InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is true love? ❯ Chapter 27: I love you ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
recap: "Yes, both you and your baby are ok." Kaeda told Kagome.
Chapter 27: I love you
Days passed as Kagome and Inuyasha sat in the hut, with news of Kagome being with child, Inuyasha hardly left Kagome's side, only fighting and killing demons if they got to close to the Village that he now calls home. With Naraku out there will the full jewel he lived every waking moment in fear.
If Naraku wanted them dead, then they would be dead, but Inuyasha would not go down without a fight, he must fight for the life of his unborn child, and for the woman he loves.
Sango and Miroku kept'ed pushing the wedding back, Sango of course was glade she now had her brother back in her life, but she still wanted revenge for her family and friends, there will be no wedding in till Naraku falls, Sango kepted tell herself and her friends.
Miroku really didn't mind, as long as Sango stood by his side, Miroku and Kohaku got along well, Kohaku can't wait to have Miroku in the family, Sango's plans are to moved back and rebuild the Demon Slayer Village, after Naraku is killed.
“Kagome would you like to go home for a few days.” Inuyasha asked Kagome.
“OK, what are you up to.” Kagome asked Inuyasha. “You never let me go home.”
“If you go to you time, your healers could check you and the baby out.” Inuyasha told Kagome.
“Thanks Inuyasha, I would love to go home and see my family.” Kagome told Inuyasha as she got to her feet, Inuyasha quickly got up and helped her.
"Are you mad." Kagome asked Inuyasha as she looked to the ground and wanting to meet Inuyasha's eye.
"Why would I be mad at you." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"You know, with me being pregnant."
"Of course not, Why would I be mad, I love you and our baby."
" I know you love us, but I also know you wanted to wait in till Naraku was destroyed. and now he has the full jewel."
"Don't say it I know, I won't let him hurt you or our baby. If that means you staying in your time then so be it."
"Inuyasha no, I won't let you do this alone, I won't stay there, as you stay here fighting." Kagome yelled as tears ran down her face.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into his arms, "please don't cry."
Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's waist pulling him tighter to her. "I can't help it, I don't want you to do this without me."
"Were stronger when were together."
Inuyasha rested his head on her, as she rested her chin on the crock of his neck. "Stupid woman, I can't risk it, I can't rick you or the baby."
Kagome try'ed pulling away from Inuyasha, but he only tightened his hold. "Let me go."
"Kagome I can't do this, Naraku might not know that your pregnant, but the next time he smells you, he'll know."
"I'm staying, There's nothing you can say or do."
Inuyasha pulled away from her without losing his grip, as he looked down on her, her eyes clouded with tears, her face was red from crying, lifting his head, he whipped the tears off her face. "Please. you must understand, you and the baby, are all I got left, your both worth fighting for, I won't be able to live with myself if something happened."
"To me your worth fighting for, I will happen to me, if you went out against Naraku and never came back, I won't be able to live without you, I can't do this alone." she count help but let the tears fall.
"I won't let anything happen to him."
Inuyasha and Kagome both turned and looked at Sesshomaru standing in the door way. "You Miko hold the next Inu-Hanyou, You're child will be unstoppable, with your Miko powers and his Demon blood, your child must live, when we go into battle with Naraku, I will live up to our fathers wishes and make sure he returns to you." Sesshomaru said before walking out.
Inuyasha turned and looked at Kagome, "Did that just happen."
Kagome nodded her head, and pulled Inuyasha to her. "It still feels wrong leaving you."
Inuyasha Picked up Kagome and carried her outside. "Where are we going."
"I'm taking you home."
"Please I don't want to go right now, I'm not ready to say goodbye."
"Where's Kagome and Inuyasha." Sango asked Miroku.
"There still in the hut, Did you know Kagome was pregnant."
"I had to idea, she never told me."
Sango got to her feet, walking slowly to the small creek. she turned around and looked back at Miroku. tears sliding down her face.
Miroku quickly got to his feet and ran to Sango's side. "Whats wrong."
"She risked her life and the life of her baby to help me." Sango cried in Miroku's shoulder.
"She could have lost the baby, I won't have been able to live with myself if something happened."
"It's ok."
Sango pulled away from Miroku. "Know it's not, she like my sister, and I put her life and the life of her baby in risk."
Sango and Miroku slowly walked back to the small village that they called home, Inuyasha was outside the small hut's door holding a crying Kagome. Sango quickly ran over with Miroku close behind.
"Whats going on." Sango asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha turned around and looked at his two friends. "I'm taking Kagome home."
"Please don't." Kagome quickly asked.
"Kagome we all ready talked about this, you can't stay here, you have to go home."
Kagome pulled from Inuyasha's arms, and all most fall, Inuyasha quickly grabbed her, and stood her on her feet.
"This is my home, your my home." Kagome ran and cried on Sango. "Please don't let him take me away."
Inuyasha wanted to hold her as she cried wanted to make her feel batter, to make her stop crying. "This is for the best, I can't let you get hurt again."