InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Force-Feeding ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Oh, probably not for a while yet. We’re still fairly early on in the pregnancy (even for a dog) and I’ve got lots of other characters to pay attention to. Don’t worry, though, it’ll get there soon enough. ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, well I’m glad you found that useful. I didn’t really want to just leave that information out, but there didn’t seem a good place to... convert it into the story. Besides, it was just morning sickness, and I’m not entirely certain how many of those particular symptoms Inuyasha is going to end up having. ^_^

-Ketsurui Koneko - Yeah, I realised that too little too late I’m afraid. Lol, I guess I just don’t like a cutback vocabulary, even in other languages, and I’d already used Koi too many times for my liking. Still, it does... sort of work. ^_^ Anyway, thanks a whole bunch for the help! ^_^

-Sanjuno - Oh, you probably will. ^_^ Unless, of course, you go blind or something.

-angeluswilliam - Probably. That site has been down for ages now, and now that it’s actually supposed to be back up, it keeps cutting me off so I can’t post there. I don’t know if this is a computer defect or some problem the site is having, but until it gets is ass in gear again, I can’t do anything over there. ^_^ That’s the reason I’m here in the first place. ^_^

A\N: Well I don’t have much to say right now, other than I hope you guys all enjoy the chapter. I’ve got a bit of a surprise in store for you with one of the characters (a nice surprise I think for once) but it’ll probably be at least one more chapter (or maybe two depending on how fast I can write and make it work) before I can get there. Anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough, time for the story:

DISCLAIMER - Don’t own, don’t sue.   Force-Feeding

‘Would you all just shut up and leave me the hell alone already!’ Inuyasha all but roared at the surrounding people in the room, causing Izayoi and Rin to jump in surprise as he glared viciously at the three other males in the room.

‘Now, master Inuyasha, please, be reasonable!’ Myouga said anxiously from the edge of the bowl of rice he had just gone flying off into after Inuyasha’s little outburst. All this earned him from the upset hanyou was a savage glare.

‘I am being reasonable! You guys are the one’s trying to shove food down my throat!’ He snarled.

‘We would not need to “shove food down your throat”, as you so eloquently put it, if you would simply eat it on your own. Or is it perhaps part of some hidden agenda of yours to starve yourself to death?’ Sesshomaru asked, and Inuyasha growled.

‘For the thousandths time, I told you-- I. Am. Not. Hungry!’

The two brother’s glared at each other a moment, before Inuyasha unexpectedly broke their little staring contest, sitting back in his chair with a huff, arms crossed in front of him and ears going back in outright indignant agitation.

‘Inuyasha, perhaps they are right--’ Rin began from across the table, but the filthy look she received was enough to effectively silence her.

An uncomfortable silence fell after that, weighing heavily down on the room as Inuyasha silently dared anybody else to make another wonderful comment about him needing to eat, and the rest of the rooms occupants, while well aware of this, simply did not feel up to the challenge of doing so.

The silence was shaken a moment later, however, when Takehiko suddenly began to move, grabbing a small bowl and filling with rice as well as a few other things from around the table before moving over and setting it down in front of Inuyasha, letting a pair of chop-sticks clatter onto the table next to the bowl as she glared sternly down at him.

‘Eat.’ She said commandingly. Inuyasha sneered in agitation at the woman, wondering if she really expected him to obey, opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the healer before he could get a word out.

‘Inuyasha, you may not be feeling entirely well at this moment, but nevertheless you must eat. You had nothing to eat yesterday, which explains why your sick this morning was nothing but bile, and it is taking it’s toll on you and the pups. How long do you think you can go before they begin to really suffer from your stubbornness?’ She asked, and Inuyasha (as well as the rest of the room) was silent-- everybody waiting to see what the half-demon would do. ‘Come Inuyasha’ Takehiko said, picking up the chopsticks and offering them to him even as he continued to eye them with distaste. ‘If you won’t eat for us, then at least eat for them, because their survival depends entirely on you.’

Inuyasha scowled up at her, before looking around at the others (like he expected them to help) and then, crushing his ears flat against his head, he reached up and took the chopsticks.

Takehiko made a satisfied noise as he slowly began to eat and move away, and Inuyasha scowled all the more at the sound-- an expression that remained on his face for the rest of the meal.

Like it wasn’t bad enough that everyone had been going psycho this morning when they learned that he had been sick (only calming down after nearly an hour of chaos when Takehiko finally got the opportunity to explain that it was completely natural to have morning sickness-- something his father and mother should have remembered) but then he had to endure them shoving food at him left, right and centre and treating him as though he was some helpless little child. So he took it upon himself to “throw a temper tantrum.”

After all, if they were going to treat him like a child, then why the hell shouldn’t he act like one?

Besides, they were totally out of control, and if he hadn’t vented some of his anger he would have gone completely and totally insane just being in their presences.

As soon as the last bit of his meal had entered his mouth, Inuyasha put his bowl and chopsticks down, rising quickly and silently from his seat and slinking over to a corner of the room, sliding down the wall and curling into a small, unobtrusive ball there, ignoring the confused glances he received from the other’s in response.

After all, whenever he was in a mood like this and he wanted to leave, that’s exactly what he did: He left.

Either that, or he made being in the same room with him so intolerable that he was eventually sent away. That’s the way he liked it.

So why now should he suddenly decide to stay when he was so obviously in such a foul mood?

The truth was, he didn’t want to stay. He didn’t want to be here right now.

In fact, about the only thing in the world he did want was to go back up to his room and fall asleep there again for the rest of the day--hell, maybe even for the rest of his life. But he couldn’t do it without Sesshomaru.

Ever since he had woken up that morning he had been overcome with the overwhelming need to be near his made, to be close to Sesshomaru-- to touch him-- and had been trying hard not to anger him or drive him away since he felt incredibly weak and vulnerable (maybe even a little scared) when Sesshomaru got too far away.

It was a feeling he could neither explain nor tuck away like the rest of his emotions (which had been battling hard with him the entire day to burst out and attack everybody around him at strange times) and it was simply too big a thing for either his youkai or human side to ignore.

That’s why he wasn’t leaving.

Sighing, he leaned his head back against the wall, eyes falling closed, as he waited impatiently but silently for the meal to be over.

Meanwhile, many leagues away in a castle hidden by miasma and barriers, the dark hanyou Naraku was experiencing problems of his own.

He frowned in contemplative annoyance as he stared down into the ruby-red eyes before him, made visible by the powers of Kana’s mirrors.

‘So the little hanyou has gotten himself pregnant has he?’ He asked, while Kagura stared back at him in a bored sort of way-- as though she found every bit of this topic to be pointless and composed of nothing more than uninteresting facts that shouldn’t matter at all to anyone-- least of all her.

‘Mm. Indeed he is.’ She said, a small sort of half-smile pulling at her face as she stared up at him, her eyes glittering dangerously. ‘And rumour has it that Lord Sesshomaru might not be the father.’ She said, twirling her enchanted feather between her fingers-- occasionally letting it float to the ground, only to send it soaring back up to her with a small flick of her fan.

Naraku’s eyes narrowed as he watched the sorceress, understanding all too well what she was hinting at. ‘You are aware of the implications of that statement, Kagura.’ He said, his tone dark and menacing. ‘Or do you truly hold so little value over your life?’

Kagura smirked.

‘Hit a nerve did I?’ She asked, her tone a little too confident for his liking, making his eyes darken even further. ‘Well, I’m just telling it like it is.’ She said cockily, before her face fell down into it’s usual dark mask as she continued to twirl the feather between her fingers. ‘So what is it that you plan to do now?’ She asked. ‘You can hardly attack the hanyou and his brother-- the entire castle is on the lookout for you, and Sesshomaru will likely go on warpath at even the slightest hint that you might be nearby.’

Naraku raised an eyebrow at his half-sister’s words. ‘Really, Kagura, do you really have so little faith in me as that?’ He asked, causing the sorceress to eye him. ‘I am well aware of all of these things, and I had made no plans to attack anytime soon. If I had, do you not think I would have done so earlier-- when the hanyou was still defenceless and his worthless family was still shaken by his “experience”?’

Kagura frowned slightly, her tone bored as she spoke, but her eyes glittering with interest. ‘So when do you plan to attack then?’ She asked quietly.

Naraku smirked at his sister again. ‘Isn’t it obvious? I will attack when they are all at their most vulnerable-- when all their defences have fled in the face of a bigger distraction. I will attack when the pups are born, and then I shall kill both Sesshomaru’s mate’s and his “pups.”’

Kagura raised a sceptical eyebrow. ‘And what if the “pups” that the hanyou bears belong to you and not Sesshomaru?’ She asked. ‘Do you still intend to kill them?’

Naraku’s entire face darkened as he stared at her, his expression clearly stating that he was not going to answer that, and that she was treading on very dangerous ground with her question.

Taking the hint, Kagura backed down, quickly moving to a different topic instead-- one that had been weighing rather heavily on her mind ever since she had first reported to Naraku (though she would never admit it).

‘And what about Rin?’ She asked slowly, keeping her tone one of bored disinterest. ‘What will you do to her?’

Naraku’s eyes practically seemed to glow at her question in a manner that could only be described as all things evil.

‘There is no room for traitors in my midst.’ He said in a very deliberate manner, watching Kagura carefully. But the wind sorceress had spent many years learning to school her features, and she revealed nothing to him, her face a mask that seemed made entirely up of sheer ennui as she placed her feather back into her hair and turned away (not bothering to bow) from the mirror, effectively severing their connection.

Naraku found himself frowning once more, leaning back against the wall, not taking the time to bask in Kagura’s inner turmoil-- too busy dealing with his own.

‘If the children are mine they could be very powerful indeed-- even if Inuyasha is a half-breed. He is very strong despite our last battle, and his blood is noble. Any child born from him would have incredibly powers indeed-- especially when sired by someone like me or Sesshomaru.’ He thought as Kana continued to stare blankly through him, her mirror flickering slightly as the souls shifted about beneath it’s surface. Naraku wasn’t aware that his eyes had darkened once again and the smirk was back in place upon his face as he continued down this train of thoughts. ‘Yes, they would be very strong indeed... I could put their skills to very good use when they grow.’ He could picture it as well-- waiting until the children were grown enough-- strong enough to battle, and then sending them out to kill Sesshomaru-- The Lord of the West, already overcome by agony at loosing his mate that had just borne another man’s children, cut down by the very pups he had sworn to take in as his own before they were born.

He smirked even wider at the thought, watching as Kana’s mirror flickered to an image of the half-breed, curled up in a corned of what appeared to be the dining area, his eyes closed, stress and agitation evident on his young face as his ears continued to flick back and forth to the sounds of the room, his head tilted back against the wall, giving him a perfect view of the bite-mark that resided on the hanyou’s neck.

He smiled.

Any children that the half-breed bore him wouldn’t be half-bad looking either. Indeed, even as a hanyou, Inuyasha was quite the prize to be won. Or taken. Whichever came first.

‘If the children he bears are mine, then mine they shall be.’ He thought, his smile turning into an unpleasant smirk that spread across his face. ‘As will their “mother.” I can hardly have them growing up without him now can I?’ He thought, even as he eyed the bite-mark that clearly claimed to one and all that this half-breed was already claimed.

‘Well’ he thought as he stared at in consideringly ‘The bite may be permanent, but that doesn’t mean that the hanyou’s mate will have to be. I’ll simply have to find a way to cover it with my own.’ He was slightly startled by the thought. Here the pups weren’t even born yet and he was already making plans to overrun Sesshomaru’s mark and claim to the half-breed, when it was likely not necessary at all.

He scowled slightly at the thought.

Did he really want to mark the half-breed as his mate?

‘As a possession.’ His mind supplied. Naraku thought about this a moment. It did make sense after all. If he could find some way to cover Sesshomaru’s mark with his own, then it would scream to the world that he owned the half-breed, but, unless Inuyasha returned the mark upon him (which he knew without a doubt the half-breed would not) then his own would remain simply as a mark of possession-- of owner not companion ship. They would not be mates, but he would have claim over the hanyou’s very existence.

Of course, all these things would only be necessary if the pups were indeed his.

‘And if they are not...’ He said quietly, voicing his thoughts to the albino child that stood silently before him, the surface of his mirror flickering before going blank.

‘Well, if they are not they will not be around long enough to create such problems.’ He said, a low chuckle escaping him as he contemplated all the horrid and painfully twisted deaths he could inflict upon the pups.

Kana, of course, gave no response. ~*~


Ningen - (In my rant, not the story) Human

Hanyou - Half-demon

Youkai - Demon

Kana - Naraku’s second incarnation, and Kagura’s younger “sister.” She is an alibino child with big black eyes and is neither demon nor human, but is something referred to as a “void.” Her mirror sucks up the souls of people (though it can apparently only hold so many before it cracks and breaks) and possesses the power to reflect people’s attacks back at them (all except Kagome’s arrow of course) and also can reveal to Naraku things happening in places he isn’t. I’m pretty sure her name means “Godless” ~*~  

AN: All the names without votes have now been removed, and we’ll be working our way down from there. Again, the actually end results of this poll may have no effects on what names I pick, but they’ll help give me an idea! ^_^

Thanks once again to everyone whose been voting-- it’s quite obvious which is the most popular name by now I should think. I’ve still got a good number of chapters to go I think before the pups are born, so there’s still lots of time left to vote!

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - ****************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - *********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - ********

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - *****

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - ***

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - ***

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males ***

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity ****

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - ***

-Haruko - means spring - girl - ***

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy **

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason **

-Takara - means treasure - either **

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed **

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar **

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory *!

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl *

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul *

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air *