InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Risks And Photographs ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Four: Risks And Photographs

After hugging for a little longer Kagome took a step back and smiled a Inuyasha.

"I am going to change out of this." She said gesturing to her `groovy' outfit.

"Ok." He replayed and watched her disappear into her closet. He smiled to him self. Chances were she might never put on that outfit again but, she had worn if for HIM and in some way that made him feel special. She always made him feel special. Then he heard bumping noises from the closet.

"Damned evil zipper from hell!" He heard Kagome's aggravated and muffled voice. Then the closet door opened to reveal frustrated Kagome.

"Inuyasha could you please unzip this for me I can't reach. And don't ask me how I got it zipped in the first place because I really don't know how I did it." She sighed and turned around.

"Sure that isn't an unreasonable request." He stepped up behind her and pulled the zipper down, stopping when he saw the top of her bra in the back. He then nudged her slightly, signaling that he was done.

"Thank you." She said turning her head to look at him before she stepped back in to the closet closing the door behind her. She had noticed that he had unzipped it only as far as he had to. When they had become boyfriend and girlfriend their Junior year they had done it knowing that they were taking a big risk. They knew that if it didn't work out they would never be able to go back to the way things were. That it would be very awkward between them. And because that knowledge Inuyasha was always very cautious. She knows he's afraid that he'll do something that might make her uncomfortable and/or something that could end their relationship. After they begun dating Inuyasha had been kissing her, his hand cupping her face and when he had been moving it to rest on her hip his hand had run across her breast on it's way down. He had immediately broken the kiss and taken a step back while holding up the offending hand. He had looked horrified. He looked like he was sure she would tell him that she never wanted to see him again and you could tell he was seriously contemplating chopping off the offending hand with a large kitchen knife. He had looked so ashamed of himself and kept saying `sorry' over and over again. At that point she grabbed his face with her hands and forced him to look at her she then said to him "It's OK I know you didn't mean it. I know you weren't being a pervert." And to prove her point she kissed him softly on the lips. "No Kagome I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you and I won't risk losing you because I touched you in a way you didn't want me to." From that moment on he never touched her anywhere where she might not want him to without asking first. He had another rule too `Only see what she wants me to see.' This meant that he only saw as much of her skin as the clothing she was wearing allowed. Thus him unzipping her dress only so far. She appreciated his respect for her.

While Kagome was changing he looked at the books on her bookshelf. He spotted one of her many photo albums and picked it up, just as he was about to open it Kagome came out of her closet.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"I was about to look at your photo album."

"Bring it over here." She said while sitting down on her bed with her back against the wall and motioning for him to sit next to her.

He sat down next to her resting his back against the wall with the open photo album resting on their laps. Kagome and Inuyasha laughed at what they saw. The first picture was of Inuyasha at about the age of 10 standing straight up in Kagome's room with Buyo sitting on the top of his head. Buyo had been a kitten at the time. Inuyasha's eyes were looking towards the ceiling trying to see Buyo. Inuyasha subconsciously rubbed the top of his head. No one could quite figure out how Buyo had managed to get on top of Inuyash's head but, one thing was for sure, it had hurt. On the opposite page there was a picture of Sango hitting Miroku on the head. Turning the page they saw a picture Mrs. Higurashi had taken. It was of Kagome and Inuyasha sleeping in Kagome's bed when they were 7 years old. They looked so peaceful, calm and content with the way they were curled up into each other. On the page opposite of that photo there was a picture that had been taken a few months ago of them and Miroku and Sango. On left was Inuyasha with Kagome standing to the right of him with her arm slung around his neck. He looked as like he was about to kiss her on the cheek. Kagome's other arm was slung around Sango's neck. Sango also had her arm slung around Kagome's neck and the other around Miroku's. You could see Miroku's arm was wrapped tightly round Sango's waist. They were all smiling. It was the perfect group picture. Inuyasha took a hint from the picture and leaned down and kissed Kagome on the cheek. She smiled up at him and leaned onto his shoulder. They turned the page.