InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happens after the parties over? ❯ The "Technicalities.".... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha or any songs or games I own nothing.... its sad

It had been almost 2 months since she found out she was pregnant and being in the situation she was in things weren't going so bad. Telling inuyasha had been
the hell and of course he flipped his lid again. As a matter of fact he hadn't talked to her since. Thankfully Sango had been awesome.. with her every step of the way she was even there for the first ultrasound which went well doc said everything was fine and now it was Monday...and she was late.

'Why does this always happen to me?' She screamed in her head as she ran towards her school.'So much for keeping my stress level down.'

As she rounded the corner she ran into something solid knocking her to the ground. "Ow"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and helped her up.

"Hey woman you better be careful you're gonna kill my brat being so clumsy."

She just glared at Inuyasha coldly.

"Since when is the baby inside me your brat? I thought you didn't want it."

"Since I talked to my brother and he made me realize I have to take responsibility for my actions." He said shrugging.

She tried to push past him but he blocked her path easily.

"Sure. I don't believe that for a second."

"You should believe me."

"Whys that? After everything you said to me. Why should I believe you?"

Inuyasha threw up his hands in frustration.

"Fine don't believe me! If I took you to see my brother would you believe him?"

She tucked her hair behind her ear in thought. "Maybe."

Inuyasha nodded slowly then took her by the arm dragging her to his car parked on the curb.

"Get in and stay there." he stated waiting for her to comply.

When she did he went around to the drivers side and got in starting the car immediately.

"So where are we going?" She was getting a little nervous as Inuyasha sped off into traffic.

"You said you'd believe my brother so we're going to see him." he replied easily.

"Right now? We have school and besides I only said maybe."

Inuyasha glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What never ditched school?"

Kagome huffed "Of course I have! Just never against my will."

Inuyasha just smirked.

"Theres a time and a place for everything."

She fought to suppress a smile.'I guess he's right.. but I won't tell him that he has a big enough head anyways.'


They rode in comfortable silence for a little while as Kagome and Inuyashas minds wondered.

'Its amazing to me that hes such a jerk and yet I find myself attracted to him on more than a physical level. When did that happen?'

"Want to listen to music?" Inuyasha asked breaking her train of thought.

"Sure got any Zeppelin?"

Inuyasha looked at her in surprise his mouth hanging slightly open.

"You like that crap? Its chick music. Think of something else."

She sighed not wanting to fight.

"I don't care you pick but its not chick music its freakin awesome."

Inuyasha huffed "Yeah if you're a hippie."

He shuffled through his cds slowly before deciding. A minute or so later music filled the car.

'Mankind's nature isn't free
Decisions for a greater will
Guidelines for hypocrisy
Fate just another mighty thrill
In the core of our minds
Our highest aim is just control
We are nothing more than blind
Cruelty the protocol
Kagome smiled. "Good choice." Inuyasha smiled smugly and glanced in her direction
Freedom of mind a desirable state
A humans spirit reaching the borders
A will spreading until the gate
A limit just built up by orders

'What am I doing with this girl? She's gonna freak when she finds out I'm a demon and that our child will be too. I can see it now Freak child born to pretty teenager.' Inuyasha shook his head

Witchcraft the scourge of hell
It's your trial it's your crucible
The crucible the scourge of hell
Cast upon us the bibles curse
Free will condemned like a sin of death
The churches cage, all became worse
The religious fire stole our breath

'She looks really pretty today...wait do I really find her pretty?'

Kagome sat in the passenger seat with her knees tucked under her ,hands in her lap. She was wearing hip hugger blue jeans and a black tank top that said Rock-n-Roll Princess. She had pulled her hair up into an unkempt bun and wore no make-up.

Witchcraft the scourge of hell
It's your trial it's your crucible
The crucible
The scourge of hell

'Hmm she really is pretty.. I can't be attracted to her... she'd never accept me anyways. I'll be a monster in her eyes.'

"Hey Inuyasha where are we? This doesn't look familiar at all."

Inuyasha pushed the thoughts from his head.

"We're almost there its the big brick house at the end of the road."

Kagome looked a little closer. It was a fairly big house with a huge lawn.

Inuyasha pulled into the driveway and turned off the car.

"Follow me alright?"

Kagome nodded still staring at the house and got out of the car following him as he'd asked. Once inside she stared in awe It looked brand new everything was spotless. Inuyasha stopped in front of two huge oak doors.

"He's in there. I'll be in my room at the end of the hall when you're done."

Kagome watched as He walked away unsure of how to proceed.

"You can come in."

A voice called from inside the room. Kagome eased the door open and went in shutting it behind her.

"Come sit down." Sesshomaru waved a hand towards the chair in front of his desk. She sat down slowly a look of fear and admiration.

"So you're inuyashas brother?" 'What a stupid question Jesus Kagome....'

"Half brother but yes. And you're Kagome? His mate."

"Mate?" Confusion replaced the fear now.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow.

"I see. He didn't tell you about his demon heritage? How like him. I suppose it shall be up to me to tell you."

"Demon? I thought that demons only existed in old times."

"We did exist in old time and we still exist today. In the feudal era I was a Lord. Inuyasha and I share the same father. The difference being I am a full demon and Inuyasha is only a Hanyou."

She grew even more confused.

" Hanyou? Doesn't that mean he's only a half demon?"

"That is correct. I see you know your history."

She shook her head.

"This makes no sense. How do you hide it?"

"Spells. Demons use a cloaking spell to hide our true identities. But since you will be having Inus pups you had to know."

She thought for a moment looking at Sesshomarus mask of indifference.

"Pups? As in 2 ?"

Sesshomaru smirked "This Sesshomaru knows quite a bit about your pups I can smell them."

Shock covered her features and she sank back into the chair.

"Oh my god I'm having twins....Wait, if you can smell them why cant Inuyasha?"

"That should be obvious I have a keener sense of smell because I am a full demon."

Kagome stood to pace the floor.

"Its all so overwhelming. First Inu is demanding an abortion then hes going to take responsibility. Now you're saying he's a demon and I'm having twins annnnddd my babies are part demon too. I know this has something to do with his inheritance."

With the last part said she sat down and stared at sesshomaru.

"The inheritance is simple really since inuyasha got you pregnant you have to be married before the pups are born and stay married for at least a year. Its a technicality really. I'll provide your house and pay the medical bills after a year there will be a quiet divorce and you'll get a check monthly to help you with your "child raising" and that will be the end of it."

She stared in shock. 'It can't be that easy for him to cast off his own kin..can it?'

"Of course you'll have a few days to think on it."

Kagome blinked slowly. "And you already got inuyasha to agree to this?"

"Yes he really has no choice but he didn't seem to mind much. Now why don't you go talk to him about it. I have work." he said with a dismissive wave.

Kagome got up slowly and walked out the door and down the hall. She paused in front of the door she saw Inuyasha disappear into.

'When did my life get so crazy?'

She heard the loud music clearly as she pushed his door open. She searched the messy room with her eyes but saw no sign of Inuyasha. Kagome heard a loud curse and the sound of breaking glass from what she guessed was the bathroom.

"Inuyasha!?! Are you alright?" She said rushing over to the door.

She opened it quickly and gasped. On the floor sat Inuyasha blood dripping down his arm.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"What the fuck do you care?"

Kagome stared blankly.

"I was worried. I heard the glass breaking and I thought you were hurt. You don't have to get mad."

Kagomes eyes watered and she lowered her head.

"Sesshomaru told me about all the "Technicalities" he told me to talk to you but I suppose today's bad for you. So I'll leave."

Inus eyes softened slightly.

"Kagome wait. I'm sorry. I thought you were going to bitch about the cuts."

Kagome looked up puzzled

"Why would I? I've done all that and more. I might still do it but I have to think about more than myself now. Which reminds me. I should probably tell you the news before Sesshomaru does."

Inuyasha stood slowly and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He came up with more technicalities?"

Kagome shook her head.

"No. Well yes. Oh I don't know. To put it simply I'm having twins."

Inuyashas eyes grew wide and a gasp of surprise escaped before he could stop it.


"I'm sorry you have 2 brats now and I'm sorry you have to marry me to get your inheritance. I never meant for this to happen."

"Wait!" Inuyasha called but it was too late.

She darted out the door and out of the house.

He ran after her and down the street calling her name.

'Damn she's fast.' Inuyasha swore viciously.

"Screw it she'll find her own way home."

Inuyasha walked back into his house and headed for his room.

"Inuyasha did you scare off your mate already?"

Sesshomaru called appearing in the door way to his study.

"Fuck off!" Inuyasha stated slamming his door violently behind him.

((***WARNING*** Rape and Abuse***))

Kagome stumbled into her house around 10 having gotten lost quite a few times.

She tip toed quietly inside and silently shut the door. There were no lights on.

Assuming everyone was sleeping she made her way to the stairs. As she place her foot on the first step a light clicked on in the hall.

"Kagome? Where have you been? Its a school night." Naraku asked calmly.

She walked into the living room and stood in front of his chair. A look of hatred on her face.

"I'm sorry Naraku I went for a walk after school and I got really lost it wont happen again." Trying to use the obedient tone so she didn't piss him off.

Naraku stood slowly and backhanded her painfully .

"Don't lie to me you little bitch. When you didn't come home I called the school you weren't even there today."

Kagome opened her mouth to defend herself but Naraku silenced her with his hand knocking her to the floor.

Kagome instinctively wrapped her arms around her stomach as Naraku began his beating.

Kicking her in the face and back and wherever else he could reach. Her cries of pain grew louder with each blow.

"Please stop I don't want you to kill my babies." She cried out with the last of her strength.

Naraku stopped and stared down at her beaten form evilly.

"So you are the whore I told your mother you would be. Like mother like daughter." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Don't worry Kagome I wont kill you or your babies." He cooed in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Though you'll have to do something for me in return."

Kagomes eyes widened in fear as Naraku tore her shirt. his hands roaming wherever they pleased. Gripping her breasts painfully. Naraku leaned down and caught kagomes bottom lip between his teeth and bit drawing blood.

"No! Stop it please stop!" She struggled not knowing how much it pleased him.

"Naraku get of my daughter!" Ayumi came running at him only to be knocked aside with one blow.

But she was relentless and eventually Naraku decided to give her his full attention. Knocking her down he stripped her of her robe.

Kagome lay helpless as she watched Naraku rape her mother.
She listened as her mother cried out in agony at every violent entry. Vaguely she heard her mother mumbling.

"Kagome. Leave. Run."

She got off the floor and ran out the front door tears streaming down her face. She only realized it was raining after running for awhile. She stopped and looked around finding herself in front of the same park Inuyasha had dragged her into less than a week ago. Kagome walked numbly to the swings and sat staring at her feet. The sobs that had been silent finally took over her body.

Inuyasha and his friend miroku were walking to the same park. Miroku stood almost eye to eye with inuyasha. His hair was swept to one side and spiked in his ears hung dangling cross earrings and a silver bar glinted in his eyebrow. Like inuyasha he wore the black make up though the difference in style is clearly seen. Mirokus eyeliner fanned out to accent his purple eyes, while inuyashas was simpler. They had been best friends since grade school. Practically brothers.

"Man I love it when it rains. " He glanced over at inuyasha "Whats got you so down? Run out of drugs? I think I've got some Xanax with me. "

Miroku mumbled digging in his pockets.

"No I'm not out of drugs. Its just this Kagome thing. I think shes crazy."

Miroku smiled "Chicks normally are... Kagome?? Hmm thats the girl you slept with after Hojos party? She got the hot amazon as a best friend?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Yeah that's her and her friend you perv."

Miroku only laughed.


As they approached the park Inuyasha stopped suddenly. It took a moment and a few steps but Miroku noticed he turned and studied him .

"Whats up dog boy?" Inuyashas eyes darkened.

"Kagomes in the park. Stay here I"m going to talk to her."

Miroku nodded sitting on the curb digging for his pipe he smiled at inuyasha.

"I can do that."

Inuyasha shook his head and walked past him.

'I can smell her tears. I wonder how long shes been here. Why do i care?'

Kagome heard a rustling on the path and stiffened.

'Oh God Narakus found me. What am I going to do?' Kagome thought frantically escaping into the bushes.

A few moments later Inuyasha walked into the clearing.

"Kagome come out from your hiding spot I know you're here. I smell you."

Inuyasha saw a flash of black and looked down in surprise at the top of Kagomes head. Instinctively he wrapped her in his arms drawing her closer and heard her gasp in pain.

"Kagome?" startled Inuyasha eased her away and tipped her face towards him. His eyes narrowed in controlled rage at the sight of Kagome bruised and swollen face. He had no idea why but the sight of her bruised and swollen made him want to kill.

"Kagome who did this to you?"

Kagome shook her head and moved into inuyashas arms again. She leaned against him taking comfort in his warmth.

"Kagome please tell me who did this."

Inuyasha pleaded quietly and again she shook her head.

Inu sighed and gently held her. 'This is a lost battle'

"You're freezing. How long have you been out here?" he asked slipping his jacket off and then around her shoulders. She shrugged and wiped at her tears.

"Come on lets go home."

Kagomes eyes flashed with fear and she backed away. Inuyasha stopped her and pulled her closer wrapping the jacket around her tighter.

"We'll go to my house Kagome. I wont let anything happen to you."

'I can't.' he added silently to himself.

Kagome nodded in understanding as inuyasha picked her up bridal style and began the walk out of the park.

A/N: Review please I won't post again til I get some feed back