InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ The Breaking of the Shikon no Tama ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here is my new chapter! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha. *cries*


Kagome leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Are you truly Naraku?"

"Why would I lie to you about my own name, wench?" Kagome straightened.

`What about Inuyasha? No Kagome that was just a dream!' she told herself. "Then how did you get pinned to the tree?"

"Why do you want to know? It's none of your business."

"Naraku!" scolded Kikyou. Naraku snorted and turned to face the wall. "He must still be sore about what happened."

"But what happened?!" Kagome asked again only a little more frustrated.

Kikyou sighed, "It happened ten years ago, when I was just a little girl. One afternoon Naraku showed up in our village. He was badly injured so my elder sister, Kaede the previous village priestess, took him in and healed him. While he was with us he discovered that my sister was the protector of the Shikon no Tama. Wanting it to become a full demon he broke into the shrine that held the jewel but was caught by Kaede."

Kagome glanced at Naraku who growled ever so slightly. Kikyou continued, "He attacked my sister and stole the jewel. She followed him into the forest and pinned him to the tree where you found him. Then using the last of her powers, she cast one last spell sending the Shikon into a time where it would be safe. A few days later my dear older sister died from the wounds she received from Naraku." A small tear rolled down Kikyou's pale face.

"Wait a minute here," Naraku turned to face Kikyou. "You mean that you were that little brat that always followed Kaede around!?" Kikyou simply nodded.

"So what are we going to do with the Shikon?" Kagome held it up. Naraku's eyes glittered at the mention of the jewel. Kikyou reached out and grasped Kagome's shoulder.

"You are now the soul protector of the Shikon. If you would like I could help you develop your powers further."

Kagome grinned, "Oh, would you!?"

"Yes we could start tomorrow if you lik-" Kikyou fell over backwards as Kagome hugged her around the middle.

"I have a real miko training me!" Naraku snorted and rolled his eyes.

~*Next Morning*~

Both mikos rose early to begin their training. Kikyou presented Kagome with a set of traditional robes to wear. Kagome looked at the blue and white clothes in her hands, "Why are these different colors than yours?"

"Because you are the guardian of the Shikon no Tama. You get different colors to show your status as a miko."

`Whoa, status?' Kagome wondered. Kikyou turned and left the room so Kagome could change. Minutes later the screen slid open to show a newly garbed Kagome.

"Are you ready to begin?" She smiled and nodded. Kikyou gathered up her equipment and lead Kagome behind her hut to a large archery range.

"Wow all this just for you?"

"Yes, it's really nice. Here let's get started. Now show me what you know already." Kagome dumbly took the bow that was given to her and notched an arrow. Closing her eyes she pulled back on the string and fired. She heard Kikyou snort as she opened her eyes. Kikyou quickly turned around to hide her snickering.

"Man was I really that bad?" Kikyou pointed towards the target. Looking up she saw that her arrow had not hit the target but had instead hit a bird. Kikyou doubled over and let out a howl of laughter.

"That was the luckiest shot I've ever seen!"

Kagome's face turned beet red, "Are you done?"

"I'm sorry." Wiping a small tear from her face she straightened up. "Let me teach you a way to fire an arrow so that you don't hurt any more passers by."

For the rest of the morning the Kikyou taught Kagome how to properly handle a bow and even some basic spells.

Kagome's stomach growled, "Eh…I think I'm a little hungry." Kikyou shifted her eyes to the sun.

"It's almost noon. We should probably have lunch. Besides Naraku's probably hungry too." Kagome giggled.

"Oi, you women!"

"Speak of the devil…" Kagome snorted at this.

"What do you want Naraku?"

"I came to get you for lunch wench can't you tell what time it is?"

"Fine let's go Kagome." The two girls walked back towards the hut with a very hungry Naraku behind.


Fingering the Shikon, now around her neck as a necklace, Kagome slurped her noodles. "I suppose after lunch I should go home and explain things to my mom."

"Yes she is probably very worried about you. I will walk with you back to the well if you want." Kagome smiled at Kikyou.

"Are you coming with us Naraku?" He `fehed' and walked out of the hut. "I guess not."

After lunch was finished Kagome gathered up her clothes and walked out towards the forest where the well was located. Kagome kicked a stone, watching it skip across the dirt path, "Is Naraku always so…distant?"

"Yes he has been like that for as long as I can remember."

"I wish he wasn't. He wouldn't seem that bad if you got to know-" A flash of feathers cut her off as it snatched the Shikon off her neck. Kagome's hands flew to her throat, "The Shikon it's gone!"

"There!" Kikyou pointed to the treetops, "A crow demon!" Kagome grabbed the bow which Kikyou had brought with her and ran through the forest after the demon.

"Naraku!" `I know he's around here somewhere. I could really use his help right about now!' A body launched out of the foliage and landed next to her.

"What have you done now wench?" She pointed to the figure of the crow demon in the sky.

"It's got the Shikon!"

"WHAT!?" A deep growl erupted from his chest. "Get on." He crouched low to the ground motioning for Kagome to climb on his back. She hesitated, images of Inuyasha flashing I her mind, before climbing on. He pulled her snug against his back and raced after the crow. "You're going to have to shoot it down."

"But I'm not very good-"

"Just do it!"

"Fine," she shot back. Muttering she notched an arrow, pulled back on the string, and fired. The arrow arched, glowing pink with her miko powers. "I think it's going to hit!" As the arrow speed towards its target gravity began to take its toll and it sloped down into the trees ahead. Kagome cursed under her breath.

"I should have known." Kagome glared into the back of his head. Naraku sped up, jumping into the tree canopy. Above the crow demon squawked through the jewel in its mouth. In a quick motion it tipped its head back and swallowed it. "Damn!" Naraku cursed.

"What's wrong?"

"Weren't you watching? It just swallowed the jewel! Now it'll become even more powerful!" As if on cue the small crow demon transformed into a dog-sized bird.


"Hold on I'll take care of this."

In a gigantic leap Naraku soared up through the treetops and slashed through the crow shredding the now giant crow. Landing near the heap of what once was a crow demon; Kagome jumped of his back and ran to retrieve the jewel. The body parts began to quiver and wriggle, assembling them selves into a whole crow.

"Gah! I thought you killed this thing!" Kagome jumped back, clutching her bow. The crow squawked and shook its head before taking to the air.

`Damn it's gotten to strong to fast!' Naraku mentally screamed.

"Oh no you don't!" Suddenly remembering the bow that she clutched Kagome notched another arrow and fired. `Come on, come on!'

The arrow struck the crow in an explosion of pink light that sent shimmering streaks every where. She paled and turned to Naraku, "Is that supposed to happen?" He stood there not answering. "Wait, what's this?" Kagome stooped and picked up a small pink shard, "It looks like a piece of the…oh no."

"What now woman?"

"I think I broke the Shikon." `Again,' she added mentally.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" blared Naraku.

"We need to tell Kikyou what has happened." Naraku fumed but lowered to the ground for Kagome to climb on his back.

A few minutes later they arrived in the well clearing where Kikyou had gathered villagers to help Kagome. Kikyou rushed over to them while Kagome hopped of Naraku's back.

"Did you get it back?"

"Umm…sort of." She opened her hand to show Kikyou the Shikon shard.

"Oh this is not a good thing indeed. You must now collect all of the shards and reassemble the jewel before the fall into the wrong hands. Naraku, she will need help so you will assist her."

"Me? Help the poor excuse of a priestess!?"

"Down boy." Naraku face planted receiving a mouth full of grass. "I should go home first and tell my mom about this first. See ya later Kikyou!" She climbed over the lip if the well, "Bye everyone!" She waved to the few villagers that had remained.

"Wait wench we have to start looking NOW!" Naraku struggled against the subduing spell.

"Down!" Naraku crashed even farther into the ground. "I'll be back tomorrow!" And with that she jumped off the edge into the wells depths.


Tada!! I am finished! Hope you guys liked that chapter! Review and let me know!! And don't worry other characters will show up soon! Sess is expected next chapter! And yes Inu is in this story. I wouldn't forget our favorite hanyou. Actually the only people I took out of the story were Kohaku and Kanna.

Vic_18: Thank you for your input! Actually this is not my first fan fic. Right now I am in the process of transferring all of my fics from FanFiction to I did think that Kagome should be a little more afraid but then I decide that because this world was sort of familiar to her that she wouldn't be all that afraid but more confused instead, because she's realized that Naraku is in fact good because he's taking Inuyasha's place.