InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Fraternal ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Well let’s see. I got a fairly interesting email last night where someone stated that the theme song for this fic should be “I hate everything about you” by three days grace. I have to admit, the chorus could apply to some chapters, but I don’t know about the rest of the song... it seems a little unfitting for this story in my opinion. I don’t know-- I never really gave the idea of this story’s “theme song” much thought. ^_^

Okay, so, I am quite happy to say that, unless the universe is somehow cosmically altered in the next few days, the next chapter should almost definitely contain lemon. I’m not sure what sort of lemon but there will definitely be lemon. Yep, that’s right. lemon. With Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Lol, and it only took me, what, twenty chapters to get it up? ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, yeah, not a lot of people think about Sess getting slapped. It’s just such a cosmically unrealistic thought! Lol. And a lot of people don’t think of Inuyasha being actually caring and\or thoughtful, but, if you think about it, there’s quite a lot of evidence to the contrary. He just doesn’t like showing it. ^_^ -- But in this story, I’m slowly trying to make them both “emotional” in some ways, and yet, at the same time, believable. Judging by the reviews I’m getting, I’ve done a fairly good job! ^_^ -- Actually, if you think about it, the title “Bitch-Slap” really has more meaning than I originally thought, considering that, in at least one sense of the word, Takehiko is a bitch (being the female dog that she is ^_^) so...

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, yep, Sess got slapped! ^_^   ~*~   Fraternal

For nearly a full hour Rin talked, relaying her life to Inuyasha, who listened calmly and quietly (though that seemed to be mostly an after-effect of the drug Takehiko had given him-- it had given him a fairly subdued sort of personality for the most part).

Near the very end of her tale (just after she had explained why she and Kagura had come here) the human looked up to find Inuyasha fast asleep, his body sagging heavily against the wall of the pillows that he was leaning against.

Rin smiled fondly as she stared at him, though her expression soon turned sad as she took in how peaceful and innocent the hanyou looked right then. She had nearly destroyed that.

‘I’m sorry.’ She said softly, lying down next to him and resting her head on his chest, her hand covering his own on his stomach as the thought ‘He would have made a good mate.’ ran unbidden but not unwelcome through her mind. ‘I never meant to hurt you.’

As if in answer, the body beneath her shifted slightly and Inuyasha let out a small snuffling groan.

Rin smiled again, biting her lip to hide a giggle, and then froze as she felt something shift beneath her palm.

She lifted her head and looked down at her hand-- still resting overtop of Inuyasha’s. It was faint, but she was almost certain she could feel something wiggling under their hands.

Carefully she moved Inuyasha’s had to the side (pausing when he groaned again-- seemingly in mild protest) and then, pushing his yukata open slightly, she pressed her palm flat against his stomach and held still.

In response, the skin beneath it began shifting about rather erratically.

Enthralled, Rin quickly shoved the yukata (along with all qualms and rules of modesty) even further open (nearly baring his body completely to her) and pressed her ear against him, listening intently.

That was how Sesshomaru found them when he came in a moment later-- Inuyasha, seemingly unconscious and spread out on the bed, supported by some pillows, his yukata falling dangerously open, with Rin hunched over next to him, her ear pressed to his lower abdomen.

The fact that the ningen girl was still fully dressed was just about the only thing that kept him from tearing into her right then and there.

Instead he stood, rooted to the spot, until Rin lifted her head to brush her hair behind her ears and caught sight of him.

‘Lord Sesshomaru!’ She said brightly as he took a couple steps toward them, her face flushed and her eyes wide, but with excitement not the fear or embarrassment that should have been present. ‘Come here quick-- you can feel the pups moving!’ She said, and, without a moments hesitation (or seemingly thought for her well-being) she reached over the short distance than now separated them and grabbed onto his wrist, pulling him over and down next to Inuyasha.

He was about the shred the girl, when she swiftly grabbed hold of the back of his head and, using a strength he had not thought she possessed, pushed his ears down onto Inuyasha’s belly with more audacity that move youkai had, saying ‘Listen!’

Sesshomaru’s internal growl of rage was cut short when he felt movement against his cheek, and heard the soft rumbling noises (that were so quiet he doubted Rin, with her weak human “hearing”, had even slightly detected) reached his ears.

Sesshomaru instantly froze up, his rage ebbing away as he listened to the movements in his brother’s body.

Rin watched him, grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole time, and finally letting out a small giggle at the expression of wonderment that had settled on Sesshomaru’s face as he slowly brought a clawed hand up to press against his brother’s stomach as well.

Unfortunately, that sound and those small touches were enough to cause Inuyasha’s ears to flick back and his eyes to crack open, blinking around in sleepy confusion as they came to rest on the back of his brother’s head, wondering why the hell Sesshomaru was using him as a pillow, before swivelling up to find Rin, who grinned widely at him.

‘Do you feel them?’ She asked Sesshomaru, acting as though Inuyasha had not woken up at all, and suddenly everything clicked into place in the hanyou’s mind.

‘Is that why he’s feeling up my stomach?’ He asked, clearly startling Sesshomaru, though the youkai hid it quite well-- only a small too-fast jerk away from his little brother’s body giving him away -- before sitting up in a much more dignified and Sesshomaru-like manner.

‘You’re awake I see.’ Sesshomaru said quietly to his brother.

‘Well’ Inuyasha said in a mock-annoyed voice. ‘I would’ve slept longer if someone hadn’t decided to start groping my stomach in my sleep.’ He said, and Sesshomaru’s face darkened slightly.

‘I’m afraid that was my fault, Inuyasha.’ Rin said ‘You see, I wanted Lord Sesshomaru to feel the pups-- they were wiggling around something awful before you woke up.’

‘You’re certain that wasn’t just my gut?-- I’m hungry as all hell.’ Inuyasha muttered as he frowned thoughtfully at his stomach. After a moment the frown deepened, and he shook his head. ‘Well, they’re not moving now.’ He said, wiggling around a bit in an effort to sit up properly, slapping Sesshomaru’s hand away when he would have helped and glaring.

‘Dammit, Sesshomaru, I’m not completely helpless! I can do some things on my own!’

Sesshomaru, not in the mood to have another fight with his mate, ignored him, and went about organizing the pillows behind his mate’s head and adjusting the furs and sheets around his body, pulling his yukata closed again.

Inuyasha huffed in agitation, and Rin smiled, trying to hold back as laugh at the hanyou’s obvious exasperation from his brother’s actions.

Sesshomaru suddenly turned his attention to her, his expression cold.

Inuyasha was instantly tense, eyeing his brother warningly (though it had little effect since Sesshomaru was looking the other way) as the smile drained from Rin’s face.

Shaking his head in frustration, Inuyasha said ‘Rin, I think now would be a good time to go.’

Rin glanced at him, then nodded quickly. ‘I have some things I should get done anyway...’ She said, rising from the futon and quickly exiting the room while Inuyasha turned agitated eyes upon his brother.

‘Gods, Sesshomaru, could you at least try to be civil toward the girl? I mean, she fucking betrayed me and I forgave her-- why the hell are you being so hard on her?’ Inuyasha demanded, and Sesshomaru turned cold eyes upon his brother.

‘Because she hurt you, Inuyasha.’ He said, his tone as cold as smoke off ice. ‘She used and hurt my mate, and for that I can never forgive her-- even if you find it so easy to do so yourself.’

Inuyasha stared at his brother, taken aback by his deep words, before looking away, his hands moving to fidget with the hem of the sheet.

After a moment’s silence, he dared to speak again.

‘You know, she really didn’t see a choice.’ He said, his voice low and slightly apologetic toward him brother while trying at the same time to offer Sesshomaru an explanation for the girl’s actions. He saw disbelief flicker into Sesshomaru’s gaze and frowned slightly. ‘She truly thought that Naraku would kill her and her sister if they did not obey-- she was only trying to protect Kagura.’ Inuyasha said, though Sesshomaru had heard this all before, but the hanyou had a point to make and he was not going to stop until he made it loud and clear to his brother. ‘It is the same way that you now try and protect me.’

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed.

‘They are two entirely different situations.’ He said, a hint of indignant anger entering his voice. ‘They are hardly the same--’

‘But they are, Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha said, swiftly cutting him off, staring at his mate intently, something stirring just beneath the surface of his golden eyes.

‘It is the same, Sesshomaru.’ He said again, relaxing his tone now that his brother was silent and he didn’t think he’d have to battle with him to be heard. ‘Just because we are mates and they are not makes no difference.’ He said ‘They still love each other, Sesshomaru, but in a completely different and Fraternal way-- a way that you and I never experienced-- for various reasons.’ He added the last part hastily, though Sesshomaru still stiffened from the words and the truth behind them. ‘She was just trying to save her sister.’ Inuyasha went on to explain, his voice dipping incredibly low and getting softer with each word. ‘And if I were in her position... I likely would have done the same.’

Sesshomaru sighed and looked around the room in a resigned sort of way. ‘I’m never going to win this argument am I?’ He asked quietly, and Inuyasha smiled before leaning up, wrapping his arms around his mate’s neck and kissing him, falling back onto the futon and pillows so that he could drag Sesshomaru down on top of him.

For a moment Sesshomaru returned the kiss before reluctantly pulling away, earning a disapproving groan from the hanyou beneath him.

For a moment Sesshomaru just stared down at his brother, who gazed in a half-annoyed, half-curious way back at him, and Sesshomaru could see the lust and want in his mate’s eyes, smell it in his growing arousal, and that only made his next words that much more difficult to say and that much harder for his body to cope with.

‘Inuyasha are you... certain about this?’ He asked, and Inuyasha blinked, his eyes narrowing slightly in consideration, before offering him an half-hearted snort. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure the pups won’t give a fuck what we do.’ He said, completely misplacing Sesshomaru’s concern, and the youkais stared down at him a moment (hearing the nervousness in his mate’s voice no matter how he tried to hide it) and then frowned.

‘I am not concerned about the pups, Inuyasha.’ He said, his eyes smouldering pools of melted ice as he gazed down at the hanyou, who stared nervously back at him a moment, thinking, before nodding his head.

‘I know.’ He said, his voice a near whisper, quavering slightly in his growing tint of fear, but sounding entirely sure of itself. ‘It’s the only way I’ll ever get rid of him.’ He said softly by way of explanation, and Sesshomaru stared into his eyes a moment, searching for an unknown something before, seemingly finding it, nodding his head and then leaning down onto his mate to steal another kiss from him. ~*~  


Hanyou - Half-Demon

Yukata - A light summer Kimono or Bathrobe

Ningen - Human

Youkai - Demon ~*~

A\N: Lots of names to choose from here people, so don’t be afraid! ^_^

Also, I think that next chapter or, at the latest, the chapter after that, I will be removing all names without votes, so if you see one on here that you like (or think is fitting) then please, get your vote in for it now-- cause these things aren’t staying on here forever! After that, I’ll probably start removing reviews with only one vote and then reviews with only two etc (but that won’t be for a while yet, so there’s no need to panic).

Remember-- the votes don’t necessarily have anything to do with my final deciscion. They’re just giving me the ideas of which names everyone else would like the best so that you reviewers can have some say in this story as well.

So far though, I have to agree with most of the votes-- My fav’s are mostly the ones the reviewers have picked. However, if I were to base my desicion on votes, Tsukiko and Inuko and Moriko and Hikaru are the top four male and female names (two each). It’s just something to keep in mind.

Anyway, once again, thanx to everyone who submitted names and who voted-- you’ve all been a big help, and I am eternally grateful! ^_^

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - ***********

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - ********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - ********

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ***

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - **

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - **

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males **

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - **

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy **

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity *

-Takara - means treasure - either *

-Haruko - means spring - girl - *

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed *

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory

-Shiori - BoyGirl - Poem/weave (I don’t think I’ll use this one seeing as how it already belongs to a character on Inuyasha)

-Tomiko - girl - child of wealth

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free

-Shiro -boy - fourth son (but as a color, white)

-Yuiko - Girl - Bindgarmentchild

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl -

-Einujieru (boy)- Flourishing To Sew Time Graceful Flow

-Kurisu (boy)- Revered Air Reason

-Jizasu (boy)- Revered Time Sitting

-Jyaku (boy)- Air person

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul

-Buraian (boy)- Safe Thunder Dancer

-Raian (boy)- Safe Thunder

-Jyurio (boy)- Confusious Reasoning King

-Merisa (girl)- Eye Enticing Reason

-Sera (girl)- roughly Inclusive Avert

-Jyaeshika (girl)- Graceful Flower Scholar Person

-Eipuriru (girl)- Flourishing Flowing Wind Reason

-Jyunu (girl)- Confucious To Sew

-Jiru (girl)- Flowing Time

-Saimon (boy)- Will Enticing Question

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar

-Kasurin (girl)- Revered Moral Flower

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air

-Kurisuten (girl)- Reason Heaven Revered Air

-Juri- Girl - acceptence

-Hiro- Boy - reactor

-Chiaki- Boy - definite

-Ruri- Girl - lapis lazuli - which means stone of azure,its this kind of rock,thats a pure blue color,that some culture worship it.

-Asato - Boy - shooting to death