InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Bitter Sweet Symphony ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay, peeps, here's chapter three. I hope you enjoy reading it! And to all the people reviewed my story: THANK YOU! It really makes me happy to know what you people think of my story. *Tear* I'm really glad to know that there are some people out there, who actually care about my story and can spare a couple of minutes to review my crappy story.

Oh and RedHerring (I hope I spelled your name right) you are absolutely right! My second chapter was crap! That chapter was just a filler chapter, so that I could introduce Miroku and Sango. I hope that this chapter meets to your standards, and I'll try to make my chapters less corny!

Disclaimer: Okay you know what, I told you once and I'll say it again: I DON"T OWN INUYASHA!

Please don't mind any grammatical or any spelling mistakes.

Chapter 3: Bitter Sweet Symphony

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled as I saw Kikyo kissing another guy. As soon as she heard my voice, she quickly ended the kiss and pushed herself away from the guy.

"Inu-Inuyasha!" She stuttered as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she smiled sweetly at me.

"I should be asking you that question!" I spat at her, causing her smile to disappear. "So I guess this is the friend that you left with this morning?" I glared at the guy she was kissing. He had bright green eyes and long brown hair, which was pulled into a ponytail. (A/N: Guess who it is?)

A look of panic came across Kikyo's face as she noticed the look of hatred on mine. "Please Inuyasha…listen to me. I can explain everything! This is not what it looks like! It was an accident…a complete and total mistake! " She pleaded.

"So what…are you telling me that what I saw wasn't real! That you just accidentally kissed him on the lips!" I said sarcastically. "Please, do you honestly think that I'm that stupid to believe in that crap! If it was a mistake than why didn't you end the kiss when it happened, and not when I came and saw it?"

"No! I don't!" She cried as she latched on to my arm. "Please Inuyasha, you have to trust me on this! You have to believe me! I would never do anything to hurt you!" She looked at me, as tears began to flow freely down her cheeks. I than had a sudden urge to wipe her tears away, and comfort her, but seeing as this was all her fault I restrained myself.

I quickly pried her fingers off my arm and glared at her. "If you don't mind, I already have enough dirt on me as it is!" I turned my back on her as more tears began to fall.

I really hated it when girls cried and it really killed me to know that it was because of me that she was crying. 'Don't look back. She deserves it! She broke your heart so you have every right to break hers!'

I began to walk away but stopped as I felt her grab onto my arm again. "Let go of me Kikyo! Let go of me before I do something that I might regret!" I said softly as her grip tightened on my arm.

"No! I won't let you leave me! Please don't leave me Inuyasha!" She cried. I spun around to look her straight in the eyes.

"Why shouldn't I? You betrayed me with some other guy," I looked over her shoulder to look at said person who was just watching us with a look of amusement on his face. "And I don't think I could forgive you for that!"

"No please Inuyasha! I don't care for Kouga…I only care for you! In fact…the truth is…the truth is…I-I love you!" She cried.

My heart skipped a beat as those last few words escaped her lips. 'She…she loves me! She loves me! I've been waiting for such a long time to hear those words…and yet after what just has happened…I don't care. I don't feel happy…I feel sick…as if I'm about to puke if she says it again!"

Before I could respond to her confession, I suddenly felt her lips on mine in a slow yet passionate kiss. The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes before my mind finally registered what was happening.

I quickly shoved her away from me and looked at her with a complete and total look of disgust. "How dare you kiss me after you've been defiled by that piece of shit over there! What makes you think that I would ever allow you to touch me after what you've done!" I snarled as I wiped my lips with the back of my hand.

I took in a sick sense of pleasure as I saw the horrified look on Kikyo's face.

I turned around and began to walk away, this time she didn't grab onto my arm. "And you know what the worse part is Kikyo?" I said over my shoulder. "The worse part is, that I actually did fall in love with you, and that I was gonna finally tell you that today. But now I know…I didn't love you, for how in the world can I fall in love…with a bitch like you!"

I heard small sobs escape her throat as she continued to cry.


"Sango! Miroku! Are you guys coming or what?" I called to them, as I ignored her.

"Um…yeah! Sure!" Miroku called back as he and Sango finally got over the shock at what they just witnessed, and started to follow me.

As soon as I reached the double doors to get outside…I froze. 'Is it just me…or do I hear laughter?'

I turned around to see where the laughter was coming from and wasn't surprised at all to find out that it was the guy that Kikyo was kissing. The guy that was named Kouga.

"What the hell is so funny?" I yelled at him, as an attempt to make him stop, but it didn't work. He continued to laugh as if he didn't hear me.

When he finally stopped, he opened his eyes and looked directly at me. "So you're the great Inuyasha Takegama. I've heard many things about you," Kouga said as he crossed his arms. "Funny…the way Kikyo talked about you, I was expecting a fight. But seeing that you're a Takegama I should've known that you aren't man enough to fight me."

I felt anger course through my body as he made fun of my family. "What did you just say!" I growled as I took a step towards him.

I felt a hand grab on to my arm and turned around to see that it was Sango. She shook her head and quickly released my arm. "Don't listen to him Yash. Don't let him get under your skin!"

I nodded my head in agreement as I turned around to face Kouga. I took a deep breath to calm my anger down, but it slowly began to rise as I heard him laughing again.

"I can't believe that you actually listened to her! If I didn't think you were man enough to fight me before, that just proved that I was right. What kind of a man are you to not fight me, after I insulted your family, your honor…just because some girl told you not to!" He said after he had stopped laughing.

I balled my fists in anger as he continued to mock me. I felt small pricks of pain in my hand as my nails dug into my palm, causing a trickle of blood to flow onto the floor.

'Calm down Inuyasha! Don't do anything that you might regret later on!'

"But you know what is even more pathetic?" He asked as he slowly walked towards me so that we were now standing a meter away from each other. "What's more pathetic is that it took you this long to find out that your girlfriend was cheating on you. Didn't you notice that she acted differently towards you? Or that she went to school really early? And what's worse is that you actually believed her! That you actually believed that someone could ever like you," He sneered as he took another step forward. "That someone could ever love you…for who you are."

He than took a couple of more steps so that we were a mere centimeters away. "Now that's pathetic."

"Kouga…stop…" Kikyo said as she wiped her eyes.

He turned his head to face her. "Why should I? It's not like he's gonna do anything about-"

He soon stopped what he was saying as my fist connected with his face.

He staggered backwards and looked at me with hatred in his eyes. "You son of a bitch!" He yelled as he spat a mouthful of blood out.

Before he could retaliate I punched him again, but this time he dodged my punch and punched me in the face. Before I could regain me balance he punched me in my stomach. I felt the wind get knocked out of me as I fell to me knees. Clutching my stomach in pain.

I got up onto me feet and punched him hard on the face. I continued to repeatedly punch him until he tackled me to the ground.

Kouga than started to punch me in the face as he sat on top of me. "This. Will. Teach. You. To. Mess. With. Me!" He said in perfect sync with every punch he gave me.

I felt blood begin to pour out of my nose as he continued to punch me. My head felt lightheaded and I began to feel dizzy.

"Kouga! Stop!" I heard Kikyo yell as she grabbed onto Kouga's arm to make him stop.

"Get off of me bitch!" He yelled as he backhanded her. She looked up at him with wide eyes as she clutched her cheek, which was slowly turning red.

I felt angry as I saw what had happened. Kikyo was a bitch, but no girl ever deserved to be hit.

"You…bastard…" I managed to say as I choked a bit on my blood. I quickly knocked Kouga off of me and kicked him hard in the stomach. I continued to kick him until he managed to trip me.

A groan escaped my lips as I fell hard on my back. 'Get up Inuyasha! GET UP!' My mind yelled as I felt the darkness begin to consume me.

My eyes snapped open as I felt a sharp pain pass through my side. I looked up to see Kouga kicking me as hard as he could. He than picked me up and slammed me hard into the wall.

"Just like I thought! All Takegama's are losers." He snarled as he prepared to punch me again. But before he could, Miroku knocked him off of me.

"Kouga you bastard!" Miroku cried, as he punched him. Kouga staggered a bit but soon regained his balance.

'Miroku! Watch Out!' My mind yelled as I saw Kouga take out a pocketknife. He than spun around and caught Miroku off guard. Miroku cried in pain as the knife stabbed him in the stomach. He quickly fell to his knees and with pain filled eyes looked up at Sango.

"Sango…" He whispered as he collapsed onto the floor.

"NOOO! MIROKU!" Sango yelled as she ran to be by his side. "Miroku…please…wake up."

I felt my blood begin to boil, as I saw my best friend on the floor. Bleeding to death. And what pissed me off even more was that Kouga was…smiling. Smiling at what he had did to Miroku.

"You got what you deserved you asshole!" Kouga said as he continued to smile. He wiped his mouth as a trickle of blood ran down his chin. "It's a shame too! I really wanted to use that knife on dog shit over there."

I struggled to get up as I stared murderously at Kouga. "You…bastard! You'll…pay…for…what…you…did!" I yelled as I used all my strength to tackle Kouga to the ground.

A sickening thud echoed through out the halls as Kouga's head collided with the cement floor. I than started to punch Kouga repeatedly. Blood…his blood covered my hand, but I didn't care. I put all my anger…all my pain in each punch that I gave him. A pool of blood surrounded his head, and I knew that he cracked his skull when I tackled him.

"Inuyasha! Stop!" Sango cried as she cradled Miroku's body in her arms.

I ignored her as I continued to punch Kouga, who was already unconscious.

"Inuyasha! Stop! You might kill him!" Sango cried again, but I didn't care. I wanted Kouga dead!

"Inuyasha please stop!" Sango pleaded. I quickly stopped punching Kouga and turned my head to face her. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at me with worried eyes. "You have to stop! Mi…Miroku needs our help!"

I quickly got off of Kouga and looked around me. Kikyo was sitting in a corner as she rocked back and forth. Her eyes were wide with fear. I looked down at Kouga. His face was bleeding everywhere and there were signs of bruising. The pool of blood steadily grew steadily around his head. And lastly I looked at Miroku…my best friend. His face was really pale as he continued to loose blood. His breathing was ragged and I knew that with each breath that he was in pain.

I looked at my hands. They were red and dripping with Kouga's blood. The stench of blood soon filled the hallway and I began to feel sick. I raised my head and looked at Sango with sad eyes.

"Sango…what have I done…" I whispered quietly as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Inuyasha…" Sango replied as she continued to hold Miroku. "We… we need to-to call an ambulance…" She said as she continued to cry.

Before I could stop myself, I turned around and ran, ran as far away as I could.

"Inuyasha? INUYASHA! COME BACK!" Sango called after me.

"I'M SORRY SANGO!" I yelled as I continued to run.

'What…what have I done…'

* * *

'Where am I?' I struggled to open my eyes but to no avail.

"San…Sango?" I called out through dry lips.

I than heard a couple of footsteps coming towards me and I tried to open my eyes again. This time I managed to but my vision was still a bit blurry. A dark outline came into my line of vision and I knew instantly that it was Sango.

"Miroku…" She said softly as I felt a teardrop land on my chest. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like crap." I answered her as I tried to sit up. I felt a sharp pain pass through my stomach.

"Here…let me help you." Sango said as she helped me up.

"Sango, were are we?" I asked her as I looked around.

"We're at the hospital." She answered as she looked at me with sad eyes.

"How did I get here?"

"Well…after you got stabbed, Inuyasha began to beat the shit out of Kouga. I told him to stop and when he did, he sorta looked around a bit than took off." I heard her choke on a sob as she continued to tell her story. " I than called the ambulance…and they took you here."

"What about Kikyo…and Kouga?" I asked as I began to feel depressed.

"Kouga was also sent here. I haven't checked on him yet but the doctors had to put him in intensive care, for his head injury. And Kikyo…well she left when the paramedics came."

"Sango…I'm sorry." I said as I turned my head. I couldn't stand looking at her while she cried.

"For what?"

"For making you…cry." I replied. I reached out a hand and wiped her tears away. She leaned into my touch and I pulled my hand away.

"Where's Inuyasha?"

"I don't know. I tried calling him on his cell, but he wouldn't pick up."

"How long has it been since I was knocked out?"

Sango looked at her watch. "It's 12 o'clock so it's been 30 minutes since the fight."

"Oh!" I than tried to get up but Sango held me down.

"Miroku! What do you think your doing? You need your rest." She said.

"We need to find Inuyasha. Knowing him, he's probably in deep shit right now!" I said as I tried to get back up, but in my weak condition Sango pushed me back down with ease.

"I know, but you need your rest. Don't worry, he probably needs some time alone to think right now." Sango said as she forced a smile to try and reassure me.

"I guess your right." I said as I laid back down.

"Oh, and Miroku?"

"Yes Sango?"

"Can you please remove your hand before I give you a concussion?"

"Eh he! Can't blame a guy for trying."

* * *

'How could this have happened?' I asked myself as I took sip from the beer, which was clutched in my hand (A/N: He's rich so he can get whatever he wants.)

I threw the empty beer bottle on the ground and heard it shatter into a thousand pieces. I quickly grabbed another beer and began to chug it down as I sat on the hood of my car and stared up into space.

'I almost killed a guy.' My thoughts were soon interrupted as my cell phone started to ring. I looked at the caller Id and saw that it was Sango who was calling me.

I was about to answer her call when I decided not to. 'I can't talk to her right now…I don't think I can talk to her ever again.' I threw my cell phone on the ground and watched as it broke into a couple or pieces.

I tossed the beer bottle on the ground and grabbed another one. It was like my tenth beer but I didn't care. I didn't care that I looked like a coward and was drinking my pain away.

'I wonder how Miroku is doing?' I mental image of a bleeding Miroku flashed in my mind and I shook my head. Trying my hardest to remove that mental image.

'It's all my fault if he dies! If I didn't punch Kouga in the first place than this would have never happened. But than again…now that I think about it…this is Kikyo's fault!' My blood began to boil as I though about Kikyo.

'If Kikyo didn't kiss Kouga than this would have never had happened!' My grip on the beer bottle I was holding tightened and it began to crack. 'It all her fault! That bitch!' All of a sudden the beer I was holding exploded and I felt a sharp pain go through my hand.

My hand began to bleed as pieces of glass pierced through it. I looked at my hand, which was now covered in blood.

'No, I can't blame her. This is my fault.'

I got off the hood of my car and wobbled towards the driver's seat. I quickly opened the door and sluggishly put the keys in the car.

I turned on the car and drove onto the street.

'Wow! My head hurts.'

I swerved to the right as I almost ran into another car.

"You Jackass! Watch were you going!" I heard the driver yell at me.

I continued driving down the street and felt myself going dizzy. My vision started to blur and I rubbed my eyes, trying to see properly. I think that I was going 100 km/h but I didn't care.

'I guess I shouldn't have drank so much.'

All of a sudden my car lurched forward and the sound of tires screeching filled my ears. Than I felt my car ram into another one. I heard the crunching of metal and intense pain filled my body. I felt a sharp pain pass through my left shoulder.

All of a sudden my vision began to blur and before I blacked out I said the last word that came to mind.


* * *

(A/N: I was gonna be mean and leave you there, but I decided to keep my promise and introduce the next character.)

'Oh god! Please help me!' I thought as I continued to run. My raven hair whipped around me as I ran.

"Shit!" I fell forward on my hand and knees onto the cold dirt. I got up as fast as I could as I heard him coming closer.

"Kagome…where are you?" He called, as I heard tree twigs snap behind me.

"Oh crap!" I cried as I started to run again. My arms soon began to bleed as the twigs scratched them.

'Please god, if you love me you won't let him catch me!'

I guess I spoke too soon, for all of a sudden I tripped on a tree root and soon received a mouthful of dirt. I tried to get up but this time I couldn't.

I felt something running down my knee and looked down to see it bleeding. 'Crap!'


I froze as I heard him call out my name. I quickly tried to crawl away but was soon pinned onto the ground.

"Gotcha!' He said as he flipped me onto my back.

"Please…don't hurt me!" I pleaded as I looked at him with a terrified look on my face.

He than quickly pulled something out of his back pocket and I froze at what I saw.

"No! Please don't!" I cried as I soon found myself at the wrong end of a gun.

"Sorry Kag, but you forced me to do this." He smiled a wicked smile at me.

"Paybacks a bitch, ain't it Kaggie?" He said as he slowly pressed the trigger…

A/N: You know what, I'm such a hypocrite! I complain when other authors write cliffhangers, but here I am writing two of them.

I hope you guys like this chapter, and I hope it isn't too corny. Again, I would like to thank all the readers out there who reviewed my story, and for the people who haven't please do. I would really like to know what you people think about my story.

Oh, and to all you people who keep asking me if this is a Inu/Kag story, all I have to say is just wait and read to find out! Inu/Kag is my favorite couple, but for this story I decided to make the couples anonymous. They might become a couple or they might not. Just don't flame me if they don't become a couple.

Again thanks to all the people who reviewed my story and please R&R!

Until next time! ^_^