InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Broken Inside ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey peeps! I hope you guys liked chapter 3. It was really hard for me to make Miroku get stabbed but it had to be done. Anyways before I start chapter 4 I would really like to give a couple of shout outs.

Miroku Lovin' I'm soooo sorry! I didn't mean to make Miroku get stabbed…it just sorta happened! Plz forgive me! And don't worry, nothing bad will ever happen to him again.

Inu-Destiny Finally! You reviewed my story! After about a week of nagging, you finally reviewed my story! Anyways, thanks for your review and I hope you continue to R&R my story. By the way: UPDATE SOON!

Crackhead When are you gonna read my story? As my editor it is your duty to read my story and review it! So if you read this: REVIEW MY DAMN STORY! Oh and… thank you for being a good editor.

Brown Sweetz THANK YOU! You are like one of the few people out there, who like my story! *Tear* I'm sooooo happy.

Bitter Sweetz Again I would like to say: THANK YOU! It really makes me happy that you like my story.

Niffy Yes…you are annoying! Lol! Just joking! ^_^ I'm really glad that you like my story! I'm proud to have such a great reviewer! Again I would like to say that this story might be Inu/Kag, but don't worry, I will NEVER make this an Inu/Kikyo story…or will I? It's really great to meet another Filipino on! ASIAN PRIDE!!

Sexy Capricorn I LOVE YOUR STORY!! It's really better than my story. I mean my story is soooo crappy and yours is just…WOW! Thanks for your review and plz UPDATE SOON!

Starlite angel205 Thank you cuz for reviewing. It's good to know that someone in our family likes it!

RedHerring Thanks for reviewing…but not to be rude or anything I really don't give a damn if in my last chapter, it wasn't really believable because Inu drank 10 beers, which I guess is impossible! I mean it is a fanfic, and so what if it isn't realistic. A lot of other fanfics out there aren't realistic and I really don't appreciate the fact that most of the time, you're actually criticizing my story when this is my first fanfic. I'm trying my best to please everyone and everyone seems to enjoy it, but if you keep on criticizing me on the stupidest things than I really don't want you as a reviewer. Sorry if I hurt your feelings but this is my fanfic and I will write whatever I damn please, and if you don't like it, you could just go and read another fanfic for I won't change anything in my story!

Thanks to all my reviewers out there and if I didn't mention your name: SORRY! It's not like I don't think your reviews are important or anything, in fact, they are really important to me! I'll mention you guys in the next chapter, I promise!

Anyways, enough talk…here's chapter 4 of What is love.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha for I'm too poor to.


Please don't mind any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Chapter 4: Broken Inside.

~ Last Time ~

"Please…don't hurt me!" I pleaded as I looked at him with a terrified look on my face.

He than quickly pulled something out of his back pocket and I froze at what I saw.

"No! Please don't!" I cried as I soon found myself at the wrong end of a gun.

"Sorry Kag, but you forced me to do this." He smiled a wicked smile at me.

"Paybacks a bitch, ain't it Kaggie?" He said as he slowly pressed the trigger…

~ ***~

I screamed as loud as I could as I felt myself getting soaked from head to toe. As soon as I felt the water stop, I looked up to see my kid brother Souta pumping his water gun frantically, as he sat on top of me.

"You little brat! Your gonna pay!" I cried as I glared at him.

He looked up to face me and smiled slyly. "Whoops! Sorry about that sis, it was just a joke…and…I…didn't…mean…to…" His voice began to falter as he noticed the death glare I was giving him.

"I'll give you to the count of three."

"But sis…"


"…it was a joke!"


"Um…I think I just heard Mama calling me! Gotta go!" He cried as he quickly jumped off of me and ran.

"THREE!" I quickly got on to my feet and proceeded to chase him. "SOUTA! YOU LITTLE COWARD, I'M GONNA PUVERISE YOU!!"

"I said it was a joke!" He yelled as he continued to run.

Before he could get away, I tackled him to the ground and grabbed the water gun out of his hand.

I grinned evilly as I started to pump up the water gun.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Souta asked through wide eyes.

"Giving you a taste of your own medicine!!" I cried and with that, I sprayed him with a face full of water.

"Kagome…*Sputter*…Stop…*Cough*…I'm sorry…*Cough*" He managed to choke out as I continued to spray his face.

When the gun finally ran out of water I got up and smiled triumphantly. Souta looked up at me with wide eyes as water dripped down his face. A couple of minutes went by and still my brother stared at me. My smile disappeared and was replaced with an annoyed look.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I snapped as I lent him a hand to help him up.

"Ka-Kagome…" He said as he got up. "Your…your shirt!!" He said as he pointed to my chest and covered his eyes.

"What about my…" I looked down and my face paled. 'Shit!' I quickly wrapped my arms over my chest as I heard a couple of catcalls behind me. 'You baka! How could you forget that you are wearing a white shirt, especially on the one day you decided to not wear a bra!!'

I quickly grabbed my brother and started to drag him home, while guys continued to call after me.

"You can look now!" I growled at Souta as I pushed a guy out of my way.

"No way! I think I've been scarred for life!" He replied as he still had his hands over his eyes.

"Oh…quit being such a baby! I'm your sister for God's sake!" I snarled as we rounded a corner.

"Fine…" He quickly uncovered his eyes and looked everywhere but me. "Happy?"

"No…now I have to explain to Mama how I accidentally ended up flashing everyone in the park!" I looked back at him as I continued to drag him along. "And it's all your fault!"

"What?!" He cried as he jerked his arm out of my grip. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't decide to accidentally spill a cup of water on me and made me look like I pissed myself at school!" He pouted and crossed his arms. "Besides…it's not like I told you to not wear a bra today, so technically it's your fault."

"Why you little…" I cried as I prepared to strangle him

"What time is it?" Souta asked unexpectedly that I stopped, dead in my tracks.

"Huh? Oh…it's 12 o'clock." I answered as I took a glance at my watch. "Why do you ask?"

He looked up at me as if I was stupid. "Duh…today is the day that dad finally comes home!"

"Oh…right!" I smacked myself on the head. "How could I be so stupid!"

My brother looked at me and grinned. "Is that a trick question?"

"Ha…ha…very funny." I said as I started walking away. "Come on, we better get home to help Mama get ready for dad's return home."

"Coming." He replied as he followed me. By now my shirt had dried so Souta decided that it was finally safe enough to look at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked as I noticed him looking at me thoughtfully in the corner of my eye.

He quickly turned away and looked at the ground. "Kagome…I was wondering…"


He took a deep breath and looked up at me. "I was wondering…if…you know…if the rumors were true?"

I quickly turned around to face him. "Rumors? What rumors?"

"Well…" He turned his head so that he wasn't facing me anymore.

"Spit it out!'

"Well…there are rumors going around at school that…you…that…you, you know…had sex with Naraku." He said quietly so that I could barely make him out.

"What?! You're joking right?" I frowned as I thought about my ex-boyfriend Naraku.

"No really, it's true." He said as he kicked a rock that was on the ground. "My friend Keitaro told me that Naraku was bragging how he 'broke in the Higurashi chick.'"

I snorted at me brother's remark. "Did he now. Well the truth is…no I didn't have sex with Naraku." I shuddered at that thought. "In fact…we broke up."

"Really?" Souta asked as he looked up at me.


"But how come?" He looked at me questioningly. "I thought that you really liked him?"

"Well…I did but he just wasn't who I thought he was." I answered casually.


'Meaning that he was just like my other boyfriends and he only went out with me for sex.' I thought bitterly. "Um…let's just say that he was a complete and utter horndog.'

"Okay…gotcha." Souta said as we finally made it home.

"Mama! We're home!" I yelled as I kicked off my shoes and sat down on my couch.

"Oh Kagome dear, thank goodness you're here." I heard my mother call out from the kitchen. "Can you please go out to the store and buy more Ramen, we're all out and you know how your father just loves Ramen."

"But Mama, I just came home." I said as I stretched a bit on the couch. "Can't you get Souta to do it?"

I heard a couple of footsteps behind and turned around to see my mother at the kitchen door, holding a plate as she dried it off. "Kagome you know that Souta is too young to go out by himself."

"Too young? He's thirteen years old!" I cried. "Come on Mama, today is my day off from school and I would just like to enjoy it while I can." My mother just shook her head, sighed and turned around.

"Your right Kagome, today is your day off. Fine, I guess we will just have to eat some leftovers instead, even though this is the first time you've seen your father in three months." She said in a sad voice, which made me feel guilty.

"But Mama…"

"No, no…it's okay. You just go on and relax on the couch dear. I'll just go and reheat the oden we had last night." I heard her sigh again and the water turn on as she continued to wash the dishes. "And all I wanted was a perfect dinner to celebrate your father's return."

I groaned and slid off the couch to put on my shoes. "Fine, I'll go." I said as I finished putting on my shoes.

"Great! Thank you dear…oh and while your there can you please pick up a couple of more things. Here, I wrote them down for you." She quickly handed me a list and pushed me out the door. "Come back soon dear. Ja!" She said as she quickly shut the door.

I stood there for a couple of seconds completely stunned at what had just happened.

'How does she do that?'

I sighed and quickly headed towards the supermarket, hoping that I would get home in time to see my father arrive.

* * *

"Let's see, Ramen: check. Eggs: check. Carrots: check…" I quickly rummaged through the three bags of groceries I had in my hands. Hoping that I was able to buy everything on the list. "Oh crap! I forgot the rice!" I sighed deeply as I imagined how my mother would react to my mistake. "Oh, well…at least I bought the Ramen."

I took a quick glance at my watch and panicked. " It's 5 o'clock! Dad's going get home in about one hour!" I quickly picked up my pace as I headed towards home.

As I rounded a corner, I noticed an alleyway, which cut through the buildings straight to the street where I lived. 'I could take this alleyway and get home faster but, Mama always told me to never go through alleyways alone.' I looked at my watched and noticed that ten minutes passed by. 'Oh…but I'll be late if I don't.' I took a deep breath and decided to take the alleyway. 'Anyways it's not dark out so nothing will happen to me. Besides, what Mama doesn't know can't hurt her…right?'

I sighed in relief as the end of the alleyway came to view. 'Yes! I'm home free!' I quickly picked up my pace so that I could get home faster.

As I was a couple of centimeters away, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I screamed. The person who grabbed me quickly placed a hand over my mouth to shut me up.

'I knew that I should've listened to Mama.'

I was than spun around and came face to face with…

"Naraku!" I cried as he let go of me. I placed a hand over my rapidly beating heart. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry." Naraku answered in a monotone voice. "Here, you dropped this and I just came to give it to you." He than shoved a carton of Ramen into my hands.

"Thanks…" I muttered under my breath as I put it back in one of the bags I was carrying. I looked up to notice him staring straight at me with his violet emotionless eyes, which sent a small shiver down my back.

"Um…look at the time…I…I better get going now." I turned around and started to walk away but stopped when I felt Naraku's hand grab onto my arm. I tried to jerk my arm out of his grip but that only made him tighten his grip, which slowly cut off my circulation.

"Look…Kagome we need to talk," He said as he spun me around so that I was facing him.

"Can't we talk some other time. You see, my father is coming home tonight and I really need to be there when he does."

"This will only take a couple of minutes." He said as he dragged me further into the alleyway so that now I was further away from the exit.

I couldn't tell you

Why she felt that way

She felt it every day

"Kagome…I need to know what happened…to our relationship." Naraku asked as he finally stopped dragging me.

I jerked my arm out of his gripped and stared at him in disbelief. 'I can't believe he would ask me such a stupid question.'

"You want to know what happened to our relationship Naraku? Well I'll tell you once and for all…we're through!" I said to him, as I tried to keep my voice calm.

And I couldn't help her

I just watched her make

The same mistakes again

Naraku looked at me with anger written all over his face. "What do you mean we're through? Why the hell would you brake up with me?"

The anger that was on his face scared me a bit but I tried my best to keep my composure. Being alone in an alleyway with a pissed off Naraku would do that to a person.

"You know why I broke up with you. It's because every time we were alone together you would always try to get me to have sex with you, and that made me very uncomfortable. But even though we aren't a couple anymore I still want to be your friend." I answered as I tried to hide the fear I was feeling but failed miserably

"Bullshit!" He snarled as he grabbed my arm and squeezed it tightly. This action of course made me drop my groceries.

What's wrong what's wrong now

Too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

I gasped in pain as his grip increased. "Let go of me Naraku! You're…you're hurting me!" I cried as I tried to pry his hand off my arm.

"Listen and listen well bitch, you're lucky that the first time I met you that I didn't just fuck you raw but seeing that I've just lost my last bit of patience…" He quickly pushed me hard onto the brick wall and pressed himself up against me. "…I'll just do that right now, just for the fun of it."

My eyes widen in fear, as I saw the look in his eyes…lust.

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

That's where she lies

Broken inside

Before I could retaliate he crashed his mouth onto mine in a bruising kiss.

I screamed in his mouth but nobody could hear me.

He quickly ended the kiss and back handed me to make me shut up. "Shut up bitch! This will be over soon enough."

With no place to go

No place to go

I looked up at him with hateful eyes; my vision blurred as tears slowly filled them. I felt a small trickle of blood going down my chin and I said the only thing that came to mine.

"F-Fuck you."

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

"Gladly." He said as he forcefully kissed me again.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried my best to push him off of me. I repeatedly hit him on the chest, but to no avail.

I felt his hands roam all over my body and I felt dirty and so unclean.

Open your eyes

And look outside

Find the reasons why

He than stopped kissing me and proceeded to kiss a trail down my neck.

"P-please stop! Y-you don't have to do this!" I pleaded with him, but he just ignored me and continued to kiss my neck. I tried my best to ignore the hard object that was pressed against my stomach. (A/N: Guess what that is?)

All of a sudden he removed his hand from its current position which was my ass and forcefully ripped my shirt open.

You've been rejected

Now you can't find

What you've left behind

I screamed again but he quickly placed his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh…don't pretend that you don't enjoy this." Naraku said as he started to cup my breast.

I squeezed my eyes shut as more tears started to stream down my face.

'Please…god…anyone…please…help…me 230;'

Be strong be strong now

Too many problems

All of a sudden he whipped me onto the ground and got on top of me.

I tried to fight him off again but he just laughed at me.

"Foolish girl…do you actually think that you could fight me off."

I watched in horror as he started to unbuckle his pants.

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

For the third time that day I screamed. Screamed as loud as I could. Just like before, he quickly shut me up by covering my mouth with his hand.

"Don't worry bitch, once I'm done with you, you'll be begging for more." He said forcefully as he tried to remove my pants.

Before he could succeed in doing so, I did the first thing that came to mind. I bit his hand.

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

As I bit his hand, his blood soon filled my mouth. He screamed in agony but I didn't let go.

When I finally let go of his hand I did the second thing that came to mind. I kicked him hard…straight in the family jewels.

That's where she lies

Broken inside

Naraku howled in pain as he got off f me. I quickly got up to my feet and ran. Screw the groceries, I just wanted to get out of there with my virginity intact.

Tears continued to stream down my face as I ran home. I covered myself with my arms as best as I could, for Naraku had ripped up my shirt enough that it revealed my breasts.

As I ran, I saw a number of people staring at me, and pointing at me. I quickly turned my head to look back and see if he was following me.

With no place to go

No place to go

I sighed in relief as I saw my house come to view. I stumbled a bit as I tripped over a tree root, but that didn't stop me.

As I reached my door, I banged on it repeatedly, hoping that my mom would open it soon.

"Oh god…please open the door!" I cried as I banged the door a couple more times.

I sighed in relief as I heard my mom opening the door.

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

"Kagome, thank goodness, I was beginning to…Kagome?" She asked as she saw my tear streaked face.

Before she had a chance to ask me what had happen, I quickly ran past her, up to my room.

"Kagome!? Wait!" I heard my mom calling after me.

Her feelings she hides

Her dreams she can't find

I quickly ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I quickly locked my door, and slid onto the floor and cried.

"Kagome! Open the door!" My mom banged on my door, trying to get me to open it.

"Please…open the door!"

As I sat there and listened to my mother's attempts to get me to open the door, I thought about what had just happened.

She's losing her mind

She's falling behind

'How could've this happened? Why did this happen?' As I thought about it, more tears began to stream down my face. Flashbacks at what had happened in the alleyway flashed in my mind. I shook my head furiously, trying to get rid of those thoughts.

As the adrenaline I had begun to wear off, I felt a stinging pain go through my chin and cheek.

I carefully stood up, and made sure that my mother had left. When I was sure that she did, I walked over to my washroom.

She can't find her place

She's losing her faith.

I checked myself in the mirror and was horrified at what I saw. My lip was cut and swollen, probably from when Naraku hit me. A bruise was forming on my cheek and my chin was stained with my blood…and Naraku's.

As I stared as myself I began to get upset and angry.

'How could I've let him touch me? I could've lost my virginity?' I shook with anger as I continued to look at myself. I just couldn't stand how I looked at that moment.

She's falling from grace

She's all over the place yeah

Before I knew what I was doing, I picked up the closest object and whipped it at the mirror. Shattering the glass and my reflection with it.

I than grabbed my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth, as hard as I could.

'I can still taste him!'

I continued to brush my teeth and I didn't even care when my gums began to bleed. I didn't stop until I couldn't taste him anymore.

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

I shut my eyes and tried to clear my mind, but every time I did, I thought of him.

How he touched me…

That's where she lies

Broken Inside

How he kissed me…

With no place to go

No place to go


To dry her eyes

Broken inside

Before I could stop myself, I took a bottle of Aspirin that was inside my medicine cabinet and walked over to my bed.

'I just can't live with myself, after the way he touched me…' I quickly opened the bottle and was just about to drink it…but stopped.


She's lost inside lost inside

More tears began to stream down my face.

'I just…can't…' I gripped the bottle tightly in my hand than whipped it across the room

I fell onto my bed…and cried. Cried uncontrollably.

'I…wish…I…could…just…die&# 8230;'

Before I knew it, I cried myself to sleep,

She's lost inside lost inside…

~ Dream ~

'Where am I…' My eyes fluttered open and I was soon blinded by the sunlight. As my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I looked around.

Instead of being in my room and on my bed, I was on shrine steps near the edge of a forest. 'I'm definitely not in my room anymore…but after what had just happened, I'm glad I'm not…'

I than looked down and instead of being in my ripped shirt, which I still didn't change out of, I was dressed in Miko clothing. 'Where the hell did these come from?'

I just shrugged my shoulders, for I was glad that at least I wasn't wearing that ripped shirt anymore.

I took in a big breath of fresh air and was surprised to smell…smoke. I turned around and my eyes widened in fear at what I saw.

'A village…and its on fire!'

I than heard a twig snap behind me and I quickly turned around to face that direction. Than I saw it…a hanyou. And he was running, running along the edge of the forest.

I than felt my hand tighten around something and was surprised to find out that it was a bow.

Before I could stop myself, I grabbed an arrow from a quiver, which was strapped onto my back and notched it to the bow.

'What am I doing?'

I than felt myself raise my arms and prepared to shoot, my target…the hanyou.

'What the…' I tried to lower my arms but found out that I couldn't.

'Run! Get out of the way!' I yelled to the hanyou, but he didn't hear me.

I than felt my grip on the arrow loosen.

'No I won't…'

I tried to stop myself from shooting but failed miserably.

'NOOO!' I watched in horror as the arrow raced towards the clueless hanyou. I heard a sickening thud as the arrow connected with the hanyou, right above his heart. I watched helplessly as the arrow pinned him to a nearby tree.

The hanyou raised his head up and I found myself staring straight into a pair of bright amber eyes. Amber eyes which were filled with sadness and pain, and I knew that those eyes would haunt me…forever.

"How…how could you?" He asked me as he raised his right arm, to try and reach me. "I…I…thought…we were…"

'What? We were what?' I tried to say, but still he couldn't hear me.

With one last look of pain in his eyes the hanyou slowly drooped his head and closed his eyes.

I watched as the hanyou slowly slipped away. His left hand than opened and something fell out of it. I squinted my eyes to try and see it better and saw that it was a pink jewel which than slowly turned black.

'No wait!' I tried to run over to the hanyou, to see if he was okay, but soon felt excruciating pain pass through my right shoulder. I fell down to my knees and raised my hand to my shoulder. I felt something warm run down my hand. I quickly looked at it and saw that it was covered in blood.

'What's going on…'


I turned around and watched as the village burned down. 'Why am I here…'




~ End of Dream ~

I sat up straight in my bed and placed a hand over my heart. I raised a hand to wipe the sweat, which covered my forehead.

"What a weird dream…" I whispered to no one in particular as I tried to calm my breathing.

"Kagome, are you okay?" Someone in my room asked.

I turned my head to the direction where the voice came from and came face to face with the worried expression of my brother.

"Souta? How did you get in here?" I asked him. 'Thank god it's dark in here.' I thought to myself. I really didn't want Souta to see me in my current state.

"Through there." He replied as he pointed towards a secret door, which connected his room to mine. "I heard you screaming and I tried to get in but your door was locked, so I used that door."

"Oh…okay." I tried to get out of my bed but sat back down for I was still tired from what had happened earlier. "Souta…did dad come home yet?"

"I don't know."

"Why not?"

He sighed and looked in the other direction. "After Mama tried to get you out of your room, someone knocked on our door and it was the police."

"The police?" I looked at my brother with a confused look. "Why did they come here?"

My brother shook his head and looked up at me. "I don't know. They asked to speak to Mama alone so I was sent to my room."

'Why are they here? Is it because they found out about what had happened and are here to tell Mama?' I quickly got off of my bed, grabbed a shirt off the ground and put it on.

"Where are you going?" Souta asked as I opened the door.

"I'm gonna find out why they are here." I walked out of my room and was surprised to hear Souta following me.

As we reached the staircase, we could hear the police talking to Mama.

"…we're really sorry Ma'am but there was nothing we could do." I heard someone say.

"Are you sure…are you sure that this isn't just some mistake?" I heard my mom ask the police officer. I than heard the unmistakable sound of my mom crying.

"Yes Ma'am we tried everything that we could."

"But this can't be happening. I just talked to him earlier this morning." My mom blew her nose and continued to ask questions. "How? When?"

My eyes widened in shock as I realized whom they were talking about. 'They're talking about dad.'

I turned my head and saw that Souta had the same shocked expression on his face.

"The accident happened around 12 o'clock in the afternoon. We believe it was because a drunk driver had hit him. We managed to capture the culprit who luckily had a mild concussion but your husband…"

'Accident? What the hell happened to my father!' I quickly got on to my feet and ran downstairs, despite all my brother's attempts to stop me.

"Mama…what's going on?" I asked her. "What happened to dad?"

My mother's eyes widened in shock as she saw the state I was in. "Kagome? What happened…"

"Answer the question! What happened to dad?" I cried. I didn't care about how the way I looked, right now I just wanted to find out what had happened to my father.

"I think I should take my leave." The police officer said. He tilted his hat in a respectful manner and left the house.

"Now tell me…what happened to dad?" I asked as I saw tear begin to swell up in my mother's eyes.

"Kagome…your father is…is…" My mom suddenly than burst into tears and I knew what had happened.

'No…this can't be happening. How could my life get so screwed up in one night?' I shook my head as tears began to form in my eyes. "No…you're lying! Dad is not dead!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"Kagome…I know it's hard but it's the truth." My mom said as she tried to comfort me.

"No…it isn't! Dad isn't dead!" I pushed my mom away and ran, ran as far as I could.

"Kagome wait!" I heard my mom call out after me.

I ignored her and continued to run.

'He is not dead! He is not DEAD!' I chanted over and over in my head.

I soon found myself in the park and I stopped running. I dropped onto my knees and pounded the ground with my fists.

'First Naraku tried to rape me now this!'

"WHY? WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!" I yelled as I continued to hit the ground. As time went by, my hits became weaker and weaker.

"Why…" I stopped hitting the ground and I just sat there and cried.

I curled up into a little ball and sat there. Telling myself that my father wasn't dead.

'He is not dead. He is not dead. This is all a bad dream and when I wake up everything will be okay…'

I small sob escaped my throat.

'Everything will be…okay…'

~ End of Chapter ~

A/N: *Gets egged by angry readers* I know…I know! First I put Inuyasha through hell and now I did the same thing to Kagome. But don't worry from now on my story will get happier…I hope. Anyways did anyone make the connection between Inuyasha and how Kagome's dad died? If you did than good for you! You just found out a vital piece of information, which will play an important role later on in the story. And if you didn't, just think about it for a while. But make sure you don't hurt yourself while trying to figure it out.

By the way, the song that I used for this chapter is called "Nobody's home" by Avril Lavigne. I was listening to that song when I wrote that certain part of the story. Speaking about that part, please don't flame me if it wasn't good. For you see it was really hard for me to write that part. I actually cried when I wrote it!

Again I would like to thank all the people who reviewed my story and if you want me to continue this story you must REVIEW! But it's not like I'm forcing you to…right?

Anyways…until next time! ^_^