on her features as he forced his dick in her ass. Oh this was good he was so hot now. He spit in his hand and rubbed the head of his member before shoving in deep in Kagura. She fought with everything she had not to whimper, the lack of lubrication made it very painful. As soon as she was wet enough that his thrusting was no longer painful, he pulled out. He was close already. The thoughts of Kagome had pushed him to fast. He got up and moved up so he could position himself in front of Kagura, loosing her restraints enough that he could kneel on the bed in front of her and watch her suck him to completion. He remembered Kagome's warm little mouth around him fighting him and he exploded in Kagura's mouth shooting his load down her throat pressing his rigid dick in hard and deep so she had to choice but to swallow. He left to cleaned up and left her lying there, the first time he did this she laid there for two days. Kagura was fine, she knew how to bury everything so deep it would never touch her. She knew how to be numb.