InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Loosing Control ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Well it’s the weekend, so that gave me plenty of time to write this chapter. People who like Sesshomaru might not like this chapter cause it’s not entirely matching his icy-cold exterior, but...

I am actually fairly worn out because I didn’t sleep a lot last night.

I am also fairly exasperatted because I went to “Chapters” last night with my mother and we saw some Anime “Wall scrolls” in a box that said Manga on it. She wanted to know who Manga was. -_- Parents can be such a lot of work sometimes!


Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Thanks-- I’ll try to!

AnimeRainChildOfLove - Me too! I love Kagura-- she’s one of the only female characters in the show I can actually stand! Her and Sango and Rin and that’s just about it. I mean (excluding Rin for the moment) neither of them have those stupid high-pitched whiny voices that they always seem to get for characters, or those deep, slow whispering one’s either. They simply talk. And what’s more, they can actually fight and have an effect. I mean, Kagome’s arrows are good and all, but seriously, how many times have you actually seen her hit her target dead-on or otherwise? Normally she seems to be leaning to the left with her shots and only kills things because of their pure aura. Well I hope you’re happy cause you got me started in a rant and now it’s gonna take me hours to get calmed down again. As to u’s and o’s-- I have absolutely no idea how that whole thing works out. During the credits they spell Kouga’s name “Koga” but everybody else seems to spell it “Kouga” so I go with that cause I am simply more comfortable with that spelling. I just go with whatever works. Like Toutousai-- which I always spell with the u’s, and Shippo-- which I always leave the u off of. Actually, Shippo and Shippou have two entirely different meanings and the one for Shippou doesn’t seem to make much sense so... I also know that “Ga” means moth, but I’m fairly certain (and someone confirmed for me, though I’m not entirely certain how reliable this person is) that, in some dialect, it does indeed mean fang-- which, as I said, does make sense. Iron pulverizing fang, heavenly life fang, steel fang-- they all have one thing in common-- they end in “Ga”.

Well There you have it, enough rant for at least one other chapter all contained in a single review. ^_^  

Okay, okay, okay, that’s all for now. I’ll probably start ranting more at the end of the chapter (in fact, you can probably count on it) so I guess I’ll save anything else I might have to say until then.

DISCLAIMER: This story and a character in it belong to me. The rest of the characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and she’s the only one making any money off of them or who has any claim to them, so if you don’t like them, sue her not me. If you understand that, then you can continue with the story: ~*~   Loosing Control

Once the women had taken their clothes and other belongings to their rooms, dismissing the toad demon (whose name turned out to be Jaken) Inuyasha and Sesshomaru showed the two dark-haired females around the castle-- in all the area’s that guests were permitted to enter-- every nick and cranny in the corridors, let them run their hands over every book and scroll in the library (which they seemed to do for no other reason than to waste time) and, when that wasn’t enough, took them out to view the gardens Inuyasha’s mother had worked so hard to bring to life.

The two women seemed intent on staying close to them -- especially Rin, who had firmly latched herself onto a fairly uncomfortable Inuaysha’s arm with no obvious signs of letting go anytime soon, while Kagura walked calmly beside Sesshomaru in a much more dignified fashion, though even Inuyasha could feel the possessiveness in her aura, warding away any and all who might come near them.

Sesshomaru’s face remained blank, but years of living with his brother and searching that cold glacier mask for any signs of life or emotion had brought him to notice things others wouldn’t (especially a demon wench who had only known him for a few hours and had the audacity to act as though she belonged next to him as an equal when Sesshomaru could so obviously knock her into oblivion without even trying) alerted Inuyasha to the fact that his brother was irritated. Very irritated. And not just at Kagura, but at Rin as well.

This confused Inuyasha, because, while he wasn’t enjoying the close contact with the ningen girl, she seemed to be genuinely carefree and completely harmless. Yet he could see a strange, almost jealous flicker in Sesshomaru’s eyes every time he glanced at the girl, which, strangely enough, seemed to be happening quite frequently. It was a preposterous idea-- Sesshomaru didn’t get jealous! Over all his years of knowing Sesshomaru, Inuyasha had never once seen or heard of his brother getting jealous. Yet, if he looked again, he would swear that jealousy was exactly what he was seeing in his brother’s eyes.

And the strangest thing about it was, it was not directed at him (Sesshomaru had never been jealous over Inuyasha about anything, and no clingy ningen wench was about to change that). The jealousy he felt certain he was hallucinating was directed at Rin.

That thought both startled and excited him at the same time. And that startled him even more.

He didn’t entirely mind the girl’s presence, she had a strangely unique and playful way of looking at almost anything, and the part of him that still hated Sesshomaru revelled in the anger he felt building in his sibling the longer the ningen was in their presence.

But the other part, the part that had accepted Sesshomaru as his mate, was upset that he was causing his mate such anger and discomfort. The fact that Sesshomaru hadn’t marked him yet, and that, until he did, Inuyasha was fair game to any demon, ningen or hanyou who could get their hands on him, was still at the forefront in his mind, and it made his youkai rear to life, making him want to tear away from the girl and kill that stupid wench Kagura for ever getting close to his mate, and then cling to Sesshomaru and never let go.

And that startled him more than anything else had.

Inuyasha needed time to think about all of this, time to be alone, away from his brother (and everyone else for that matter), but, if he couldn’t get rid of Rin, then the chances of that happening were slim to none.

He tried to be polite, but the two wenches were beginning to get on his nerves, and if he didn’t get away soon, he might just start biting their heads off right then and there (and, if these two guests were as important as his father seemed to think, he really didn’t want to have to do that).

Finally, after nearly three hours of their presences, Inuyasha managed to escape, leaving Sesshomaru to deal with the two wenches, as he ran almost immediately off into the woods, though he did not go in very far, instead scaling around the edges of the forest, before at last coming to an area where the land dropped off into a steep ravine with a river gurgling in it far below, the faint traces of the setting sun barely reaching it from this distance, while somewhere nearby a waterfall roared down from the cliff.

He sat himself down on the top of the ravine, only a few feet separating him from the edge, and leaned his back against the tall rowan tree that grew there, watching as the sun painted the sky the colours of sunset as it dipped behind the trees that lined the other side of the ravine.

He sighed peacefully, letting his worries slip away for the moment as his eyes drifted slowly closed, his chest rising and falling in slow, deep breaths. Anyone who saw him would have thought him asleep, though his scent told those of youkai origin otherwise.

The moment didn’t last as a hand suddenly grabbed his haori’s collar, yanking him to his feet and slamming him back against the tree, his eyes flying open as he found himself staring straight into the cold golden eyes of Sesshomaru.

‘Hello little brother.’ Sesshomaru murmured, and, if Sesshomaru had ever bothered to display emotion, Inuyasha felt certain there would be a smirk gracing his lips about now.

Inuyasha felt rage fill him that Sesshomaru had disturbed his first moment of peace in nearly three days, and he growled low in his throat. ‘What the hell are you doing here, Sesshomaru?’ He snarled at his brother, who stared back at him with that damn blank-faced mask of his.

‘I’m only here to make certain that ningen wench no longer has her hands on you. She was clinging to you like that flea you and father love so much. Though you were hardly doing anything to discourage her.’ This last bit was said with a hint of darkness in his brother’s tone, and Inuyasha blinked before catching himself and glaring daggers at his brother.

He paused when Sesshomaru suddenly tilted his face forward slightly and sniffed around him, inhaling deeply, then exhaling with a noise of disgust. ‘You still smell like her.’ He said in as close to a scathing tone as Inuyasha had ever heard his brother achieve.

‘Well if I smell so horrible, then why don’t you go the fuck away and leave me in peace?’ He snarled at his brother, and Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly.

‘Because, little brother, I tire of this game. The announcing of out mating will not serve to finish the bond-- it will only make it known to the rest of the world. The physical parts of our union must be achieved ourselves. And this Sesshomaru is tired of watching from afar while you tease and lead on those affected by your heat like a common whore.’

Inuyasha’s cheeks heated. As though it was his fault there were so many weak-minded demons in the world who lacked the selfcontrol and capacity to remain docile while he was in heat! And he hadn’t led a damn one of them on!

‘You’re insane if you think for a moment--’ his words were cut off as Sesshomaru’s hand grabbed his shoulder and the youkai swung him around and shoved him against the tree, his cheek scraping roughly against the bark while his brother pressed his body firmly against him, pinning him chest to hips against the merciless tree that seemed to have decided to side with his brother on this.

He growled warningly-- both at it and his brother-- and thrashed awkwardly and with minimal effect against his brother’s confining weight, then froze as his brother pressed more tightly against him and a certain part of his anatomy came into contact with Inuyasha’s lower back.

Sesshomaru watched his brother suspiciously as he suddenly ceased his movement, then realised his semi-hard erection was now pressing against his brother’s ass.

A small smirk spread across his lips as he grinded his hips against Inuyasha, revelling in the startled gasp his brother emitted, the lust barely concealed under rage as Sesshomaru leaned in to whisper in one of Inuyasha’s furry ears.

‘Yes brother’ he said, breath hissing over the triangle-shaped ear, causing it to flick back toward him, flattening slightly to keep the air from entering inside ‘do you feel that? Do you feel me?’ He asked, punctuation each word with a lick to the furry (and seemingly highly-sensitive) appendage. ‘That is for you, Inuyasha.’ He said, smiling as he felt Inuyasha shiver (part in fear, part in lust) under him.

‘Sesshomaru.’ Inuyasha whimpered quietly, nearly all anger gone from his voice, and the youkai’s smile widened as he moved down to lick along his brother’s jaw bone and neck, occasionally letting his teeth graze over the sensitive skin, while Inuyasha trembled beneath him.

Sesshomaru ground his now fully hard erection into Inuyasha, and felt the hanyou gasp again in response, the gasp turning into another low whimper as he moved up and gently took the tip of Inuyasha’s ear between his teeth.

Pulling off of his brother slightly, Sesshomaru reached around and cupped Inuyasha’s half-hard manhood through the material of his hakama, revelling in the low moan he received in response.

‘Quite impressive, little brother. Is that for me?’ Sesshomaru asked, letting his had run lightly up the length, drawing another moan from Inuyasha.

‘Tell me then, little brother’ Sesshomaru said, licking Inuyasha’s ear again and gently massaging him through his hakama. ‘Are you still so certain about wanting to mate with me?’

Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed and a low growl escaped from his throat, turning into a gasp halfway through as Sesshomaru bit down on his ear, hard enough to draw blood.

Gently Sesshomaru licked up the crimson blood, still massaging the now writhing and fully-hard Inuyasha through his hakama.

‘Tell me, Inuyasha’ he said, bringing his fang down to graze his brother’s cheek. ‘Do you want me?’

Inuyasha immediately stiffened at the question, at the obvious challenge there, and another growl escaped his lips, and again was turned into a stifled moan as Sesshomaru ground his hips into him, wrapping his hand around Inuyasha’s erection and giving it a rough jerk at the same time.

‘You did not answer my questions, otouto.’ Sesshomaru said, abandoning Inuyasha’s erection so he could tease the waist of Inuyasha’s hakama.

‘Sesshomaru... onegai’ Inuyasha hissed out in relief (pushing aside the fact that he had just begged his brother to touch him) as Sesshomaru’s hand slipped under the waistline to gently and agonizingly slowly continue it’s molestation of Inuyasha’s erection.

‘Tell me Inuyasha.’ Sesshomaru said, ceasing his hands movements, and, if it was possible to whimper and whine at the same time, then that would have been his description of the sound that tore itself from Inuyasha’s throat: a long, harsh, painful whimpering whine. But when that didn’t work to properly convince Sesshomaru to continue, Inuyasha’s resolution (along with his pride and self-control) began to cave, and he gave in to his brother.

‘Yes.’ Inuyasha hissed, his voice full of desire and venom. ‘I want you. Are you satisfied now, you stupid bastard?’

Sesshomaru smirked again (and if Inuyasha could have seen his face, he would have loudly demanded who this impostor was and what they had done to his brother-- that is, if he wasn‘t currently so distracted with other activities) and pressed his face into Inuyasha’s neck so that he could feel it (though at this point, Inuyasha was beyond caring whether his brother was smiling or not).

‘Not quite.’ Sesshomaru said, then suddenly released his brother, pulling away as Inuyasha’s eyes widened in surprise and confusion, a small, uninvited whimper of loss escaping his lips as Sesshomaru’s hand left his erection.

‘If you truly desire me, Inuyasha, then prove it.’ Sesshomaru said to his wide-eyed brother as he lifted an arm from his side to beckon toward his brother. ‘Come to me, Inuyasha.’

Inuyasha stared at his brother in disbelief for a moment, then glared angrily, his teeth drawing back in a snarl, and damn to hell his aching erection demanding for attention-- he was not going to play obedient puppy to Sesshomaru’s dominant master. Not tonight. Not ever.

‘Fuck you, Sesshomaru!’ He spat, storming past his brother, only to have his wrist grabbed and violently yanked on so he was spun around to face his brother yet again.

Inuyasha growled and jerked against the unrelenting hold on his wrist, and damn if he wasn’t tired of Sesshomaru (and all those other fucking demons) grabbing, groping and crashing into him constantly. It was one part of his life he would gladly do without. ‘Dammit all Sesshomaru!’ He snarled, yanking again. His brother did not release his hold, but his eyes narrowed and began to bleed slightly red. ‘For fuck’s sake, let me go!’ He shouted, yanking violently. And Sesshomaru let him go.

Unfortunately he was not expecting it, and could not save himself before he went tumbling back into the grass, nearly falling over the edge of the ravine in the process, when a pair of large clawed hands yanked him up and he was met with the enraged face of a snarling Sesshomaru-- nothing new here, if there was one emotion Sesshomaru did not hesitate to show him when they battled, it was anger and\or hate.

Inuyasha growled back and swiped at Sesshomaru with his claws, leaving four dark streaks across his brother’s cheeks which instantly closed together as Sesshomaru’s eyes glowed violently red, and perhaps things might have gotten very out of hand indeed, had Rin not chosen that moment to appear, her eyes widening at the scene playing out before her (Inuyasha dangling inches above the ground, claws raised and streaked with blood, his fangs bared, while Sesshomaru’s hand was closed around his throat, eyes red and glowing and his lips pulled back in a snarl).

‘I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude’ she stated nervously as Sesshomaru turned his snarl toward her.

Inuyasha took the opportunity as it present itself and thrashed violently, effectively managing to free himself from Sesshomaru’s grip, landing roughly on his feet and nearly falling over again as he glared up at Sesshomaru.

‘Don’t apologize Rin.’ He said after a moment, somehow knowing that his statement would anger his brother. ‘You interrupted nothing.’ Sesshomaru glared and Rin looked cautiously between the two of them as Sesshomaru refrained from retorting, violently reining his youkai before he lost control again, gold filtering slowly back into his eyes as he gazed at the wide-eyed ningen with cold eyes.

‘Why are you here anyway?’ Inuyasha asked as he picked himself up, brushing grass off of his haori and hakama. Rin looked slightly relieved that someone had asked her a question without any violence in their voice and quickly moved to answer.

‘I got lost out here-- your home is so massive, and hearing your voices, well... I had hoped that someone might be able to show me the way back...’ She trailed off and both demon’s eyes narrowed slightly. There was something wrong about this girl, something that just didn’t quite fit properly, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

He glanced at Inuyasha, who had suspicion in his eyes as well. After all, why not? They had just showed Rin and her sister the ways around the grounds barely an hour ago, she should be able to figure it out. Still, Inuyasha looked about ready to agree to take her back-- anything to get away from his brother-- and Sesshomaru could not have that, so, as much as it pained him, he intervened before his brother could make the offer.

‘Come then, Rin.’ He said, deliberately leaving off any aristocratic title that might put the ningen above her place. ‘I will take you back to the castle.’ He stepped toward the girl, then paused, not bothering to look back at his brother as he said ‘Come Inuyasha.’

Those two words awoke a fire in Inuyasha, and he growled warningly at his brother, eyes narrowing to slits of yellow-gold in the faint light of the newly risen moon. ‘What am I, your faithful terrier all of a sudden? Damn you piss me off!’ He snarled at his brother. ‘You volunteered to take her back, so why do you need me-- unless your afraid you’ll loose your way too?’

Sesshomaru turned glacier eyes on him, nothing in his face betraying any emotion he might have been feeling at his brother’s words as he calmly but coldly said ‘Because, little brother, you are still in danger. Or did you perhaps so conveniently forget about your heat?’ The youkai asked, inwardly smirking as Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed, knowing he had hit the mark. And this battle was over and won before it had begun.

Inuyasha’s ears drooped in defeat and he refused to look up as he moved slowly forward, and Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed slightly with flashing for a moment with arrogant smugness before he turned and silently began to lead them back to the castle, neither brother catching the flicker in Rin’s eyes as the girl followed wordlessly behind them. ~*~


Kagura - Seems to actually be a form of ancient Shinto music and Dancing and not a name, but...

Jaken - Heard-hearted, cruel and unkind. (not to mention whiney and annoying and damn-near useless!)

Ningen - Human

Hanyou - Half demon

Youkai - Demon

Haori - A japanese half-jacket thingy. (To be specific ^_^)

Hakama - Pants

Otouto - Little brother. Imotou is little sister.

Onegai - Please (sometimes translated as “I beg of you!”-- if written in a slightly more elaborate way)

(Any Corrections for the glossary please let me know) ~*~

A\N: I am updating much faster than I ever expected (I just realised that I’d updated like eight times in five days!) and I’m beginning to worry as to where my social life has gone to if I’ve got that much time on my hands....

Well I can’t think of anything else to say (bet that’s a nice change, huh?) so sayonara until the next chapter!