InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happens after the parties over? ❯ The drama starts... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

A/N: Enjoy

Miroku spotted Kagomes face as Inuyasha carried her from the park and swore.

"Fuck... Are you gonna be alright?" Worry etched in all his features.

She leaned her head against Inuyashas shoulder and nodded numbly.

Inuyasha just glared giving him the What a stupid question look.

"Why don't you head on home Miroku. I'm taking Kagome back to my house."

Miroku nodded reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Kagomes ear. He may be considered a pervert at school but deep down he was a very caring person.

"As long as you're sure you don't need me. Kagome I thought you should know that since you're with Inuyasha you're gonna be like my sister. He'll take care of you and so will I."

Inuyasha huffed not wanting anyone to see how touched he was by Mirokus words.

"Yeah. Yeah. Real touching go home will ya!"

Kagome smiled slightly as she watched Miroku walk away. 'Maybe things can get better...'

Later after Inuyasha had cleaned Kagome up and explained everything to Sesshomaru he sat in his room watching Kagome brush her hair.

She stopped and placed the brush on the table. "Inuyasha?"

"What?” he asked quietly caught up in his own thoughts.

"I'm really sorry I've caused you so much trouble."

Inuyasha shook his head.

"Don't. To be honest I haven't minded too much."

"Really? You could've fooled me."

Inu smirked "Yeah I guess I was an asshole." He teased trying to get a smile back on her face.

It worked.

She smiled slightly then it turned into a yawn.

“Its late. Are you tired?" He watched her closely.

"Yeah. Where am I going to sleep?" Inuyasha thought about it for a minute.

"In here with me. My beds big enough."

Kagome blushed lightly. 'Just cause a I slept with him while I was drunk doesn't mean I'm comfortable with him... Oh what the hell I'm tired.'

"Umm alright then."

They both crawled into bed and under the covers. Inuyasha bringing Kagome closer causing yet another blush.

"So I guess you're my girl now huh?"

Kagome smiled as Inuyasha draped an arm around her.

"Guess so."

Inuyasha listened to her breathing until he was sure she was asleep. He rested his cheek on the curve of her neck and inhaled deeply.

'What is it about you that makes me care?Makes me want to protect you?'

He questioned himself as he drifted off to sleep.

Inuyasha woke up first glancing around the room before landing his gaze upon the clock.

10:21 a.m.

He rolled over and stretched careful of the sleeping girl next to him. He crept slowly out of bed grabbed clothes from his dresser and slipped into the bathroom quietly to shower.

As the door clicked softly shut Kagome stirred and yawned throwing back the covers. Instantly regretting it. Her whole body seemed to sting and throb with pain.

She laid there a few minutes waiting for the pain to subside. Sitting up slowly she looked around the room but found no Inuyasha. Hearing the shower turn on she decided to go to the kitchen for breakfast. Walking in she spotted Sesshomaru sitting at the table newspaper in hand and a cup of hot coffee on the table.

"Good morning Sesshomaru." She greeted him in a sleepy voice.

Sesshomaru folded the paper and studied her with his usual mask of indifference before replying.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Kagome decided against telling the truth.

"I'm alright I haven't looked in a mirror yet.. I guess I'm afraid to." Kagome dressed only in a large t-shirt walked over to the fridge to grab the orange juice then over to the cabinet for a glass. Once she was sure Sesshomaru was fully engrossed in his paper she glanced down at her legs and grimaced.

Her normally pale smooth legs were covered in dark bruises.

'If my legs look that bad I can't imagine how the rest of me looks.' She finished pouring the juice and put it away.

When she finally got back to inuyashas room she found him laying on his bed his headphones blaring. She tip toed over to the bed and sat the juice she'd brought him on his bare stomach. Inu glanced up at her and removed the headphones.

"Thanks. How you doing?" Kagome sat Indian style on the bed hands in her lap holding her cup.

"Well I'm sore and ugly but other than that I suppose I'm alright. I'm sorry I wouldn't talk to you last night.. I just couldn't."

Inuyasha sat his juice on the table nodding.

"Will you talk to me now? Will you tell me who did this to you?" Kagomes eyes teared but she didn't cry.

"Naraku..he's my mothers boyfriend,practically my stepfather. He's lived with us almost 4 years now."

Inuyasha clenched his fist.

"Has he always done this?"

Kagome nodded "Never this bad though at least not to me."

Inuyasha wasn't surprised just pissed.

"He hits your mom too?"

"Yes and my younger brother Souta."

"So what exactly happened last night?"

She took a deep breath and willed herself to continue.

"I came home late.. I got lost.. he hit me because I lied about going to school... the more I screamed the more he hit and kicked me. I thought he was going to kill me.. kill our babies.. So I begged him to spare me because I was pregnant he called me a whore said I would do him a favor...."

she stopped and wiped away her tears then started again.

Inuyasha eyes were flashing red as he fought for control.

"He tried to rape me but my mom stopped him. He hit her then... he decided he'd have her instead.. she screamed and he raped her..she told me to run so I did and then you found me."

Kagomes tears fell steadily and Inuyasha reached over to wipe them away.

"You're not going back. You'll stay here with me." Kagome started to protest.

"No don't argue with me about this. You need clothes. I'll buy you clothes but you're not going back."

"But Souta?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha shook his head. "I don't know how but we'll get him out."

Kagome just nodded. "Alright then Inuyasha. Thank you"

Inuyasha smiled trying to lighten the moment.

"But you know since you're my girlfriend now you'll have to change your style I can't date no preppy chick." He said jokingly.

Kagome willing to let the depression pass smiled back.

"Sounds like a challenge you buy the clothes I'll wear them.

Inuyasha smirked. 'Cocky bitch.' "You're on."

A few hours and a couple of phone calls later Kagome and Inuyasha had made plans to meet Sango and Miroku at the mall. Kagome had decided to wear inuyashas clothes a comfortable long sleeve shirt and a pair of baggy jeans.

"Sango!' Kagome yelled spotting her friend in the parking lot.

Sango waved happily making her way over to Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Hey Kags whats up?" Sango was dressed in a simple white baby tee and hip hugger jeans and like Kagome she had left her hair down.

"Not too much. Just waiting on Miroku." Kagome replied glancing at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha wore his normal piercings and boots with his baggy all black clothes. They weren't a style to him just comfortable.

Miroku walked over to the group slowly. Inuyasha had his eyes closed and his arms folded while Kagome and Sango talked quietly about random things. Much to Mirokus surprise he couldn't see any trace of Kagomes bruises.

'Girls and their make-up magic'

"Hey you lovely ladies.. and Inuyasha. The wonderful Miroku is here."

He paused and smiled as the group stared at him .. 'They are obviously awe struck by my manliness.'

"Yes its good to be sexy."

Inuyashas eyebrow twitched and his hand flew up smacking Miroku in the back of the head.

"Shut up lecher. Did you even change clothes this morning?"

Miroku glanced down at the same clothes he'd been wearing since yesterday.

"Nope I haven't been to sleep yet.. Hell I haven't even been home yet." he laughed to himself.

Sango just rolled her eyes before turning to Kagome

"So why are we here today?' Kagome glanced at Inu then back to Sango.

"I'm getting a new look so I wont look odd standing next to my boyfriend at school."

"What kind of look?.. wait boyfriend? Did I miss something?"

Miroku held in a smirk calmly taking Sangos hand in his patting it as if she were a child.

"My dear Sango it seem Inuyasha and Kagome are a couple now."

Inuyasha feh'd and carefully wrapped and arm around Kagomes waist.

"There a problem with that?"

Sango blinked once before responding.

"Its about fucking time you two came to some kind of agreement. I just didn't expect it to be a relationship... but whatever works.”

Kagome smiled happy that Sango didn't disagree with her decision.

"Well then lets get shopping."

The two girls linked arms and walked happily into the mall followed by a grinning Miroku and a semi irritated half demon.

5 hours, 15 slaps, and six hundred dollars in clothing later....

Sango and Kagome emerged from the mall giggling to themselves followed by a beat up Miroku and a now fully irritated half demon. Both of them loaded down with bags.

Kagome stopped laying a hand on her stomach. Sango stopped to eying her friend closely.

"What? Something wrong?"

Kagome shook her head smiling. "I'm hungry thats worst than wrong."

Sango laughed glancing at her watch

"I have to be heading home. Since my cars in the shop I have to catch the bus." Miroku instantly perked up dropping his bags.

“Dear Sango allow me to give you a ride home." Sango just looked at him in horror.

"It's better than riding the bus."Kagome reasoned.

Inuyasha glanced back and forth between his friends.

"Can you make up your mind already I'm sick of carrying these stupid bags."

Sango sigh. "Fine. I guess you can give me a ride."

Inside Miroku did a happy dance.

They gathered up the bags and said their goodbyes leaving Inuyasha and Kagome.

Kagome picked up the rest of the bags and walked to Inus car. After loading the bags into the car Kagome reached over to give one of Inuyashas ears an experimental rub.

To the happy surprise of Kagome Inuyasha leaned into the touch and pulled her closer. Kagome smiled and worked up the courage to kiss him gently. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Kagome drew away.

"I'm tired . Lets go home."

Inuyasha still shocked that she had kissed him nodded.

'I liked that a little too much guess I'll need a cold shower when we get home.' he thought to himself as he got in the car and started the drive home.

Sango sat in the passenger seat of Mirokus car waiting impatiently for him to finish loading up the bags.

Miroku however was in his own little world as he placed then replaced the bags to kill time.

'Damn shes hot and tough like an amazon no ones ever hit me so hard before and i liked it tooi must have her shes perfect for me.'

Mirokus thoughts were shattered as his car horn sounded Sangos impatience.

"Coming Sango dear." he practically sang as is mind added 'Not yet but I'll be cumming for you shortly'

He climbed into the drivers seat.

Sango glared at him. "What took so long?"

"I just wanted to make sure nothing would get damaged." Miroku replied smoothly.

"Lets just go I'm beat."

Miroku smiled as his hentai thoughts went through his mind "Me too."

It was Wednesday now and time fore Kagome to try out her new look at school.

She hummed to herself as she shampooed her hair.

At breakfast Inuyasha had told her that Souta had been placed with her Aunt and Uncle in Kyoto. She didn't know how he'd managed that but it didn't matter because Souta was finally safe. Granted she was still worried about her mother. Kagome only hoped that since they were gone her mother would finally leave Naraku.

Kagome finished rinsing and turned off the water.

'Today she promised herself would be a better day.'

She went over to her side of inuyashas closet where they had dumped her stuff yesterday. Smirking she with drew a few articles of clothing.

'Inuyasha will never know what hit him.' she thought wickedly.

1 hour later..

Inuyasha stood at the door holding his and kagomes bags.

"Kagome! Hurry up we'll be late!" he yelled impatiently a few minutes later a small cough drew his attention to the top of the stairs.

What he saw made his heart speed up faster and his palms sweat.

Kagome stood with a playful smile as she watched Inuyashas eyes roam over her body.

She was wearing her hair up in two messy buns held together by chopsticks. She had on a very tight red belly top with a black long sleeve fishnet shirt over it, She had on a tight black mini skirt and thigh high stockings and combat boots to complete the look she wore a silver chain choker, skull earrings, spikes on each wrists, and a belt that read whore that she'd gotten as a joke.

Kagome did a small twirl making her already short skirt ride up .

"Well Inuyasha? Puppy like?” She asked playfully.

Inuyasha growled and was in front of her before she could blink.

He gripped her shoulders tightly and crushed his mouth to hers.

She was surprised by his actions but her arms wrapped around his neck.

Inuyasha deepened the kiss slipping his tongue inside her mouth starting a battle for dominance. When they finally came up for air Inuyasha nipped Kagomes bottom lip and picked her up bridal style.

"Puppy thinks we're going to be late. Really late. In fact we might not make it to school at all."

A/N: Bwahaha Review ;)

To ms tee ryus and I love kouga: thank you so much for being my first 2 reviews and being so sweet!!!!