InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When a Demon and a Mermaid Mix!! ❯ Into the Water! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.1 ~ Into the Water!
Disclaimer: Hello! I revised the story a little. Just a bit. I'm finally back! And for those of you waiting for the sequel. It's coming! lol I don't own Inu-yasha either. Now . . . without further ado. . Roll it!
In the ocean swimming along the coral reefs was a creature so beautiful, it's hard to describe. The creature was a mermaid, and her name was Kagome. She had long raven black hair that traveled along her back. The top that was made up of two shells that all Mermaids wore was a bright red while her tail and fins were a forest green. Her hazel chocolate brown eyes shone brightly with happiness.
She sighed as she entered the underwater Palace. She had been swimming to a ball for the Princess. The Princess was to be wed. Normally she would be happy but the Merman that she was marrying was dark. As she arrived at the Ballroom she noticed the Queen was speaking.
“Princess Kikyo. . . . I feel so sorry for her. Having to marry Naraku. It's just gross. I know the Princess feels the same way too. That's it . . . I'm leaving. I don't wanna be here when Naraku arrives. But I guess I have to. She thought, sadly.
She watched though as the future Prince Naraku came swimming slowly toward his future bride who was looking completely disgusted.
A while later Kagome came swimming up to her home. She had gotten out of there as soon as possible. Her home which was a giant seashell sat at the bottom of some sea mountains. Which made it a long way from the Palace but she didn't mind. She liked the quiet. She smiled as she saw her shell but the smile quickly turned into a frown.
“I don't like that Naraku, he's evil. . . . . I just know it. But how did a Half- demon turn into a mermaid anyway? Unless he's Half-mermaid which is unlikely. I'm just glad I don't have to marry him. But with him as Prince . . . . . I have a feeling that the ocean will never be the same.” She thought sadly.
Magical creatures of all kind existed in this world. From Demons to Elves even water sprites. Kagome smiled brightly as she thought about the world above the ocean's waters. She loved the ocean but couldn't help but be curious about the world that was up there.
She swam into her shell and headed straight for her bedroom. “Whew. . . I'm exhausted! Swimming to Palace takes so much out of me . . . . .Well anyway, I have to pick allot of berries tomorrow. So better turn in early. Or I'll fall asleep while picking. She thought sighing happily as she slid into her seafoam bed.
The next morning Kagome gave a small groan as she opened her eyes slowly. She blinked and stretched. She sat up; smiling then swam over to a window and looked up to where the sun was shining through the waters making them sparkle.
“It's going to be a beautiful day!! I have this feeling that something is going to happen. . . .Oh! I better get started on those berries!” She thought smiling brightly. She swam into her kitchen and grabbed a bucket while grabbing a piece of fruit.
She started swimming towards a forest while eating her breakfast. When she swam into the forest she looked around for the special bush she had found the other day. She smiled as she found it.
“Coral berries are the best! They're so sweet! Perfect for making pies! I'll be able to make wonderful pies with them. She thought happily.
She started picking the berries while humming a tune softly. She then heard a voice and was startled when she recognized the voice. “That's Naraku's voice!! What's he doing all the way out in the mountains like this I wonder?” She thought shocked.
She swam over to a different bush and looked through to Naraku talking to a small Mer-child. The girl had white hair, a white top, a white tail and black blank eyes. She was holding a strange mirror. The girl made a shiver of something run down her back.
“Master, a Mermaid is watching.” She whispered in an emotionless voice. Kagome froze. “Oh. . .oh. I have to get out of here! Quick!” She thought stating to panic.
Naraku turned and smirked. He waved his hand and Kagome was thrown to the floor in front of him. “Ah, It's you Lady Kagome.” He said smoothly. Kagome blinked and looked confused.
“Y . . . Y. . . You know my name?” asked Kagome. His smirk widened. “Of course I know your name Lady Kagome. I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now.” He said.
Kagome got up but now she was completely confused. “What does he mean by that? . . . . Keeping an eye on me? I don't know why but I have a terrible feeling. Something bad is about to happen and I think its target is going to be me.” She thought starting to get frightened.
“But unfortunately because of what you have just witnessed. I will have to dispose of you. I have just the thing . . . the perfect ending for the Lady Kagome.” Naraku said smirking evilly.
Kagome's eyes widened as she gasped. “The target is me! He's going to kill me!” She thought fearfully. Naraku was glowing black.
She suddenly felt extreme pain but couldn't cry out. She closed her eyes tightly. She heard Naraku chuckle and saw him disappear with the girl by his side.
Kagome couldn't breathe. “I need to get to the surface!! Or I'll drown!” She thought panicking. But she couldn't swim! Why weren't her fins working?! She kicked and swam as fast she could. She was tiring out quickly and loosing the little bit of air she had.
Just as she thought she wasn't going to make it she broke through the surface of the water. She was gasping and panting for breath. “I made it!” She thought relieved. She just let herself float while breathing deeply. She looked down and saw two human legs instead of her fins.
He . . . He turned me human! But how?! Oh no! What now? But now I have another problem. I have to get to land. And fast! Just in case Naraku finds out I survived. But where is land?” She wondered.
It had been morning then and now it was sunset. She had just picked a direction and started swimming. She finally washed upon a beach. She sighed tiredly with relief. She just laid there letting her body rest.
She then sat up and looked around uneasily. “Where am I?” She thought. She tried to stand up but immediately fell back down issuing a small cry of pain.
“I'm going have to get used to these things. But at least I survived. But Naraku . . . . . What was he doing? And who was that girl? What will happen if he finds out I survived? So many questions and no answers.” She thought sighing.
Suddenly she heard a twig snap and turned to the noise. “Oh no! Someone's here!! What do I do?! I can't even move let alone defend myself! I'm in trouble now! She thought fearfully. The bushes started to rustles and a figure emerges.
To Be Continued...
Ch. 2 First Time on Land!!
Now I hope you enjoyed that also it seems some people would like me to revise my other story Haunted. I'm going to do that what do you think? Also I had a friend who told me I should make a story with another anime like Fullmetal Alchemist or Gundam Wing. What do you think about that? lol After my fairy tale stories for Inu yasha. Till next time!
~Lady Sakura