InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ About You ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Don’t really have anything to say right now...

Oh, except that there is lemon in this chapter! ^_^

Current Listening Choice - Umm... Not sure what drove me to put this in, but I guess “Superman (it’s not easy)” by Five for Fighting. I don’t know, I’ve just had that song stuck in my head all day and while I’ve been writing and posting this, so why not?

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, yep, hopefully there’s at least one character in this story that everybody can enjoy! And I’m glad you liked the part with Rin and then with Inu and Sess, I wasn’t sure how people were going to react to that actually. Inuyasha gotten all calm and mystical now. ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, well here it is, hope I didn’t make you wait too long. ^_^ ~*~   About You

Sesshomaru was gentle.

Surprisingly so.

His touch was as light as a butterfly’s wing brushing past as they slowly became reacquainted with each other’s bodies.

And it was strange because Inuyasha knew the hands softly caressing his flesh had the ability to disembowel the strongest youkai with the smallest hint of force from their owner.

But there was none of that deadly intent in his touch now-- just concern, want, and, most importantly, love.

He shivered as Sesshomaru pushed their yukata’s off, trembled when his brother ran cool, soothing (though that was far from the effect they had) fingers along his torso in a gentle exploration of his body, and writhed in pleasure when Sesshomrau suddenly moved to straddle him, pressing their bodies flush against one another and sending a jolt of pleasure through both brother’s as a certain part of their anatomy came into contact.

‘Sess--’ Inuyasha began, but was cut off by his own gasp as it made a mad dash from his throat and out into the awaiting room, falling softly on Sesshomaru’s ears.

The elder of the two paused for all of a nanosecond at the slight bastardization of his name, before continuing his previous ministrations as though nothing at happened, though part of his mind was now travelling far away from his current activities.

Other than the occasional “boy” he had received from his father when he was young, Sesshomaru had never really had all that many nicknames in his life, since it was considered a show of disrespect in many ways, and took away from the respect that he demanded from others. In fact, other than “boy” and now “Sess” he had had a grand total of one other slandered name, which had been gifted to him by the very hanyou he was now straddling.

Inuyasha had not always lived with them in the palace-- him and his mother residing with the humans of her village before the ningens’ hostility became too great and they were forced to leave. Because of that, he only saw the child Inuyasha a small handful of times when he was young, and sometimes many months would separate these visits.

So when the day finally came that Inuyasha was old enough to be properly introduced to (as well as actually remember) his elder brother, the boy had been more than a little excited and enthusiastic (especially since he, even as a child, never had any friends) and had made the very idiot assumption that he could refer to Sesshomaru as “Sesshy” and get away with it.

Naturally this wouldn’t do, and Sesshomaru quickly taught that hanyou that such slander would not be tolerated. Not surprisingly, threatening to cut the child’s tongue out if he dared to refer to him as “Sesshy” ever again had done more than an adequate job of staying the pup’s tongue, and he was always thereafter referred to as “Sesshomaru”.

That is, until the hanyou had grown older and had less-than-fondly dubbed him “Bastard”, “Shit-head”, “Jackass” and a myriad of other equally foul and disrespectful titles.

Now though... now was the same in some ways, yet so... entirely... different.

He let his hand trail an invisible path down Inuyasha’s chest, past his stomach (skipping over his aching erection that was silently demanding attention) to gently stroke his thighs, cupping his brother lightly, before moving back to--

Inuyasha suddenly went rigid beneath him, fear shooting through his body like lightening, nearly stifling Sesshomaru with it’s power as his hand flew to wrap around Sesshomaru’s wrist in a death grip, stilling his movements (though the youkai had already frozen up anyway) as his eyes grew wide with panic.

‘Don’t...’ Inuyasha said, his voice a low, cracked, terror-filled whisper that barely reached the inu-youkai’s ears as Inuyasha swallowed, blinking the tears that had gathered in his eyes back rapidly, before turning them to focus in on Sesshomaru’s own twin suns-- the only anchors in this world strong enough to pull him back from the descending shadows as he tried to speak up again, vaguely pleased when his voice came out stronger and with less fear. ‘Please... Sesshomaru... not yet.’

Sesshomaru stared deeply into his mate’s eyes, seeing the trepidation there, and he slowly eased his hand away.

Gods, he was such a fool!

He had figured that it would be difficult for Inuyasha before, but the hanyou had been taking his actions surprisingly well (even encouraging them), and his lust-addled mind had managed to convince him that Inuyasha wouldn’t need all the comforting and coaxing before he would be ready to have his body be claimed again.

‘It’s alright, Inuyasha.’ He said softly, while silently reprimanding himself for his idiocy. He leaned up to Inuyasha’s anxious face until their noses were brushing against one another. ‘I will never. Ever. Force you.’ He said, punctuating his words with deep, breath-taking kisses.

He could feel Inuyasha slowly beginning t met again in his arms, and he took the opportunity to fully pull his hand away from Inuyasha’s entrance, hoping he wouldn’t cause another bought of panic in the process.

Inuyasha didn’t seem to notice, too caught up in the tongue battling it out with his own.

Sesshomaru mentally sighed in relief, again reprimanding the part of his mind that was now hissing it’s disappointment that he was not going to claim this lovely creature beneath him.

That could wait until later-- if it ever came again at all.

Right now this was about Inuyasha.

It needed to be about Inuyasha, or it might never, ever again be about them.

He gently began stroking Inuyasha’s thighs again, his quivering belly, any and every part of the hanyou save where his touch was craved the most until Inuyasha was shaking and writhing in need.

‘Sesshomaru...please... I need--’ Sesshomaru shushed his brother’s pleading with his lips, kissing him gently but thoroughly as his hand finally moved to Inuyasha’s aching manhood.

His mate hissed and cried out in pleasure, the sound devoured by Sesshomaru’s mouth as his brother suddenly arched off the bed, grinding against him and causing a barely suppressed gasp to rise in Sesshomaru.

The older youkai frowned as another jolt of pleasure rushed through him at the contact.

That wouldn’t do at all!

This was about Inuyasha, not him.

For now he could wait.

He could get his pleasure another time, in another way.

For now, he would simply enjoy pleasing his mate.

Slowly easing off his brother, Sesshomaru continued stroking him at a torturously slow pace, resisting the urge to take him brother into his mouth like the last time, wanting to see the hanyou’s eyes and face, instead giving him more of those liquid-fire kisses that Inuyasha was coming to love so much, keeping both of them breathless.

And whenever he would pull back to catch him breath, the would both gasp in surprised pleasure, Sesshomaru not understanding why he would feel so warm and complete and pleasurable simply from pleasuring his mate Inuyasha-- from listening to his soft cries and rapidly beating heart that was like the most beautiful song in the world to his youkai’s ears as he continued to thrust into his hand.

After a moment’s more stroking, Inuyasha suddenly went still and tense, his brow scrunching together and his ears flattening slightly as he felt his impending climax-- and why the hell did the damn thing always have to come so soon?

Sesshomaru, not oblivious to the hanyou’s sudden lack of movement, slowed his stroking down considerably, though not enough for Inuyasha-- and no, he couldn’t loose this feeling, but if Sesshomaru didn’t stop, he was going to, and he hadn’t even touched Sesshomaru yet...

Gods... Sesshomaru... I’m going to...’ He was cut off as Sesshomaru caught on to the problem and leaned in and kissed him gently.

‘Then come.’ He said, smirking at the desperate look on Inuyasha’s face as he tried to hold back.

Sesshomaru... stop... wait... nngh!’ The strange sound tore from Inuyasha’s throat as Sesshomaru suddenly began to pick up the pace again, tightening his grip each time he got to the head of his erection, and watching in amusement as his little brother still attempted to hold back-- to hold on for just a little longer...

‘Don’t fight it, Inuyasha.’ He said, his voice deep and sultry as he whispered into Inuyasha’s ear, punctuating his words with small licks and nibbles to the furry-tip, making Inuyasha quake even harder in his efforts.

The low rumble that was Sesshomaru’s voice at that instant reached Inuyasha’s ears and was enough to cause his hips to give a slightly out of sync stutter-stop motion as Sesshomaru began to stroke him even faster.

‘Come for me, koibito.’

Inuyasha’s insides turned to ice for a moment, his body going completely still save for his hips which were entirely out of his control by now, as he lay there, Naraku’s voice ringing in his head again, mocking the word Sesshomaru had just said.

Only... Sesshomaru’s words were different.

“Come for me koibito.”



Sesshomaru said love.

Inuyasha’s hips jerked forward as his body regained it’s ability to move, his head slamming back into the pillows beneath him and he cried out (the sound once again lost to Sesshomaru’s lips) as his climax took him, carrying him on waves out into sweet, white oblivion.

And Sesshomaru watched in fascinated arousal as his brother hovered for several minutes in his high of pleasure, before making the slow journey that allowed him to sink back to earth, his face blissful and content and ready to slip off into sleep.

Sesshomaru eyed the mess across Inuyasha’s belly a moment, before leaning down and lapping up the spilled semen that had covered his hand and Inuyasha’s torso, feeling the hanyou’s golden eyes following him wearily the entire time (though they never moved higher than half-mast).

Finishing with the mess, Sesshomaru licked the last few drops from his lips, before pulling back the sheets to slide, still fully aroused, into bed next to Inuyasha, drawing the smaller body to lie against his own.

And clearly the hanyou was aware of his problem (not only because he could feel it, but the smell was all around him), and Inuyasha frowned slightly in sleepy confusion, wondering why his brother had not said (or done) anything about it thus far as he shifted slightly and reached his hand out toward his brother’s erection.

However, before he could touch it, Sesshomaru suddenly had a hold of his wrist in a gentle but firm hold that was not unlike the one Inuyasha had used on him (though this one was not nearly as fierce and was completely devoid of fear or panic) as he eased him slowly away, the warning shining clearly in his eyes.

Inuyasha watched him in confusion a moment, opened his mouth to question, but had a long, slender finger placed before it instead.

‘Because’ Sesshomaru said softly ‘This is not about me.’

Inuyasha gazed at his brother in astonishment, his mouth still slightly agape, unsure how to respond to that.

His body decided for him a moment later by forcing out a large and fairly rude (not that he had ever cared about niceties before), fang-bearing yawn.

Inuyasha blinked in surprise (though his eyes still refused to open more than half-way) and then looked up at his brother, who had an odd crooked smile on his face.

Shaking his head, Sesshomaru gently wrapped his arms around Inuyasha’s slight frame, easing his brother’s body against his. ‘Sleep.’ He said softly into one of the ears that had compressed just to accommodate his chin. ‘We have plenty of time.’

Inuyasha made a small noise that Sesshomaru couldn’t quite hear or name before another yawn took hold of him and a moment later, finally succumbing to exhaustion, Inuyasha was asleep, his head resting against Sesshomaru’s chest, his body curled next to the youkai’s own.

Smiling fondly at the almost child-like innocence that had taken over his brother, Sesshomaru wrapped his arms more tightly around Inuyasha and stared unseeingly at one of the walls, his eyes turned inward to his own thoughts and exhaustion.

‘All the time in the world.’ He whispered softly.

Silence was his only answer. ~*~  


Youkai - Demon

Yukata - A light summer kimono or a bathrobe

Koibito - (Thanks to everyone who corrected me! You’re help is always appreciated!) I may have the wrong spelling but this means love.

(Any corrections for the glossary, feel free to let me know!) ~*~  

A\N: Alright, it seems we have a late arrival or two so I’m going to leave the names without votes up for a little bit longer, but only until next chapter or the chapter after that at the absolute MOST. So, if you see a name here that you think would be appropriate, get your vote in now because there gonna be gone soon!

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - ************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - ********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - ********

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ***

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - **

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males **

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor Blade - **

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - **

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy **

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity *

-Takara - means treasure - either *

-Haruko - means spring - girl - *

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed *

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory

-Shiori - BoyGirl - Poem/weave (I don’t think I’ll use this one seeing as how it already belongs to a character on Inuyasha)

-Tomiko - girl - child of wealth

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free

-Shiro -boy - fourth son (but as a color, white)

-Yuiko - Girl - Bindgarmentchild

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl -

-Einujieru (boy)- Flourishing To Sew Time Graceful Flow

-Kurisu (boy)- Revered Air Reason

-Jizasu (boy)- Revered Time Sitting

-Jyaku (boy)- Air person

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul

-Buraian (boy)- Safe Thunder Dancer

-Raian (boy)- Safe Thunder

-Jyurio (boy)- Confusious Reasoning King

-Merisa (girl)- Eye Enticing Reason

-Sera (girl)- roughly Inclusive Avert

-Jyaeshika (girl)- Graceful Flower Scholar Person

-Eipuriru (girl)- Flourishing Flowing Wind Reason

-Jyunu (girl)- Confucious To Sew

-Jiru (girl)- Flowing Time

-Saimon (boy)- Will Enticing Question

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar

-Kasurin (girl)- Revered Moral Flower

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air

-Kurisuten (girl)- Reason Heaven Revered Air

-Juri- Girl - acceptence

-Hiro- Boy - reactor

-Chiaki- Boy - definite

-Ruri- Girl - lapis lazuli - which means stone of azure,its this kind of rock,thats a pure blue color,that some culture worship it.

-Asato - Boy - shooting to death