InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens When a Demon and a Mermaid Mix!! ❯ Back Into the Water!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.4~ Back Into the Water!!
Disclaimer: Hello again. One again I don't own Inu-yasha. Okay now let's roll it!
It had been two days since that night. Inu yasha and Kagome seemed to be only getting closer. They had paced themselves a little bit more so they wouldn't be exhausted at night.
Kagome paused at her place beside Inu yasha. Since they were in the back nobody noticed her sudden stop except Inu yasha who had stopped too. He looked back at her over his shoulder with a concerned look.
“You okay?” He asked. She had a strange look on her face and her eyes were wide. Suddenly she darted forward to everyone's surprise. Kouga picked himself off the ground where he had been pushed by Miroku, who had gotten out of the way. He looked to where she was running and asked in shock. “What's with her?!” He looked around the group for answer.
Everyone either shrugged or shook their head. Inu yasha then said. “I don't know. But I'm going to find out.” He ran after her while the others followed closely behind him.
Kagome stopped and took in a deep breath. What lay before her was the ocean, sparkling beautifully with the sun's rays. She sighed loving the feel of being near the ocean again. She smiled as she heard a loud “Kagome!” and felt someone land beside her.
She looked over to Inu yasha who was looking at the ocean with soft eyes. She then heard Miroku say in amusement. “Of course a Mermaid would be attracted to the ocean. No wonder she ran.”
Kagome made up her mind and started to slip of her shoes. Inu yasha looked at her like she was crazy. She wanted to laugh at his face. Then Sango came up beside her and started taking her own off. She then hitched up her kimono and went into the water.
Kagome did the same and followed Sango. Sango splashed soaking her through. She laughed splashing back. They looked over at the bewildered guys. “Come on! The water's great!” She said joyfully.
Kouga then grinned and jumped in splashing them as he went. He came up laughing as Sango threw water at him. Miroku joined them after taking off his shoes. Inu yasha was the only one who wasn't coming in.
Kagome laughed and dunked Miroku who came back up grinning mischievously. She dodged Miroku's returned attack and looked over at Inu yasha, who was still looking at them like they were nuts. She walked up to him smiling brightly.
She grabbed his hand making him blush and pulled him along into the water. He complied and she then dunked him. He came up sputtering and glared at her. She just laughed, then he grinned and splashed her.
She gave a surprised yelp as he grabbed and dunked her. She came up laughing. “This means war Inu yasha!” She thought grinning. She then splashed Inu yasha which started a water war.
It was mid-afternoon and they were sitting in front of the beach, on the grass all out of breath. “That was so much fun!” exclaimed Sango giggling. The others nodded. “I haven't had fun like that since I was a pup.” stated Kouga grinning. Miroku smiled and looked over at her and said. “All thanks to our little Mermaid.”
Kagome blushed but smiled. Inu yasha was sitting beside her as usual. She turned toward him and asked slyly. “Did you enjoy yourself Inu-yasha?” He smirked and replied.
“Yeah, I did” He then took her hand causing her to blush. She squeezed his hand back. She then heard a deep smooth emotionless voice say. “Hello, Little brother”
Kagome looked up and saw two figures coming towards them. One was an old woman who was wearing a priestess's robes made up of a white top and a red hakama. She had long grey hair that was tied at the base of her head. She had an eye patch covering her right eye as the other looked at Kagome.
The other one was tall guy who had long silver hair that went past his knees. He had golden eyes like Inu yasha but they were cold and fixed on Kagome as well. He had dark red stripes on his face as well as a purple crescent moon on his forehead.
He was wearing a kimono made up of red and white with a purple and yellow sash. He had armor on and strapped to that armor were two swords. But what made Kagome blink was that he had a long fluffy white tail over his shoulder.
She looked over at Inu yasha who was growling. “Hello Sesshoumaru” He growled out. Then the old women which she figured were Kaede said. “Hello Inu yasha. I hope ye are well?”
Inu yasha nodded at her and muttered. “Hey Kaede” Kaede then spotted her and walked up to her. “Who are ye child?” She asked. Kagome gave a smile saying. “I'm Kagome. Nice to meet you”
Sesshoumaru then noticed their entwined hands and said smirking. “Little brother, don't tell me you picked this worthless human as your mate.” She heard the others sigh and Miroku mutter. “Here they go again.” as Kouga muttered. “Can't they learn to give it a rest?”
Inu yasha stood quickly letting go of her hand and shouted. “DON'T TALK ABOUT KAGOME LIKE THAT!! SHE'S NOT WORTHLESS!” Sesshoumaru gave Inu yasha a smirk.
“Very well. We shall battle. Let's see who wins this round, Little brother.” He replied coldly. Inu yasha grinned and said. “Bring it on! I can kick your ass anyday of the week!”
He pulled out Tetsuaiga as Sesshoumaru pulled out his sword, Tenseiga. They walked a little away from the group then went at eachother. Kagome worriedly looked at Miroku and asked. “Shouldn't we try to stop them?”
He shook his head and gave the fighting brothers a deadpan look. “They won't kill eachother but they will kill whoever interrupts them.” He said casually. Kagome blinked but nodded.
Sango spoke up then. “I think we should find someplace to setup camp.” She suggested. Kouga nodded and said. “She's right. Who knows how long Inukurro and Fluffy will go at it.” Kagome couldn't hold in the giggle when Kouga called Sesshoumaru fluffy.
He grinned. They started walking away and Kagome cast one more worried glace over her shoulder.
Both Inu yasha and Sesshoumaru had found the camp alright. They both had arrived beaten pretty badly though Sesshoumaru claimed that he had won. Inu yasha had given a `Feh' and left.
Kagome went in search of Inu yasha with bandages in her arms. She found him in a clearing. She knelt infront of him and started getting the bandages ready.
He let her bandage the wounds and she made sure she was gentle so she wouldn't cause him any pain. She then looked up at him and asked. “Inu yasha?” He just opened his eyes and looked at her.
“Does it hurt badly?” She asked hesitantly. He shook his head and looked the other way. Kagome gave a silent sigh. “He obviously doesn't want to talk. His pride must be hurt from losing to Sesshoumaru. Or maybe it's because he was fighting for me and lost that he's upset about. Inu yasha . . . .” She thought gaining a soft smile.
She summoned up her courage, leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. She pulled back blushing bright red. He looked at her blushing with wide eyes.
“Thank you for defending me. It was really sweet.” stated Kagome softly. Inu yasha's blush darkened and he stuttered out. “I . . . It . . . It was nothin.”
Kagome smiled brightly as Sango came through the bushes. “Kagome! There you are! Kaede wants to talk to you.” She said. Kagome nodded and stood. She gave Inu yasha another smile before following Sango.
Inu yasha put a hand on his cheek still blushing. “Kagome . . .” He thought smiling softly.
Kagome walked over to Kaede with Sango by her side. “What is it Kaede? Sango said you wanted to speak with me.” She said looking at her curiously. Kaede nodded.
“Sango has told me some things about ye. She said ye sensed Naraku's evil. Is this true?” asked Kaede. Kagome nodded and replied. “Yeah, it is.”
Sango looked thoughtful and then asked Kaede. “If Kagome was able to sense Naraku then she might be able to use the Shikon Jewel right?” Kaede then looked at her, she seemed to be trying to look into her soul.
“I do sense spiritual powers within her. She holds a priestess's power. The Jewel might allow her to become the new guardian.” explained Kaede.
“I do? Wow . . . I never knew I held such power. Will I really be able to use the Shikon Jewel? If I can how will I use it? I don't know how to use it . . . Does Kaede know? Maybe she can teach me.” She thought watching as Sango and Kaede talked.
Then she asked. “But Kaede I'm a Mermaid. How can I hold the powers of a priestess? I mean I thought you had to be human or hold a human soul.” Kaede nodded. “Ai, that is true. But elves and other creatures can hold holy powers even demons but they are the rarest. The creature must have a pure heart in order to have those powers. Which makes ye very special, for ye hold those powers.” finished Kaede.
Kagome nodded letting the thoughts go through her head. Kaede then looked at her. “Wait here. I'm going to retrieve the Jewel for ye.” she said walking away. Kagome watched her go then turned to Sango.
“If I'm able to use the Jewel, what will that mean?” Kagome asked. Sango looked at her seriously. “It would mean that we would have a real chance of beating Naraku. Remember, the Shikon Jewel is the only thing that can kill him. That's why he wants it. So nobody would be able to oppose him.” She explained.
“I would have to kill Naraku? Or at least give him the finishing blow. But I don't know how . . . . Everybody's going to be counting on me if the Jewel accepts me. I just hope I won't mess up and let Naraku get away. Can I even kill him? I guess I'll have to swim that current when it passes. She thought worriedly as Kaede came back.
Kaede rummaged through the bag she brought and produced a big round pink jewel. “Is this the Shikon Jewel?” Kagome thought in wonder. “Ye know what this is. This is the Shikon Jewel.” Kaede explained.
Kagome nodded and took the Jewel as Kaede handed it to her. It gave a soft pink glow. “The Jewel is reacting to Kagome.” Kaede said softly. Sango nodded and asked. “Does that mean Kagome is the new guardian?”
“Yes, it does.” She said. Kagome's eyes widened and she thought. “I am? It accepted me? I'm the new guardian of the Shikon Jewel? . . . Amazing.”
Kaede then said seriously. “We will start ye's training at sunrise. So ye better get to bed and get some sleep.” Kagome nodded and immediately followed Kaede's advice by walking into the tent she shared with Sango.
Kagome laid out her bed and crawled into it. She sighed still holding the Jewel. She watched as many colors whirled around in it. “I know this isn't going to be fun.” She thought heaving another soft sigh.
It was already early afternoon and Kagome was already exhausted. Kaede had taught her the basics of archery. She had said Kagome had a natural talent and was very impressed when her arrows had started glowing pink every time she launched them.
Kaede had also taught her about the Jewel. Kaede couldn't use the Jewel but had told her what Kikyo had said about the Jewel. Kagome was sitting under a tree while Kaede went back to camp to retrieve some food.
She looked down at the Jewel remembering what Kaede had told her. “The Jewel uses emotion and the will. The more will you have for something to happen. The more power the Jewel produces. As long as I don't wish on the Jewel. If I wish then the wish has to be a pure one or the Jewel will twist it somehow. If the wish is pure then the Jewel will disappear. So all I have to do is make sure I don't wish on it. Easy enough.” She thought smiling.
She felt someone land beside her and looked up to see Inu yasha grinning down at her. He sat down and asked. “How's priestess training going?” Kagome gave Inu yasha a tired smile.
He raised an eyebrow. “That bad huh?” He asked. Kagome just gave him a smile and replied. “I'm just tired. Don't worry though it's to be expected. Just . . . I'm still not use to being on land instead of in the water yet.” He nodded.
“Well if you haven't been able to sense me all day, then you have a lot to learn.” He said smirking. Kagome looked at him in confusion and said. “I have been sensing you all day Inu yasha. I just didn't say anything.”
Inu yasha gave her a shocked look as she said pointing to a tree across the clearing. “You've been in that tree all day.” He gave her a small chuckle and replied. “Then you don't have anything else to learn. The only priestess that has been able to sense me is Kaede. The rest have much to learn.”
Kagome beamed at his compliment. Just then Inu yasha heard Kaede coming and jumped into the tree they had been sitting under.
Kaede came back with some fruit and sat in the spot Inu yasha had occupied a moment ago. Kagome tossed a couple apples with the intent of letting Inu yasha catch them up in the air when Kaede wasn't looking.
Inu yasha caught them everytime. Kagome finished first and stood stretching sore muscles. Kaede stood as well but faced her.
“I need ye to listen. Ye are the new guardian of the Jewel and after Naraku more demons will come after ye for the Jewel. This is important for ye. Ye must always keep the Jewel with ye at all times. Do ye understand?” Kaede finished seriously.
Kagome nodded looking determined. Kaede tossed her a bow. “Good, now let's continue.” She said. Kagome with held a groan.
It was very late and Kagome was sitting in a clearing a little ways from camp. She heard the bushes rustle and saw Inu yasha appear from them.
“There you are. What are you doing out here this late?” He asked concerned. Kagome gave him a soft smile as he sat down. “I was only thinking.” she replied.
“Oh? What about?” asked Inu yasha curiously. “I hope I'm able to help you and the others defeat Naraku.” said Kagome quietly. He looked at her and wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Don't worry. I know you can. I believe in you and so do the others.” Inu yasha said softly, blushing. Kagome blushed but smiled and leaned into his embrace.
She felt Inu yasha shift slightly. “I was wondering . . .” He trailed off uncertain. Kagome looked up from her place on his shoulder. He looked hesitant.
“I was wondering if you would consider after this is all over with . . . . becoming my mate.” He said hesitantly. Kagome's eyes widened and she blushed. “I would love that Inu yasha.” She whispered softly.
Inu yasha gave her a soft smile and leaned down kissing her. She gasped but kissed him back fully. He pulled back and looked at her saying softly. “I promise I'll always protect Kagome.”
She nodded blushing. She smiled brightly up at him and laid her head on his shoulder again. She closed her eyes and thought. “Inu yasha just asked me to become his mate. I'm so happy. I'll be able to be with Inu yasha after everything is over.” She thought happily as she drifted off to sleep.
Kagome was awakened by a stabbing pain. She looked around and saw Inu yasha was asleep. It was the middle of the night. She felt the pain again but more piercing.
It was just like before when she was turned human. She couldn't scream or anything. All she could do was close her eyes and bury her head in Inu yasha's chest. That woke Inu yasha up and he looked around.
He then looked down to see Kagome in pain. “Kagome! What's wrong?!” He asked hastily. But she couldn't speak. She then glowed and when it faded so did the pain.
She didn't want to look down but she did and she found that she had her tail and fins back. She looked up to see Inu yasha's shocked face. But then she noticed she couldn't breath and held a hand to her throat.
Inu yasha got the message and was instantly zipping past trees towards the ocean. When he arrived he leapt and landed on a rock. The he set her gently in the water. She sunk into the water.
Kagome sighed as she could breathe again and looked at her fins. “But how? How did I become a Mermaid again? I don't understand . . . Was Naraku's spell just supposed to last a little while?” She thought confused and shocked.
She then looked up. “Inu yasha must be getting worried about me. I need to go up.” She thought. She was glad that she had never taken her top that she usually wore off. The kimono was just too heavy. She took the kimono off and pulled it into her arms then swam up.
She broke the surface and heard Inu yasha give a sigh of relief. He was sitting on the rock, he had landed on. Kagome pulled herself up on the rock too. She set the kimono down as Inu yasha gave her a worried look.
“You sure you shouldn't stay in there?” asked Inu yasha. Kagome gave him a soft smile and replied. “We can breathe air just fine. It's just . . . . if we're not exposed to water for a long period of time then we start to dehydrate. Then we become unable to breathe. It's our body's way of telling us to get to water quick.”
Inu yasha nodded and reached a hesitant hand out and placed it on her tail. She gave a little wiggle. “I expected a Mermaid's tail to be like a snake. But it feels like silk even though you have scales.” said Inu yasha smiling softly.
She beamed at him as he stood. “I need to wake the others and tell them what happened.” He said looking down her. Kagome nodded and said. “I'll be waiting on the shore.” He nodded and leapt off.
Kagome watched him go then gathered the kimono and slid off the rock. She let herself sink as she took in a deep breath and smiled. Then she swam to the beach and pulled herself up on it. She gave a sigh as the waves brushed her fin.
“Now all I have to do is. . . . the waiting.” She thought looking where she knew the others would be coming.
She didn't have to wait long when she saw a lantern coming closer. She heard Inu yasha call her name and she shouted. “INU YASHA!! I'M OVER HERE!!” Inu yasha appeared as well as the others.
They all looked at her shocked. Kaede came up beside as Sango knelt beside. “What happened Kagome?” asked Sango. Kagome shook her head and replied. “I have no idea.”
Miroku came and knelt beside her as well. He seemed to be examining her with his eyes. But Kaede was examining her. She could feel her hands on her tail and fin. Kaede then stood as well as Miroku.
“It looks like the spell was supposed to last only about a week.” Miroku said calmly. The others nodded then Kouga got a confused look. “But why change her back in the dead of night?” he asked.
“When was the spell put on ye, Kagome?” asked Kaede. Kagome got a thought look then said. “Early morning as I remember it.” Kaede nodded and turned the others.
“The spell may be a little off but technically it is early morning.” said Miroku. Sesshoumaru then spoke up. “Looks like we have a plan of attack now.” He said calmly.
The others looked at him in confusion then realization crossed Kouga's face. He turned to the others and said. “What he means is that Kagome can go down and get Naraku to come to the surface. Then we can attack and defeat him.” The other's eyes widened as each nodded.
Then Sango stood. “We need to do this as soon as possible. Naraku might be able to tell when his spells wear off.” She said seriously. Then Miroku suggested. “Mid morning?” Everyone but Inu yasha nodded.
“And how is Kagome going to get Naraku up here?” asked Inu yasha calmly. Kaede answered him. “With her powers.” Sango looked down at her and smiled gently. “Better get some sleep Kagome.” said Sango. Kagome just nodded slowly.
Kagome sighed and watched as everyone but Inu yasha left. The Jewel glowed softly around her bare neck. She wiggled down until half of her tail was emerged in the shallow water.
Inu yasha just laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. She blushed but smiled. “Inu yasha, you can't be very comfortable with all this water soaking you.” said Kagome.
He shook his silver head and replied. “It doesn't bother me. Besides . . . . . like I'm going to let my mate sleep alone.” He blushed but smiled and tightened his arms around her. Kagome just smiled and curled up around him slowly falling asleep.
To Be Continued . . . .
Ch. 5 What now?
For those who are wondering where Shippo is and why isn't he in the story. The reason is because I wanted to put him in the sequel instead. But don't worry he will be showing up. Til then! Ja Ne!
~ Lady Sakura