InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ The Hole in Your Life ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Hiya peeps! Sorry that I haven't written in such a long time, you see I`ve been so busy the past week that I haven't had enough time to write my story. And my dad kept kicking me off the computer because he said it was "bad for my eyes". Anyways, I've finally found some time to write this chapter so I hope you guys like it.

Blackhand The Destroyer: Don't worry, you really don't sound like a teacher to me, and it's pretty cool that both your parents are teachers. As for these little `accidents', well let's just say that I have a few tricks up my sleeves, even though I'm wearing a short sleeved T-shirt and can barley fit anything in them! ^_^ Thanks for reviewing!

Lilkawaiigurl88: Thanks for reviewing cuz! I hope that you finish your first chapter for your Inuyasha fic soon so that I could read it!

Niffy: It's really great to hear from you again, in fact I actually missed you're whining and all the complaints that you usually make! Lol! Just joking, but really I did miss you! Anyways, how was your trip? I hope you had fun. As for Kouga and Kagome, it was pretty difficult to write that but like I said before: It had to be done! But it won't last for very long!

Hollow Angel: Thanks for reviewing. I never realized that my story had all these twists that connected to one another and that my story is kinda like how Rumiko Takahashi writes her stories. In fact I feel pretty honored that you compared my work to hers for she is a MUCH better writer than I am. By the way, my name is Chibi-Inu13. Don't ask how I got the name, for it's pretty stupid how I did.

Sexy Capricorn: Yeah, it was Inuyasha but Kagome doesn't know that yet and neither does he. If you don't get what I mean, you'll understand in this chapter. Thanks for reviewing!

You Rock My Caboose-Love Your Moose: Yay! You reviewed! Thanks for not, you know, reviewing only once then disappearing off the face of the earth because I really do like to hear what you think of my story. I know you're probably gonna get mad at me because I'm giving you a shout-out and you said that I'm not allowed to use your name because it's "copy-righted" but…TOO BAD!! This is my story and I can shout-out to whomever I want! But please, if this does make you mad, don't do anything too rash.

Again thanks to all the people who reviewed my story. It's really great to hear what you guys think of it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in my story so you can't sue me for anything!

Chapter 7: The Hole in Your Life

"Keh! Come on wench, we better get going. Or are you too busy thinking about how to get to third base with your boyfriend Kouga?" I sneered at her as she stood there, looking all starry eyed after said person.

She snapped her head in my direction and glared at me. "You're the one to talk! I'm surprised if any girl would want to be your girlfriend let alone get to third base with you."


`So, Kouga and Kagome are going out. Too bad…she's kinda cute.' I cast a glance at Kagome who was tapping her foot impatiently and had her arms crossed over her chest.

`Keh! Don't kid yourself Inuyasha. You promised yourself that you'd never get involved with another girl again. Even if that means you'll be lonely…forever. But still Kouga? And Kagome? Doesn't she know that the only reason why Kouga would go out with you is if he wanted something in return? I bet he already slept with her.' I gagged a bit as I thought about him and her doing it. `Now I know that I don't want to be with her!'

I guess I was too busy lost in my own thoughts for I didn't hear Kagome, until she thought that it would be very funny to pull on my hair.

"Itai! What the hell?"


I gave her a questioningly look and cocked my head to the side. "Well what?"

She sighed impatiently and put her hands on her hips in a way, which reminded me a bit about Kikyo.

"Are we going or what?"

I blinked in disbelief and stared at her curiously. "If you haven't realized it yet, I don't know where you live so the only reason we haven't gone yet is because you haven't shown me the way."

"The only reason I haven't shown you the way yet is because I'm waiting for you to show me where your car is so that I could then give you the directions of my house."

"Car? What car?" I scratched my head and looked at her. " Who said anything about a car? I don't have one."

"Nani!? You don't? Why not?"

I fidgeted a bit as I felt her stare at me intently. "Because, I…I got my license suspended." I looked at my shoes and tried to not look her in the eyes. The reason why I got my license suspended was a subject that I didn't like to talk about much.


I shot her a glare and turned my back on her. "Look, I really don't like talking about why I got my license suspended so just drop it! Now hurry up! The sooner we get to your house, the sooner we finish this project and this god forsaken partnership."

"Jeez. It was just a question…" Kagome mumbled as she walked past me.

"Stupid girl…" I ran my fingers through my hair and silently followed her.

A few minutes went by and yet, neither of us said anything.

"So…" I said, breaking the silence, which had finally gotten to me. " How long have you and Kouga been, going out?"

"Why do you want to know?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at me suspiciously.

"Just a simple question." I answered while smiling a bit.

"Well if you really want to know, we've been going out for ten months." She answered casually.

"Wow that long. I guess by now that means that you're not a virgin anymore."

"What are you implying?" She asked me. Her face slowly turning red from either anger or embarrassment.

"Well, usually when people have been going out for that long, they have premarital sex. Now I'm not saying that all people do this but knowing Kouga and the type of girls he goes out with…" I looked at her and smirked "They'd be doing it all the time like freaking bunnies."

"Enough! Can we not talk about that right now!" She snapped.

"Talk about what? Sex?"

"Yes…that!" She cried.

"Why not? Sex is apart of life and you eventually have to talk about it. Besides it's not like anyone's forcing you to have sex with them. But seeing that you're interested in Kouga, you'd probably jump at the chance to have sex with h-"

I froze in mid sentence as I realized that Kagome had stopped dead in he tracks. Her body was trembling a bit and her bangs were covering her eyes so I couldn't tell if she was crying or not. `Keh, not that I care if she is!'

I sighed and walked slowly towards her. "Aww, come on Kagome! Don't tell me that what I said hurt you feelings?" I asked mockingly.

All of a sudden she slowly raised her hand and…slapped me. The sound of her hand connecting with my face echoed throughout the streets and a couple of people actually started to stare at us. She hit me with such force that I stumbled back a bit.

I raised my hand to the cheek that she hit and stared at her with angry eyes. "What the fuck was that for bit-"

I stopped talking as she slowly lifted her head and looked at me straight in the eyes. The thing that really creeped me out was that the look in her eyes was that of sadness and fear. Not of anger or hatred.

"You don't know shit about me so stop acting as if you do." She whispered so low that I could barely hear her. That really shocked me for usually when I said something that would piss her off she would yell at me, not whisper at me.

She walked past me and I watched her silently for I didn't know what to say.

`What the hell did I do?'


`Get a hold of yourself Kagome! He doesn't know so don't let what he said get to you!' I tried my best to hold back the tears, which were threatening to fall. It had been two years since that day and I still haven't gotten over it, and what he said just triggered a bunch of memories to come back to me.

I knew that I shouldn't have overreacted like that but whenever the subject of sex came up I just, well thought about that day. That is why I guess me and Kouga never did it yet for I just wasn't ready. But that didn't mean he didn't stop trying to.

I watched Inuyasha out of the corner of my eye and noticed he was watching me closely.

"What?" I asked as I finally found my voice.

"Huh? Oh…nothing…" he answered as he averted my gaze. He jammed his hands in his pockets and silently followed me.

We walked the last couple of minutes in silence, which was both comforting and unnerving at the same time. I stopped walking as soon as we reached the bottom of the shrine steps.

"We're here." I said quietly as I started to slowly climb the stairs.

As soon as we reached the top I turned around to face Inuyasha who just stood the taking in his surroundings.

"Inuyasha…I'm" I began but I just couldn't seem to finish.

"It's okay wench. I guess I went out of line to pry into your personal business." He said calmly.

I looked at him in shock. `How could've he known I was gonna apologize? Maybe Sango was right. That even though Inuyasha acts like the biggest jerk in the world, he can be a nice guy.'

"Anyways, it's not like your weak little slap hurt me or anything. Actually I should be thanking you for not going into any details on how you and Kouga spend your time alone together for that would've definitely scarred me for life. " He walked past me and started to head in the direction of my house.

`Maybe not.'

"Hey Kagome!"

I looked up to see Inuyasha standing in front of the Goshinboku, looking at it intently.

"Yeah, what?" I asked as I finally caught up with him.

"What's with the tree?"

"Oh…you mean the Goshinboku? Well, it's supposedly been the place where the hanyou in the legend was pinned." I answered. As I stood there underneath the tree with Inuyasha, it felt somewhat comforting and that really confused me. "Well, we better get going."

"I'm home!" I yelled as we entered my house.

"Oh, Kagome you're home." I heard my mom answer from the kitchen. "How was your day at school?" She asked as she stepped out of the kitchen to greet me.

"It was…okay." I said as I gave her a hug. "Oh, I almost forgot. Mom this is Inuyasha Takegama. He and I are going to be working on some project together."

" It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Higurashi." He said as he shook my mother's hand.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you too Inuyasha." As my mother released his hand I noticed her watching him thoughtfully. "Takegama…hmmm, are you sure that we haven't met before? I could've sworn that I heard that name before?"

Inuyasha looked a bit taken aback by this statement but soon recovered his composure. "I'm sorry Ma'am but I'm sure that we haven't. Maybe it sounds familiar because my families name is usually always mentioned on the news because of my father's business."

"Yes, you're probably right. Well I shouldn't delay you guys anymore for I bet that you two have a lot of work to do." My mother said as she walked back into the kitchen. "Oh and Kagome, I better not catch you two doing you-know-what or anything else inappropriate upstairs."

"Mom!" I cried as I felt myself going red. Why is it that mom's always say the wrong things at the wrong time?

"Don't you dare `mom' me young lady. The last time you had a boy over here I caught you two in a very compromising position."

"Mom, please!" I yelled as I turned a darker shade of red. Before my mom could say anything else embarrassing, I grabbed Inuyasha's hand and dragged him upstairs.

"I bet the boy you were with was Kouga right?" He asked.

"Yeah, so what of it?" I snarled as I led him t my room.

"So…what were you two doing?" He asked mockingly.

"None of your business!"

As we finally reached my room, I realized that I was still holding his hand and that he was holding it firmly. I quickly pulled my hand away and felt myself beginning to blush again, and I also noticed that he too had a faint blush staining his cheeks.

"Um, uh…we're here." I said, my voice slightly higher than usual.

I slowly turned the doorknob to my room and entered it. Not knowing the certain chaos that we we're going to endure next.


"Wow, your room is so…pink." I said in astonishment. Everywhere I looked there was pink (a/n: *shudders* I HATE pink) and it really freaked me out. `How the hell could she stand having so much pink in her room?'

"So?" She asked as she swiftly entered her room and dropped her bag in the middle of the floor.

"Well…it kinda hurts the eyes doesn't it?' I asked as I blinked a couple of times for the colour really did hurt my eyes.

She placed her hands on her hips and again she reminded me of Kikyo. "Look, are you going to just stand there and criticize my room all day or are you going to help me with this project?"

"Yeah…whatever." I replied lazily as I walked in her room and sat on the edge of her bed.

All of a sudden a felt something heavy jump on my chest and I soon found myself flat on my back.

"What the hell!" I opened my eyes and found myself staring straight into a pair of brown eyes.

I tried to shove the thing that was on my chest off but it started to hiss and scratch at me that I had to stop.

"Kagome! What the hell is wrong with your cat?" I yelled as her cat continued to try and scratch my eyes out.

Kagome, who was busy getting information for our project turned around on her chair and smirked. "There's nothing wrong with Buuyo. He usually likes my friends but…I guess that he just doesn't like you."

`Great, just great!'

"Kagome, get your fat ass of a cat off of me or else I'll throw him off!"

"Aw, come on Inuyasha. Don't tell me that you're afraid of my cat?" She asked mockingly.

"I mean it Kagome!"

"Oh, all right." She reluctantly got off of her chair and walked towards me.

Just as she was about to take her cat off of me, I froze. Something…something warm was running down my chest. `What the…'

I looked down at my chest and realized whatever it was, was coming from her cat.

`Holy shit her cat is…'

"YOUR CAT IS FUCKING PISSING ON ME!!!" I yelled. I threw her cat off of me into her arms and got to my feet.

I looked at my shirt and right in the middle of it was a huge piss stain. "Kagome…I'm gonna fucking kill your cat!"

Kagome, who looked like she wanted to burst out laughing, patted her cat on the head, which meowed in approval. "Calm down Inuyasha, its not like it's poison or anything. And besides, I don't think Buuyo here did it on purpose. Did you Buuyo?" She asked as she cuddled her cat.


"Oh, all right. Wait here and I'll find you something to wear." She then carefully placed Buuyo on the floor and with one last pat on the head, left her room.

"Stupid cat!" I mumbled as I took off my shirt and stuffed it into my bag. I then sat down on her bed again and sighed.

As I sat on her bed, I looked around her room until my eyes landed on a picture that was on her drawer. I got up off her bed and picked up the picture. It was a picture of Kagome when she was like four or five years old. My eyes shifted from her to the other person that was in the picture with her.

He had brown eyes, which were the same shade as Kagome's and raven hair, which was a bit messy looking. But what surprised me the most was that he had the same smile as Kagome.

"That's my father."

I looked up at the doorway and saw Kagome standing there with a shirt in her hands. She slowly walked towards me and took the picture out of my hands.

"I could tell, he kinda looks like you." I said quietly as I watched her walk away from me. "So, when do I get to meet him?"

She looked up at me and smiled sadly. "You won't…because he's dead."

We both stood there in silence for neither of us knew what to say. I watched silently as she placed the picture on her drawer, her back turned to me the entire time.

She then turned around with a huge smile on, but I knew that it was a forced one.


"You don't need to apologize. Believe me it happened a long time ago and I'm over it. " She said, with the same smile on her face. "Here." She stuck out her hand, which held the shirt and looked at me.

I knew that Kagome was trying her best, not to cry for I could see the tears in her eyes. I decided not to ask her how her father died because I was sure that she would've burst into tears.

I then started to walk towards her but just as I was about to take the shirt from her hands, I tripped over her backpack and landed on top of her with a loud THUMP! (A/N: if ya take off the T what does that spell? ^_^)

"Inuyasha! Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled as she tried to push me off.

"Kuso!" I cursed as I tried to lift myself off of her. "Stop wiggling around wench!"

`Hang on? What is that?' I asked myself as I felt something squishy cupped in my right hand. `It kinda feels like a plastic bag filled with pudding.' I gave it a light squeeze and felt Kagome stop moving around instantly.

`Holy crap! That's her…'

"Kagome what's going on?"

We both turned our heads to face the door just in time to see a boy about fifteen years old open it.

"Kagome are you…OH MY GOD!!" He quickly covered his eyes with his hands. "My eyes! My virgin eyes!"

"Souta it's not what you think! Inuyasha just fell…GET YOUR HAND OFF MY BREAST!!"

I felt myself going red and I begged god for it to not get any worse. But truthfully how could it get any worse? I mean here I am, lying on top of some girl that I just met with my shirt off, and I just so happened to have my hand on her breast and her little brother just walked in on us. Tell me how it could get any worse then that?

"Souta what's going on?"

`It just got worse.'

"Kagome what's going…Kagome! I thought that I told you not to do that in our house, especially with Souta watching." Her mother said.

"Mama please this is not what you think!" Kagome cried

Surprisingly enough I was still on top of her and my hand was still in the same position as it was before. I guess that we were both frozen in embarrassment.

"Great! Is there anyone else in your family who hasn't seen us?" I asked sarcastically as Kagome's mom continued to lecture us.

"Well actually…"


I finally decided that it was time to get off of her but when I finally got to my feet I felt a piece of paper get attached to my forehead.

"Take that foul demon!" The old guy said as he took out another piece of paper.

"Grandpa, mom I assure you this is not what it looks like!" Kagome tried to explain, but her grandfather was too busy trying to place another one of those paper things on me and her mother was too busy lecturing us to listen.

"Okay look, me and Kagome were not doing anything wrong! I mean, so what if you found me lying on top of her…with my shirt off…and my hand in the wrong area…" My voice began to falter as I realized what I said…wasn't really helping.

"You're…not…helping!" Kagome said threw clenched teeth.

"Like you can do any better!"

"Watch me." She said as she walked towards her mom and grandfather. "Oh look at the time, me and Inuyasha have to finish our project so if you don't mind we need our privacy." She said, while pushing them out of her room.

"But Kagome…"

"Sorry mom but if you want me to pass history you'll have to leave. See you later." And with that she closed the door, making sure to lock it just in case.

"I'm so sorry about that. My family is kinda a bit weird."

"No it's all right Kagome. I'm use to having old men wearing weird clothes stick pieces of paper on my head." I said sarcastically as I put on the shirt she gave me.

"Ha, ha very funny." She replied. "But you know, this is all your fault!"

"Me?! How is this my fault?! If your stupid cat didn't piss on me on the first place none of this would've ever happened!"

"Don't you blame this on Buuyo! You're the one who fell on top of me!"

"Well I wouldn't have fell on you if you didn't leave your bag in the middle of the room in the first place!"

"Well you should have been watching where you were going!"

"Okay enough! Look, it's 5 o'clock already. We should probably stop arguing and start working on our project if you want to get it done on time. So why don't we just sit down and start working."


"I said SIT!" I cried.

She silently obeyed my command and glared at me as she sat on her chair.

"Good. Listen, I don't care if this takes four hours or even five hours, we're going to work on this project until it is finished and if you want a good mark on it you better listen to everything I say and follow it! Do I make myself clear?"



Four hours. It took four hours to finish that project. Four freaking hours stuck in a room with the biggest ass in the world who complained over the stupidest things just because he wanted our project to be `perfect'.

I mean so what if I spent half the time talking to Kouga on the phone, and `accidentally' erased half of our work that took him an hour to type up. He didn't have to be such a jerk and throw my cell out the window.

But now that we're finished it, he could finally leave my house and we wouldn't have to speak to each other for the rest of the school year…I hope.

"Hey Inuyasha, you know that you owe me a new cell phone."

"Keh, whatever bitch." He answered as he leaned back on my chair.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?" He said angrily as I whacked him on the back of the head.

"Why is it that you always call me a bitch? Do I look like a freaking dog to you?"

"No, but if you don't stop hitting me on the head I'll end up getting permanent brain damage."

"Well if you don't stop calling me a bitch you'll end up with more than a concussion!"


I was just about to tell him to "go fuck himself" when all of a sudden I heard his stomach grumbling.

"Hey Kagome, do you have any food around here?" He asked as he got off of my chair.

"Yeah. Why? Are you hungry?"

"No I'm horny," he said sarcastically "yes I'm hungry you baka why do you think that my stomach's grumbling!"

I rolled my eyes in response and felt my stomach rumbling too. "Well I guess I should feed you before you starve to death. Besides, I'm getting pretty hungry myself."

I then exited my room and I began to lead him to my kitchen.

"So what do you want?" I asked him as I began opening my cupboards to find something suitable to eat.

"What do you have?"

"Well…we have oden." I replied.

"Nah, I hate that stuff."

"Then what do you want?" I asked angrily as I began to loose my patience with him.

"Do you by any chance have Ramen? I just love that stuff."

I felt a sharp pain pass through my heart as he said that. "Sorry we don't have any Ramen."

"Nani?! What kinda people don't buy Ramen? That stuff is the best food in the world!"

"Well we don't okay! So get over it!" I snapped at him as I slammed the cupboard door shut.

"Jeez, what the hell is your problem?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's…it's nothing." I said as I averted his gaze. "Anyways here." I passed him a plate of Nikkuman and walked out of the kitchen. "Either you eat this or you'll have to eat oden."


I turned around and saw him stuffing his face with all the Nikkuman on the plate.

"Men." I muttered under my breath as I sat down on the kitchen table and watched him as he continued to stuff his face. `Boy, he must really be hungry.'

I stole a quick glance at my watch and noticed that it was already nine thirty.

"Inuyasha when you're done eating, you should probably get going." I said absent-mindedly as I took a bite out of my Nikkuman, which I managed to take before Inuyasha began eating them all.

"Yeah you're probably right." He said behind me, causing me to almost choke on my food.

"Okay, wench you stay here and I'll just go upstairs and grab my stuff." He then ran to my room and I waited patiently for him to return.

As I finished eating my food I looked up to see Inuyasha with all his belongings, waiting for me.

"Inuyasha how exactly are you suppose to get home? You said it yourself, you don't have a car so what are you gonna do?" I asked him as we walked across the shrine grounds.

"Hmm I don't know. I guess I could just call Bob." He said to himself as he stared off into space.

"Bob? Bob who?" I asked him.

"Bob, my chauffeur."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You? Have a chauffeur?"

"Yeah, so what? Why do you have a problem with that?"

I shook my head and slowly descended the stairs. "No, I don't. It's just how could you afford one?"

"I can't. It's my father who pays for him."

"Oh yeah…you're the son of Inutashio Takegama right?"

He nodded his head in response and sighed. "Well, I guess I'd better get going." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number, which I assume was his chauffeur's.

"Okay well thanks for your help on the project Inuyasha, even though I didn't need it." I said as he finished talking on his cell phone.

"Yeah, you better be thankful wench. If I didn't do most of this project I bet that we would've failed, not that your marks can go any lower than they are right now." He said with a smirk on.

"Inuyasha, just because your father is the richest man in town, that doesn't give you the privilege to act like a jackass all the time!" I yelled.

"No, but it does give me the privilege to act like a bastard whenever I want." He said smugly.

"Arrgh, I don't get it Inuyasha. One minute you are the nicest guy in the world and the next you're the biggest jerk! Why is that?"

"You're the one to talk. You have freaking mood swings all the time. First your happy then all of a sudden you go into bitch mode. When you can tell me why, than I can answer your question." He said with a stern look on his face.

`The reason I'm like that is because everything you say always reminds me of that day.'

I looked at the ground and fidgeted under his intense gaze. "I can't tell you right now."

"Than I can't either."

I snapped my head up as I heard a car honking in our direction. I saw a long black limousine pull up beside us and watched as a chubby man ran out of the driver's seat to open the door for Inuyasha.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow wench. Oh, here I almost forgot." He started to unbutton the shirt I gave him to wear but stopped him before he finished.

"No you keep it." I said with a light blush on my cheeks.

"Are you sure?" He asked me cautiously.

"Yeah I am. Besides, I wouldn't want it back after you've worn it."

He smirked at me and got into his car. "Oh, by the way Kagome just because you fed me and gave me this shirt to wear, it still doesn't mean that we're friends."

"I know that. I mean who the hell would ever want to be friends with you?"

I watched silently as he closed his door shut and flipped me off as the car started to drive away.

I waved goodbye and stuck my middle finger at him at the same time. As his car finally disappeared from my sight I let out a sigh of relief and began to walk back up the shrine steps.

`Yes now that this partnership is over, I don't ever have to speak to him again. But still, there's something about Inuyasha that I don't understand. Sango told me that he left town two years ago but why did he? And why did he come back?'

As soon as I reached my room I quickly opened the door and flopped onto my bed.

`I guess I'll never understand him.'


A/N: Yay this chapter is finally done! I know that it has a very crappy ending but deal with it! I rushed through the ending so that I could post it right now. So either you accept the crappyness of the ending for this chapter or you would've waited another week for this chapter to come out! Again I'm very sorry for not posting this earlier. I'll try to post my next chapter faster.

Thanks to Lilkawaiigurl 88 for editing this chapter and thanks to all the people who reviewed my story.

Before I go I have one question for you guys. Is it true that the Inuyasha series is gonna end in September? I've been hearing all these rumors that it is, and I would really like to know if it is.

Anyways peeps don't forget to R&R!!

~ Peace! ^_^