InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ N-Naraku!? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, did any of you watch the Oscars last nigh? I sure did! The whole time I was rooting for Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Johnny Depp! It's a shame he didn't win Best Actor… the same with POTC… it didn't win a thing… but my beloved LOTR did! Any who… on with the story.

Disclaimer: Larka + Inuyasha = Being sued.


An in human growl rumbled in the man's chest, "Why do you want to know, wench?"

"Arg! My name is not wench! It's Kagome! KA-GO-ME!" retorted Kagome, her aura flashing. Her eyes narrowed "I'll ask you again. Who are you?"

Just as the man was about to answer back shouts and yells cut him off. A dozen small grotesque, hairy bodies erupted from the surrounding bushes followed by several people armed with various weapons. Leading them was a woman dressed in traditional miko garb; her straight black tresses framed her pale face.

"Don't let those spider heads get away!" The woman notched an arrow in her bow and let it fly, with deadly accuracy, into one of the dog-sized spider heads, which was instantly purified.

Kagome stared wide-eyed at the scene unfolding before her, "Oh my god spider heads! Come on you need to help me help these people!"

She yanked out the arrow pinning the dark haired man to the tree. He collapsed on the ground in a heap, legs not used to bearing his weight.

"Don't you know who I am!?"

"No, you never told me. Remember!"

He glared at her and muttered, "Feh."

"What do you think your doing?" Kagome turned to see the woman who had been leading the group of villagers, "Don't you know what you've done?!"

"But I just-" Grunting in pain she grabbed her shoulder and pulled her hand away feeling a sticky substance between her fingers. She turned around to see a remaining spider head, "You have it! Give it to me!"

"What? I don't have…wait…Shikon no Tama."

"Yes, now give it to me if you value your life."

The spider head launched it's self at Kagome fangs bared. Reacting instinctively, Kagome stuck out her head to defend herself. A white light flashed causing the spider to fly several feet backwards.

"So she's a miko," the woman stated.

"And she's got the Shikon no Tama," finished the young man. His crimson eyes locked on Kagome's crouched form. 'This is my chance,' he smirked. He darted forward, claws ready to slash.

"Now if you would give me the Shikon no one would bother you any more."

Kagome's eyes widened, 'Crap!' Clutching he injured shoulder she slowly rose to her feet. "You will never get it."

"Fine, I will just have to kill you for it then."

Lunging forward he slashed at her head. Kagome dodged, rolling across the ground. He attacked again this time catching her side with his claws sending blood and a small pink orb flying.

"Hold it! I will not let you do this again!" the priestiss reached into her kimono and pulled a set of prayer beads from within the folds. With a flick of her wrist the beads flew though the air looping over his head.

"What the hell is this!?"

"Quick! Say a subduing word!"

"What!?" yelled Kagome. "Oh right! Umm...DOWN BOY!!"

Crash! A muffled stream of curse words issued from the crater.

"Now if you'll come back to the village with me we can figure this mess out." The priestess turned and headed back towards the bushes. Kagome nodded as she picked up the Shikon and rose to her feet.

~At the Village~

A now patched up Kagome sat inside the priestess's warm hut along with a very grumpy and still nameless man.

"Sorry I haven't introduced myself, I am the priestess Kikyou. Who are you and where are you from? I can tell from your clothes that you do not hail from here."

Kagome looked down at her jeans a sweatshirt. "I am Higurashi Kagome. And I'm from Tokyo. I came through the well."

"Hum… I see." Kikyou's eyebrows knitted together, "You are most certainly not from here."

The man in the corner snorted, "Yes Kikyou I think we've figured that out."

"You know you're not helping us here. Who do you think you are Mr. Holier-than-thou!?" Kagome glared at him.

"Do not waste your breath on him Kagome. He's only a half breed."

"You mean he's a hanyou? Oh that explains a lot."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" he fumed.

"Stop it you two," warned Kikyou. "Now I think it would be good if you two started over; now introduced your selves like civilized beings."

"Fine. I am Higurashi Kagome. Do not call me wench, bitch, or woman or I will crush you in the ground so hard-"

"Lady Kagome, please. Now your turn." Both girls turned to the brooding person next to them. "Feh I am called Naraku."

Kagome's eyes widened and her face paled. "N-Naraku!?"


ice_princess_1185: I think that there are under scores in your name… any who I forgot to thank you last chapter for reviewing! Thanks for loving my story!

Dun dun dun! Plot twist! Whatcha think? If you guys can convince me to change the pairing to something else I just might do it… but it will take a lot of bribing and threats to get me to do that. Just kidding! If I get enough reviews telling me I should I will, that's a big hint for you to review my story! Let me know!!