InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happens after the parties over? ❯ Three weeks later... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer:NONONONO I dont own inu and the gang stop tormenting me

A/N: Ok please let me know if the conversation areas seem confusing and I appologize for the prologue being all bold and big but I'm to lazy to go fix it now. Also please review I won't write a story no one wants to read so tell me the good and the bad. The good makes me happy and the bad helps me learn. Just don't be a jerk for no reason. Alrighty then. On with the story!

Three weeks later....

Sango sighed in frustration as she watched her best friend continue to stab at her salad like she'd done for the last three weeks. "Ok thats it I can't take it anymore. Kagome what

is up with you lately?" she demanded.

Kagome looked up from her food flashing a fake smile she knew Sango would never believe. "There's nothing "up" with me. I'm just not hungry today." she said shrugging.


Kagome looked back at her with a confused expression "What?"

"You heard me I said bullshit. C'mon kags you know you can't lie to me so just spill it already. And no more crap about I'm not hungry because I know you your always hungry at least til recently." She trailed of worry laced in every word.

Kagome looked around the crowded cafeteria nervously trying to find a way out of telling Sango her secret. She found none and sighed "Sango I have been keeping a secret from you since Hojos party. I'll tell you if you promise not to get angry or scream."

Sango leaned back in thought then tilted her head at Kagome.

"If you've been hiding it that long it must be important so I can't promise but I can try to restrain."

Kagome sighed, "Fine good enough I guess. Well you remember how I got really really trashed?" Sango nodded. "Well I kinda went home with someone and you'll never guess


Sangos mouth fell open in suprise "Please god tell me it wasnt kouga. I can't take news like that. I'll have a heart attack at 18."

Kagome sighed again 'This is not going to be pretty' "I thought you would keep the noise level down."

Sango just glared "Tell me or i'll kill you."

Kagome smiled sadly then put her head down on the table so her voice was only a mumble. " It wasn't kouga that would be just ew. It was actually .. Inuyasha"

She whispered the last part so Sango had to strain even harder to hear it. "Excuse me? Did you just say Inuyasha? As in the silver haired gothic kid? The one with the perverted friend? That Inuyasha?" she all but yelled.

"Yeah thats him.. but thats not the worst part. We slept together and now.... I'm pregnant." Kagome sobbed quietly.

Sango sat in shock unable to reply as Kagome slowly lifted her head revealing her tear stained cheeks.

"Everythings all messed up. He told me if I got pregnant to have an abortion. He said he'd pay for it and everything but you know how against that I am. I dont know if I can even think about adoption. I want to keep my baby. You know how much I've always wanted kids, but I know he wouldn't want me to. It makes this so much harder."Kagomes sobbing increased and her body shook violently.

Sango got up and sat beside her. Slowly she wrapped her arms around Kagome allowing her to rest her head on Sangos shoulder.

"Kags it will be ok. I'm here for you. If you need me to go with you to the doctor or anything like that I will. You're tough I know you'll get through this and if he doesn't want to take responsibility for the baby then you'll get by without him. I know you remember? So I can't be wrong." Sango cooed reassuringly.

Kagomes crying slowly turned into sniffles. She reached out and hugged sango tightly.

"I have an appointment this afternoon after school if you want to come."

Sango smiled at her then nudged her jokingly "Its a date. Now lets go rebeautify ourselves. Shall we?"

"Sounds good to me." Kagome said as happily as she could getting up from the table. She was so grateful to have Sango.

They walked arm in arm towards the bathroom brushing off anyone who tried to talk to them and definately ignoring Kagura who was leaning next to her locker a few feet ahead. Kagura wasn't all bad well ok she was. She was one of those people you just couldn't help but hate and never really understood why. Maybe it was her misfit looks or maybe it was the way she could look at you and make your blood run cold. Who really knew?

They both stopped and turned when they heard Hojo call out."SANGO! Hey babe wait up!"

Kagome and Sango turned to watch hojo run down the hall towards them. Hojo and Sango had been datng almost 2 years now and things had gotten kinda serious over the last few months. There was even talks of marriage after graduation. Hojo was a very attractive guy, tall and lean. He had what you would call a swimmers body then when you add the sandy brown hair and those baby blues... well it was no wonder Sango was so crazy about him.

"Hey baby." He said happily as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Sango gave him a quick kiss "Hey nows not a good time can I call you later? Please?"

Hojo gave her a confused but curous look. "Uh sure I'll talk to you later. Bye Kags"

"Bye" Kagome waited until Hojo was out of ear shot "Sango you didnt have to run him off. I'm fine now. Scouts honor." she added throwing up the boy scouts sign.

"Oh pssh its fine. He'll get over it. Plus you're like my sister and you know how it goes sisters before guys always."

Kagome smiled raising her eyebrows as Sango manuevered her into the bathroom. " I thought it was bros before hoes."

"Same damn thing and you know it"

Kagura watched as Kagome and Sango dissapeared from sight. ' God I hate that girl but I am so glad I sat behind them today. Its so great shes pregnant. And with Inu's baby how sweet. I think I should do the caring younger sister thing and go tell Inu he's in big trouble.' Kagura smiled evilly and set off to find her brother.

(I hate writing school days so **poof** schools out it was boring as usual)

Kagome was walking home alone with plans to meet Sango in an hour when someone grabbed her from behind quickly covering her mouth with a rough hand. Kagome kicked and struggled as her abductor drug her into the park. The hands that had grabbed her so quickly were suddenly gone and she fell to her knees panting.

"What the fuck is your problem?!?!" She screamed turning around ready to lash out at her assailent.

"So when were you going to tell me you were pregnant? Were you just gunna wait til the whole school knew?"

Kagome gazed up into angry amber eyes speechless.

"What not up for gossiping right now?" Inuyasha spat. That was all it took to set her off.

"Listen smart ass I was going to tell you after I went to the doctor to be certain and what the hell are you talking about the whole school? I only told Sango."

Inuyasha folded his arms over his chest and huffed 'Damn now what do I say?'

"So do you know how much money will you need?"

"For what?" She asked trying angrily. She knew what he was talking about but she'd already made up her mind on that subject.

"For the Fucking abortion bitch!" Inuyasha screamed clearly not having any control over his emotions at the moment.

"Oh that.. I'm not having one." She stated sarcasticly still prepared to stand her ground against the coming fight.

"No fucking way! No! I'm not having a kid. You have to get an abortion. If my brother finds out... I can't have a kid have you looked at me!?!" He half yelled half pleaded. Fear filling his eyes.He was starting to break from this stress and she could tell.

Kagome looked him over closely. He was about six feet tall built kinda like hojo but silver hair not brown. It fell all the way to his lower back and complimented his amazing amber eyes.she was sure his 2 lip peircings at each corner of his bottom lip were supposed to show everyone he is rebellious just like his baggy black clothes, and worn boots.

'Wow he's really hot.. wait what am I thinking he's asking me to have an abortion he's a prick.'

"What are you gawking at wench?" He asked starting get uncomfortable.

Kagome tried not to scream "Ugh you are such an ass hole. I'm sorry all this happened but I'm not having an abortion and you cant make me. I dont see why we cant make this work we obviously liked each other three weeks. So it was alcohol related, so what cant we try and be friends and work this out cause I'm keeping my baby."

"You mean our baby.. I should get some say in this. I can't have a kid it'll ruin everything. I'll lose my inheritance and more importantly my life. Why the fuck am I telling you this?" he rambled on.

Curiousity had been planted though and she just had to ask. "How would you lose your inheritance?"
"Like its really any of your buisness but I'll lose my inheritance because my dad was old timey. No kids before marriage and If I get married and get divorced in less than a year the inheritance is null I get shit. So there you go that kid ruined my life and its not even born yet!" He yelled pointing at Kagomes stomach.

" Well I didnt do this by myself Mr. I dont know what a condom is!"

"Feh ever heard of birth control?!?"

She closed her eyes willing herself not to cry but one tear still slipped through. "Well sorry I never thought about it considering you were my first."

Before inuyasha could blink she was running away. And he let her.

Kagome ran all the way home silent tears streaming down her face. As she reached the front door she dug in her pocket for her keys with one hand as the other absent mindly brushed away the stray tears. When she walked inside her house the smell of alcohol overwhelmed her and she knew her day wasn't going to be getting better yet.

"Mom! Souta! I'm home!"

"I'm in my room. Do you want to play me at Soulcaliber?" Souta called back.

Kagome walked upstairs to her brothers room. As she leaned against the door frame she studied him. He was 14 now and as tall as her, he had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. He was skinny for his size but was starting to fill out into a man little by little. Kagome frowned as she noticed a bruise on his cheek.

"What happened to your cheek?"

Souta looked up from his game for a brief moment shrugging his shoulders. "Nothing."

Kagome sat beside him on the floor reaching over to pause his game. Souta froze. "Did he do that?" she asked quietly.

For a long while they had dealt with naraku their mothers boyfriend of 4 years. Naraku had moved in when she was soutas age and not to long after that they found out he was an alcoholic and an abuser. Her mother made excuses and appologized for him but nothing ever changed and they knew it never would.

Souta was looking at his controller his eyes almost dead. She knew he was reliving whatever had happened so she calmly asked him again. "Souta? Did he hit you?"

Souta shrugged his shoulders never looking up from his hands.

"I broke the mirror on his car."

She felt her anger soar but instead she reached over and hugged Souta tightly.

"Souta I'm so sorry I wasnt here. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"No mom came in and he decided to hit her instead then she talked him into going out for awhile." Souta held his anger and his tears inside fighting for control.

Seeing how much her brother hurt was killing her inside.

"We'll get out of this mess I promise."

"I know Kags. So did you want to play?" He asked trying to break the bad mood hanging over them.

She smiled the best reassuring smile she could muster and continued on with his charade of being ok.

"No thanks I have plans with Sango. She should be here soon."

"Ok have fun."

Souta unpaused his game and went back to fightin zombies.

Kagome stretched then left to go get ready. ' I know that eventually I'm going to have to tell mom but if she knows then eventually so would naraku and I can't have that.'

A few minutes later a car horn broke through her thoughts. Kagome ran out to Sangos car and climbed into the passenger seat.

Sango glanced at Kagomes pale face nervously."You alright?"

She turned to sango and contemplated telling her about Naraku like she'd done everytime Sango asked that question for the last 3 years.

"Yeah just nervous slash excited and tired all at once."

Sango laughed excepting her excuse.

"Well then Miss Higurashi lets go shall we?"

She nodded and off they went on their long drive to the hospital.

"Sango I'm so freakin nervous."

Kagomes eyes darted around the small waiting room.

"I can Kinda relate I'm nervous to. And everythings so clean..." Sango said as she shuddered. Man did she hate hospitals.

The door opened slowly and a stumpy little man in a white coatshuffled in nose deep in paper work.

"Um... Miss Higurashi?" he said finally looking up and around the room.

Kagome stood up glancing at sango before raising her hand. "Thats me."

"Right I'm Dr. Myoga. Follow me." Sango gave Kagome a thumbs up and an encouraging smile as she dissappeared from sight.

The doctor did the normal thing and made her do the wonderful little pee on a stick thing she'd already done at home to make sure she hadn't misread it.When it came out positive he smiled.

"Now we do the blood test to be completely sure."

An hour later there was a creak as the door opened and sango turned to see kagome and the doctor enter.

"Well Kagome you're a lucky girl you're in great shape. I realize you're still in school so just try to keep your stress level low. Our next appointment is in about a month. That's when you'll have your first ultrasound. See you then."

Sango waited till the doctor was gone. "So how'd it go?"

Kagome shrugged. "Well I'm most definately pregnant." Sango glanced nervously at Kagome as she gathered there coats and purses.

"So now what?"

She contemplated as she opened the door to leave. "I have no idea... but I guess I have to tell Inuyasha he's definately going to be a daddy."