InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is true love? ❯ Wedding Talk ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Inuyasha followed Kagomes seant that lead into the forest by the river, when Inuyasha made it to the river all he say was Sango hugging Miroku in the river she was crying.
Chapter 8 Wedding Talk
Kagome, Shippo and Sesshoumaru were all standing by the river watching Sango and Miroku hugging in the river, Sango was standing in the river the water was hip high, Sango didn't care that her cloths were getting wet, Miroku was still naked agaist Sango's body.
"Oh my God Sango why are you crying, and why did you scream and why are you hugging a naked Miroku?" Asked Kagome.
Sango turned around to see all her friends and Sesshoumaru and Rin standing there looking at her and Miroku. As Sango was turning around Miroku pulled Sango to his chest.
"Sango don't move I'm naked here remember." Sango blushed immediately. Sango turned her neck around to look at her friends. "Don't worried guys I'm fine." Sango said.
"I got some good news, Miroku has asked to me to marrie him and I kinda said yes. Thats why I was screaming." Sango said.
With Inuyasha.
Inuyasha ran into the clearing to see Sango hugging a naked Miroku in the river.
"Whats going on here."Inuyashsa asked
Kagome turned around to see Inuyasha standing there. "Oh Miroku asked Sango to marrie him, and thats why Sango scream. Thats why your here right." asked Kagome.
Inuyasha turned from Kagome to Miroku. "Never thought you had it in you Monk." Inuyasha said.
"Can you guys please leave and give me and Sango some time together, and I really want to get dressed" Asked Miroku.
Shippo,Rin, and Sesshoumaru all left together back to camp. Inuyasha ran up to Kagome and picked her up and ran into the forest back to camp.Inuyasha and Kagome made it back to camp first, Inuyasha jumed into a tree and sat down with Kagome on his lap.
"I can't beleave Miroku asked Sango to marrie him." Kagome said from Inuyasha's arms.
"Ya I don't beleave he had it in him, I know Miroku really didn't want to get together with Sango in till the Wind tunnel was gone. He didn't really want to live her alone."
Kagome leaned into Inuyasha's arms, Inuyasha rapped his arms around Kagomes waist.
Flash back.
Inuyasha and kagome were sitting in one of the tallest trees, that was never there friends campsite.
"Kagome will you marrie me someday, will you be my mate, after we kill Naraku." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
kagome looked turned around automatically and smiled. "Oh Inuyasha I have been waiting for you to ask me that for two years now, of course I'll mirrie you and be your mate." kagome said to Inuyasha.
End of flash back.
"I can't wait in till we get married." Inuyasha looked down at Kagome.
"Kagome remember we can't get married in till in till Narakus dead, We can't let Naraku know that I'm in love with you, If he were to find out he would take you away from me.'' Inuyasha said.
Kagome looked down not wanting to make eye contact with Inuyasha.
"Kagome please understand, I do love you very much and I now understand your not Kikyo and you never where kikyo your, your own person, Your soul and heart are so loveing and Kikyo's heart is full of hate. I want to be with you not Kikyo, but we can't be together not in till Naraku's dead." Inuyasha said.
Kagome moved uncomfortable in Inuyasha's lap.
"mmm...mmmm.. Inuyasha can you please put me down." Kagome asked
Inuyasha could smile Kagome's unsheaed tears.
"Kagome please don't push me away please don't be mad at me." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Inuyasha please put me down." Kagome yelled.
Back with Miroku and Sango.
Sango turned back to Miroku after her friends left, Sango turned around and walked out of the water. Miroku walked out of the water after Sango and walked back to his clothes
"Sango dear you can turn around now." Miroku said.
Sango turned around to find Miroku half dressed, Sango blushed immediately. "Miroku get your shirt on right now." Yelled Sango.
"Sango whats the matter were going to be married." Miroku said.
"Fine do whatever you want, Leave your shirt off, but I'm not taking mine off." Yelled Sango.
Miroku walked up to Sango and put an arm around Sango's shoulder. " Come on lets head back to camp."
Miroku and Sango headed back to camp, they were walking in the forest when they walked into Sesshoumaru, Rin and Shippo. Shippo was on the ground crying and Sesshoumaru didn't love very happy.
"Whats wrong, why is Shippo crying." Sango asked Sesshoumaru.
"Kagome and Inuyasha are fighting again and it doesn't look or sound very good. Kagome wants to get married and Inuyasha doesn't want to get married in till Naraku's dead." Shippo said in tears.
Back with Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Inuyasha put me down NOW." Kagome yelled.
Inuyasha picked Kagome up and jumped from the tree, Kagome jumed from Inuyasha's arms.
"Kagome please wait."Inuyasha yelled after Kagome.
"Inuyasha please leave me alone I need to think right now." Kagome yelled at Inuyasha.
"Kagome please wait." Inuyasha ran after Kagome.
"SIT BOY SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT." Yelled Kagome. Kagome turned around one last time before taking off into the forest.