InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is true love? ❯ Free like the wind. ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Chapter 23: Free like the wind.
Kagome and Inuyasha looked down on the sleeping boy, Sango was sitting beside him, with Miroku beside her.
"Are you sure it's safe to have him here, he might still be working for Naraku." Inuyasha said.
Sango looked up at Inuyasha. "I don't think he is, Kaede said, when he got here he was running from something, I think Naraku is after him for the shard in his back." Sango told Inuyasha.
"Ya, well I still don't want him near Kagome, last time he all most killed her." Inuyasha told Sango.
"Inuyasha." Kagome said.
"What, I don't want him to hurt you." Inuyasha said before walking out of the hut.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha left the hut, and jumped into the nearest tree.
"I'm sorry about that."Kagome told Sango.
"Don't worrie about it, he's just worried about you." Sango told Kagome.
(In Kohaku's Dream.)
He was running faster and faster something was following him, to scared to looked behind, he keeped running, somebody was calling him name over and over again.
Kohaku jumped over a log. that was laying across the path, Something grabbed his leg and pulled, Kohaku fell to the ground, letting out a heart stopping scream for help.
He was being dragged some where, Naraku jumped on him, he was shacking him by the shoulders.
(Outside of Kohaku's dream.)
Kohaku started kicking and screaming in his dream, Sango was sitting by his side, trying to wake him up, Kagome walked over to Sango, she was crying Kohaku won't wake, Kagome started to shake Kohaku's shoulders trying to get him up.
(In Kohaku's Dream.)
Kohaku reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small knife, and stabbed Naraku is the upper arm, Naraku screamed out in pain, and fell to the ground holding his arm.
(Outside of Kohaku's dream.)
Kohaku reached inside his shirt and stabbed Kagome in the upper arm, Kagome screamed out in pain, and fell to the ground holding her arm.
Kohaku jumped up and ran to the corner of the hut, Inuyasha ran into the room, and went stright to Kagome's side.
"What happened." Inuyasha screamed.
Inuyasha picked up kagome, and sat down, pulling her into his lap, the wound wasn't deep, but he needed to stop the bleeding.
"He was dreaming, we tryed to wake him, and Kagome started to shack his shoulders when he stabbed Kagome." Sango told Inuyasha with tears in her eyes.
"I told you, I told you he would hurt her." Inuyasha told Sango.
"Inuyasha, it wasn't his fault." Kagome whispered between sobbed.
"That's my Kagome, all was seeing the best in people." Inuyasha said.
"It's ok Sango, I'm going to be all right, it's not that bad, just cought me of guard." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Sango walked over to her brother in the corner. "It's ok, It's me Sango your sister." Sango said.
Kohaku looked up at Sango, and ran into her arms. " I was so scared." Kohaku whispered.
As Sango and her brother talked, Inuyasha took Kagome outside the hut and worked on her arm, Kaede got some herbs, from the garden for kagome.
"I told you this would happen." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"It wasn't his fault, it was mine." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, why do you all was see the bad in people, Sango wants her brother back, she has to belive he's still in there, and by the look's of it, thats Kohaku her brother, not Kohaku working for Naraku." Kagome said.
"I just don't trust him, last time he all most killed you." Inuyasha said.
Kagome was stilling sitting on Inuyasha's lap, she moved more into his chest, she leaned her forhead on his. "I love you."
"I love you to, I don't want to see you hurt again." Inuyasha whisperd to Kagome.
(With Naraku)
Naraku walked back and forth in his room. "He got away."
"Kanna get in here." Naraku yelled.
"Yes Master Naraku." Kanna said, as she walked into his room.
"Show me the boy." Naraku ordered.
"Yes Master Naraku." Kanna said, Kanna moved her mirror so that Naraku could see into it.
(Inside Kanna's Mirror.)
Kohaku was sitting on the ground talking with his Sister and the Monk, Sango pulled Kohaku into a tight hug.
(Outside Kanna's Mirror.)
"Dame it." Naraku yelled.
"He's back with his sister and Inuyasha."
"The jewel shard in his back, is no longer tainted, The Miko must of purifyed it."
"What are your nexts plans." Kanna asked Naraku.
"Leave me." Naraku ordered.
"Yes Master Naraku."
Kanna walked out of Naraku's room and went back to hers, "He dosn't trust me anymore." Kanna said to herself.
Sesshomaru sat outside with Jaken and Rin.
"Sesshomaru can I go and play with Shippo." Rin asked.
Sesshomaru nodded, and Rin took off, Sesshomaru walked into the forst of Inuyasha. Kagura was walking about, Sesshomaru walked up behind her. "I can't belive i'm free." Kagura whispered.
"You are now free like the wind." Sesshomaru said.
Kagura turned around and looked at Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around Kagura's waist and pulled her into a deep kiss.