InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Deja Vu ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: KONNICHIWA!!! S'up peeps! Anyways, I know that my last chapter was a little too angsty, but don't worry, this chapter will be a lot happier. Anyways, I would like to thank all of you guys for reviewing my story, for reviews make me happy. And when I'm happy, I'll update faster (well, I'll try to update faster!)

CaribMiko03 Yes you are right! It was Inuyasha. Anyways, I can't really update as often as I would like to for the computer is in my parent's room and they won't let me stay on for a very long time. And I would like to say sorry in advance if I take too long to update. Oh, and THANK YOU for reviewing my story.

Sexy Capricorn Thank you for your shout out. I love your story! Also I would like to thank you for reading and reviewing my story. You're the best!

Niffy How do your friends put up with you? Lol! Don't worry, I'm also very annoying and I have no clue in hell how my friends (if I have any) put up with me. Anyways, thanks for reviewing my story.

Oprah's Biggest Fan Thanks for reviewing my story! I'm really happy that you had the time to read and review it. Oh and don't worry, I'll make sure that we continue Loser's R Us next year.

Starlite Angel 205 Yeah, I know…I too hate Naraku for trying to rape Kagome! Wait a minute…this is my story so that means it's my fault that Kagome almost got raped! Whoops! Well you can't blame me…it had to be done for the story to progress so if that part offended you cuz…GOMEN NE SAI!

Anyway thank you guys for reviewing my story. And like I said in CaribMiko03's shout out, I'm really sorry if I take too long to update my story! Since school is FINALLY over, I'll try to update it more frequently but in the meantime just be patient and I'll try to post my story up faster! Scout's honor! (Even though I'm a girl and not a scout!) ^_^

I would like to dedicate this chapter of my story to all the grade eight graduates in my school and especially to all my friends and to my class, 806. 806 4EVA!

"Don't cry because it is over…smile because it happened! J "

-My friend The Bitchy Babysitter

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! The LUCKY Rumiko Takahashi does.

Chapter 5: Déjà vu

'I can't believe it. After two years…I'm home.' I looked outside the car window and watched as the scenery passed by.

The past two years had affected my life greatly. That day…the day that changed my life is still a blur to me. All I could remember is when I ran…ran away from the school when I had caught Kikyo cheating on me. After that…everything is a blur.

Anyways, after the accident…I was told that I had killed someone. That had a great impact on me and I was in denial for days. The person that I killed was married and his wife did everything she could to put me behind bars. I had never personally met the family but I felt great heartache for them. I didn't mean to kill her husband…it…it was an accident.

Well, my father being the great negotiator he is, got me out of my problem…with no punishment. All I got was a suspension from my license and that's it! No jail time…no community service and I didn't have to pay the family any money for their loss.

But even though I got out of my little predicament…scotch free, my father thought that it would be better if we moved out of Tokyo, until the media stopped trying to pry into our affaires.

So three weeks after the accident, after I was well and felt better, we packed all our belongings and moved to Kyoto. But even though I moved away from Tokyo, I felt and still do feel guilty. I mean…I killed a guy for god's sake and I got no punishment for it just because my father paid certain people a lot of money to keep their mouths shut.

The very thought of what I did gives me nightmares every night. I don't know how the family of the person I killed is doing…but if I ever meet them…I would beg for forgiveness. I would tell them that I am very sorry for what I've done and maybe…maybe then I would finally be able to sleep easily without waking up drenched in sweat.

I sighed heavily and looked at the necklace that was grasped in my hands. It was the exact same necklace that Kikyo had given me. But why? Why would I keep something that was given to me by the person who turned my life into a living hell?

Because…it is a reminder. A reminder to remind me to never fall in love again for love causes to much pain…and I don't think that I could handle that again.

I twirled the necklace in my hands and sighed heavily as I thought about Kikyo. A few days after the accident, she too moved away for she couldn't bear to live in the same town as me anymore. But before she left, she told me that she was very sorry for what she had done and that in fact, she did love me.

As I continued to twirl the necklace around my finger, I heard an agitated sigh in front of me.

"Will you please stop doing that? It's bad enough that I have to listen to you sulk about that bitch of yours for the past two years, and now I'm stuck with you in a car while you continue to play with that damn thing…little brother."

I looked up to see my brother Sesshomaru looking at me with his emotionless amber eyes. My brother and I looked almost identical except for the fact that his hair was much longer than mine and that we had complete and total different personalities. My brother is the type of person to never tell his true feelings and is incapable of human emotions while I'm the complete opposite…well most of the time.

I glared at my brother as he continued to stare at me intently. "Shut up Sesshomaru! You're lucky that I don't just come over there and punch you in the face. Besides, Kikyo isn't my bitch."

Sesshomaru sighed and turned away from me. "I thought father taught you how to respect your elders little brother, but I see that there is no use in trying to teach a person with an intelligence equivalent to a four year old these type of things."

My eyebrow twitched in anger at my brother's last remark. "Why you little…"

"Now, now little brother…we wouldn't want you to do anything that you might regret later on. Wait a second…" he crossed his arms and smirked at me "…you already did that."

Before I could control myself, I threw a punch at my brother who caught it with ease. He squeezed my hand a bit, causing me to flinch in pain.

"Temper, temper. I thought that by now you've learned to not pick fights with people…especially people you know that are stronger than you and could probably kick your ass."

"You bastard! If it weren't for the fact that we are in such a confined space, I'd kick your ass so hard that your nose would bleed." I snarled at him as he released my hand.

"Yeah right! As if a weakling like you could ever harm me." He than smoothed out the suit he was wearing and stared at me. "Besides, I wouldn't want to hurt you right now for father would kill me if I did."

"Keh! Whatever." I grumbled under my breath. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the car seat. I hated to admit it but…Sesshomaru was right. My father would have killed us if he found out that we fought each other…especially before we had a meeting with him.

I felt the car jerk forward and I knew that we had reached our destination. The car door than opened and my brother quickly and silently got out of the car. I quickly followed my brother and shielded my eyes from the bright sunlight.

"Thanks…Bob." I said to my chauffeur as he bowed a small bow.

"Anytime Inuyasha Sir." He replied as he bowed again. He than got back into the car and drove away, leaving my brother and I standing outside of my father's tall skyscraper.

My brother than straightened his suit again and quickly entered the building, without saying a word.

"Here I go…" I muttered under my breath as I entered the building. Ready to face the oncoming doom, which I knew I would have to overcome.

* * *

"Here Kaggie! Catch!" I laughed happily as my father threw the ball at me.

I caught the ball with ease and laughed again. 'Just like the good old days.'

"Here Catch!" I threw the ball at my father and laughed as he fell backwards.

"Wow! You've got quite an arm there kiddo!" He said proudly as he got up and walked over to me. He patted my head affectionately and continued to walk past me.

"Come on Kaggie. Time to go home!" He called out to me and smiled. I loved it when my father smiled. It always made me feel safe, calm and especially…loved.

"Coming!" I than ran towards my father, and smiled happily to myself. 'Finally we're going home.'

All of a sudden the sky turned black and a violent wind came out of no where. The trees shook as the wind blew onto them and I looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. My hair whipped around me and I looked up…just in time to see my father leaving me.

"Wait! Daddy don't leave me!" I called out to him. "Please don't leave me alone!" I tried to run after him but was thrown back by a hard gust of wind.

I tried to get back up but the wind kept pushing me down.

"Bye…Kaggie…" I heard my father say as I watched him disappear, in front of my eyes.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to reach for him. "No! Please don't leave me alone!" I hung my head low in defeat as tears continued to fall down my cheeks, causing the ground below me to get soaked with my tears.

"Please…don't leave me…again…"

All of a sudden a bright light filled the sky, and I was blinded by its intensity.

"What's going on?" I shielded my eyes and tried to look up. To see what was causing the light. I looked up and was surprised to see…


I groaned loudly as I turned onto my side and covered my head with my blanket. Sunlight poured into my room and I squeezed my eyes shut. 'What a weird dream…'


I groaned again and rolled towards my phone.

'Who the hell would be calling me at…' "AHHHH!"

I screamed loudly as I fell off my bed and connected with hard ground below. 'Crap!' I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed my head. "Stupid floor…"I muttered under my breath as I tried to untangle myself from my blanket.

"Kagome? What was that?" I heard my mom yell out to me.

"It was nothing mom." I called back at her as I slowly got up.


I clutched my hand in a tight fist as I looked at my phone angrily. I reached out my hand to answer it.

'Stupid phone! When I found out who is on the other line I'm gonna…'


I quickly held the phone away from my ear as I heard the voice of my best friend yell through it.

When I thought that it was safe enough, I slowly brought the phone closer to my ear and sighed in relief when my friend didn't yell in it.

"Hi…Sango." I said sleepily, for I was still very tired.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"No it's okay. I usually get up at…" I quickly stole a glance at my clock "5 am in the morning." I said sarcastically as I tried to stifle a yawn.

"Well you don't have to be so rude about it." She pouted on the other side of the phone.

"No…really…It's okay." I said as I smiled a bit.

"Well good! Anyways…guess what day it is?"

"I don't know? Is today the day that I finally get caller ID so that I'll know not to pick up the phone when you call?" I asked and I heard her pout again on the other side.

"Ha, ha…very funny." She answered dryly, causing me to laugh a bit. "No…really guess what day it is today?"

I paused a bit as I tried to collect my thoughts and tried to remember what was so important about today. Finally it hit me and I began to feel sad. 'No that's not why Sango's calling me. She doesn't know that today is…'

My thoughts were soon interrupted as I heard Sango calling my name on the phone.

"Hey Kagome? Are you all right? You kinda spaced out on me again." She said, her voice full of worry.

I shook my head and tried to find my voice. "No…I'm okay. I was just thinking."

"Okay…anyways, since it seems that you've forgotten what day it is today, I'll tell you."

I waited in anticipation. Waiting to finally find out what was so important about today that Sango had to call me at 5 o'clock in the morning. "Well…"

"Well…today is the day that we find out the nominees for homecoming king and queen!" She yelled causing me to flinch in pain again.

I stood there in disbelief as I heard Sango ranting on and on about whom she thought was going to be nominated. "That's it?! That's what was so important that you had to call me so damn early!" I yelled in anger.

"Um…yeah" Sango replied uneasily.

"Sango…" I said in a dangerous tone of voice.

"Oh…look at the time! I better get going. See you at school!" Sango said quickly and with that she hung up. Leaving me standing there in my room, feeling very pissed-off that I was woken up one hour earlier than I usually did.

I than hung up my phone and sat on my bed. Thinking about what day it was today, and why it hurt so bad just thinking about it. It had been two years since the accident and yet it only seemed like yesterday.

Well after my father died my mom tried to put his killer in jail but to no avail. It seemed that he was some rich kid and that his father paid a lot of money to keep him out of it. Anyways, after we used all our money trying to put that kid in jail, we moved in with my grandfather who owned a shrine on Tokyo.

The weird thing was that in the front yard of the shrine was a huge tree called the Goshinboku. But what's so weird about the tree? Well it was the same tree that was in my dream. The dream I had two years ago.

I looked out my window to said tree and sighed. Ever since I moved here, I felt as if I've been here before. But, I just couldn't quite figure out when, where or…with whom. It was as if I was drawn to this place. I guess that I'll never understand why I feel this way.

I looked at my clock and noticed that it was ten to six. 'Wow! I didn't realize how long that I was thinking.' I stood up, off of my bed and stretched a bit before I proceeded to my bathroom.

As I walked towards my bathroom, I passed my dresser and stopped. I looked down to an old picture of my father and me, when I was four years old. I picked up the picture and stared at it.

My father looked really happy. He had the same hair as Souta and he had my eyes. But what caught my attention was his smile…it was just like mine.

I shook with sadness as I thought about my father, and how I'll never see his smiling face again. I tear ran down my cheek as I hugged the picture close to my heart.

"Happy birthday…dad…"

* * *

"This is a load of bullshit!" I slammed my fist onto the table to prove that I was really angry.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, but this is what your mother and I thought is the best for you." My father said calmly as he sat at the end of the table.

"What? So I get no say in this!" I yelled as I stood up and kicked the chair that I was sitting on. "This is my life and I'm in charge! Not you!"

"And you're my son and I get to choose what I think is best for you!" My father replied, and I knew that he was trying his best to not get angry. "So that means your going to do as your told! End of discussion!"

There was than short period of silence, which was than interrupted.

"Excuse me father, but I would like to say something." Sesshomaru said as he sat on the right to my father.

"Of course Sesshomaru, what is it." My father asked as he stared at my brother.

'Great! Now my brother is going to say that he agrees with father and that I should quit acting like a baby and do what he says!' I thought bitterly.

"Even though Inuyasha is being such a baby about this…"

"Feh!" I said as I crossed my arms and turned my back on them.

"I must admit, that I have to agree with him."

I turned around and stared at my brother in disbelief. "What you…you agree with me?"

My father, who looked as shocked as I did cleared his throat and looked at my brother. "Even though that I'm happy that you two finally agree on something, the only people who have a say on this is your mother and me."

"But father, how could forcing Inuyasha to marry someone he doesn't even know, be good for him." Sesshomaru asked in a distinguished tone of voice.

"The girl that he is going to marry is the daughter of Mr. Suzuhara, the owner of the company which rivals our own. If Inuyasha marries his daughter, than our rivalry will come to an end and our companies will merge. Making our company more powerful than it is right now." My father turned his gaze on me and sighed. "I know that this is hard for you to understand, but after your little incident with Kikyo…your mother and I thought it would be better if we choose your wife, so that wouldn't happen again. So you see, you were the perfect candidate for this."

I snorted in anger and returned my father's gaze with my own. "So just because of one little mistake, I'm forced to marry someone I don't know and who I don't love. What kind of marriage would that be?"

"Rin is a nice girl, and I know with some time, you'll fall in love with her eventually." My father said.

"You say this now father but you know as well as I do, the heart is a complex thing and even though you say he will fall in love, he might not." Sesshomaru said as he began to get out of his chair. "And what is the point of getting married to someone when there is no love which bounds them together."

Even though that that was one of the corniest things I've ever heard, I felt great appreciation for my brother for trying to stand up for me. 'Maybe he and I could get along after all.'

"And besides, I don't think that a lady such as Rin could ever fall in love with an insolent fool such as Inuyasha." He smirked at me, than turned around to face my father. "I'm sorry father, but I must be heading out. I have important errands to do for mother and I'm already late as it is." He shook my father's hand that headed towards the door.

'I guess I spoke too soon.' I thought to myself as I watched my brother leave the office.

"Inuyasha, I know you're feeling angry right now, but once you meet Rin you'll thank us for setting you up with a girl like her." My father said as he ignored the last remark my brother said.

"But what about the jewel? What about the family tradition?" I asked. I knew that that was a pathetic excuse to not get married but it was the only one that I could think of.

"Well, seeing that it is a family tradition, you will still give it to her." He replied casually.

I racked my brain, trying to find anything that would convince my father to not let me do this. Finally, I thought of a way to get out of this. 'This better work.'

I took a deep breath and sat back down in my chair. "Father how about if we make a deal?"

My father leaned in a bit and looked at me with interest. "I'm listening."

'Yes! I knew that father being the great businessman he is wouldn't be able to resist a proposition.'

"Seeing that I won't be able to change your mind, how about if we make a deal. If I can get married by the end of this year to the perfect girl, you'll cancel this arranged marriage."

"And if you don't find the girl in time?"

"Than I'll marry Rin Suzuhara." I replied.

"Deal." My father got out of his chair and walked towards me. He shook my hand and sealed the deal. "Well, seeing as this meeting is over I think that you should be heading of to school."

"Hai. Ja ne father." I said as I walked out of the office. Proud that I was able to get out of that problem. But now that that was over I had a new problem to overcome. Now I had to find the perfect girl and get married to her by the end of the year and that would be the greatest problem that I would have to solve.

As I stepped out of the building, I took a deep breath and stretched my arms a bit. As I was about to get into my car I was than suddenly knocked down. I felt something on top of my chest and I opened my eyes to see what it was.

"Watch where you're…" I froze as I noticed who was on top of me. 'No it couldn't be. It can't be…'


* * *

'Stupid Sango! Once I get find you, you're going to pay!' I ran down the sidewalk and quickly swerved to the right to avoid hitting an old woman. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was five to nine. 'Shit! I'm late!'

I urged myself to go faster but I already knew that I wouldn't be able to make it on time.

It was about ten minutes since Sango called my house and told me than and there that she wouldn't be able to bring me to school. She said that she had to go bring her brother to school.

So here I am, running down the streets of Tokyo to try and get to school on time. I guess that I wasn't looking to where I was going for all of a sudden I ran into someone.

"Itai!" I looked up and was shocked to find myself looking straight into a pair of amber eyes. The same eyes that were in my dreams. I heard the person that I ran into say Kikyo.

'Kikyo? Kikyo who?' I thought.

I finally realized that I was straddling his hips and I blushed in embarrassment. "G-gomen ne sai." I said as I quickly got off of the guy. The guy was pretty hot. He had long silver hair and a slight build. But what caught my attention were his eyes, which were a deep shade of amber.

The guy that I ran into just stared at me as if I was a freak or something. He than snapped out of it and got up on to his feet.

"Keh! Stupid girl, watch where you're going!" He said as he continued to stare at me.

"What! I told you that I was sorry!" I yelled at him as I felt my anger begin to rise. 'How dare this guy call me stupid! I mean, I just met him for god's sake!'

"Yeah, well you better be sorry bitch!" He sneered at me as he dusted off his pants.

"How dare you call me a bitch you jackass!" I clutched my hand into a fist and shook with anger.

The guy just looked at me and I could have sworn that I saw a look of interest in his eyes.

"Look I can call you whatever I want. Now if you don't mind I've got important things to do and I don't have time to waste it on a bitch like you."

'That's it!' My eyebrow twitched in anger and before I could stop myself I slapped him. "Listen you arrogant, chauvinistic, pig-headed bastard I'm not a bitch or a stupid girl! You have no right to call me that and if I wasn't in such a rush, I would hit you somewhere else where, it would hurt a hell lot more!"

The guy just clutched his cheek and stared at me with anger in his eyes. "Look bitch! You obviously don't know who I am but let me give you a piece of advice. Never touch me again, for the last guy who did ended up in a hospital! And if you don't take this advice, you'll probably end up like him as well for no one and I repeat no one ever hits me!"

I crossed my arm and glared at him. "Look, your words don't scare me so don't even try! And if you ever call me a bitch again I swear…"

"You swear you'll do what…bitch." He said as he smiled smugly.

Before I could stop myself I kicked him where it hurts and smiled triumphantly as he fell to the ground in pain. "Or else I'll do that!" I said with a laugh, as I ran past his crumpled form.

"Fuck you bitch!" I heard him call out after me.

I just flipped him off and continued to run. 'Good, that'll teach him to mess with me!'

* * *

"Stupid bitch!" I muttered to myself as I sat in my car. Holding an ice pack where the girl had kicked me. 'But I have to admit it, she did have a lot of guts.'

I stared out the window and thought about the girl. She looked almost like Kikyo and for a second there I thought she was her. But than I realized that it couldn't be her for Kikyo was much hotter than that girl was. And that girl smelled different.

But the biggest difference I noticed was that girl had more confidence than Kikyo. I mean she actually slapped me, while Kikyo never did that. But still, that girl reminded me of Kikyo and that brought back a lot of painful memories. And that's why I reacted like the way I did. I didn't eve know the girl and yet, I already hated her. I guess it was because she looked like the person who made my life a living hell.

"Stupid bitch…I'll get you back for what you did."

* * *

'Oh crap! I'm late!' I ran down the schools hallway and sighed in relief as I saw my homeroom door come into view. I quickly opened the door and before I knew what was happening I slipped backwards and fell hard onto my back.

I groaned and pain and struggled to get to my feet. My fellow peers just laughed at me while my teacher asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said as I walked towards my seat, which was beside my best friend Sango.

I glared at her and sat down just as the teacher began to talk.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, we will be having a new student join us today. I hope you all treat him with respect and welcome him into our class."

All of a sudden I heard knocking on the door and the teacher walked over to open it. I gasped as I saw who walked into our class.

'It's him!' I felt anger wash over me as he stared straight into my eyes. The teacher led the silver haired boy into class and waited for us to settle down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce and welcome back Inuyasha Takegama."

A/N: YAY! Another completed chapter! Anyways did you guys like how they met each other? And did you guys know why I called this chapter Déjà vu? If you do…well good for you! Anyways, I know it seem like they hate each other right now, but don't worry they'll become FRIENDS later on.

Anyways, sorry for the long update! I'll try to update faster this week but if I can't than SORRY!

Don't forget peeps, please review my story! It makes me very happy to know what you think of it. So remember if you have any questions, comments or concerns just ask me and I'll try to answer them without giving the plot away.

So don't forget REVIEW!

Ja! ^_^