InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When a Demon and a Mermaid Mix!! ❯ What Now? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.5~ What now?
Disclaimer: Hello! Here you go! I don't own Inu-yasha. Okay now on to the show!
Kagome had just finished receiving the plan. She was only supposed to get Naraku to the surface, Easier said than done. “Okay, I'll be off then.” said Kagome.
Inu yasha nodded and replied. “You better come back Kagome.” Kagome gave him a soft smile and nodded. “I'll be fine. Don't worry Inu yasha.” She said smiling as she dove into the water.
As she swam she smiled, feeling the water rushing past her and watching the sea creatures go about their normal routine.
“I have to hurry. Naraku might already know that I survived. If he doesn't . . . . I'll have the element of surprise. The sooner I get Naraku to the surface the sooner this will be all over.” She thought determinedly.
She started to speed up more as the palace came into view. She stopped at the archway that made it so the palace grounds started and the city ended. Only certain Merpeople were allowed beyond this point.
She looked around to see no guards. “That's strange . . . Where are all the guards? They're usually guarding the archway so no one gets through that might put the royal family in danger. Maybe . . . Maybe Naraku is letting me pass to try to trap me. I have no choice; I have to take the chance. I'll just have to be more cautious. I have no Inu yasha here to help me.” She thought anxiously.
Kagome swam through the archway and around to the back of the palace. She looked over the wall and saw a hidden entrance. “Probably the servant's entrance.” She thought.
She swam up to it and started feeling along the wall with her hand. She heard something click and the door slid open. She smiled and swam through quickly.
Not a moment to soon, the door immediately closed behind her. She looked around; she was in a long corridor. “Or maybe that wasn't the servant's entrance.” She thought.
She swam along the corridor with her senses alert. She passed statues and paintings. Her eyes then widened. “Wait a minute. . . How am I supposed to find Naraku?! I know he would probably be in the Prince's chambers. But I don't where those are either! Well, this is a fine barrel of seaweed! She thought in frustration.
She was snapped from her thoughts when she felt a presence approaching her. “Huh? Who's that? Wait! I have to hide!” She thought anxiously.
But there was no place to hide or rooms. The presence finally made itself known as it appeared. Kagome gasped as a girl who looked similar to her stopped right infront of her.
She looked older but her hair was longer and straight. Her eyes were more cold and calm than Kagome's, who was bright and had a fire in them. She was paler as well. Her tail was a bright red and her top was white. But seemed to have another top over it that looked like a sleeveless kimono top that stopped where the other top did, it was also white.
“It's Kikyo?! Now that I see it more, up close her top and tail look like the priestess's robes Kaede wears. Wait she's the enemy!! She's working with Naraku! How could I?! I almost forgot that!” thought Kagome as she watched Kikyo cautiously.
Kikyo looked at her through narrowed eyes and asked coldly. “Who are you?” Kagome narrowed her eyes as well. “Kagome, my name is Kagome.”
Kikyo looked her up and down and seemed to be looking into her whether than at her. “I see, you're a priestess. I can sense it. Tell me why you are here.” She replied calmly.
Kagome gave a look of confusion. “What? She wants me to tell her why I'm here? Does she think I'm stupid or something? But she never seems happy whenever Naraku is near . . . But she was working with him. With everything I've seen . . . I believe anything is possible. Maybe Inu yasha was wrong . . . Maybe Kikyo is on our side but nobody but she knows it.” She thought seriously.
Kagome made up her mind and said. “I'm here to lure Naraku to surface so the others can kill him. I'm helping Inu yasha.”
Kagome waited to see whether her hunch was right on not. Kikyo kept that cold, calm look. Then she said. “I see, go ahead.”
Kagome couldn't help herself she gave Kikyo a look of incredous. “Aren't you going to try and stop me? Inu yasha told me you were working with Naraku fifty years ago. Why would you want him dead?” She asked in confusion.
Kikyo gave a small smile and replied. “I wanted freedom from being the guardian of the jewel. That is all. I was willing to do anything to gain that freedom. Now I need no freedom. I am dead and wish to only rest in peace.”
Kagome looked at her sadly and asked. “How? How can I help? I don't see how killing Naraku will let you rest Kikyo.”
Kikyo kept that small smile but it became sadder. “I'm connected to Naraku since he revived me. Though I wish I wasn't, once Naraku dies so will I. I'll be able to regain my freedom.” Kikyo said her voice still calm.
Kagome nodded in understanding and gave Kikyo a sad smile. “I promise Kikyo we'll defeat him.” she said determinedly.
Kagome went to leave but Kikyo's voice stopped her. “Wait, Kagome” She turned around to see Kikyo looking if possible even more serious than before.
“The Queen knows all of this. Naraku doesn't know that she has this knowledge. She also knows that the real Princess was coming to destroy Naraku.” She said.
Kagome's eyes widened and she gasped. “What? What do you mean?” asked Kagome in disbelief. Kikyo nodded and replied.
“It is unusual for Mermaids to have black hair especially as black as ours. But the Queen confided in me and told me that her daughter had raven black hair but with a certain blue shine to it. That was why when I arrived at first she thought I was her daughter until I told her the truth. When the Queen had gotten a good look at me she noticed that my hair had a purple shine to it instead of blue.”
Kikyo paused looking at Kagome. “She knew instantly that I wasn't her daughter and that's when I told her about Naraku. I know you are the true Princess.” finished Kikyo to a shocked Kagome.
Kikyo gave another small smile. “I'm going to tell the Queen that you are here. She only wished to know that her daughter was safe and happy. I'll also keep Naraku away from the Queen.” said Kikyo. Kagome just nodded dumbly as Kikyo swam away.
She snapped herself out of it and swam the opposite direction of Kikyo. “I'm the Princess? I thought I was going to have heart attack back there! I can't think about this now!! I have a job to do!! I have to find Naraku! Everyone's counting on me!” thought Kagome seriously.
As she swam her thoughts drifted. “Poor Kikyo . . . All she wanted was freedom and went to the extremes of enlisting Naraku's help. I'll make sure her final wish is granted.” She thought sadly.
She came up to a crossroads of corridors. She looked at the three directions nervously. “Which way? Wait I know! Why didn't I think of this sooner?! This is why Kaede was teaching how to sense presences! I just need to sense Naraku's aura!” She thought smiling happily.
She closed her eyes and concentrated. She felt an evil aura nearby to the left. The aura made a shiver of dread run down her spine. She gave a glare and turned left. She kept sensing the aura and came to a door. She gave an inaudible sigh.
She opened the door and saw the same long wavy black hair that she had when this had all started. He turned around smirking, though she saw surprise flash through his eyes and He said smoothly. “Hello Lady Kagome. What a surprise to see you again. It's been awhile has it not?”
Kagome felt anger wash over her and narrowed her eyes at him. “I BET IT IS!! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!” She shouted.
He just chuckled. “So angry, Lady Kagome. It is most unbefitting for a Lady of your caliber. Don't you agree Princess Kagome?” Naraku said. Kagome gasped.
“You knew?!” She said in shock. “Of course. That is why you needed to be dealt with. Once you realized who you were, you would come and Kikyo would be found out. Now you see that my actions were only reasonable.” finished Naraku.
“Reasonable? Reasonable? He's nuts! I just found out that I'm the Princess! I wouldn't be able to figure it out by myself! How would I?! I've been living by myself ever since I was a Mer-girl” She thought angrily.
“You're a monster” She stated. “Now Lady Kagome, you know insulting is rude.” He replied. Kagome just glared at him. Then his eyes locked onto the Jewel around her neck.
His eyes narrowed and the smirk disappeared. “Kanna. Kagura.” He called. The same white haired Mer-girl appeared. Next to her appeared a girl that looked about Sesshoumaru's age.
She had black hair that was in a short ponytail being held with a feather. She had ruby red eyes and had a fan hiding the rest of her face. But she had dark red tail that was almost black. She had a light blue top though. Kagome knew both of these girls were demons.
But the girl Kagura was regarding her with hopeful eyes. “Wait . . . Hopeful? Why?” thought Kagome uncertain.
Kagura's eyes landed on the Jewel around her neck as she gave Kanna a meaningful look. Kanna just nodded. Kagome was confused about what was happening between the two girls. It seemed Naraku wasn't noticing it though.
Kagome turned her eyes back to Naraku as the smirk returned. “I'm starting to hate that smirk of his.” She thought angrily.
She then focused her energy on the Jewel just like Kaede had taught and sent a blast at Naraku. He couldn't dodge and he created a hole through the wall as he went through. She pulled the bow and quiver that she had off her back. She held her bow and notched an arrow at him.
She once again focused on Jewel but this time the arrow as well. He dodge this time but wasn't able to dodge the arrow. The arrow only scraped his cheek though. Kagome smirked.
It looked like she was making Naraku angry. She looked over at Kagura and Kanna. “Why aren't they helping him?” She thought in confusion.
She sent another blast of energy toward him but he dodged and sent a blast of black energy at her. She dodged it but he sent another right after. Kagome gasped as the black ball came toward, she had no time to dodge.
Then suddenly Kanna swam infront of her. Kagome's eyes widen as the mirror in her hands glowed. The black energy bounced off and went back at Naraku.
He just seemed to absorb the energy back. He was glaring at Kanna and her. “Kagura” said Kanna softly. Kagura came rushing past her and said. “I'm on it!”
Kagome gasped as Kagura closed her fan and said. “Dance of Blades!” White slashes of energy appeared and Naraku dodged again, glaring at Kagura now.
Kanna turned around and faced her. “Kagome?” She asked in that same soft voice. Kagome blinked and answered. “Yes? What is it?”
“What is your plan?” She asked. “Plan?” asked Kagome. “To destroy Naraku. What is your plan?” replied Kanna. Realization went through Kagome's eyes as she said.
“To get Naraku to the surface, there are others on land waiting to attack him.” Kanna nodded and looked at Kagura for a moment before facing her again. “Kagura knows now.” She simply said.
She nodded as Kanna said. “I'm going to the surface to tell the others. Help Kagura.” Kanna then started swimming toward the surface as Kagome swam toward Kagura.
She notched another arrow and sent it flying as Kagura sent her attack again. She looked at her quiver. “I'm going to have save the rest of my arrows. I'll need them more on land. They can't really move as fast in the water. No wonder he's able to dodge. She thought.
She started sending blast after blast of energy. Each blast had a light pink shine to it. Naraku had to work dodging Kagura's attacks as well her own.
“Once we get on land . . . . Naraku won't stand a chance.” She thought certainly.
Suddenly she watched Naraku break through the surface and Kagura follow. Kagome then broke through the surface and saw that everybody had already started. She looked around for Kanna and found her on the shore wearing a white kimono.
She looked over at Naraku and Kagura and saw that they both had kimonos on. “They changed back to their real forms.” She thought amazed. She felt someone land next to her on the rock.
She looked up to see Inu yasha staring down at her grinning. “Good job Kagome” He said. Kagome gave him a bright smile. He knelt down and cupped her cheek.
“You're not hurt are you?” He asked her softly. Kagome shook her head smiling. He eyes traveled to her arm and they widened. “Yes, you are! You're arm is bleeding!” He said.
Kagome then glanced down at her arm to see a shallow but long slash on her arm. “I didn't even notice that.” Kagome said in surprise. She heard a loud “Inu yasha!” and looked up to see another black ball coming at them.
She heard Inu yasha start growling as he lifted Tetsuaiga. She focused on the Jewel again and sent another pink energy blast. It collided with the black and went through. She heard Naraku give a cry of pain.
Kagome knew they were winning and Naraku was losing. Naraku looked pretty beaten up. With everyone attacking him, he couldn't just dodge. Though she saw the others had injuries as well.
“Probably from those energy blasts. But everyone is alright, that's all that matters. I can't believe in such a short amount of time the end of the battle is near. But it was probably a long wait for them.” She thought.
Inu yasha looked at the damage that Kagome had caused and grinned. “Kagome?” He asked. She blinked and looked up at him. “You trust me right?” He asked seriously but grinning.
Kagome blinked in confusion and replied. “Of course Inu yasha! I thought you knew that already! Then she noticed the look she was getting. Why?”
He suddenly picked her up bridal style as she gave a yelp of surprise. “I say we finish Naraku off together.” He said looking at her for confirmation. Kagome nodded and gave him a determined smile.
He leapt from rock to rock until they were near Naraku. She saw Sango throwing her hirokostu while Miroku was throwing ofudas.
Kouga was kicking and punching using his speed to dodge while Sesshoumaru was using the other one of his swords the Tokijin. Kagura was using her wind blades while Kanna was merely sending attacks back at Naraku while protecting Kaede, who was sending arrow after arrow.
Inu yasha set her down gently and raised Tetsuaiga. He looked down at her and asked. “Ready?” Kagome nodded and focused on the Jewel again. Sesshoumaru looked over towards them and sent a slash at Inu yasha. Inu yasha sliced down while shouting. “Backlash Wave!”
Directing the attack at Naraku instead of Sesshoumaru, who leapt out of it path. Kagome released a bigger blast this time and it turned the many tornadoes into one surrounded in pink light.
They waited until the dust cleared and Sango asked. “Is it over?” She looked over at Miroku who glaring, while his gloved hand was made into a fist. “No, it's not.” He replied.
Sango's eyes widened than narrowed on the spot where Naraku was last. Suddenly Kagome felt the rock move and then felt vines wrapping around her. She gave a cry as she was lifted upward.
“KAGOME!” Inu yasha shouted looking up at her with wide eyes. She heard a voice behind her said. “Princess, give me the Shikon Jewel.” She turned around as much as she could in the vine's grip.
She came face to face with Naraku. He was glaring but smirking. “No! I won't!” She cried out as she thrust her hands onto his shoulders. She concentrated her whole heart and soul on the Jewel.
A bright pink light shined through the area causing everyone to shield their eyes. When it disappeared both Naraku and Kagome were gone. Inu yasha's eyes widened.
“Kagome!” He shouted. He looked around to see the others searching for her. He looked down at the water, sheathed Tetsuaiga. Then dove into the water and started swimming.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes. She was exhausted. A figure approached her then. It was a Mermaid with long dark purple hair and a purple tail. She had a blue top on. Her clear green eyes held kindness in them. But what caught Kagome was the crown on her head.
Kagome couldn't talk though, she was just too tired. The Queen just smiled softly. “Your place is up there. Kikyo told me that you were here. I just met you only to have to let you go. But I know you would be unhappy if you stayed down here. All I ask is that you visit me.” She finished sadly.
Kagome's eyes widened slightly and she gasped out. “Kikyo?” The Queen nodded. “Yes, Kikyo. She died the moment Naraku was killed. But we will bury her in the royal cemetery and make a memorial for her.” The Queen replied softly.
Kagome smiled thinking. “I was able to keep my promise.” She felt something being slipped on her finger. She looked down to see a beautiful silver ring with seashells carved into it with a white stone she had never seen before. It seemed to glow all colors like the Shikon Jewel.
“This is a Royal ring. Only those of the Royal family wear one. This one was made especially for the Princess of the Royal family. It shows who you are as well it also tells me when you want to see me. Just focus on me and I'll be there.” said The Queen softly.
She leaned up and kissed Kagome's forehead and whispered. “Goodbye, my Daughter.” Then she seemed to just vanish. Kagome couldn't control the darkness passing over her again.
She woke again for what seemed to hours after when it was really only minutes. She gave a gasp and looked at the Shikon Jewel. It was glowing brightly. Suddenly it seemed to crack then fade.
Kagome gasped again as she felt herself changing again. She felt slightly different as well. “The Jewel . . . When it disappeared . . . Part of it, became a part of me . . . While the other part of the Jewel changed me back to human as it faded.” She thought in shock.
But she didn't feel any pain like when Naraku's spell changed her. It was uncomfortable but nothing she couldn't handle. She felt something wrap around her and realized it was a simple dress.
Then she stopped glowing, and then she couldn't breathe again but she was too tired to swim to the surface this time. She then felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and realized she was going upward.
She coughed when she broke through the surface and gasped for breath. She was then set down gently. She heard a number of “Kagome”s. She smiled as she looked up to see a wet Inu yasha grinning down at her.
“You okay?” He asked. Kagome nodded and replied. “Yeah, just a little tired. That last attack wiped me out.” She leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around her.
Then she heard Kaede's voice. “Where is the Shikon Jewel? Kagome what happened to the Jewel after ye destroyed Naraku?” asked Kaede. She had everyone's attention now including Kanna's and Kagura's.
Kagome noticed Kagura seemed to be standing a little closer to Sesshoumaru than anyone else she had seen. Something else she had never seen before and she bet if Inu yasha noticed he would die from shock. Sesshoumaru had a slight blush on his face.
While Kagura was blushing but smirking at him seductively while looking at her. She also noticed Sango and Miroku were holding hands. Sango bright red while Miroku was grinning broadly.
“The Shikon Jewel is no more. It vanished. But when it vanished a part of it went inside of me. I think the other part of the Jewel changed me back.” replied Kagome.
The others except Sesshoumaru looked thoughtful. Then Miroku noticed her hand and let go Sango's to kneel down beside her. He took her hand and looked at the ring on it.
“Kagome, where did you get this from? It looks like a Royal ring.” Miroku said looking at her. Kagome smiled brightly. “While I was conscious for a short period the Queen came to me and gave me this ring. I had met Kikyo on the way to find Naraku and she told me that I was the Princess. So I guess you can say I met my Mother.”
She paused looking at the shocked faces. “She gave me this ring and told me it shows who I am. It also let her know when I'm near on the shore so she can visit me.” Kagome finished brightly.
Kaede looked at her in shock and asked. “You met my Sister?” Kagome nodded. “Kikyo helped me. She went and protected the Queen or Mother. Kaede . . . Kikyo's only wish was for freedom. Her last wish was for her to rest in peace. She told me that once Naraku died, she would too.” She said sadly looking at Kaede.
Kaede nodded and smiled softly at her. She felt Inu yasha squeeze her and smiled up at him. “Look everybody!” exclaimed Sango. She turned her head toward to look at what Sango was looking at.
It was the sunrise; she hadn't realized how long the battle was when it seemed so short. “It's the start of a new day! The beginning for life! Now we can move forward!” said Kagome happily.
“Yes, I quite agree Kagome.” stated Miroku grabbing Sango's hand again making her turn bright red but smile. She heard other murmurs of agreement.
She looked up at Inu yasha smiling. She placed her hand on his cheek turning his face towards her. She then kissed him softly. She felt his arms tighten around her as he kissed her back, smiling softly against her lips.
She pulled back and placed her forehead against his. “The start of a new day, to fill with new memories and experiences. Looks like I can come with you Inu yasha after all. I was scared when I changed back that I wouldn't be able to. But now I'm not. My place is with you Inu yasha and will be always.” She finished softly against his lips.
Inu yasha just smiled softly. “You're right it is the start of a new day. My place is with you too Kagome. I love you.” He replied just as soft.
“I love you too Inu yasha” Kagome whispered. He just held her as they watched the sunrise. The sunrise that held all their hopes, dreams, destiny, and their future.
I hope you will read the sequel! I can finally get it out since I have a new computer. Yay! Old one crashed. The title is And the Sea Turns. Be on the look out!
~Lady Sakura