InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happens after the parties over? ❯ Back to school.... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing so you can't sue.

Kagome laughed as Inuyasha hurriedly carried her towards the bedroom.

“Inuyasha put me down! We can't be late for school! Besides do you know how long it took me to get ready?!”

Inuyasha stopped putting on his best puppy dog face.

“Awe c'mon just this once?”

She had to resist the smile she felt just looking at that adorable face but insisted.

“No Inuyasha. Sango and Miroku will be waiting for us. Now put me down we have to go.”

Sighing Inuyasha sat her down carefully.

“Fine but you owe me.”

“Yeah yeah. Lets go.”

She mumbled grabbing her bag and walking out to the car.

Miroku sat at one of the many picnic tables on the front lawn of the school waiting for Inuyasha and Kagome but also watching Sango. And boy did she look amazing today.

She'd changed her look just as Kagome did. He guessed in a show of support or maybe it was just the perfect excuse to show her inner freak. Miroku thought the look suited her well making him even more interested in this fiery vixen though her boyfriend Hojo didn't seem to like it one bit.

“What the hell is up with you Sango?”

Hojo practically screamed at her.

“What do you mean?! I'm still the same person its just different clothes than normal.”

Though she new that was an understatement. She was dressed in a tight black mini dress that stopped just short of showing everyone how much of a woman she really was and ankle boots that had chains on them which was way different from her typical jeans and a fitted top look.

Then of course there were the accents she'd added like the black make up and fingerless lace gloves along with the fishnets and tousled hair. Sure they were a bit much but she couldn't help but love the way she looked and felt today.

Hojo couldn't believe what he was hearing or seeing.

“Just different clothes my ass! Who are you? I want my tomboy girlfriend back.”

“Well I'm sorry you don't like it but I do. So I guess since you love me you'll just have to deal with it!”

Sango spit back not enjoying his tomboy remark at all.

That was all it took to push Hojo over the edge.

“You know what Sango I do love you but I can't and won't deal with this. Come find me when you're over whatever this is!”

A look of confusion covered her face.

“Are you breaking up with me? Over clothes?”

Hojo turned his back to her and said as he walked away.

“Yeah I guess I am.”

Sango just stood there unable to move.

Miroku had watched everything from a distant unsure of what to do. He stood up slowly and walked over to Sango laying a hand on her shoulder.

“I'm sorry. He's a jerk. I think you look hot.”

With that said he reached down and gently cupped her bottom.

Sango went from shock to anger in about a second turning on her heal to slap Miroku across the face.

“I so don't need this right now!”

She screamed as she stormed off towards the school.

This is where Inuyasha and Kagome came into the picture.

Kagome looked at her friends quickly retreating form and then at Mirokus slightly swollen face.

“What the hell did you do to her?!”

Not waiting for an answer Kagome rushed after her best friend.

“Sango wait up!!”

Miroku just stood there crazy thoughts running through his head.

'Damn that woman is hot. Shes got some nerve'

A shiver ran down his spin.

'I like that!' A perverted grin slowly formed on his lips.

' I like that a lot'

Inuyasha broke through to him.

“So from that creepy grin on your face I'm guessing you touched her butt again then she hit you.... anddd you liked it. Am I right?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Miroku you are such an idiot.”

With a sigh Inuyasha grabbed his best friends arm and started dragging him towards the school.

The first few classes of the day came and went quickly and before the group knew it it was time for lunch.

Sango seemed to be in a better mood by then so the group all sat together outside on the lawn. Everyone remained silent for a good while until Kagome finally broke the silence.

“Sooooo only one more month til graduation....”

She let the sentence trail off hoping someone would keep the conversation going. No one did. She tried again.

“I'll be about 4 months pregnant by then..... Is anyone even listening to me?”

Again Silence.

“I'm going to a sex club tonight to have sex with fifty guys.”

“No the fuck you aren't!” Inuyasha yelled as Sango and Miroku screamed out in unison.


Finally broken from there day dreams by this crazy comment, Kagome couldn't help it she started laughing.

“If any of you believe that for even a second I'm no longer friends with you.”

“That wasn't very nice Kags I think you almost gave Inuyasha a heart attack.”

Sango said pointing at said demon who looked as if he was about to pass out.

“Oh puppy I'm sorry. You know I was just kidding I would never do that and you know it. You were my first remember and I haven't had anyone since then. Nor do I plan to.”

Inuyasha visibly relaxed and then put on an indifferent face.

“I knew that.”

“Uh huh sureeee.“

Miroku teased earning him a smack on the back of the head.

“Shut up stupid.”

The bell rang and the group began there way back to class. Soon enough it was 2:45 and school was officially out for the day.

“Thank god this day is finally over. Now what?”

Sango asked not really wanting to head home just yet,

“Well Inuyasha has a huge house and an equally huge pool we could go swimming.”

Miroku suggested raising an eyebrow in Inuyasha direction.

“Sounds good to me.”

He replied with a shrug.


Kagome yelled in excitement.

“Good thing me and Sango got new suits while we were shopping yesterday and if I'm not mistaken I still have your's in one of my bags. How convenient!”

Sango smiled

“Well then lets not waste time.”

Everyone piled into there respected cars. Inuyasha and Kagome in his car. Miroku and Sango in his.

An hour later they were changed and in the pool and my what a pool it was. It was inside the house but that wasn't even the coolest part. It didn't look like your normal pool. It looked like a hot spring with a waterfall and everything.


Was the only warning Kagome and Sango got before being hit by the massive splash Inuyasha and Miroku created upon hitting the water.

“What the hell!? Are you trying to drown us?”

Sango yelled in outrage.

The boys surfaced laughing. Miroku nudged Sango playfully.

“Awe c'mon it wasn't that bad.”

Inuyasha swam over to Kagome a smile on his lips.

“So are you mad at me?”

Kagome just shrugged.

“I'm in a pool I'm going to be wet regardless. Just try not to drown me or your unborn children.”

Sangos eyes lit up.

“Speaking of children. When will you guys find out the sex of the babies?”

Miroku snorted.

“Babies don't have sex Sango jeez.”

“Miroku you are so stupid thats not what I meant and you know it!”

Miroku smiled sheepishly.

Sango face was less than happy.

Inuyasha just dyed laughing as Kagome smirked.

“I don't think the ultra sound will show it just yet. Maybe in a month or so? I can't wait to find out though. What would like to have Inuyasha?”

Kagome asked suddenly curious.

Inuyasha pondered that for a moment before replying.

“Boys of course I wouldn't know what to do with a girl. You know thinking about it Sesshy might be able to smell there sex already. Why don't you ask him?”

Kagome beamed.

“I think I will at dinner! I hope he can that'd be so neat!”

Everyone looked excited til Inuyasha remembered.

“You can't ask him tonight he's out on business. He'll be back in the morning though.”

Disappointment covered Kagomes face.

“Ok tomorrow then.”

Everyone got out of the pool thinking the same thing, tomorrow was going to be exciting.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I pulled some tendons in my hand it is a pain in the ass to type with a brace on. So right now I'm thinking I'm going to try to update at the very least every other day hopefully a chapter a day but who knows if I can keep that up with life going on all around me.

To Halfdemon: You might have read it before but this time I'm going to try not to let anyone down! Thank you for your review!!!

To Kagome 434: Thank you! And as for Kikyo I'm not sure if I'll be adding her in... but I'm thinking about it. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!

To BK : Thank you for you super nice review!!!!

Review please!!