InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru left Kagome to finish her mediation, he had to prepare for her guests. He let out a muted growl at the thought of Inuyasha being so near to Kagome. He walked the sunlit halls trying to put the preparations to the front of his mind. His thoughts of her betrayed his own will, no matter how diligently he tried she again drifted back. Kagome's organic scent, her warm sparkling eyes, the smoothness of her ivory skin. He liked touching her face, he could still feel the warmth of her skin when he lightly brushing his knuckle down her cheek. He reflected upon their nights. How without restraint he rushed to her when she woke crying out her sleep interrupted by horrific dreams. The way her body felt so small and delicate in his embrace. He always held her until she no longer cried. Occasionally he held on to her until she slipped back into slumber. The smell of her ebony tresses as her head rested on his shoulder captivated him. He allowed himself to be near her, he did not anticipate the growing ache in his chest when absent from her. Another growl escaped his lips. Kagome had maneuvered her way into his icy persona. She made him feel weak, he could kick himself for tolerating the sentiments she caused. She was so delicate, so breakable, he would give his other arm to protect her. No, that was an untruth. He would give his life for her. She had become precious to him. How could this have happened? Honor or not he wanted to protect her. “Damn.” He whispered under his breath.
Kagome sat in the cool sand of the training arena. Closing her eyes concentrated trying so hard to gain control of her powers willing them to behave the way she wanted them. She wanted to be in charge of them to make them respond because she willed it. She was tired of depending on self-preservation or sheer instinct to make them work for her. All at once, her thoughts were flooded with Sesshomaru. He was a picture of restraint and control. Those golden eyes that she had always found so cold and devoid of emotion, now changed. She pictures him standing above her, so close, his breath searing her skin. His eyes had been so different today, so open to her gaze, it was as if he wanted to tell her something important. He had come to her every night when she woke screaming, from night terrors. The nightmares came less frequently and the intensity eased. The dreams now always ended with Sesshomaru's beautiful hand reaching for her. He held her in is embrace, where she felt comfort and safety. Sesshomaru never left her side when she woke he even let her cry on his shoulder and he just stroked her hair until she calmed. There were no words of comfort, just his touch, and his hand lightly running over her hair. He was always there in the morning when she roused, sitting at the end of her bed, or in a chair. Once he had fallen asleep while still holding her, the nightmares didn't return that night. She reached out searching for him with her aura, she felt him and smiled. His ability to stay calm and collected had been strength, she would have never thought that before. She always knew she was a little on the emotional side and his coldness seemed like a curse. She knew better now, he wasn't heartless or unfeeling he was just very guarded. She let her thoughts go for a moment to focus again on her training when she caught an all too familiar aura. “Inuyasha.” She felt a weight in the pit of her stomach.
Kagome's friends entered Sesshomaru's domicile. How would Kagome react to them? It was on all their minds. It had been months since they had last seen their friend, with the exception of Inuyasha. His mood had been dismal since Kagome had been gone his guilt tore him up inside, he was much quieter these days. Inuyasha had barely said ten sentences on the entire journey to see Kagome his companions worried what he might do once they got here. Inuyasha didn't have many manners or much self-control. They were nervous that Sesshomaru might kill him before the even started Kagome's training. Sesshomaru met them in the main dining hall. He did not want them here he would have been more than capable of training her alone. Kagome needed this and she was what held relevance not his distain for Inuyasha. Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha, if looks could kill Inuyasha would have been dead the instant he stepped in the room. Sango gripped her weapon, not as a show of aggression, but out of anxiety. Miroku had felt Sesshomaru's aura coming long before he entered the room the sheer magnitude of it made him a bit weak in the knees. He whispered to Sango asking if it felt more intense then the last time they had seen him. She had noticed it too. Inuyasha oblivious to everything as always didn't seem to notice anything except the fact that Kagome wasn't there to greet them. How many times had she come back from home and he hadn't been there for him. Inuyasha knew he had been an idiot. Sesshomaru informed the group that she was already training and he would take them to her. First, he would show them where they would be staying until Kagome's training was complete. Sango mentioned to Miroku that Sesshomaru had seemed civil towards them and almost tolerant of Inuyasha. Miroku knew it must have been very difficult to not tear into Inuyasha. Inuyasha was as hotheaded as ever all he kept doing was smarting off and asking if the were gonna see Kagome yet. Sesshomaru politely informed Inuyasha that if he upset Kagome in any way that Sesshomaru would remove him from the grounds physically, permanently. It was most defiantly a threat. Sesshomaru showed them their rooms, Inuyasha and Miroku would share, and Sango got her own. Sesshomaru led Shippo to Rin's room. He told Shippo that since he was Kagome's child, he would be cared for as Rin is cared for. He would receive a new bed and playthings later that afternoon. Rin was very excited to have a new playmate. Jaken on the other hand was less than thrilled. When he started to protest Sesshomaru simply asked Jaken if he wished to continue breathing the little toad shut up and went back to letting Rin put flowers on his head. Sango found the whole scene hilarious, it was all she could do to keep a straight face, and when she saw Miroku struggling not to laugh they both almost lost it. Inuyasha didn't find it funny he wanted to see Kagome now.
Kagome rose from her spot on the ground and dusted the tan sand off her kimono. She felt Sesshomaru's aura close to her, he was reaching out trying to help steady her. She was so grateful for the support. Her palms started to sweat and her heart pounded. She was so nervous. These were her friends her allies. They had come to help her. Inuyasha was another matter. It wasn't that she blamed him for what Naraku did he could have never foreseen that. It was that he didn't trust her enough to tell her the truth about him and Kikyo. Not that it mattered she hadn't felt that girlfriend boyfriend love for Inuyasha in a long time. Even before she figured out, he was seeing Kikyo behind her back. She knew for months before walking in on them together. What had always torn her apart was the fact that he treated her as second fiddle to Kikyo. Always being compared to a corpse does things to your self-esteem. Inuyasha was supposed to be her friend. Friends don't lie to each other no matter what. He never showed her half of the respect she deserved and it broke her heart piece by piece. He betrayed her with Kikyo. Not by loving Kikyo but by lying. Kagome, hated liars. She planted her feet firmly in the sand and waited for them, she could feel Sesshomaru getting closer her moment of truth was here. The door to the training arena creaked open. Sesshomaru was the first to enter. After him, she didn't even notice the order of the others. Her eyes focused only on Sesshomaru, he brought her an inner peace that was incomparable to anything else. The door closed hard behind them. Inuyasha gawked at Kagome taking full notice that she hadn't stopped looking at Sesshomaru long enough to realize he was even in the room. Sango and Miroku noticed too. Kagome turned her gaze to her friends. Sango walked over to her and told her she looked well. Miroku was clearly confused on what to do. Normally he would have groped her but he knew it would hurt her so he wouldn't dare. He settled with an enthusiastic agreement of Sango's statement. She really did look good in view of what she'd been through it was a relief. Inuyasha hadn't said a word yet. It was strange for Kagome to have him in the room with her not insulting or yelling at her. There was an awkward silence. Kagome thought it might be better to talk to them one at a time. Them all being here at once was overwhelming. She asked Sesshomaru to take Sango and Miroku back to their rooms she needed to talk to Inuyasha. Sesshomaru was apprehensive and at the same time, he was proud of her courage to face him alone. Before he left, he leaned over and whispered in her ear. “If it would please you. I can kill him.” He looked deep in her eyes and let her know he was only half joking. She knew Sesshomaru would do anything to protect her. She understood his honor would allow nothing less.