InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ What Matters the Most ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Well, I think I officially got 1 and a half hours of sleep last night, so that’s not entirely good. Still, I have been known to work better when I’m running on empty. ^_^

Alright, so in this chapter we have a little bit of role-reversal (sort of) but I hope I still managed to get the characters in right.

Take heed-- there’ll probably be a major lemon in the next chapter. Yaoi lemon. If you don’t like that then... well I don’t know, I can’t say skip over the chapter cause there might be something important happening in it, but...

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Well, I always try to but it’s been going a bit slower recently. My muses are getting lazy again!

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Oh? How can you be sure? Do you encounter these snicker-fans often? Lol, sorry, but, in case you haven’t noticed it by now (in which case you must suffer from serious ADD) I am completely and totally out of my mind. I should be back in later, though, so... I’m glad you enjoyed Sess and Inu’s interaction-- lots of people seemed to like that (As one of my reviewers said “Lil' ole innocent me had just been happily reading that delightfully intriguing chapter and *WHAM* sex with words! --the idea never really hit me until I read: ‘Do you feel that? Do you feel me?’. I think I got a nosebleed at that precise moment because the image of Sesshomaru pressed up against Inuyasha and SAYING THAT (even though I have heard much more naughty things) totally blew my mind. Fucking HIGHLY DISTRACTING.”-- Hm. Now, hang on a second, why am I telling you this?) Well, anyway, ignore that last part. Sango is definitely one of my fav human characters. Her and Kagura and Rin being about the only of them I can stand, but, when I actually think about it, I think that my fav female character might be Kirara. But then again, she doesn’t really count so I guess I have to go with Rin. I love seeing her little interactions with Sesshomaru and Jaken. ^_^

-excellent/amazing - wow, thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! ^_^

-Inu’s-smartass-girl - Oh yeah, I know, Rin has a lot of meanings-- cold and companion being one of them. But, in the actual name sense and not the word sense, I think that those are the only two that really apply. Unless, of course, someone would willingly name their kid something like “fish-scales”

Okay well I’m really tired now, and I’m I’ve bored those of you who don’t like my ranting to tears, so let’s finish this up. Things we learn from this chapter: Sesshomaru does, in fact, have a heart. Inuyasha maybe doesn’t hate his brother as much as he thought. Stories move pretty fast when you write them on like three hours worth of sleep.

VERY EXTREMELY ULTIMATEY ONE-OF-THE-MOST-IMPORTANT-PARTS-OF-THE-STORY DISCLAIMER: (<-- This and that rant located above are both results of what my mind becomes when running almost entirely on empty (haven’t had anything to eat today either, so I really am deprived aren’t I?) and the rant can be entirely ignored, but this disclaimer CAN NOT be, so you better fucking make sure you understand cause I don’t want anybody coming along and suing me!) I OWN NONE OF THIS! -- Well, that’s not true. I own the story itself (Take THAT Rumiko Takahashi!) and one of the characters in it (neither of which can hold a candle to the original series) the rest belong to Rumiko Takahashi and the rest of the people who make Inuyasha. They’re the ones to blame if you don’t like the series. ~*~   What Matters the Most

When they arrived at the castle, Rin quickly made her way toward her room, bidding them “Konbanwa” and offering Inuyasha a small smile, which he forced himself to return.

The two brother’s then proceeded to head toward their own chambers, only instead of leaving Inuyasha when they reached his room, Sesshomaru roughly grabbed his wrist and dragged him down toward his own, ignoring the hanyou’s loud and angry protests that died down almost immediately when Sesshomaru shoved him into his room and turned to lock the door.

Inuyasha’s eyes flew fearfully to the door and then to his brother’s face as confusion rushed through him. A normal door Inuyasha would have no trouble with, but the castle’s doors were made and sealed with a special magic to keep youkai’s out (or in this case, in) and Inuyasha would not stand a chance at breaking it down. If Sesshomaru was planning to beat the living hell outta him in here, there was no real place to escape from his brother, and, with the amount of rage he could smell pouring off of Sesshomaru, he did not know if he really stood a chance against his brother at the moment.

‘Sesshomaru?’ Inuyasha asked quietly, irritated that some of his fear had leaked into his voice as his brother turned cold gold eyes upon him that glinted with anger.

‘Be silent and be still for once in your life, Inuyasha!’ Sesshomaru snarled, and, for once in his life, Inuyasha listened to him.

For several moments he and Sesshomaru just stood there, the silence stretching out uncomfortably between them before Inuyasha worked up the courage to speak.

‘Sesshomaru... why am I here?’ He asked tentatively, eyes scanning his brother’s face, trying to gage his reaction, doing what Katashi might call “sensing the storm before the clouds hit.”

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed imperceptibly, but he seemed to decide that the question was deserving enough of an answer, and so said ‘Because it is still not safe.’

Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed in confusion. ‘Nani?’ He asked, because he really had no idea what Sesshomaru meant. He ignored the glare he received in response as he stared imploringly at his brother, and finally Sesshomaru sighed and caved-- though he would not be Sesshomaru if there was no venom or cruelness in his next words.

‘Are you truly that dense, Inuyasha, or are your senses just that weak?’ Sesshomaru asked, and Inuyasha glared but refrained from retorting. His brother was still in a potentially dangerous mood, and Inuyasha did not want to be trapped in a room with an angry and violent Sesshomaru.

At his brother’s continued stare, Sesshomaru said ‘There have been demons sneaking into your room the past two nights. I had to establish a guard outside your room just to be certain none would attempt mating you.’ Sesshomaru eyed him incredulously for a moment. ‘Do you man to tell me that you never sensed them? Smelled them afterward?’

Inuyasha’s cheeks flushed slightly, because in truth he hadn’t noticed anything-- he had been too distracted with the prospect that he was going to be mating with his own brother to notice something like a strange demons scent in his room. Hell, there were strange demons’ scents all over the fucking castle right now (not to mention all over him, which was the unfortunate end result of constantly being crashed into and\or felt up at any given turn).

Inuyasha took a breath. There were only two ways he handled embarrassment-- anger, and distraction. And since, again, he did not think it would be smart to get angry with his brother at this moment, that only left him to find some topic to distract him with. So he went with the first one that came to mind.

‘Who was the guard?’

He was honestly curious as to who his suddenly caring brother would trust enough with his personal safety to post them outside his door during his heat and expect them not to mate with him.

It was Sesshomaru’s turn to flush-- a light, barely visible pinkish tint that flowed across his cheeks, but a flush nonetheless-- and Inuyasha blinked in surprise as the pieces began clicking together in his brain.

‘You?’ He asked. Sesshomaru glared, but remained silent, so Inuyasha took that as a yes.

Inuyasha stared thoughtfully at his brother as his mind absorbed this new information: Sesshomaru really cared about him enough to take such measures just to be sure no one would even consider attempting to mate with him, to make sure he remained safe. Which must mean that Sesshomaru really did think of him as a mate, for nothing but a mate would go through such measures just to protect him-- a filthy half-breed barely worth the very dirt he stands on, as Sesshomaru himself had reminded him on countless occasions. But Sesshomaru had-- going completely against his words and pretty much everything else Inuyasha had ever thought his brother stood for-- guarded him and protected him when he was in a very vulnerable position that he wasn’t even aware he was in. And he was strangely touched by the notion and, for the first time in a long time, he felt all hate toward his brother flee him, replaced instead by something much bigger, more important. Something that filled him with a strange warmth and compassion for his brother... Something that felt dangerously close to love.

‘Inuyasha.’ Sesshomaru said, pulling his younger brother out of his silent reverie, his voice cutting through the room like a blade, and Inuyasha lifted his gaze to meet that of his brother’s.

Sesshomaru raised an arm, silently beckoning to his brother in a mirror image of when he had beckoned before, but now it was no longer a command. It was a request. And this time Inuyasha hesitated for only a moment before tentatively crossing the few short steps that separated him from his brother, stopping with no more than an inch to separate the two of them.

Inuyasha stared up into Sesshomaru’s eyes, uncertainty radiating from his own, because this wasn’t right. He was supposed to hate Sesshomaru, wasn’t he? So why...

Inuyasha’s thoughts were cut off as Sesshomaru bent his head and laid a gentle, almost chaste kiss on the hanyou’s lips, and this was something new to Inuyasha. All his other kissers had been aggressive and had simply shoved their tongues down his throat, plundering his mouth without permission. But this was different, somehow-- full of a tenderness he had been unaware Sesshomaru was capable of possessing, let alone so openly displaying.

He tried to hold out, to fight his overwhelming need, but it was a battle already lost, and when he felt Sesshomaru’s tongue gently probing the seam of his lips he could do nothing but whimper and open his mouth to his brother.

Sesshomaru was more careful than he had ever been, as though dealing with a frightened animal that might spook at any moment. He felt Inuyasha’s confusion, his uncertainty, radiating off of him in waves, and he did his best to quell it, trying to get Inuyasha’s mind to focus on other, more important matters.

Let the worries of tomorrow wait until then, and all regrets remain obsolete until the rising of the sun, because right now he had what his youkai so craved for. He had his mate. And, as far as he was concerned, in this moment in time, that was all he needed.

And let all the consequences be damned to hell where they belonged!

He was here, with Inuyasha, kissing him, and Inuyasha was kissing back. And that was what mattered the most right now.

So he Tightened his grip on his brother’s small body, deepening the kiss and silently praying to never have to let go.

However, it seemed that whatever gods there may be did not like him very much (or perhaps liked him all too much) because a minute later Inuyasha was pulling away, gently wriggling out of his brother’s embrace, and Sesshomaru, fearing that this might be another of his brother’s rejections, grabbed hold of Inuyahsa’s wrist to stop him from leaving.

But the hanyou merely wrapped his fingers around Sesshomaru’s own wrist, and gently tugged him toward the bed, causing the youkai to freeze slightly as an unfamiliar confusion rushed through him.

Inuyasha looked back at him with gold eyes narrowed in concern (and some annoyance) at his brother’s abrupt halt.

‘Sesshomaru?’ Inuyasha asked, and Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha, letting his confusion shine through in his eyes (a very strange thing to see on Sesshomaru at any time, and it caught Inuyasha momentarily off guard) as he quietly, almost tentatively (another sign that the world was clearly coming to an end when Sesshomaru would ever show tentativeness about anything he did) asked ‘Why?’

‘Isn’t this what you wanted?’ Inuyasha asked, his brow furrowing in confusion as he wondered if he’d, perhaps, completely misread the entire situation and made a fool of himself (again) in front of his brother.

‘Yes.’ Sesshomaru said slowly, eyeing Inuyasha in his usual cold mask, the confusion having almost completely fled his face. ‘But you stated earlier that you did not wish--’

‘I changed my mind.’ Inuyasha said quickly, cutting him off before he could finish, and Sesshomaru fell silent as Inuyasha stared at him, and he began to realise something that Inuyasha had picked up on a good while ago-- something had changed between them. There was no longer any hate (though where the hell it had all gone to he would sure like to know) but just... something... he couldn‘t even put a name to it, it was just there, and it had changed them. Somehow it had made them accept this and everything that was happening-- that was about to happen-- it made it all okay...‘Now is that the only problem you had, or can we continue on with what we were doing?’ Inuyasha asked suddenly, and Sesshomaru blinked at the sudden noise invading his thoughts, his only show of surprise and Inuyasha’s eagerness to continue on.

‘Impatient as ever.’ Sesshomaru said, and Inuyasha glared.

‘You’re one to talk.’ Inuyasha said, muttered ‘Arrogant baka’ just loud enough for Sesshomaru’s sensitive youkai ears to pick up.

‘As always.’ Sesshomaru said, and Inuyasha rolled his eyes but allowed Sesshomaru to tug on his wrist and draw him back to him, pulling him against his chest and dipping his head down for another kiss.

END ~*~


Konbanwa - Good Evening

Hanyou - Half-demon

Nani? - What?

Youkai - Demon

Baka - Stupid, idiot, moron, etc

(Any Corrections for the Glossary feel free to let me know) ~*~  

A\N: Well that’s another chapter effectively lodged into the gutter, hope it lived up to everybody’s either very high or increasingly low standards.

Kay, that sounded like an insult, but it’s not... really, it’s not.