InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Chaos Theory ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: This chapter really doesn’t have anything to do with anything, and was written more as a bridge between the last chapter and the next than anything. Nevertheless it’s semi-vital to read if you want the next one to make any sense. Actually, in truth I have no idea if the next one will make sense with or without this chapter. My main writing scheme at the moment seems to be start a chapter, get about halfway through it, and then leave alone and go work on something else. It’s not a good one, because when I finally come back to it I’ve likely got two more chapters started that would be just as good as that one for one particular spot and it ends in a lot of confusion of trying to select the best chapter and put it in so it still makes some sense without leaving any characters out. *phew*

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, thanks! I do try and put an effort into the “mood” of the fics, and making them believable! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Thanks! *Beams*

VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - (Please make sure you fully comprehend this before continuing) I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the other anime characters. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I do own this story and the OC in it. I make no money off of any of these things. ~*~   Chaos Theory

----"The single flap of a butterfly's wings might set of a hurricane halfway around the world." (Chaos Theory\Butterfly Effect)----

----The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141) ----


Takehiko had not stepped off the final stair when a human with dark hair and eyes was suddenly before her, staring intently up at her with a worried and remorseful expression on her soft, round face.

Takehiko blinked at her, at first mistaking her for a servant and wondering why the girl had the uncharacteristic audacity to suddenly pop up in front of her, but then she really took in the girl’s appearance, and she knew that she could not be a slave-- her kimono was made of some of the very best silk, and her hair shined and emitted the scent of expensive bath oils.

‘You are the healer caring for Inuyasha?’ She asked in an anxious sort of way, and Takehiko frowned, sniffing at the girl, then stiffening slightly, her face resorting to an icy stone mask.

‘You are the Oni’s sister.’ Takehiko said quietly, and Rin winced slightly at the title for Naraku, and then offered her a meek nod.

‘My name is Rin--’ She began, but the dog yasha cut her off.

‘When I care for your name I shall ask for it.’ The healer said, staring sharply at her, and Rin fell silent, forcing herself to hold the old youkai’s sharp and hostile gaze. However, the feeling of her very soul being searched (yet again-- and why did this always seem to happen when she met people with blue eyes?) was not one she found to be entirely comfortable, and she soon found herself dropping her gaze back to the ground.

‘She shows remorse and guilt.’ Takehiko noted as she stared at the dark crown of her girl’s head. ‘Perhaps she is not Naraku’s sister in any more than blood after all.’ The healer cocked her head to the side and continued her internal assessment of the girl before her. ‘There is evil surrounding, but no malcontent. Her past wickedness has not been her own. Perhaps she truly does not want to be like Naraku. Perhaps she truly is concerned and remorseful for what she has done.’

Takehiko pondered these thoughts a moment before Rin interrupted, saying in a soft, almost desperate voice ‘I came to offer myself, in sacrifice or service, to both of the princes. I know it will never make up for what has been done--’

‘No.’ Takehiko cut her off suddenly. ‘It will not. Death can never undo what the living have done. And neither can apologies and warnings that come too late.’ She stared deeply at Rin and frowned some more. ‘I have seen you before.’ She stated slowly, her eyes becoming slightly far away as she remembered where she had last seen the ningen girl. ‘Out in the meadows-- you weaved a crown of flowers to wear and showed it to Inuyasha... you put it on his head.’

Rin frowned and blushed, unsure what the healer’s point was. ‘Hai... he thought it was silly but’ and here a small smile graced her face ‘but he still wore it-- even when Sesshomaru told him to take it off when we were eating.’ Her smile turned sad and slipped away completely as tears filled her eyes.

‘I’m such a baka!’ She said, her tears falling down her face. ‘I should never have done that... I should never have come here!’

Takehiko sighed and mentally cursed the humans ability to emotionally overreact to ever little thing-- it always caused them to have much weaker perceptions of the most important things.

‘Perhaps you should have chosen a different path to follow and have saved everyone this pain.’ She said. ‘However, I believe everything has some greater purpose behind it than we originally believe.’ And here she cast Rin a considering glance. ‘You seem like a good person at heart, Rin, yet you have been misguided and used by your brother. Do not be too hard on yourself for that. The purpose of your betrayal may be greater than we first perceive. And I believe that, when he recovers, Inuyasha will forgive you.’

At this Rin sniffed and looked up again, her eyes still leaking tears. ‘Is... is he alright?’ She asked quietly, fearful of the answer she would receive.

Takehiko looked at her sadly and sighed. ‘He will live.’ She said. ‘But the wound he had suffered will never full heal. It will be a scar he will bear on his mind and soul for the rest of his life.’

Fresh tears leaked into the human’s eyes, and she turned her head away, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood, the salt and metallic tangs of the tears and blood mingling together as they reached Takehiko’s nose.

At first the healer had thought they were going to enter another bought of silence, with nothing but tears from the human, but then Rin spoke, quiet, soft, and barely perceptible by human standards, her voice falling gently and sadly in Takehiko‘s ears. ‘If only I had reached Sesshomaru in time, maybe things would have been different...’ The girl said, and Takehiko’s brow furrowed.

‘Not maybe.’ She said, drawing Rin’s attention to her. ‘Things would have been different. But not necessarily in a good way.’ Rin sniffed again and looked at her in confusion, and Takehiko sighed again and began explaining ‘A man is going into the town to buy some bread for his and his wife’s supper than evening. On the way there he trips and hits his head on a rock, rending himself unconscious. While asleep, two men come along and steal the money he would have used to buy the bread. He awakens again several hours later-- too late to go into town by then-- and realises that, not only is there no time left to make it to the town, but he has also been robbed. He returns home to reveal to his wife all that had happened, and is scolded as they now have nothing to eat for the evening.’ She paused and looked at Rin. ‘Do you follow my story thus far?’ She asked, and Rin gave a small nod. ‘Good.’ She said, before taking a breath and moving to continue ‘Now, while the man was unconscious, a large group of notorious bandits had raided the village he was going to. They stole, slaughtered, and raped many, before making away with much of the village’s goods-- including the bread the man was going for.’ She gave Rin a calculating look and fell silent, and Rin frowned and stared at her quizzically.

‘So?’ She asked, curious as to where the healer was going with this strange (and fairly long) story of hers.

Takehiko frowned at her. ‘So, had the man not tripped and been knocked unconscious, he would have arrived in the village and been met with the bandits. And they would likely have beaten him and then slit his throat and robbed him anyway. His being late saved his life.’

Rin frowned and scrunched up her face. ‘So you’re saying that, had I tripped and fallen and hit my head, I could have saved Inuyasha? Or that, had I been on time, I could have saved myself from being beaten?’

Takehiko glared and sighed in frustration. ‘I am saying neither, ignorant baka. I am trying to teach you how seemingly small things can have large effects on others.’ As Rin continued to stare at her in confusion, Takehiko decided a different approach. ‘Never mind, Rin, I should have known better than to try and explain to a ningen.’ The healer said exasperatedly, and Rin glared.

‘I may be a ningen, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid, you know!’ She said angrily, and Takehiko nodded. ‘No it does not.’ And then cocked her head to the side.

‘Rin, how did you come to be with Naraku?’ She asked, and Rin blinked at the sudden change of topic, then looked away.

For several moments she was silent, before she, after taking a long shuddering breath, said ‘He came for me when I was nine. He killed my parents because they were the human side...’ she trailed off slightly, looking rather stunned, and then shook her head. ‘Because they were humans, and then he took me back with him.’ She said, trying to correct herself before Takehiko noticed, but Takehiko had heard the error, and had heard the attempt at correcting it.

‘Humans?’ She said ‘But that makes little sense.’ She looked closer at Rin and sniffed her, then remembered that the girl was human, and so there would be no traces of demon in her anyway. But her sister, Kagara or whatever her name is, is clearly a demon. I have seen her manipulate the winds before... and if Rin is only a human, then that must mean that they can be no more than half-sisters-- if anything more-- and that would mean that Naraku...’

She looked sharply up at the human before her, who was now shifting slightly from foot to foot, the necklace of beads and fangs around her neck slipping a little with every shift. The human’s actions, and the nervous look in her eyes, revealed to Takehiko all she needed to know. ‘Naraku is a half-demon.’ She said, waiting to judge the girl’s reaction.

Rin’s reaction was to flicker her eyes to her but show no real signs of surprise-- almost as though she wanted her to figure it out. Takehiko’s blue eyes flickered slightly as she considered this, and then she turned slightly, moving forward to grab Rin’s arm, and saying ‘Come with me.’

Rin’s eyes widened as she struggled slightly against the grip but still moved to follow the old dog-demon.

‘Where are we going?’ She asked, her voice laced slightly with fear, and Takehiko cast her a hard look, before saying ‘We have to reveal this to Inu Taisho.’

Rin gasped slightly in fear, but was not released, and so followed at the amazingly fast pace the demon had set as they came toward a door that Rin knew led to Inu Taisho’s study.

The Inuyoukai opened the door without knocking (something Rin, from personal experience, was certain would get both their heads chopped off) and entered the room only to find Inu Taisho not there.

‘No where in all the seven hells could he have wandered off to?’ Takehiko muttered, then suddenly remembered. ‘He has to give the announcement-- delaying the announcing of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s mating, as well as alerting any and all youkai about the danger’s Naraku poses.’ Quickly she spun around and made toward the door again while Rin struggled along after her.

‘W-where are we going?’ Rin gasped, her breath nearly completely gone as Takehiko dragged her along behind her.

‘To the banquet hall.’ She said simply, not even bothering to look back while, from above them, a set of ruby red eyes watched from behind the thin, pale ripples of a fan.

‘So Rin has decided to join forces with the mongrels.’ Kagura thought, watching as her sister and that dog demon moved toward the ornate double-doors of the banquet hall. ‘This should prove to be very interesting indeed.’

Smiling, she turned and began to walk away, disappearing into the shadows just in time to avoid the suspicious gaze of Takehiko, who, sensing someone’s stare, had looked up, only to find no one there.

Staring suspiciously for a moment, she sighed and shook her head. ‘Maybe Katashi is right. I must be getting on in my years.’ She thought, before turning forward again and knocking loudly on the door. ~*~


Oni - Devil

Yasha - Female Demon ^_^

Youkai - Demon

Ningen - Human

Inu Taisho - Lord of the Dogs (He’s Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s father. Rumour has it he’s lord of the dance as well ^_^)

Inuyoukai - Dog-Demon ~*~  

A\N: Well I hope that was up to standards. I’ll try to get some more Inuyasha\Sesshomaru in there soon, but I can’t promise anything at the moment.

Alright people, here’s the thing. Not that I don’t appreciate all the names I’ve gotten (They’re super, and thanks to everyone who submitted!) but I’ve now got even more names than I know what to do with. Inuko seems to be the most popular, and Tsukiko seems to be liked as well, but other than that I’m not really getting anywhere.

Therefore I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask everyone to please stop submitting names. The suggestion box is closed, but the poll remains open. Please choose your favs (hopefully limiting it to somewhere around or below 10) names from the following list and let me know so we can go from there.

Inuko - (Has to be at the top ^_^) Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well

Nanashi - I don’t know how much I like this name-- it sounds evil It means “Without name“ - Boy or Girl

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of)

Yuki - male - snow or luck

Gininu - Another one I’m unsure of, but, according to a friend of mine who hasn’t turned out to be entirely reliable in the past, it means silver dog. Actually, it’s a little strange if you try and pronounce it out loud. The “Gin” I’m pretty sure is the same as from “Ginkotsu” which means silver bones andor silver skeleton. Something along those lines.

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^)

Hotaru - Firefly - Female

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor Blade

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2 out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season.

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?)

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness

Amaya - Female - Night rain. A lot of people seem to use this name in their stories for some reason. It sounds kind of depressing if you know it’s meaning.

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Kyo - Boy
-Keitaro - Boy
-Satoshi - Boy
-Leyu - Girl

-Ryukoku - Girl

-Himiko - Girl

-Tomiko. - Girl
-Ryoushin - Boy

-Hiruka - Boy

-Yoshi - Boy

-Tooru - Boy\Girl

-Shiro - Boy

-Reano - Boy

-Shiori - Boy\Girl

-Yuri or Yurii - Boy



-Gin - Girl - Silver

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity

-Yogen - Promise



-Kiyoshi -boy - as an alternative to Kyoshi

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl -

-Yuiko -girl

-Takara - means treasure - either

-Haruko - means spring - girl

-Atsuko - girl

-Ryoki - boy

-Ryoko - girl

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy

-Hatsumi - girl

-Azusa -boy

-Shinogu - boy

-Shinobu - boy

-Izayoi - Female (Obviously) and didn’t we just have a big thing about her name a little while ago? Lol, I’m still unsure entirely what it means, but it’s something to do with the zodiac I think.

-Einujieru (boy)- Flourishing To Sew Time Graceful Flow
-Kurisu (boy)- Revered Air Reason
-Jizasu (boy)- Revered Time Sitting
-Jyaku (boy)- Air person
-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul
-Buraian (boy)- Safe Thunder Dancer
-Raian (boy)- Safe Thunder
-Riku (boy)- Air Reason
-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory
-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit
-Jyurio (boy)- Confusious Reasoning King
-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason
-Merisa (girl)- Eye Enticing Reason
-Sera (girl)- roughly Inclusive Avert
-Jyaeshika (girl)- Graceful Flower Scholar Person
-Eipuriru (girl)- Flourishing Flowing Wind Reason
-Jyunu (girl)- Confucious To Sew
-Jiru (girl)- Flowing Time
-Saimon (boy)- Will Enticing Question
-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar
-Kasurin (girl)- Revered Moral Flower
-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air
-Kurisuten (girl)- Reason Heaven Revered Air

-Juri - Girl

-Hiro - Boy

-Maron - Girl

Chiaki - Boy

-Ruri - Girl

-Asato - Boy

And Aini Which means angel or heavenly figure (I think it’s a girl’s name)-- Take note: This name belongs to Ur-GaY-LoVeR’s cousin and is her property. You want to use it, you have to ask her.

Okay, so, hopefully after reading that you can see my plight and why I’m not accepting any more names. Also, names without sex and\or meaning will be removed for the next chapter. Sorry, but I really need to shorten this list down, and a name without a meaning means very little to me. JJ -- I just need to simplify this thing before it kills me! -.-