InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ Who Knows ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hiya peeps! Anyways, guess what day it is today? Today is…CANADA DAY!!! YAY!!! HOLIDAY…CELEBRATE!!! Anyways, over the past couple of days, I just realized something…what happened to my flamethrower? So, I looked around my house and guess what I found? *Takes out flamethrower* TA DA!! Now since it's Canada Day, I decided to put on some fireworks for your entertainment. *Takes out a box of fireworks and lights them on fire* Wait a minute? Where exactly are these fire works going? *Watches as fireworks fly out of box and blow up near the reviewers. Reviewers then run away in fear* Wait! Comeback! Come and read my story!!!!

Starlite angel 205 (lilkawaiigurl88): Thanks cuz for being my first reviewer on For that you deserve a reward. Here, have your very own flamethrower, so that if anyone flames your story you can flame them right back.

Blackhand The Destroyer: Thank you for reviewing my story. Don't worry, there will be lemons in future chapters of my story but not now. For one thing, the couples haven't actually been announced and this story definitely isn't a P.W.P story. So just sit tight and wait, for the lemons won't be around for a while but this story will have lemons.

You Rock my Caboose…Love your Moose: Yes, you can be princess of retard land but remember I'm the one true queen of it. HAHAHAHA!!! Ahem…anyways, sorry if you're getting confused when I change the point of views of the characters in the story. I'll try and work on that problem. Oh, and about "Nikki the chatterbox"…we shall never speak of that again.

Musheesuh: Yeah, I know. It is pretty sad that her dad died, but it had to be done. Anyways, thanks for your review.

Aitu: Thank you soo much for reviewing my story. I'm so honored that you actually put my crappy story on you favorites list. As for your question I really don't know the maximum amount of stories you could put on it. But hey, just take the stupid way out and just keep on adding stories on there until you can't add anymore. That's what I did.

Cyber Demon: Like I said before I'm not saying if this is an Inu/Kag story. But don't worry you'll soon find out at least one of the temporary couples on this story (Key word TEMPORARY!) Anyways, thanks for reviewing.

Inu Lover 554: Thanks for reviewing! Yeah it was pretty funny when she kicked him in the balls, but it would've really killed too.

Me: Nope, I'm not telling you if this is an Inu/Kag story, but don't worry it won't be an Inu/Kikyo one. Thanks for reviewing my story!

Thank you to all the people who reviewed my story. For that you all deserve an award. Flame-throwers for everyone! But remember don't get caught using those for having illegal fireworks is one thing, but being caught giving out stolen flame-throwers well, let's just say you won't be seeing me for a LONG time!

Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah…I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters in my story!

Chapter 6: Who Knows

<Inu's P.O.V>

If I wasn't surprised to see that bitch in the same classroom as me, I was more surprised to see the girl next to her jump up and give me a huge bear hug. As the girl continued to squeeze the life out of me, I finally realized who it was.

"Sango? Is that you?" I choked out as she finally released me from her death grip.

"Yeah Yash! It's me. Man, it's been a long time since I've seen you." She exclaimed as she hugged me again.

"Sango…" I said as I struggled to breathe.

"Yeah Yash?"

"I…can't…breath…" The room began to spin as I felt myself beginning to suffocate.

"Oh…sorry…" She said as she let go of me. She beamed as she took a good look at me. "Wow! For two years, you sure did change."

I cocked my head to the right. "Really? How so?"

"Well for one thing the last time I saw you your hair was black and your eyes were violet. But now, your hair is silver and your eyes are amber, and I think, that you gotten a bit taller."

"Well, seeing that I'm not dating Kikyo anymore, there was no point for me to continue being someone who I wasn't."

"I see, well…"

"Miss Kobayashi! If you don't mind, can you please take your seat and stop harassing the new boy."

Sango blushed a bit in embarrassment, and bowed a bit to the teacher. "Sorry Ms. Yamagami." She then ran back to her seat and quickly sat down next to the bitch, who stared at her questioningly.

"Mr. Takegama, can you please take a seat next to Miss Kagome Higurashi over there."

"Who?" I asked her with a tone of confusion in my voice.

"Miss Higurashi can you please raise your hand so that Mr. Takegama here can know where you are."

I looked around the classroom to try to find this Higurashi girl.

`Oh no! Please don't tell me that's Kagome!' I watched in utter horror as the girl next to Sango (the bitch) raise her hand hesitantly as she glared at me.

"Shitmmita!" I cursed under my breath as I glared back at her.

"Excuse me Mr. Takegama but did you say something?" Ms. Yamagami asked me.

"No…everything's good." I replied as I slowly walked towards Kagomo…or whatever her name was. Making sure that I kept complete and total eye contact with her.

`Great! Can my life get any worse than this?'

* * *

<Kag's P.O.V>

"What?" Sango asked innocently as sat down beside me.

"Care to explain what just happened right now?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Nothing! All I did was say hi to an old friend." She answered as she stared nervously at me. "Why? Is that a crime now?"

"No it's not. It's just…"


I sighed and stole a glance at her friend who was too busy looking around the classroom to notice me. "It's just…I met him this morning and no offence but he is the biggest ass I've ever met!" I snapped at her.

"Really? Wow…and here I am thinking that he has a cute ass." She replied as she smiled a bit.

"Sango!" I cried in shock, causing her to laugh at the expression on my face.

"I'm just joking Kag's!" She said in between her laughter. "I have no interest in Inuyasha. Anyways, yeah you're right about one thing…he can be an ass sometimes, but once you get to know him he's a really great guy."

"I hope your right…" I muttered under my breath as I slumped back into my chair. Yeah right! The day that I get to know Inutrasha is the day when hell freezes over!'

My head snapped up as I heard my teacher call out my name.

"Miss Higurashi can you please raise your hand so that Mr. Takegama here can know where you are."

`What?! Oh Kami! Please don't tell me I have to sit beside that bastard for the rest of school year?'

"Kagome…" Sango hissed as she nudged me in the stomach.

I glared at her but I knew that I had to listen to my teacher. I hesitantly raised my hand up and glared at him as I he stared back at me.

`Yeah! You better be scared you jackass!' I thought bitterly as I noticed the look of horror on his face.

I made sure that I didn't loosed eye contact with him while he slowly walked towards me.

I quickly turned my head so that I was staring straight ahead but I watched him from the corner of my eyes as he sat down beside me.

`Come on, come on.' I stared anxiously at the clock in the front of the room. Urging it to go faster so that I could get away from Inuyasha.

`Finally!' I jumped out of my seat as soon as I heard the bell go off; signaling us that first period was starting.

"Kagome! Wait!" I heard Sango call after me as I ran out the class doors.

I slowed down a bit when I was sure that I was a safe distance from him.

"Kagome? Didn't you hear me call you?" Sango asked as she finally caught up to me.

"Yes I did. It was just…" I stopped talking as I noticed to my disappointment, Inuyasha following us.

"Hiya Sango." He said as he walked towards us. "Bitch…" he muttered under his breath so that only I could hear him.

It took all my will power to not kick him straight in the balls again, but since he was Sango's friend I decided not to.

"So Inuyasha, what do you have for first period?" Sango asked. In an attempt to start a conversation.

"I don't know…" He than stuck his hand in his pocket to search for his schedule. "Hmmm…I think that I have history next."

"Really? Well what a coincidence. Kagome here also has history. Isn't that right Kagome?" Sango asked as she elbowed me in the stomach

"Yes…unfortunately." I whispered the last part so that Inuyasha wouldn't hear me.

"Great! That means that you two will be able to get to know each other a little bit more. Well, I have English next so I'll see you guys later."

I watched as Sango waved goodbye and turned the corner to get to class. So…here I am, standing alone, beside the biggest jerk that I've ever met.

`Can my life get any worse than this?'

* * *

<Inu's P.O.V.>

"Come on…let's go." I watched in silence as the girl…Kagome started to walk away.

She finally noticed that I wasn't following her and stopped dead in her tracks. "Are you coming or what?" She snapped as she turned her head to face my direction.

"Keh! Whatever…" I snorted as I reluctantly followed her. We walked in silence for we both didn't really want to talk to each other.

"Listen…Inuyasha." She stopped in the middle of the hallway and took in a deep breath. "Look, I don't like you and I know that you don't like me. So let's try to make this school year less painful and stay out of each other's way. Got it!" She said softly.

"Look wench, I really don't give a damn if you like me or not so yeah, I got it." I said as I brushed past her.

As we finally got to class, we walked in the classroom just in time. Kagome sat in the very front of the class, while I sat in the back.

I looked up just in time to see a women in her thirties walk into the classroom.

"Good morning class." She said.

"Good morning Mrs. Kamiya." The kids in my class said in unison.

"Okay, seeing as that we're studying the different time periods in the world, I've decided to give you guys a little project about it."

Everyone in my class groaned in disappointment but I didn't for I had a weird infatuation with the past.

"Settle down everyone. Anyways, this project will be worth thirty percent of your mark so I expect to see your best work done here. But don't worry, I've taken account that some of you don't have any interest in history so I've decided to pair you up."

I slumped back into my chair as I heard her call out the names of the pairs and what time period they had. I really didn't pay attention for I really didn't care who I got. History is my best subject so I knew I would be able to pass this project with flying colours.

"Kagome Higurashi and Inuyasha Takegama. You two will be doing a project on the Warring States Era."

My head snapped up as soon as she finished saying this. "WHAT!?" I yelled out as I stood up from my chair. I wasn't the only one who was upset about this partnership. As soon as I stood up I noticed Kagome stand up from her chair.

"This isn't fair! Why do I have to be the one who has to work with…with…him?!" She cried. By now everyone was staring at us, but I didn't care. I really didn't want to work with her.

"I'm sorry Miss Higurashi but seeing as you're doing poorly in this subject, I thought it would be better if you worked with Mr. Takegama who seems to be excelling in this subject." Mrs. Kamiya said calmly.

I smiled smugly at her comment. My smile only got bigger when I noticed the death glare that Kagome was giving me. Man, if looks could kill, I would have been dead a thousand times.

"This is bullshit!" Kagome yelled causing the teacher to go red from anger.

"Now Miss Higurashi take your seat or else you'll receive a detention!"

I grinned at Kagome as she slowly sat back in her chair. Still pissed- off that I was her partner.

"Mr. Takegama when your finished flirting with Miss Higurashi can you please take your seat or else you'll also receive detention."

"What?! Me? Flirt with her? Spare me, who'd ever want to flirt with her?"

I felt my confidence begin to falter as I noticed my teacher getting mad. "Okay, okay." I said as I sat down.

"Now, that you all know your partners, I would advise you to use this period to discuss about your topic."

I cursed softly as I sluggishly walked towards Kagome's desk and sat beside her.

"Look, seeing that you're pretty stupid in this subject why don't I just do all the work and you can go off and do whatever girly things that you do." I turned my head towards Kagome and noticed that she looked beyond pissed now.

"Listen, I really don't care that this is your best subject. I'm gonna help you in this project even though I really don't want to, but seeing that your such a dumbass I can't really trust you for I need these marks." She said through clenched teeth.

"Are you trying to say that I'm gonna purposely screw up in this project so that you would fail?" I said innocently.

"Yes I am, and if I do fail in this subject, so help me god I swear I'll castrate you with a spoon!"

"Fine, you made your point there!" I said as I flinched at the mental image of her doing that to me.

"Good, anyways meet me at the front doors after school and will go and work at my house." She said.

"What, why can't we work at my house?"

"Please, do you actually think that I'd want to go to your house?"

"Yeah, I really don't want to bring a girl like you home. I mean, what would my mother think?"

I smirked at her as I noticed anger flash in her eyes. Before she could retaliate, the bell rang and I quickly jumped out of my seat and ran out the door.

"See you after school." I yelled at her as I ran towards my next class, and was relieved to find out she wasn't in it.

* * *

<Kag's P.O.V.>

`Why god? Why must you do this to me?' I pondered this question through out the whole day. `Is it because I don't go to church? Because if it is, I swear I'll go every day!'

This whole day was a nightmare. First, I had history with that jackass Inuyasha and then I found out that he also has English with me. Then at lunch I was completely ignored by my friends, Sango and Miroku who were too busy talking with Inuyasha.

It seems that they all use to be best friends but Inuyasha then moved away. And now here I am, school is over and yet I'm still miserable for Inuyasha has to come to my house to do a stupid project.

The only good news that I got today was that I found out that Sango and me were both nominated for Homecoming queen while Miroku was nominated for King. Even though I usually don't care for these types of things, I was really happy.

I felt my blood begin to boil as I saw him leaning on my locker, smiling that stupid smile he always wore on his face.

"I thought I told you to meet me outside?" I snarled at him as I shoved him off of my locker.

"I decided to wait here instead of outside. Just in case you decided to you know, run away and ditch me here so that I wouldn't be able to get to your house." He replied as he still continued to smile, for he knew how much it annoyed the hell out of me.

I grabbed my backpack and slammed my locker door shut and quickly walked out of the school. Not even checking if he had followed me.

As soon as we past the front doors I stopped for I heard someone call out my name.

"Hey Kagome! Wait!"

* * *

<Inu's P.O.V>

`Wait a minute. I know that voice…' I turned around and felt my anger begin to rise as I saw who it was. The person who I wanted to kill with my bare hands.

"Kouga…" I snarled under my breath as I watched him come up to Kagome and kiss her on the cheek.

"Hi Kouga." Kagome said cheerfully as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Kags." He said as he smiled at her. "Sorry, but I won't be able to bring you home today. I have football practice, but don't worry I'll make it up to you somehow."

"No it's okay Kouga. Anyways, I wouldn't have been able to go home with you today. Today I have a guest coming over to my house."

"Really? Who is…" I growled as he turned his head to face me. His face paled a bit and I saw a look of hatred pass through his eyes.

"Kouga this is Inuyasha. Inuyasha this is Kouga." Kagome said.

"We've already met." I snarled as I kept my eyes on him.

Kouga then forced a smile on his face and stuck his hand out to shake mine. "Inuyasha, it's been a long time."

I grunted a response and stuck my own hand out to shake his. I grasped his hand and we squeezed each other's hand hard, until both our hands were turning red. I felt sharp pain pass through my hand but I didn't let go for I didn't want to show any weakness towards Kouga.

Before I felt my hand was about to fall off, Kouga let go of it and turned to smile at Kagome. "Okay, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." He then wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss.

I turned my head in disgust and I felt that I was about to throw up. As soon as they were finished shoving their tongues down each other's throats, Kouga left. Leaving me feeling sick and Kagome in a dazed kind of trance.

"I guess by how you two act, you're not just friends?" I spat at her, causing her to snap out of her daze.

"What? Oh that. Well you see your right, Kouga and I aren't just friends. In fact…" She paused and smiled a bit. "He's my boyfriend."

A/N: Now peeps don't hate on me because Kouga is her boyfriend. It's just has to be for the story to progress. Anyways, again a lot of you people are asking me if this is an Inu/Kag fanfic. And like I said in my previous chapters: I'M NOT TELLING! I don't care if you guys torture me to death, I won't spill the beans. You guys have to have a little faith in me that I would make the so-called `right couple' in this story.

I know this chapter is short, but it's because it's Canada Day and I have a lot of things to do. So I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter.

Anyways I decided to take another crack at these fireworks so…*Takes out another box of fireworks* Don't worry, I know exactly where these ones are going. *Watches as fireworks fly out of box and blow up a building* Uh, oh! Um… I think that I'd better get going now. But remember peeps, don't forget to review!

"There she is! The girl with the fireworks!"

Oh crap! Um…Gotta go! Peace! ^_^

(This chapter was suppose to be posted up yesterday, seeing that yesterday was Canada day. But since I was sooo busy I didn't have a chance to post it up. So let's just all pretend that I did. Okay! Well anyways, Happy Day after Canada Day!!!)